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Quicklisp Projects with Short Descriptions From Their ASD files (16 Oct 2024 Edition)


Project NameShort Description
1amA minimal testing framework. (MIT)
3b-bmfontBMFont file format readers/writers (MIT)
3bgl-shaderCL-hosted CL-like DSL for generating GLSL (MIT)
3b-hdrreader and writer for radiance HDR files (MIT)
3bmdmarkdown processor in CL using esrap parser. (MIT)
3bmd-ext-code-blocksextension to 3bmd implementing github style “` delimited code blocks, with support for syntax highlighting using colorize, pygments, or chroma (MIT)
3bmd-ext-definition-listsextension to 3bmd implementing ‘PHP Markdown Extra’ style definition lists (MIT)
3bmd-ext-mathAn extension for 3bmd for handling math markup (MIT)
3bmd-ext-tablesExtension to 3bmd implementing PHP Markdown Extra style tables (MIT)
3bmd-ext-wiki-linksexample extension to 3bmd implementing simple wiki-style links (MIT)
3bmd-youtubeAn extension for 3bmd for embedding YouTube videos
3b-swfCommon Lisp .swf file manipulation library
3b-swf-swcPartial hacks for extracting data from flash .swc files.
3bzdeflate decompressor (MIT)
3d-mathA library implementing the necessary linear algebra math for 2D and 3D computations (zlib)
3d-matricesA utility library implementing 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and NxN matrix functionality. (zlib)
3d-quaternionsA utility library implementing quaternion and dual-quaternion functionality. (zlib)
3d-spacesA library implementing spatial query structures (zlib)
3d-transformsA utility library implementing a common structure to encapsulate spatial transformations (zlib)
3d-vectorsA utility library implementing 2D, 3D, and 4D vector functionality. (zlib)
40ants-asdf-systemProvides a class for being used instead of asdf:package-inferred-system. (BSD)
40ants-doc, aka docDocumentation generator, based on MGL-PAX. Allows to put documentation inside lisp files and cross-reference between different entities.
40ants-doc-fullDocumentation generator for 40ANTS-DOC (based on MGL-PAX). You will need to load this system, to build documentation for a library which uses 40ANTS-DOC system.
40ants-slynkUtilities to start SLYNK if needed and to track active connections. (Unlicense)
ableA Common Lisp editor (MIT)
abnfABNF Parser Generator, per RFC2234 (ISC license)
abstract-arraysJulias AbstractArray like abstraction for Common Lisp.(MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
abstract-classesExtends the MOP to allow `abstract` and `final` classes.
accessA library providing functions that unify data-structure access for Common Lisp:access and (setf access). (BSD 2 clause)Comments by 40ants here.
acclimationLibrary supporting internationalization (FreeBSD)
a-cl-cairo2-loaderCairo bindings for common lisp (Boost Software License 1.0)
a-cl-loggerA logger that sends to multiple destinations in multiple formats. Based on arnesi logger (BSD 3 clause)
a-cl-logger-logstashLoad the logstash appender for a-cl-logger (BSD)
acm-randomA fast, cryptographically insecure, random number generator.
action-listAn implementation of action lists — zlib
adhocAnother Declarative Hierarchical Object-centric CLOS Customization (GPLv3)
adoptSimple, flexible, UNIX-style option parsing. (MIT)
adopt-subcommandsExtend the Adopt command line processing library to handle nested subcommands. (MIT)
adpAdd Documentation, Please. A documentation generator. — The Unlicense
adp-githubADP extension to generate github markdown files. (MIT)
adp-plainAdd Documentation, Please… using plain text. An extension of ADP to generate files with barely additional features. (MIT)
advanced-readtableAdvanced customizable readtable (BSD 2 Clause)
adw-chartingCharting package to make pretty graphs and charts - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update (LGPL)
adw-charting-googleCharting package to make graphs and charts using the Google chart API
adw-charting-vectoCharting package to make pretty graphs and charts using Vecto
aetherA DSL for emulating an actor-based distributed system, housed on a family of emulated devices. (MIT)
agnostic-lizardA portable code walker that makes a best effort to be correct in most cases (GPL 3)
agnostic-lizard-debugger-prototypeA portable debugger prototype that injects debugger hooks into code (GPL 3)
agutilA collection of utility functions not found in other utility libraries. (MIT)
ahungry-fleeceA general utility library of convenience functions and features. (GPL 3) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
alexaA lexical analyzer generator.(BSD 3)
alexandriaAlexandria is a collection of portable public domain utilities. (Public Domain)
alexandria-plusA conservative set of extensions to Alexandria utilities (Public Domain)
algebraic-data-libraryA library of common algebraic data types. (BSD 3)
allioliAlliolification (MIT)
also-alsaBasic ALSA bindings for Common Lisp (LGPL)
alternate-asdf-system-connectionsAllows for ASDF system to be connected so that auto-loading may occur. This is a fork of asdf-system-connections and incorporates a load-system-driven mechanism for loading dependencies and also loads the dependencies of the connections. (MIT)
amazon-ecsAmazon Product Advertising API library for Common Lisp (LLGPL)
ambAn implementation of John McCarthy’s ambiguous operator(MIT)
anaphoraThe Anaphoric Macro Package from Hell (Public Domain)
anaphoric-variantsGives access to anaphoric variants of operators through one macro: ANAPHORIC. The user explicitly provides a variable name, preserving sanity, in contrast to the traditional use of an evil implicit variable (\
anatevkaA distributed blossom algorithm for minimum-weight perfect matching. — MIT
ansi-test-harnessA testing harness that fetches ansi-test and allows subsets and extrinsic systems (MIT)
antikA library of numerical mathematics. (GPL 3)
antik-baseBasic definitions providing a foundation for computational mathematics, science, and engineering. (GPL 3)
anypoolGeneral-purpose pooling library (BSD 2 clause)
apply-argvApply-argv is a library for parsing command line arguments. (LLGPL)
aprilApril is a subset of the APL programming language that compiles to Common Lisp. (Apache 2) Comments by 40ants here.
arc-compatArc compatible package for CL
architecture.builder-protocolProtocol and framework for building parse results and other object graphs.
architecture.builder-protocol.jsonSerialize node trees into JSON documents.
architecture.builder-protocol.universal-builderBuilder and un-builder for standard-object instances.
architecture.builder-protocol.xpathQuery node trees using XPath expressions.
architecture.service-providerProvides a framework for registering and finding services and providers of these.
architecture.service-provider-and-hooksRun hooks when service providers change.
archiveA package for reading and writing archive (tar, cpio, etc.) files. (BSD 2 Clause) Comments by 40ants here.
arithmetic-operators-as-wordsJust simple macros that expand to the normal arithmetic operators.(MIT)
arnesiA bag-of-tools utilities library used to aid in implementing the toolkit (MIT)
array-operationsSimple array operations library for Common Lisp. (MIT)
array-utilsA few utilities for working with arrays. (zlib)
arrivalClassical planning plan validator written in modern Common Lisp (LLGPL)
arrow-macrosarrow-macros provides clojure-like arrow macros and diamond wands. (MIT)
arrowsImplements -> and ->> from Clojure, as well as several expansions on the idea. (Creative Commons) Comments by 40ants here.
ascii-stringsOperations on ASCII strings. Essentially this can be any kind ofsingle-byte encoded strings.(BSD 3 Clause)
asdf-dependency-graphA minimal wrapper around `dot` available at least on Linux systems to generate dependency-graphs. — MIT
asdf-dependency-grovelAnalyse the dependencies in an ASDF system
asdf-encodingsPortable interface to character encodings and your implementation’s external-format
asdf-finalizersEnforced calling of finalizers for Lisp code. Comments by 40ants here.
asdf-linguistExtensions for ASDF. (MIT) Comments by 40ants here.
asdf-managerDownload and manage ASDF versions. (MIT)
asdf-nstNST integration with ASDF
asdf-package-systemBackward-compatible stub for ASDF 3.1’s package-inferred-system feature
asdf-system-connectionsAllows for ASDF system to be connected so that auto-loading may occur.
asdf-vizVisualizes the dependencies between asdf systems / Visualize the function call graph. Comments by 40ants here.
asd-generatorAutomatic directory scanner/generator for .asd project files. (GPL 3)
asn1ASN.1 encoder/decoder (BSD 2-Clause)
assertion-errorError pattern for assertion libraries in Common Lisp. (GPL 3)
assert-pA library of assertions written in Common Lisp. (GPL 3)
assoc-utilsUtilities for manipulating association lists. (Public Domain) Comments by 40ants here.
asteroidsAn improved asteroids game with sounds
astonishA small library for querying and manipulating Lisp ASTs (GPL v. 3)
[[]atdocDocumentation builder. See 40ants comments (Unlicense)
atomicsPortability layer for atomic operations like compare-and-swap (CAS). Comments by 40ants here.
audio-tagtool to deal with audio tags. read, view and write
authenticated-encryptionAuthenticated-Encryption functions
autoexportA small library to automatically export definitions
auto-restartautomatically generate restart-cases for the most common use cases, and also use the restart for automatic retries (Apache 2.0)
avatar-apiGet avatars from Gravatar, Google+ and others.
avl-treeAn implementation of the AVL tree data structure. — (MIT)
aws-foundationAmazon AWS low-level utilities
Aws-sdk-lispAWS-SDK for Common Lisp — BSD 2-Clause
aws-sign4A library for Amazon Web Services signing version 4
ayah-captchaA simple interface to the API of the play-thru captcha of
babelBabel, a charset conversion library.
babel-streamsSome useful streams based on Babel’s encoding code
babylonJürgen Walther’s modular, configurable, hybrid knowledge engineering systems framework for Common Lisp, restored from the CMU AI Repository. (MIT)
base64Base64 encoding and decoding for Common Lisp.
base-blobsBase system foreign library collection
basic-binary-ipcA inter-process communication library for transmitting binary data over a stream.
