- 🚧 Fix other Github branch for reordering playlist
- 🚧 Functionalities overflow on main screen
- 🚧 Display duplicated track names in the tooltip (set of dup track names)
- 🚧
should be based over API - 🚧 Back to last page when Spotify API token needs refresh
- ✨ Implement Spotify SDK to be able to listen to tracks (https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-playback-sdk/reference/)
- 🖼️ Horizontal slider for TrackItem genre chips
- 🎨 Add v-skeleton-loader for TrackItem
- 🎨 Add v-skeleton-loader for PlaylistCard
- 🎨 Add v-slide-group for "genre-chips"
- Add product to Product Hunt
- Find better catch phrases to use
- Improve page description (meta etc) for Google search bot
- Spread the word on LinkedIn
- [o] Wikipédia article
- Spread the word on Discord (NaN, Vuetify, Vue Land)
- Ask Spotify to add the website link on their developer site
- Youtube video
- Tech and tips subreddit
axios 1.2.2 ==> A lot of TS definition moves, need to wait for a proper migration guide to update (introduces multiple changes and bug in the project)
@vueuse/core 9.9.0 ==> Change the way reactive works, can do not trigger update for reactive object using Pinia state