This project is licensed under MPL-2.0. Your contribution should be, too.
All code should be pre-formatted with cargo fmt
usage of unsafe
is discouraged, but not restricted. If there's a safe alternative (even with minor performance degradation), it should be preferred.
Nightly code is not allowed, unless used in docs or tests.
Check bleeding edge docs. This project uses the github repo instead of the release.
Consider going through the api docs.
Since the project is in infancy, there's plenty of scope for code improvements.
Consider checking the helpers module!
Check src/plugins/ && src/consts/
There must be a good reason to add a new dependency.
Refrain from adding a library if what you need is trivial to implement manually.
There are plenty of routes to go if you wish to add/improve functionality of this bot.
Changing the function identifier or changing the command name does not count as "code improvement" and is rather, a design improvement.
Feel free to add performance improvements, code improvements, etc though.
Remember that UserBot
is just a wrapper over grammers_client::Client
Think if the improvement is applicable to grammers_client::Client
as well. If so, contribute to the project!
- Feature Requests: Feel free to ask for features by creating a new issue.
- Design Improvements: Any improvements to the existing design (Command Names, Structure of the project, etc) count as design improvement. Create a new issue.
- Contribute to : This project heavily relies on grammers. Any improvements to will most likely benefit this project as well!