batisSQL Mapping Framework for Common Lisp
bdefBuffer definition audio buffer abstraction for sound synthesis systems
beastBasic Entity/Aspect/System Toolkit. Comments from 40ants here.
beircbeirc is a graphical Internet Relay Chat client using the clim (or mcclim) graphical library.
bertBERT serializer. Comments by 40ants here.
bibtexCompatible re-implementation of the BibTeX program, with a BST-to-CL compiler.
big-stringBig strings, similar to Java’s StringBuilder.
bikeCommon Lisp .Net Core Interop
bike-internalsCommon Lisp .Net Core Interop Internals
binary-ioLibrary for reading and writing binary data.
binary-lassSystem to create a binary executable for LASS.
binary-parserA toolset for parsing binary data formats.(MIT)
binary-search-treeAn implementation of the binary search tree data structure.(MIT)
binary-structuresA library for reading, writing, and representing structures from binary representations — zlib
binary-typesA library for reading and writing binary records.
binasciiA library of ASCII encoding schemes for binary data (BSD-3 License)
binding-arrowsAn implementation of threading macros based on binding anonymous variables (MIT)
binfixBINFIX – A powerful binary infix syntax for Common LISP.
binomial-heapA compact binomial heap implementation.
binpackRectangle packer for sprite/texture atlases
birchA simple Common Lisp IRC client library
bitfieldEfficiently represent several finite sets or small integers as a single non-negative integer. (MIT)
bitfield-schemaSIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR low level routines and convenient eDSL over it.
bitioA wrapper for octet streams that enable bit level streams.
bit-opsOptimized bit-vector operations
bit-smasherUtility library for handling bit vectors, bit vector arithmetic, and universal integer type conversions between bit-vectors, byte-vectors, octals, decimals, and hexadecimal notation.
bk-treeThis program implements a derivative of BK-Tree data structure described in “Some Approaches to Best-Match File Searching” paper of W. A. Burkhard and R. M. Keller.
blackbirdA promise implementation for Common Lisp.
black-tieNoise library for Common Lisp.
bnfBNF example generator. Useful for testing parser. (MIT)
bobbinSimple (word) wrapping utilities for strings.
bodge-blobs-supportCommon utilities for loading/distributing foreign libraries. Comments by 40ants here.
bodge-chipmunkWrapper over chipmunk 2d physics library
bodge-concurrencyConcurrency utilities (MIT)
bodge-gladOpenGL 4.6 Core GLAD wrapper for cl-bodge system
bodge-glfwWrapper over glfw3 library
bodge-heapHeap implementation (MIT)
bodge-hostOS-dependent routines (MIT)
bodge-libc-essentialsCommon Lisp bindings to most essential part of libc (MIT)
bodge-mathMath routines (MIT)
bodge-memoryMemory handling utilities (MIT)
bodge-nanovgWrapper over nanovg library for cl-bodge system (MIT)
bodge-nuklearWrapper over Nuklear IM GUI library
bodge-odeThin wrapper over Open Dynamics Engine
bodge-openalThin wrapper over OpenAL cross-platform 3D audio API
bodge-queueSimple FIFO implementation with no external dependencies (MIT)
bodge-sndfileWrapper over libsndfile for cl-bodge system
bodge-utilitiesUtility library (MIT)
bordeaux-fftAn efficient and portable implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform
bordeaux-threadsBordeaux Threads makes writing portable multi-threaded apps simple.
bourbakiA system for verifying formal mathematical proofs.
bpBitcoin Protocol components in Common Lisp
bstBinary search tree
btrieBranch trie - a generic trie implementation with branch widths.* Implementation is generic: keys can be of sequences of any type.* Branch width of a trie node tells how many branches go through that node and can be used to calculate probabilites for different suffixes.
bt-semaphoreA simple semaphore class for bordeaux-threads inspired by SBCL’s semaphore.
bubble-operator-upwardsbubble-operator-upwards is a function that bubbles an operator upwards in a form, demultiplexing all alternative branches by way of cartesian product. This operation is notably useful for easy implementation of certain kinds of shorthand notations in macros. A cartesian-product function is also exported, as it’s needed to implement the main function. Comments by 40ants here
buildappBuildapp is an application for SBCL and CCL that configures and saves an executable Common Lisp image or non-executable core.
buildnodeTool for building up an xml dom nicely. (BSD 3 clause) Comments by 40ants here.
buildnode-excelTool for building up an xml dom of an excel spreadsheet nicely. (BSD 3 clause) Uses this XML format:
buildnode-html5Tool for building up an xml dom of an html5 document (BSD 3 clause)
buildnode-kmlTool for building up an xml dom of an KML. (BSD 3 clause)
buildnode-xhtmlTool for building up an xml dom of an excel spreadsheet nicely. (BSD 3 clause)
buildnode-xulTool for building up an xml dom of a Mozilla xul document (BSD 3 clause)
burgled-batteriesLisp-Python interface (MIT)
burgled-batteries.syntaxEmbedded Python syntax for burgled-batteries (MIT)
bytecurry.asdf-extASDF extension(s) for generating atdoc documentation.
bytecurry.mocksTools to mock functions for unit tests (MIT)
c2ffi-blobc2ffi executables for various platforms (MIT)
cacauTest Runner in Common Lisp. (GPL v. 3)
cache-whileA Common Lisp macro for defining temporary caches that invalidate based on expressions evaluating to different values.
cacleExtensible cache services for Common Lisp
calispelThread-safe message-passing channels, in the style ofthe occam programming language.
calmCALM Canvas Aided Lisp Magic (GPL2)
camblA library for working with financial amounts involving multiple commodities.
canA role-based access right control library
canonicalized-initargsProvides a :canonicalize slot option accepting an initarg canonicalization function.
capstoneCommon Lisp CLOS interface to the Capstone disassembler
caramelCSS selector-based template engine for Common Lisp
cardiogramSimple test framework
cari3sA generator for the i3 status bar.
carrierAn async HTTP client
cartesian-product-switchCARTESIAN-PRODUCT-SWITCH is a macro for choosing the appropriate form to execute according to the combined results of multiple tests. This is a straightforward and efficient alternative to the convoluted ad-hoc conditionals one might otherwise resort to.
cavemanWeb Application Framework for Common Lisp
caveman2Lightweight web application framework
caveman2-dbSimple CL-DBI wrapper
caveman2-widgetsWeblocks like widgets for caveman2.
caveman2-widgets-bootstrapAn extension to caveman2-widgets which enables the simple usage of Twitter Bootstrap.
caveman-middleware-dbimanagerClack Middleware for managing CL-DBI connections
cborCBOR encoder/decoder (MIT)
ccl-compatClozure CL compatibility module
cellsSpreadsheet-like expressiveness for CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System.
cephes.clWrapper for the Cephese Mathematical Library
ceplFast lispy way to work with OpenGL
cepl.buildCommon package and system behind CEPL’s profiling tools
cepl.cameraA camera implementation for CEPL
cepl.devilA couple of helper functions to load from devil straight to cepl c-arrays or textures
cepl.drm-gbmDRM/GBM host for cepl
cepl.glopglop host for cepl
cepl.sdl2SDL2 host for cepl
cepl.sdl2-imageSome helper methods for using sdl2-image to load images to CEPL types
cepl.sdl2-ttfA few additional helpers for making working with sdl2-ttf even easier from CEPL
cepl.skitter.glopPlumbing to use skitter with cepl
cepl.skitter.sdl2Plumbing to use skitter with cepl
cepl.spacesAdds abstractions over vector spaces to CEPL
ceramicCommon Lisp web apps on the desktop
cerberusKerberos implementation, provides support to the glass API.
cesdiProvides a compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs generic function that allows for more ergonomic initialization of effective slot definition objects.
cffiThe Common Foreign Function Interface
cffi-c-refAdds streamlined access to foreign memory (MIT)
cffi-grovelThe CFFI Groveller
cffi-libffiForeign structures by value
cffi-objectA Common Lisp library that enables fast and convenient interoperation with foreign objects. (Apache-2.0)
cffi-opsA library that helps write concise CFFI-related code. (Apache-2.0)
cffi-toolchainThe CFFI toolchain
cffi-uffi-compatUFFI Compatibility Layer for CFFI
chainTwo chaining/piping macros, one of them `setf`ing its first argument — BSD-3
chameleonConfiguration management facilities for Common Lisp with multiple profile support. Comments by 40ants here.
chanceryA library for procedurally generating text, inspired by Tracery.
changed-streamA library for non-destructive changes to character streams.
chanlCommunicating Sequential Process support for Common Lisp
charje.documentationDocumentation is an opinionated yet customizable docstring parsing library. (AGPL V3 or any later version)
chatlogFrontend for Colleen’s chatlog-pg module.
chatlog-backportBackporting functions to insert logs from a log file.
cheat-jsMacros for JavaScript. Kinda.
check-bnfMacro arguments checker. (MIT)
check-itA randomized property-based testing tool for Common Lisp.
checklCheckL: Dynamic testing for Common Lisp
chemical-compoundsparsing, pretty-printing, and formula weights of chemical compounds.
chillaxCouchDB abstraction layer - Easy-load system with sane defaults
chillax.coreCouchDB abstraction layer - core API and protocols.
chillax.jsownCouchDB abstraction layer - Implementation of protocols using JSOWN.
chillax.view-serverView server for CouchDB
chillax.yasonCouchDB abstraction layer - Implementation of protocols using Yason.
chipiHouse automation bus in Common Lisp (Apache-2)
chipmunk-blobChipmunk physics foreign library collection
chipzA library for decompressing deflate, zlib, and gzip data
chirpChirp Twitter client featuring full API coverage.
chirp-coreCore component of the chirp twitter client, excluding the backend.
chirp-dexadorChirp Twitter client using Dexador as backend.
chirp-drakmaChirp Twitter client using Drakma as backend.
