@@ -34,21 +27,20 @@ import { Popup } from 'react-popup-provider';
##### More Control
-// some-view.js
-import { PopupContext, PopupContainer, PopupDef } from 'react-popup-provider';
- {({ contextRef, openPopup }) => (
+import { Consumer, PopupProvider, PopupContainer } from 'react-popup-provider';
+ {({ contextRef, open }) => (
- contextClientRect,
- closePopup,
+ contextRef,
+ close,
}) => (
@@ -56,8 +48,8 @@ import { PopupContext, PopupContainer, PopupDef } from 'react-popup-provider';
@@ -66,64 +58,56 @@ import { PopupContext, PopupContainer, PopupDef } from 'react-popup-provider';
### APIs
##### PopupProvider
-Wrap it once or wrap it before you use Popup or Modal.
+Context Provider.
+##### Consumer
+Context Consumer.
##### Modal
- * **Modal** - Simple compound component that hides the ModalContainer, ModalContext, and ModalDef. This is an example of what you can do with the other components.
+ * **Modal** - Simple compound component that hides the ModalContainer and context APIs. This is an example of what you can do with the other components.
+ * `as`: `React$ElementType` - defaults to `div`. Container's root element.
+ * `children`: `({ close, isOpen }) => React$Node`
+ * `className`: `string`
+ * `close`: `() => void` - Close function callback.
+ * `context`: `({ close, contextRef, isOpen, open, scrollableParents }) => React$Node`
+ * `root`: `HTMLElement` - Portal element. Defaults to ``
+ * `style`: `{ [string]: any }`
* **ModalContainer** - container that renders to portal
* `as`: `React$ElementType` - defaults to `div`. Container's root element.
- * `children`: `ModalContainerArgs => React$Node`
+ * `children`: `({ close, isOpen }) => React$Node`
* `className`: `string`
- * `closeModal`: `CloseModal` - Close modal function callback.
- * `id`: `string` - Required.
+ * `close`: `() => void` - Close function callback.
* `root`: `HTMLElement` - Portal element. Defaults to ``
* `style`: `{ [string]: any }`
- * `willBePreMounted`: `boolean` - This was really for react-spring's animation to `auto` height/width option, not sure if react-spring still works with `auto`.
- * **ModalContext** - context for Modal
- * `children`: `{ closeModal, isOpen, openModal } => `
- * `modalId`: `string` - Must match with ModalDef's id.
- * **ModalDef** - modal definition
- * `children`: `({ closeModal, isOpen }) => (isOpen && )`
- * `id`: `string` - Must match with ModalContext's id.
##### Popup
- * **Popup** - Simple compound component that hides the PopupContainer, PopupContext, and PopupDef. This is an example of what you can do with the other components.
+ * **Popup** - Simple compound component that hides the PopupContainer and context APIs. This is an example of what you can do with the other components.
* `anchor`: `top | bottom | left | right`
- * `children`: `PopupDefArgs => [PopupContextArgs => React$Node, PopupContainerArgs => React$Node]`
+ * `as`: `React$ElementType` - Container's root element. Defaults to `div`.
+ * `children`: `({ close, contextClientRect, left, top, }) => React$Node`
* `className`: `string`
+ * `context`: `({ close, contextRef, isOpen, open, scrollableParents }) => React$Node`
* `offset`: `number` - Offset in pixels from the anchored position
* `shouldCenterToContext`: `boolean` - Shows the popup center to the context, if true. Defaults to false.
* `style`: `{ [string]: any }`
* **PopupContainer** - container that renders to portal and has logic to reposition
* `anchor`: `top | bottom | left | right`
* `as`: `React$ElementType` - Defaults to `div`. Container's root element.
- * `children`: `PopupContainerArgs => React$Node`
+ * `children`: `({ close, contextClientRect, left, top, }) => React$Node`
* `className`: `string`
* `contextRef`: `Element` - Reference to the popup context from the provider.
* `closePopup`: `ClosePopup` - Close popup callback function.
- * `id`: `string` - Required id.
* `offset`: `number` - Offset in pixels from the anchored position
* `root`: `HTMLElement` - Portal element, defaults to ``
* `scrollableParents`: `Array` - List of scrollable parents from the provider.
* `shouldCenterToContext`: `boolean` - Shows the popup center to the context, if true. Defaults to false.
* `style`: `{ [string]: any }`
- * `willBePreMounted`: `boolean` - This was really for react-spring's animation to `auto` height/width option, not sure if react-spring still works with `auto`.
- * **PopupContext** - context for Popup (i.e Button that opens the popup ref must be assigned to the Button)
- * `children` - `({ contextRef, openPopup }) => ()`
- * `popupId`: `string` - Required, must match with PopupDef's `id`
- * **PopupDef** - popup definition
- * `children`: `({ closePopup, contextRef, isOpen, scrollableParents }) => (isOpen && )`
- * `id`: `sting` - Required, must match with PopupContext's `id`
-### What's Next?
- * Eliminate the necessity of `id` by requiring one provider per Modal or Popup. This will simplify some internal logic as well.