This release adds some useful functionality and cleans up a lot of
the new functions which have been added in recent releases. The main
changes are:
Indexed colours now duplicate if you're looking at expanded
replicate sets -
Genome view block display now works
Added an option to apply the same manual correction to all samples
Added an option to make an annotation track instead of a probe set
for all probe generators -
Allow probe sets to be called something other than "All Probes"
Allow annotated probe reports to be annotated with list values from
any combination of probe lists -
Allow any images to be pasted into Vistories
Added a --introns option to the command line importer
Fixed per-probe normalisation when the "Use visible stores" option is
selected -
Added the ability to label multiple points in all scatterplot type
displays -
Added a new normalisation method based on subtracting a linear
trend from your data -
Added a "sum" and "divide" option to to per-probe normalisation
Make seqmonk prompt on exit if a vistory has been modified and
viewed but not saved. -
Allow all graphics exports to go straight to the clipboard
Created a vistory event for hierarchical cluster probe generation