chlorophyllANSI escape code library for Common Lisp — Expat
chrome-native-messagingA package to communicate with a Chrome extension as the native application
chronicityA natural language date and time parser for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
chtml-matcherA unifying template matcher based on closure-html for web scraping and extraction
chungaPortable chunked streams for Common Lisp
ciA tool simplify continuous deployment for Common Lisp projects. BSD
ciaoOAuth 2.0 Client for Common Lisp — LGPLv3
circular-streamsCircularly readable streams for Common Lisp
city-hashCityHash hash functions
ci-utilsA set of tools for using CI platforms
ci-utils-featuresAn internal system that loads the features before loading the rest of the systems
ckr-tablesA utility library to ease the use of hash-tables
cl-6502An emulator for the MOS 6502 CPU
cl-aacl-aa: polygon rasterizer
cl-aa-misccl-aa-misc: some tools related to cl-aa
clacheA general caching library for Common Lisp
clackWeb application environment for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
clack-corsA Clack middleware to set CORS related HTTP headers. (Unlicense)
clack-errorsError page middleware for Clack. Comments by 40ants here
clack-handler-fcgiClack handler for FastCGI.
clack-handler-hunchentootClack handler for Hunchentoot.
clack-handler-tootClack handler for Toot.
clack-handler-wookieClack handler for Wookie.
clack-pretendA testing and debugging tool for Clack. Comments by 40ants here.
clack-prometheusClack middleware to serve stats in Prometheus format. (Unlicense)
clack-static-asset-djula-helpersDjula helpers for clack-static-asset-middleware
clack-static-asset-middlewareA cache busting static file middleware for the clack web framework. Comments by 40ants here
cl-acronymsA program that expands an acronym based on grammatical rules.
cl-actorsA simple common lisp actors library.
cladThe CLAD System.
cl-advicePortable advice for Common Lisp — LGPL
cl-alcCFFI bindings for OpenAL’s ALC API.
cl-algebraic-data-typeA library for algebraic data types.
cl-allA script to evaluate expressions in multiple lisp implementations.
cl-asepriteAseprite file format parser (GPLv3)
cl-astarA heavily optimized yet flexible A* pathfinding algorithm implementation (MIT)
cl-alutCFFI bindings for OpenAL’s ALUT API.
cl-amqpAMQP 0.9.1 with RabbitMQ extensions in Common Lisp
cl-anacl-ana is a free (GPL) data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular & binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting & visualization.
cl-androidSL4A lisp bridge
cl-annotPython-like Annotation Syntax for Common Lisp
cl-annot-proveAnnotation Syntax Test Library.
cl-annot-revisitRe-implementation of ‘cl-annot’, an annotation syntax library for Common Lisp. — WTFPL
cl-anonfunAnonymous function helpers for Common Lisp
cl-ansi-textANSI control string characters, focused on color
cl-apertium-stream-parserApertium stream parser written in Common Lisp
cl-apple-plistEncodes Common Lisp data structures in Apple property list XML format (.plist).
cl-arff-parserA parser for Weka arff (Attribute-Relation File Format) Machine learning datasets.
cl-aristidDraw Lindenmayer Systems with Common LISP! (MIT)
cl-arxiv-apiBindings for API of
cl-ascii-artAscii Art generating routines.
cl-ascii-tableCommon Lisp library to present tabular data in ascii-art table. Comments by 40ants here.
classimpCommon Lisp/CFFI bindings for Open Asset Import Library (
cl-association-rulesAn implementation of the apriori algorithm to mine association rules in Common Lisp.
class-optionsProvides easy access to the defining class and its options during initialization or reinitialization of its subcomponents. (Unlicense)
classowaryAn implementation of the Cassowary linear constraint solver toolkit
clastCLAST is a Common Lisp library that can produce an and abstract syntax tree. Its main use if for source analysis and transformation - extracting the free variables list from a form. (BSD)
cl-asyncBase system for cl-async.
cl-async-awaitAn implementation of async/await for Common Lisp (AGPL3)
cl-async-futureA futures implementation for Common Lisp. Plugs in nicely to cl-async.
cl-async-replREPL integration for CL-ASYNC.
cl-async-sslSSL Wrapper around cl-async socket implementation.
cl-atelierAn atelier for Lisp developers (MIT)
clathClath is single sign-on middleware for Clack. It allows basic login with OAuth1.0a, OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.
cl-aubioAubio bindings for Common Lisp (CPL3)
cl-authorize-netlibrary for talking with credit card processors.
cl-autorepoA simple mechanism to auto-load ASDF systems from repositories.
cl-autowrapImport c2ffi specs and generate CFFI wrappers
clavatarDetermines appropriate URLs for avatars using assorted avatar services.
clavierClavier: A Common Lisp validation library
clawVarious utilities used across CLAW subsystems
clawkCommon Lisp AWK. Comments by 40ants here.
claw-olmThin wrapper over OLM
claw-olm-bindingsBindings built with Claw for Megolm
claw-supportSupport routines for claw (MIT)
claw-utilsUtilities for easier autowrapping (MIT)
claxySimple proxy middleware for clack
cl-azureA Windows Azure library for Common Lisp.
clazyThe CLAZY System.
cl-base16Common Lisp implementation of base16 (GPLv2)
cl-base32CL-Base32 is a Common Lisp library for encoding / decoding bytes to / from base32 strings - RFC 4648
cl-base58An implementation of base58 for Common Lisp
cl-base64Base64 encoding and decoding with URI support.
cl-batisSQL Mapping Framework for Common Lisp (MIT) - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
cl-bayesnetA Common Lisp Bayesian Network Inference Engine
cl-bcryptCommon Lisp system for generating and parsing of bcrypt password hashes (BSD 2 clause)
cl-beanstalkAn interface to the beanstalk queue server
cl-bip39A Common Lisp implementation of BIP-0039
cl-bloggyA simple extendable blogging system to use with Hunchentoot (MIT)
cl-bloomSimple Bloom filters with efficient hashing.
cl-bloom-filterJust another Common Lisp bloom filter implementation, enjoy it! —
cl-bmasA Common Lisp wrapper around BMAS - a BLAS like library with support for integers, basic math operations, trigonometry, and more.(MIT)
cl-bmpA library for dealing with Windows bitmaps (BMP, DIB, ICO, CUR) (zlib)
cl-bnfA simple BNF parser.
cl-bootstrapTwitter Bootstrap widget library for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-bootstrap-demoTwitter Bootstrap widget library for Common Lisp
cl-bplustreeIn-memory B+ tree
cl-brewerProvides CI settings for cl-brewer. (Unlicense)
cl-buchbergercl-buchberger: A Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger’s algorithm.
cl-bunnyCommon Lisp RabbitMQ client based on IOLib - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
cl-busA(n almost) referentially transparent interface for streams
cl-cacellular automaton library
cl-cache-tablesA wrapper around native hash-tables to facilitate in-process caching of common lisp data structures.
cl-cairo2Cairo bindings
cl-cairo2-demosDemos for cl-cairo2
cl-cairo2-gtk2Cairo 1.8 bindings, GTK context.
cl-cairo2-xlibCairo 1.8 bindings, xlib surface and GTK extension
cl-case-controlSupporting case-controlling
cl-catmull-rom-splineCatmull-Rom Spline
cl-cblasA cl-autowrap generated wrapper around CBLAS which provides a C interface to the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. — MIT
cl-ceigen-liteA Common Lisp wrapper around CEIGEN-LITE - which is itself a C wrapper around the C++ Eigen library. (MIT)
cl-cerfLisp wrapper to libcerf
cl-cfComputations using continued fractions (GPLv3)
cl-change-caseConvert strings between camelCase, param-case, PascalCase and more. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-charmsCFFI bindings for curses. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-charms-paintA simple ASCII art paint program for cl-charms.
cl-charms-timerTimer example for cl-charms.
cl-cheshire-catCheshire Cat HTTP Redirection Server REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
cl-clblasclBLAS binding
cl-cliCommand line parser
cl-clsparseCommon Lisp bindings for clSPARSE
cl-cmarkCommon Lisp bindings to libcmark, the CommonMark reference implementation — BSD-2-Clause
cl-cognitoAmazon Cognito Utilities
cl-coinpaymentsHelpers for working with the api.
cl-colliderSuperCollider client for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-colorsSimple color library for Common Lisp
cl-colors2Simple color library for Common Lisp
cl-concordCONCORD implementation based on Common Lisp (LGPL)
cl-confidenceA Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp(MIT)
cl-conlluCommon Lisp library for dealing with CoNLL-U files
cl-conspackCONSPACK implementation for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-contA library that implements continuations by transforming Common Lisp code to continuation passing style. See 40ants comments here.
cl-containersA generic container library for Common Lisp
cl-cookieHTTP cookie manager
cl-coroutineCL-COROUTINE is a coroutine library for Common Lisp. It uses CL-CONT continuations library in its implementation.
cl-coverallsCoverage tracker for Coveralls. Commens by 40ants here.
cl-covid19Common Lisp library and utilities for inspecting COVID-19 data (BSD 2)
cl-cpusGet number of CPUs
cl-cramA simple, Progress bar for Common Lisp
cl-crc64Computes 64-bit cyclic redundancy checks
cl-creditcardGeneric interace library for talking with credit card processors.
cl-cronA simple tool that provides cron like facilities directly inside of common lisp. For this to work properly note that your lisp implementation should have support for threads. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-cssSimple inline CSS generator
cl-csvFacilities for reading and writing CSV format files
cl-csv-clsqlFacilities for reading and writing CSV format files (and importing and exporting csvs from databases)
cl-csv-data-tableFacilities for converting CSV data to data-tables
cl-cudaCl-cuda is a library to use NVIDIA CUDA in Common Lisp programs.
cl-cuda-interopCl-cuda with OpenGL interoperability.
cl-custom-hash-tableProvides custom ways to test key equality in a hash table. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-cutMacros for partial application of expressions in the spirit of SRFI 26.
cl-cxx-jitThis library provides an interface to C++ from lisp. It compiles C++ code, then loads it into lisp.
cl-darkskyGet weather via Dark Sky REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
cl-data-frameData frames for Common Lisp.
cl-data-structuresData structures, ranges, ranges algorithms. (BSD Simplified)
cl-date-time-parserParse date-time-string, and return (values universal-time fraction).Parsable date-time-format: ISO8601, W3CDTF, RFC3339, RFC822, RFC2822, RFC5322, asctime, RFC850, RFC1036.
cl-dbiA database independent interface for common lisp
cl-dbi-connection-poolRemoved in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
cl-debug-printA reader-macro for debug print
cl-def-propertiesCommon Lisp definitions instropection library (MIT)
cl-dejavuRepack of DejaVu fonts for Common Lisp
cl-devilCL bindings for the DevIL Image library.
cl-dicewareDiceware in Lisp
cl-difflibA Lisp library for computing differences between sequences. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-digraphSimple directed graphs for Common Lisp.
cl-digraph.dotcl-dot support for cl-digraph
cl-diskspaceList disks, get disk total/free/usable space information.
cl-disqueA Disque client for Common Lisp
cl-djula-svgHandle SVGs in Djula Templates — MIT
cl-djula-tailwindTailwind classes for Djula templates — MIT
cl-dotGenerate Dot Output from Arbitrary Lisp Data
cl-dotenvUtility library for loading .env files
cl-drawilleDrawing in terminal with Unicode Braille characters
cl-drmCommon Lisp bindings for libdrm
cl-dropboxCommon Lisp Client for the Dropbox API.
cl-dslEasily define domain specific languages
cl-duckdbCFFI wrapper around the DuckDB C API (MIT)
cl-duriandynamic html generation from list structures (interpolation friendly)
cl-earley-parserNatural language parser using Jay Earleys well-known algorithm
cl-ecma-48This package exports a macro for defining ECMA-48 control functions and the 162 functions defined by this.
cl-eglCommon Lisp wrapper for libEGL
cl-elasticElasticsearch client for Common Lisp
clemCyrus Harmon’s matrix package for common lisp.
cl-emacs-ifProvides Emacs-like IF and WHILE operators
cl-embA templating system for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-emojicl-emoji provides the Unicode emoji characters
cl-envEasily parse .env files. That’s it!
cl-environmentsImplements the CLTL2 environment access functionality for implementations which do not provide the functionality to the programmer.
cl-epochConverts between CL Universal Time and UNIX Epoch Time REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
clericCommon Lisp Erlang Interface - An implementation of the Erlang distribution protocol.
clerkA cron-like scheduler with sane DSL
cleshClesh is a very short program that provides mechanisms for running and composing Unix shell commands and constructs from Common Lisp.Essentially, it provides a ‘!’ syntax that you can use to run commandsand a ‘[]’ embedded mode where you can enter bash scripts and obtainthe standard output as a lisp string, and some other features.Lisp expressions can be included in any command or script using a ‘?’syntax.Clesh works on every implementation of Common Lisp that is supportedby trivial-shell.
cl-etcdRun etcd as an asynchronous inferior process.
cletrisA tetris game.
cletris-networkA tetris game.
cl-eventsEvents for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-ewkbcl-ewkb is a geospatial library, based on cl-wkb, that implements the OGC Well-Known Binary geographic geometry data model with PostGIS 3d, 4d extensions, and provides WKB and EWKB encoding and decoding functionality. cl-wkb author is J.P. Larocue.
cl-factoringInteger Factoring
cl-factsin-memory graph database — ISC
cl-fadPortable pathname library
cl-famWraps libfam (File access monitor) API. Needs gamin-devel or fam-devel package
cl-fastcgiFastCGI wrapper for Common Lisp (BSD)
cl-fast-ecsBlazingly fast Entity-Component-System microframework. (MIT)
cl-fbclientCommon Lisp library for working with firebird databases(using fbclient)
cl-fbxBindings to ufbx, a simple and free FBX model decoding library (zlib)
cl-feedparserCommon Lisp universal feed parser
cl-fixA FIX (Financial Information eXchange) library for Common Lisp (Apache2)
cl-fixturesA simple library to create and use parameterized fixtures
cl-flacBindings to libflac, a simple FLAC decoding library
cl-flowData-flow driven concurrency model for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here
cl-flowdNative Lisp interface to Netflow data stores created by the Netflow collect flowd (
cl-fluent-loggerA structured logger for Fluentd
cl-fluiddbLibrary to access the Fluidinfo database / storage and search platform
cl-fluidinfoLibrary to access the Fluidinfo database / storage and search platform
cl-flxRewrite emacs-flx in Common Lisp (MIT)
cl-fondBindings to libfond, a simple text rendering engine for OpenGL
cl-formsA web forms handling library
cl-forms.demoCL-FORM demo application
cl-forms.djulaCL-FORMS Djula backend
cl-forms.peppolSome extra form fields (country, currency, amount) using PEPPOL billing code lists
cl-forms.whoCL-FORMS CL-WHO backend
cl-forms.who.bootstrapBootstrap theme for CL-FORMS via CL-WHO renderer
cl-form-typesLibrary for determining types of Common Lisp forms.
cl-freeimageBindings to the freeimage library.
cl-freetype2Wrapper for the Freetype2 library
cl-frugal-uuidCommon Lisp UUID library with zero dependencies (MIT)
cl-fsnotifyFile system notifications
clfswmCLFSWM: Fullscreen Window Manager
cl-ftpFTP library
cl-fuseCFFI bindings to FUSE (Filesystem in user space)
cl-fuse-meta-fsCFFI bindings to FUSE (Filesystem in user space)
cl-fuzzA Fuzz Testing Framework
cl-fxmlcl-fxml: Common Lisp - Finally eXtended Markup Language.
cl-gamepadPortability library for gamepad and joystick access.
cl-gap-bufferGap buffers in Common Lisp.
cl-gbmCommon Lisp wrapper for libgbm
cl-gcryptCommon Lisp bindings for libgcrypt
cl-gdInterface to the GD graphics library
cl-gdataCommon Lisp interface to the Google GData API’s
cl-gearmanCommon Lisp Library for the Gearman distributed job system. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-gendoccl-gendoc: Simple component-based documentation generator. See 40ants comments here
cl-generatorcl-generator, a generator implementation for common lisp
cl-gene-searcherA simple interface to a SQLite database for querying information for genes, and DGV Tracks.
cl-geocodeA geocoding API for Common Lisp.
cl-geoipWrapper around libGeoIP
cl-geometryLibrary for two dimensional geometry.
cl-geosA CFFI wrapper of GEOS for performing geometric operations in Lisp.
cl-getoptCFFI wrapper to the libc getopt_long function — Public Domain
cl-getxThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp. (MIT)
cl-gimeirandom japanese name and address generator
cl-gistsGists API Wrapper for Common Lisp.
cl-gitA CFFI wrapper of libgit2.
cl-glfwCommon Lisp bindings for GLFW
cl-glfw3Bindings for GLFW 3.x
cl-glfw-gluCommon Lisp bindings for GLU (cl-glfw version)
cl-glfw-opengl-coreCommon Lisp bindings for OpenGL (cl-glfw version)
cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_0cl-glfw’s version_1_0 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_1cl-glfw’s version_1_1 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_2cl-glfw’s version_1_2 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_3cl-glfw’s version_1_3 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_4cl-glfw’s version_1_4 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_5cl-glfw’s version_1_5 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_2_0cl-glfw’s version_2_0 binding
cl-glfw-opengl-version_2_1cl-glfw’s version_2_1 binding
cl-glfw-typesCommon Lisp bindings for GLFW: Base CFFI type definitions and expanders package
cl-glib— GLib binding for Common Lisp. — lgpl3
cl-gltfA library to parse the glTF file format. — (zlib)
cl-gluCommon Lisp bindings to the GLU API v1.3
cl-glutCommon Lisp bindings to Freeglut.
cl-gobject-introspectionBinding to GObjectIntrospection
cl-gobject-introspection-wrapperWrap and call GObject Introspection FFI function in LISP style, based on cl-gobject-introspection. — lgpl3
cl-gog-galaxyA wrapper for the GOG Galaxy SDK (zlib)
cl-gopherGopher protocol library
cl-gpioA library for the Linux GPIO kernel module as used on hobby kits such as the Raspberry Pi
clgplotA Gnuplot front-end for Common lisp(MIT) Licence
cl-graphGraph manipulation utilities for Common Lisp
cl-graph+hu.dwim.graphvizIntegration of cl-graph with hu.dwim.graphviz
cl-gripGrip is a simple logging interface and framework. The core package contains basic infrastructure and interfaces. (Apache 2)
cl-grnmGrid Restrained Nelder-Mead, a multivariate rootfinder.
cl-growlUtilities for sending messages to Growl on Mac OS X.
cl-gserverActor framework featuring actors and agents for easy access to state and asynchronous operations.
cl-gssCommon Lisp interface to GSSAPI
cl-hamlHaml like XHTML generator.
cl-hamtDictionary & set data structure using hash array-mapped tries
cl-hash-table-destructuringHash table destructuring utils. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-hash-utilA simple and natural wrapper around Common Lisp’s hash functionality.
cl-heapAn implementation of heap and priority queue data structures. (No longer maintained per
cl-heredocCommon Lisp reader heredoc dispatcher. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-hooksThis system provides the hooks extension pointmechanism (as known, e.g., from GNU Emacs).
clhsThe HyperSpec-7-0 directory in this thin ASDF wrapper is a complete and unmodified copy of Lispworks’ Common Lisp HyperSpec version 7.0 (referenced from Redistribution of the HyperSpec is made with permission from LispWorks per the terms and restrictions set forth at You may further redistribute the HyperSpec subject to the same terms and restrictions consult the previous link for all details.
cl-html5-parserA HTML5 parser for Common Lisp
cl-html-diffLibrary using cl-difflib to compare html files. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-html-parseHTML Parser
cl-htmlpragA port of Neil Van Dyke’s famous HTMLPrag library to Common Lisp.
cl-html-readmeA HTML Documentation Generator for Common Lisp projects. (MIT)
cl-httpsqsA client lib for accessing HTTPSQS written in Common Lisp
cl-hueClient for Philips Hue light controller
cl-i18nA gettext-style internationalisation framework for Common Lisp.
cl-id3A Common Lisp implementation of the ID3 machine learning algorithm by R. Quinlan. (BSD-2-Clause)
clickrHigh-level Flickr interface
cl-iluPart of cl-devil
cl-ilutPart of cl-devil
climcA common lisp Instant Messaging client. — MIT License
climonThe Simon game.
clim-widgetssmall collection of clim widgets
clinchAn OpenGL Game Engine.
cl-incogniaIncognia API Common Lisp Client
cl-indentifyA code beautifier for Common Lisp. (MIT)
clinenoiseA trivial line-input library for VT-like terminals
cl-inflectorFunctions to pluralize and singularize english and portuguese languages words
cl-influxdbCommon lisp binding for InfluxDB
cl-infoA helper to an answer a question about OS, Lisp and Everything. Comments by 40ants here.
clingonCommand-line options parser system for Common Lisp
cl-iniINI file parser
cl-ini INI file parser (MIT)
cl-inotifyInotify binding.
cl-intbytesEncode/decode any-base integers and byte arrays interchangeably.
cl-interpolCL-INTERPOL is a library for Common Lisp which modifies the reader so that you can have interpolation within strings similar to Perl or Unix Shell scripts. It also provides various ways to insert arbitrary characters into literal strings even if your editor/IDE doesn’t support them.
cl-intervalIntervals, interval trees (newBSD LLGPL)
clipAn HTML templating engine using Plump.
cli-parserA command-line argument parser. Mostly parses options of the same form that getopt parses
cl-ipfs-api2Bindings for the IPFS HTTP API.
clipperFile attachment library.
cl-ircCommon Lisp interface to the IRC protocol. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-irregsexpMore powerful and prettier way of doing text matching, not using regular expressions
cl-isaacOptimized Common Lisp version of Bob Jenkins’ ISAAC-32 and ISAAC-64 algorithms, fast cryptographic random number generators.
cliteLite weight testing framework
cl-iterativeGeneric iterative algorithm with multiple controls
cl-itertoolsitertools Python lib ported to CL
clithCommon Lisp wITH macro. A general WITH macro. (MIT)
cljSome clojure conveniences for Common Lisp (MIT)
clj-arrowsImplements Clojure-styled threading/transformation macros. (MIT)
clj-conImplements Clojure-styled concurrency operations such as future and promise
cl-jinglejingle – ningle with bells and whistles — BSD 2-Clause
cl-jpegA self-contained baseline JPEG codec implementation
clj-reImplements Clojure-styled regexp operations such as re-matches and re-find
cl-jsAKA just “js”. JavaScript-to-CL compiler and runtime
cl-jschema Common Lisp implementation of JSON Schema (MIT)
cl-jsonlLazy read JSONL files with each line a separate definition. (MIT)
cl-jsonJSON in Lisp. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format.
cl-json-helperHandy extras for cl-json
cl-json-pointercl-json-pointer core files. Comments by 40ants here
cl-json-schemaDescribe cl-json-schema here
cl-jsxJSX in Common Lisp
cl-junit-xmlSmall library for writing junit XML files
cl-junit-xml.lisp-unitcl-junit-xml extensions to work with lisp-unit
cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit2cl-junit-xml extensions to work with lisp-unit2
cl-jwkCommon Lisp system for decoding public JSON Web Keys (JWK) (BSD 2-Clause)
cl-k8055Bindings to the k8055 DAQ hobby board.
cl-kanrenA minikanren implementation
cl-kaputtA Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp (CeCILL-B)
cl-keycloakDescribe cl-keycloak here
cl-krakenA Common Lisp API client for the Kraken exchange
cl-ksuidK-sortable unique identifiers
cl-ktxAn implementation of the Khronos KTX image file format (zlib)
cl-kyoto-cabinetLisp Interface to Kyoto Cabinet DBM (
cl-l10nPortable CL Locale Support
cl-l10n-cldrThe necessary CLDR files for cl-l10n packaged in a QuickLisp friendly way.
cl-lambdacalcDefine Lisp functions using lambda calculus syntax MIT
cl-lasLibrary to manipulate LAS files
cl-lastfmCommon Lisp wrapper for the web service.
cl-launchRuntime for cl-launch
cl-lcList comprehensions (MIT)
cl-ledgerDouble-entry accounting system.
cl-lesspGeneric order predicate — ISC
cl-lexCommon Lisp macros for generating lexical analyzers
cl-lexercl-lexer: a lexical analyzer generator. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-liballegroAllegro 5 game programming library bindings for Common Lisp (MIT)
cl-liballegro-nuklearCFFI wrapper for the Nuklear IM GUI library with liballegro backend, to be used with cl-liballegro. (MIT)
cl-libevent2Low-level libevent2 bindings for Common Lisp.
cl-libevent2-sslExtends cl-libevent2 to wrap its SSL implementation.
cl-libfarmhashCommon Lisp Binding for Google’s Farmhash.
cl-lib-helperFor common-lisp, organisation of popular functionalities in a central, easy-to-browse set of packages. MIT
cl-libhoedownCommon Lisp Binding for Hoedown.
cl-libiioCommon Lisp bindings for libiio (
cl-libinputCommon Lisp wrapper for libinput — BSD 3-Clause
cl-liblinearCFFI wrapper for LIBLINEAR
cl-libpuzzlelibpuzzle( binding for Common Lisp
cl-libsvmCFFI wrapper for LIBSVM
cl-libsvm-formatA fast LibSVM data format reader for Common Lisp
cl-libusbLispified bindings to libusb-0.1.
cl-libuvLow-level libuv bindings for Common Lisp.
cl-libxml2High-level wrapper around libxml2 and libxslt libraries
cl-libyamlA binding to the libyaml library.
cl-localeSimple i18n library for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-locativesImplementation of locatives, pointer-like objects in Lisp.
cl-logCL-LOG - a general purpose logging utility
cl-logicBoolean algebra package
cl-ltsvLTSV parser for common lisp. Comments by 40ants here
cl-lzmaCFFI wrapper around LZMA (de)compressor foreign library
cl-m4Common Lisp re-implementation of GNU M4
cl-mangoA minimalist CouchDB 2.x database client. (BSD3)
cl-markdownCL-Markdown is a Common Lisp rewrite of Markdown
cl-marklessA parser implementation for Markless
cl-marklogicCommon Lisp library for accessing MarkLogic Server.
cl-markupMarkup generation library
cl-matchPattern matcher superceded by optima.
cl-mathstatsCommon Lisp math and statistics routines
cl-maxminddbCL MaxMind DB
cl-maxsatCommon Lisp API to MAX-SAT Solvers
cl-mdbcl-mdb: a simple in-memory key-value database — MulanPubL-2.0
cl-mecabInterface of MeCab that is a morpheme analyzer
cl-mechanizeA WWW::Mechanize work-alike. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-mediawikiA tool to help talk to mediawiki’s api.
cl-memcachedFast, thread-safe library to interface with the Memcached Object Cache.
cl-messagepackA Common-Lisp implementation of Message Pack serialization.
cl-messagepack-rpcA Common Lisp implementation of the MessagePack-RPC specification, which uses MessagePack serialization format to achieve efficient remote procedure calls (RPCs).
cl-migratumDatabase schema migration system for Common Lisp. (Uses cl-dbi)
cl-migratum.driver.sqlcl-migratum driver for driving migrations against SQL databases using CL-DBI (BSD2)
cl-migratum.provider.local-pathcl-migratum provider for migration resources discovered from local path
cl-mimeThis is a library for reading and printing MIME content. It supports automatic conversion between 7bit, quoted-printable and base64 encodings via cl-base64 and cl-qprint libraries. It requires cl-base64, cl-qprint and cl-ppcre.
cl-mime-from-stringA one function library to return a mime-type based on the file extension found atthe end of a string. ie abc.txt -> text/plain. The common types implemented are from (MIT)
cl-mimeparseLibrary for parsing MIME types, in the spirit of, with a Common Lisp flavor.
cl-minify-cssTo minify css with common lisp. (CPLv3)
cl-mixedBindings to libmixed, a sound mixing and processing library.
clmlReorginized CLML (Common Lisp Machine Learming) library from MSI
clm-megolmA copy of the python functionality provided as bindings for Olm. See: Big thanks to Borodust for creating the initial bindings using Claw.
cl-mockMocking library
cl-modioA client library for the API. — zlib
cl-monad-macrosMonad Macros for Common Lisp.
cl-monerisAn interface to the Moneris payment processing service (HTTP).
cl-mongolisp system to interact with mongodb, a non-sql db
cl-mongo-idA library for the creation/parsing of MongoDB Object IDs
cl-monitorsBindings to libmonitors, allowing the handling of monitors querying and resolution changing.
cl-mopSimple, portable tools for dealing with CLOS objects.
cl-morseLibrary for translating ASCII letters to morse code and back. — BSD-3clause
cl-mossCommon Lisp submission mechanism for Stanford’s MOSS system
cl-mount-infoGet information about mounted filesystems on GNU/linux.
cl-mpg123Bindings to libmpg123, providing cross-platform, fast MPG1/2/3 decoding. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-mpiCommon Lisp bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
cl-mpi-asdf-integrationCFFI and ASDF integration for CL-MPI.
cl-mtgnetClient library for the MTGNet RPC protocol.
cl-mtgnet-asyncAsynchronous transport for the MTGNet client library.
cl-mtgnet-syncSynchronous transport for the MTGNet client library.
cl-murmurhash32-bit version of MurmurHash3.
cl-mustacheMustache Template Renderer. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-muthMultithreading utilities
cl-mwCL-MW: A Master/Slave Library
cl-myriamSimple actor model implementation for local and remote actors 3-clause BSD
cl-mysqlCommon Lisp MySQL library bindings
cl-naive-storeThis is a persisted, in memory (lazy loading) document store for Common Lisp. REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
cl-naive-store.document-type-defsThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp.
cl-naive-store.document-typesThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp.
cl-naive-store.naive-coreThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp.
cl-naive-store.naive-documentsThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp.
cl-naive-store.naive-indexedThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp.
cl-naive-store.naive-merkleThis is a naive, persisted, in memory (lazy loading) data store for Common Lisp.
cl-naive-ptreesFunctions to make it easier to work with plist(s) and plist trees. Works with plist(s) pairs as units and not as individual list items. (MIT)
cl-ncursesThis library is binding to NCurses. It allows for creating windowing interfaces for the console. With NCurses you can print to any place of the screen, change colors and probably do some other awesome things. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-neo4jneo4j RESTful Client Interface
cl-neovimCommon Lisp client for Neovim
cl-netpbmCommon Lisp support for reading/writing the netpbm image formats (PPM, PGM, and PBM).
cl-netstring+A simple library for sending and receiving messages with a netstring-like encoding.
cl-netstringsA library for handling netstrings as described in
cl-notebookA notebook-style in-browser editor for Common Lisp (AGPL3)
cl-ntp-clientA simple NTP (Network Time Protocol) client in Common Lisp
cl-ntriplesCL-NTRIPLES is a simple basic parser for Ntriples data.
cl-num-utilsNumerical utilities for Common Lisp
clnuplotCommon Lisp interface to GNUPlot.
cl-oauthCommon Lisp OAuth implementation
clobberLibrary for transaction-oriented data bases.
cl-oclapibinding for OpenCL API
cl-odeDescribe cl-ode here
clods-exportCommon Lisp OpenDocument spreadsheet export library
clogThe Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
clog-aceCLOG Ace Editor Plugin — BSD
clog-plotlyNew CLOG System — BSD
clog-terminalCLOG Terminal — BSD
cl-ohmAn object-hash mapping for Redis in Common Lisp
cl-ojuCommon Lisp equivalents of core Clojure functions, especially sequence-related ones — MIT
cl-olefsOLE File System tools for Common Lisp
cl-onelinerGiven a piece of text, summarize it with a one-liner
cl-one-time-passwordsOne time passwords (hotp rfc4226, totp rfc6238) as used in two factor authentication systems such as Google’s.
cl-online-learningOnline Machine Learning for Common Lisp
clonsignaSimple IMAP4rev1 client library
clopCLOP Common Lisp tOml Parser (MIT)
cl-openalCFFI bindings for OpenAL sound system.
cl-openclCFFI for OpenCL and Lisp wrapper API
cl-opencl-utilsOpenCL utility library built on cl-opencl
cl-openglCommon Lisp bindings to OpenGL.
cl-opensearch-query-builderCommon Lisp implementation of a builder for the OpenSearch query DSL (MIT)
cl-openstack-clientOpenStack client libraries
cl-opsresearchCommon Lisp library for Operations Research.
cl-opusBindings to libopusfile, a simple and free OGG/Opus decoding library (zlib)
cl-org-modeThis library contains a parser for Emacs org-mode and a primitive tool for doing Literate Programming. Comments by 40ants here.
clos-diffA library for creating diffs of CLOS objects
clos-encountersA collection of OOP patterns benefiting from the CLOS MOP. (Unlicense)
closer-mopCloser to MOP is a compatibility layer that rectifies many of the absent or incorrect CLOS MOP features across a broad range of Common Lisp implementations.
clos-fixturesASDF-loadable fixtures for CLOS classes
cl-out123Bindings to libout123, providing cross-platform audio output.
cl-packPerl compatible binary pack() and unpack() library. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-package-locksA library to provide a unified way to work with package locks across supported common lisp implementations.
cl-pangoBindings to the pango text layout library.
cl-parallelA fairly simple parallelism library for Common Lisp
cl-passPassword hashing and verification library.
cl-pathscl-paths: vectorial paths manipulation
cl-paths-ttfcl-paths-ttf: vectorial paths manipulation
cl-patternA very fast ML-like pattern-matching library for Common Lisp.
cl-patternsPattern library for algorithmic music composition and performance in Common Lisp
cl-paymillCL-PAYMILL is a common lisp interface to the Paymill payment service API. See
cl-paypalA paypal express checkout API in Common Lisp.
cl-pcgA bare-bones Permuted Congruential Generator implementation in pure Common Lisp.
cl-pdfCommon Lisp PDF Generation Library. Comments by 40ants here
cl-pdf-parserPDF parser
cl-performance-tuning-helperA simple performance tuning helper tool box for Common Lisp
cl-permutationA library for operating on permutations and permutation groups.
cl-photoLisp Markup Language
cl-plplotInterface to the PLplot Scientific Plotting Library
cl-plumbingA few (at least seemingly) missing stream operations in Common Lisp.
cl-plus-cConvenience and alternative mechanic for C/autowrap
cl-plus-ssl-osx-fixA fix for CL+SSL library paths on OSX needed when you have Intel and Arm64 Homebrew installations. Should be loaded before CL+SSL. (Unlicense)
cl-plyCl-ply is a library to handle PLY format which is also known as the Stanford Triangle Format.
cl-poker-eval7-card hand poker evaluator
cl-popCL-POP is a lisp networking library that provides a POP mail client based on RFC 1939.
cl-portaudioThis package contains bindings to @a[]{PortAudio}. PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library.
cl-postgresLow-level client library for PostgreSQL
cl-postgres-datetimeDate/time integration for cl-postgres that uses LOCAL-TIME for types that use time zones and SIMPLE-DATE for those that don’t
cl-postgres+local-timeIntegration between cl-postgres and local-time
cl-postgres+local-time-durationcl-postgres integration for local-time-duration
cl-postgres-plus-uuidCommon Lisp library providing a cl-postgres SQL reader for the PostgreSQL UUID type.
cl-ppcrePerl-compatible regular expression library
cl-ppcre-unicodePerl-compatible regular expression library (Unicode). Comments by 40ants here.
cl-prevalenceCommon Lisp Prevalence Package
cl-primalityPrimality testing
cl-prime-makerA simple library to generate big prime numbers in a fast way. But in some cases, the generated number is not a prime number (these are called pseudo-primes).\
cl-progress-barDisplay progress bars directly in REPL. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-projectGenerate a skeleton for modern project
cl-prolog2Common Interface to the ISO prolog implementations from Common Lisp
cl-protobufsProtobufs for Common Lisp
cl-pslibA CFFI wrapper for the pslib library, a library for generating PostScript files.
cl-pslib-barcodeA barcode generator for the cl-pslib library.
cl-punchScala-like anonymous lambda literal
clpythonCLPython package and utils
cl-qoaAn implementation of the Quite Okay Audio format. (zlib)
cl-qprintEncode and decode quoted-printable encoded strings. Comments by40ants here
cl-qrencodeQR code 2005 encoder in Common Lisp
cl-quickcheckCommon Lisp port of the QuickCheck unit test framework
cl-rabbitSimple RabbitMQ interface for Common Lisp using CFFI
cl-randistRandom Distribution Generation
cl-randomRandom numbers and distributions.
cl-random-forestRandom Forest and Global Refinement for Common Lisp
cl-rashellResilient replicant Shell Programming Library for Common Lisp(MIT)
cl-rdfxmlThe CL-RDFXML system provides functionality for processing RDF/XMLserializations of RDF graphs. RDF/XML processes XML using Closure XML\(CXML\), and handles URIs using PURI.
cl-rdkafkaA client library for Apache Kafka based on librdkafka CFFI bindings.
cl-readlineCommon Lisp bindings to GNU Readline library
cl-recaptchaTrivial support for the recaptcha service
cl-redditReddit client api library. Comments by 40ants here. - Added back Oct 2024
cl-redisA fast and robust Common Lisp client for Redis
cl-reexportReexport external symbols in other packages.
cl-renderdocWrapper around the renderdoc In-Application API for Common Lisp (MIT)
cl-replicaLibrary for hash-table replication via epidemic algorithms — BSD
cl-resvgAn up-to-date bindings library for the resvg SVG rendering library (zlib)
cl-rethinkdbA RethinkDB driver for Common Lisp
cl-rfc2047Implemntation of RFC2047.
cl-rfc4251Encoding and decoding data in RFC 4251 compliant format for ssh (BSD 2 clause)
cl-riffReads Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) files.
cl-rlimitSimple interface to Unix getrlimit and setrlimit.
cl-rmathA Common Lisp wrapper for the Rmath library.
cl-rollbackrollback functions — ISC
cl-rrdA Common Lisp interface to the RRDTool graphing system.
cl-rrtCommon Lisp implementation of RRT (Rapidily exploring Random Tree), a fast probabilistic multidimentional path-plannning algorithm.
cl-rrt.benchmarkBenchmarking system of cl-rrt
cl-rrt.rtreeCommon Lisp implementation of RRT (Rapidily exploring Random Tree), a fast probabilistic multidimentional path-plannning algorithm.
cl-rulesSimple DSL for rules that can be configured without code
cl-s3A Common Lisp Amazon S3 client interface package
cl-samToolkit for manipulation of DNA sequence alignment data stored in the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format.
cl-sandboxUtility package for creating safe experimental environment.
cl-saslSASL library
cl-satCommon Lisp API to Boolean SAT Solvers
cl-sat.glucoseCL-SAT instance to Glucose state-of-the-art SAT solver. This downloads the later 2014 version (2nd in the 2014 SAT competition).
cl-sat.minisatCommon Lisp API to minisat
cl-scramCommon lisp library to implement SCRAM-SHA1 SASL mechanism.
cl-scribdCommong Lisp Client for the Scribd API.
cl-scriptingUtilities to help in writing scripts in CL
cl-scrobblerA library for scrobbling to
cl-scsuAn implementation of ‘Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode’.
cl-secp256k1FFI findings for secp256k1 library(MIT)
cl-seleniumcl-selenim-webdriver is a binding library to the Selenium 2.0
cl-semverSemantic Version implementation
cl-sendgridSend emails with the SendGrid API (MIT)
cl-sentimentA sentiment analysis library for Common Lisp.
cl-sentry-clientSentry client — MIT
cl-server-managerManage port-based servers (e.g., Swank and Hunchentoot) through a unified interface. (MIT)
cl-ses4AWS SES email sender using Signature Version 4 of Amazon’s API
cl-sha1SHA1 digest and HMAC for LispWorks
cl-shellwordsCommon Lisp port of Ruby’s shellwords.rb, for escaping andsplitting strings to be passed to a shell.
cl-simple-concurrent-jobsA simple API for running concurrent jobs and collecting the results
cl-simple-tableSimple in-memory tabular data structure and utility methods.
cl-singleton-mixinprovides singleton-mixin class.
cl-skip-listConcurrent lock-free skip list. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-skkservskkserv with Common Lisp
cl-sliceDSL for array slices in Common Lisp.
cl-slpCommon Lisp OpenSLP package
cl-slugSmall library to make slugs, mainly for URIs, from english and beyond.
cl-slugifyconverts a string into a slug representation. (unlicense)
cl-smt-libSMT object supporting SMT-LIB communication over input and output streams
cl-smtpCommon Lisp smtp client.
cl-soilA thin binding over which allows easy loading of images
cl-soloudBindings to SoLoud, a multi-platform, multi-backend, minimal dependencies sound mixing and output library.
cl-sophiaHigh-level API for Sophia key-value storage
cl-sparkCL-Spark generates sparkline string for a list of the numbers.CL-spark is a Common Lisp implementation of Zach Holman’s `spark’ andGil Gonçalves’ `vspark’ with little extention. * spark: * vspark: * cl-spark: Comments by 40ants here.
cl-sparqlSPARQL query builder for Common Lisp
cl-speedy-queuecl-speedy-queue is a portable, non-consing, optimized queue implementation. (MIT) Comments by 40ants here.
cl-spidevA library for the Linux SPIDEV kernel module as used on hobby kits such as the Raspberry Pi
clsqlCommon Lisp SQL Interface library
clsql-aodbcCommon Lisp SQL AODBC Driver
clsql-cffiCLSQL using CFFI-UFFI-COMPAT interface
clsql-fluidCommon Lisp SQL Fluid Connection Pools
clsql-helperA library providing a clutch of utilities to make working with clsql easier
clsql-helper-slot-coercerA library providing a single overwritde of (setf slot-value-using-class) so that obvious type coercions occur when setting slots on clsql:standard-db-objects USE CAUTION, LOADING SYSTEM WILL CHANGE THE SEMANTICS OF CLSQL:VIEW-CLASS (slightly, and probably in a good way)
clsql-local-timeAllows the use of local-time:timestamp objects in CLSQL models and queries
clsql-mysqlCommon Lisp SQL MySQL Driver
clsql-odbcCommon Lisp SQL ODBC Driver
clsql-postgresqlCommon Lisp PostgreSQL API Driver
clsql-postgresql-socketCommon Lisp SQL PostgreSQL Socket Driver
clsql-postgresql-socket3Common Lisp SQL PostgreSQL Socket Driver
clsql-sqliteCommon Lisp SQLite Driver
clsql-sqlite3Common Lisp Sqlite3 Driver
clsql-uffiCommon UFFI Helper functions for Common Lisp SQL Interface Library
clssA DOM tree searching engine based on CSS selectors. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-ssdbSSDB client for Common Lisp.
cl-ssh-keysCommon Lisp system for generating and parsing of OpenSSH keys (BSD 2 Clause)
cl+sslCommon Lisp interface to OpenSSL.
cl-statsdStatsd client in Common Lisp
cl-steamworksA wrapper for the Valve SteamWorks API.
cl-stopwatchTiming and clocking in Common Lisp.
cl-storeSerialization package. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-streamStream classes for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-strftimeCommon Lisp compiler for the strftime language.
cl-string-completeSimple string completion in Common Lisp.
cl-string-generatorGenerate string from regular expression (MIT)
cl-string-matchProvides implementations of the standard sub-string search (stringmatching) algorithms: brute-force, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp, etc.
cl-stringsA set of utilities for manipulating strings in CL.
cl-svgProduce Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-swaggercode generator for swagger
cl-sxmlSXML parsing for Common Lisp
cl-syntaxReader Syntax Coventions for Common Lisp and SLIME
cl-syntax-annotCL-Syntax Reader Syntax for cl-annot
cl-syntax-anonfunCL-Syntax Reader Syntax for cl-anonfun
cl-syntax-clsqlCL-Syntax Reader Syntax for CLSQL
cl-syntax-debug-printCL-Synax reader system for cl-debug-print
cl-syntax-fare-quasiquotecl-syntax support for fare-quasiquote
cl-syntax-interpolCL-Syntax Reader Syntax for CL-INTERPOL
cl-syntax-lsxCL-Synax reader system for LSX
cl-syntax-markupCL-Syntax Reader Syntax for CL-Markup
cl-sysexitsExit codes defined in sysexits.h — BSD-3-Clause
cl-syslogCommon Lisp syslog interface.
cl-tableHierarchical tables in Lisp
cl-tarA high level interface for tar archives MIT
cl-tar-fileA system for reading and writing physical entries from/to tar files. BSD-style (
cltclEmbed Tcl/Tk scripts in Common Lisp
cl-telebotCommon Lisp Telegram Bot API
cl-telegram-botTelegram Bot API, based on sovietspaceship’s work but mostly rewritten. (MIT)
cl-templateA simple output-agnostic templating system for Common Lisp.
cl-termboxBindings for termbox library, a minimalistic library for building text-mode applications without curses
cl-tesseractCFFI bindings to the Tesseract OCR library.
cl-tetris3dYet another 3D Tetris clone
cl-textmagicCommon lisp implementation of TextMagic API to send SMS
cl-tgaDescribe cl-tga here
cl-threadpoolImplementation of a thread pool
cl-tidyFFI bindings for HTML Tidy
cl-tiledTiled ( Loader
cl-tkMinimal bridge to Tcl/Tk
cl-tldExtracts the TLD(Top Level Domain) from domain
cl-tlsAn implementation of the Transport Layer Security Protocols — BSD-3-Clause
cl-tomlTOML v0.4.0 parser and encoder
cl-tqdmSimple And Fast Progress Bar Library for Common Lisp (MIT)
cl-transducersErgonomic, efficient data processing. (LGPL-3.0-only)
cl-transitTransit library for Common Lisp (MIT)
clog-collectionA set of CLOG Plugins (MIT)
clohostA client library for the Cohost API (zlib)
cl-trieCommon Lisp implementation of Trie data structure.
cl-trivial-clockCommon Lisp library to get accurate wall-clock times on multiple platforms (MIT)
cl-tuiHigh-level library for making Text User Interfaces. Comments by 40ants here
cl-tulip-graphA graph generator that produces files readable by Tulip graph visualizer
cl-tuplesExperimental Tuple Types Facade
cl-twit-replAn interface to Twitter
cl-twitterAn interface to Twitter
cl-typesettingCommon Lisp Typesetting system
clufferLibrary providing a protocol for text-editor buffers.
cl-uglify-jsJavaScript compressor/beautifier on top of PARSE-JS
clumpLibrary for operations on different kinds of trees
cl-unacbindings for lib unac(3). (unlicense)
cl-unicodePortable Unicode Library
cl-unificationThe CL-UNIFICATION system.The system contains the definitions for the ‘unification’ machinery.
cl-union-findAn implementation of UNION-FIND datastructure — LGPL
clunit2CLUnit is a Common Lisp unit testing framework.
cl-unix-socketsUNIX Domain socket (Apache License, Version 2.0)
cl-unix-socketsMost major Lisp implementations don’t come with any in-built support for UNIX sockets. This is a simple library that provides a reasonable implementation using FFI.
clusterA set of utilities for Common Lisp, including a full prototype system (MIT) (removed quicklisp update of 2 February 2023)
clustered-intsetImplements a non-negative keyed set of integers favoring clustered keys.(MIT)
clustersCluster algorithms in CL, for CL. — BSD simplified
cl-utilitiesThis is a yet another utilities library. Comments by 40ants here.
cl-utilsGrammaTech utilities
clutterCluttering classes and slots with annotations/decorators/attributes metadata
cl-variatesPortable Common Lisp Random Number Generation.
cl-vectorscl-paths: vectorial paths manipulation
cl-veqreasonably fast operations for 1d, 2d, 3d vectors and arrays of vectors. MIT
cl-vhdlMy attempt to understand VHDL, and basicly make VHDL with Lisp-macro
cl-videoVideo decoder core implemented in Common Lisp
cl-video-aviAVI MJPEG/PCM module of CL-VIDEO
cl-video-gifAnimated GIF module of CL-VIDEO
cl-video-playerVideo decoder implemented in Common Lisp
cl-video-wavWAV decoding module of CL-VIDEO
cl-virtualboxControl VirtualBox from Common Lisp
cl-voipmsCommon Lisp HTTP api client to the api. — BSD
cl-vorbisBindings to stb_vorbis, a simple and free OGG/Vorbis decoding library
cl-voxelizeConvert polygon models into voxel models for particle-based physics simulation.
cl-wadler-pprintAn implementation of A Prettier Printer in Common Lisp.
cl-wavReads Wave Audio File Format, WAV files.
cl-wave-file-writerA wave file writer (MIT)
cl-wavefrontA library to parse the Wavefront OBJ file format. (zlib)
cl-waveletsWavelet transform library
cl-waylandlibwayland bindings for Common Lisp
cl-weather-jpGet weather in Japan
clwebA literate programming system for Common Lisp
cl-webdavA WebDAV server written in Common Lisp
cl-webdriver-clientBinding library to Selenium 4.0
cl-webkitcl-webkit is a binding to [WebKitGTK+] for Common Lisp, currently targeting WebKit version 2. The WebKitGTK+ library adds web browsing capabilities to an application, leveraging the full power of the WebKit browsing engine.
cl-webmachineHTTP Semantic Awareness on top of Hunchentoot (MIT)
cl-who(X)HTML generation macros. Comments by 40ants here
cl-why(X)HTML generation macros
cl-withWITH- group with- macros, allocate objects and rebind slots
cl-wolCLI built on top of the cl-wol.core system BSD 2-Clause
cl-wordcutWord segmentation tools for ASEAN languages written in Common Lisp
clwsCLWS implement the WebSocket Protocol as described byRFC6455[1] (as well as some older drafts implemented by recentbrowsers [2][3][4][5]). Only a WebSockets server implementation isprovided.[1][2][3][4][5]
clxAn implementation of the X Window System protocol in Lisp. standards handling
cl-xkbCommon Lisp wrapper for libxkb
cl-xkeysymHuman readable mappings of xkeysym values.
cl-xmlspamStreaming pattern matching for XML
cl-xmppCommon Lisp XMPP client implementation
cl-xmpp-saslCommon Lisp XMPP client implementation with SASL support
cl-xmpp-tlsCommon Lisp XMPP client implementation with TLS+SASL support
cl-xulMozilla XUL bindings
cl-yaclyamlYet Another Common Lisp YaML processor.
cl-yahoo-financeCL interface to Yahoo’s finance API
cl-yamlA YAML parser and emitter.
cl-yesqlCommon Lisp library for using SQL.
cl-yxorpA reverse proxy server that supports WebSocket, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP to HTTPS redirecting, port and host forwarding configuration using a real programming language, HTTP header and body manipulation (also using a real programming language).
cl-zipperAn implementation of functional zippers for Common Lisp (MIT Expat)
cl-zstdis a Common Lisp library for Zstandard compression/decompression using bindings to the libzstd C library.
cmake-parserA cmake script parser.
cmdA utility for running external programs (MIT)
cmu-infixMathematical infix notation for Common Lisp.
coaltonAn efficient, statically typed functional programming language that supercharges Common Lisp. (MIT)
cocoasA toolkit library to help deal with CoreFoundation, Cocoa, and objc (zlib)
codata-recommended-valuesCODATA recommended values of physical constants.
codexA documentation system for Common Lisp. See 40ants comments here
codex-templatesTemplates for Codex.
coleslawFlexible Lisp Blogware
collectorsA library providing various collector type macros pulled from arnesi into its own library and stripped of dependencies
colleenIRC bot with a modular framework.
colliflowerGeneric interfaces for collections and iterators.
coloredSystem for colour representation, conversion, and operation. (zlib)
colorizeA Syntax highlighting library
com.clearly-useful.generic-collection-interfacegeneric collection interfaces for common lisp
com.clearly-useful.iterate+iterate extensions for the sequence and iterator protocols
com.clearly-useful.iterator-protocolA simple iterator protocol for Common Lisp.
com.clearly-useful.protocolsSimple protocol implementation for Common Lisp inspired by clojure.
com.danielkeogh.graphA fast an reliable graph library. (MIT)
com.elbeno.curveA library for modulating curves onto curves.
com.elbeno.vectorA simple package to do 2D vector math.
com.gigamonkeys.binary-dataLibrary for reading and writing binary data.
com.gigamonkeys.jsonLibrary for reading and writing JSON-formatted data.
com.gigamonkeys.macro-utilitiesA few standard macro-writing macros. Deprecated. Use Alexandria instead.
com.gigamonkeys.markupLibrary for parsing Markup-formatted text.
com.gigamonkeys.parserParser generator, loosely based on Henry Baker’s META paper.
com.gigamonkeys.pathnamesLibrary to smooth over some implementation differences in treatment of pathnames.
com.gigamonkeys.utilitiesPeter Seibel’s collection of ‘utilities’. useful Lisp code. Comments by 40ants here. command line flag parsing.
command-line-argumentssmall library to deal with command-line arguments
common-docA framework for representing and manipulating documents as CLOS objects.
common-doc-contribSystem to load all CommonDoc contrib systems.
common-doc-gnuplotRender gnuplot plots.
common-doc-graphvizGraphviz macro for CommonDoc.
common-doc-includeIncluding external files into CommonDoc documents.
commondoc-markdownConverter from Markdown to CommonDoc.
common-doc-plumpTranslate a Plump DOM into a CommonDoc document and back.
common-doc-split-paragraphsAutomatically generate paragraphs by splitting text nodes.
common-doc-texTeX math macros for CommonDoc.
common-htmlAn HTML parser/emitter for CommonDoc.
common-lisp-jupyterA Common Lisp kernel for Jupyter along with a library for building Jupyter kernels. Comments by 40ants here.
com-onUtilities for dealing with COM interfaces. (zlib)
compatible-metaclassesValidates superclasses according to a simple substitution model, thereby greatly simplifying the definition of class mixins. (Unlicense)
compiler-macro-notesProvides a macro and some conditions for use within macros and compiler-macros.
computable-realsComputable real numbers.
concrete-syntax-treeLibrary for parsing Common Lisp code into a concrete syntax tree.
confSimple configuration file manipulator for projects.
configuration.optionsAn extensible configuration system that supports multiple option sources.
coniumConium is a portability library for debugger- and compiler-related tasks in Common Lisp.
consfiguratorLisp declarative configuration management system
consixLispy Qix-like game in 7 days
constantfoldUser-defined constant folding facility. Comments by 40ants here.
contextlContextL is a CLOS extension for Context-oriented Programming (COP).
context-liteA CLOS extension to support specializing methods on special/dynamic variables.
convolution-kernelAn implementation of a kernel useful for convolution-like cellular transformations across a grid.(MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
copy-directoryCopy a directory.
core-readerUtilities for stream oriented reader. (MIT)
coronaIsolated, reproducible virtual development environments. - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
courierAn email marketing service for Radiance
coverCode coverage utility for Common Lisp
cqlclCQLv2 binary protocol
craneAn ORM for Common Lisp.
cricketA library for generating and manipulating coherent noise
croatoanHigh-level Lisp CLOS bindings for the ncurses terminal library.
cryptCommon-Lisp implementation of unix crypt function
crypto-shortcutsShorthand functions for common cryptography tasks such as hashing, encrypting, and encoding. Comments by 40ants here.
cserial-portlibrary for serial communication inspired by lispworks’ serial-port. Comments by 40ants here.
css-litecss-lite is a library for generating CSS from an s-exp based syntax.
css-selectorsAn implementation of css selectors
css-selectors-simple-treeAn implementation of css selectors that interacts with cl-html5-parser’s simple-tree
css-selectors-stpAn implementation of css selectors that interacts with cxml-stp
csvRead CSV into lists natively. Convert CSV into lists dangerously.
csv-parserCSV parsing/writing utilities, a la Microsoft Excel
csv-validatorValidates tabular CSV data using predefined validations, similar to its Python counterpart ‘Great Expectations’. — BSD-3
ctypeAn implementation of the Common Lisp type system.
cubic-bezierA library for constructing and evaluating cubic Bézier curve paths.
cue-parserA library for parsing audio CUE files
curlyReader macros for easy function currying and composition.
curry-compose-reader-macrosreader macros for concise function partial application and composition
cxmlClosure XML - a Common Lisp XML parser
cxml-domBackward compatibility for downstream systems using the name
cxml-klacksBackward compatibility for downstream systems using the name
cxml-rpcAn XML-RPC interface for Common Lisp
cxml-stpA data structure for well-formed XML documents, inspired by XOM but designed for Common Lisp.
cxxCommon Lisp Cxx Interoperation
cytoscape-cljA cytoscape widget for Common Lisp Jupyter. (MIT)
daemonProcess daemonization for some common lisp.
damn-fast-priority-queueA heap-based priority queue whose first and foremost priority is speed. (MIT) and formatting email addresses (RFC 5322 compliant)
darts.lib.hashtrieHash-based trie structure
darts.lib.message-packImplementation of the message pack exchange format
darts.lib.sequence-metricsProvides various distance metrics on sequences
darts.lib.toolsMore or less useful utilities
darts.lib.uuidSimple library to handle UUID values
darts.lib.wbtreeWeight-balanced binary tree
database-migrationsSystem to version the database in roughly the same way rails migrations work. Differences are that only one database is really supported (but hacking around that is trivial) and that migrations are not needed to be stored in separate files.
dataflyLightweight database library.
data-format-validationValidation and conversion between user and internal data.
data-frameData frames for Common Lisp
data-lenstests for the transducers
dataloaderA universal loader library for various data formats for images/audio (LLGPL)
datamuseCommon Lisp library for accessing the Datamuse word-finding API
data-siftDATA-SIFT is a Common Lisp data validation and transformation library. Inspired by cl-data-format-validation and WTForms validators.
data-tableA library providing a data-table class, and useful functionality around this. Comments by 40ants here.
data-table-clsqlA library providing a data-table class, and useful functionality around this
date-calcPackage for simple date calculation
datum-commentsdatum # (comments) for common lisp
db3DB3 file reader
dbd-mysqlDatabase driver for MySQL.
dbd-postgresDatabase driver for PostgreSQL. (uses cl-postgres)
dbd-sqlite3Database driver for SQLite3.
dbiDatabase independent interface for Common Lisp
dbi-cpconnection pool for CL-DBI
db-introspectA simple administration interface to interact with Radiance’s database.
dbusA D-BUS client library for Common Lisp
dctDiscrete cosine transform.
decimalsDecimal number parser and formatter
deedsDeeds Extensible Event Delivery System. Comments by 40ants here
defclass-stdA shortcut macro to write DEFCLASS forms quickly. Comments by 4ants here.
defconfigA configuration system for user exposed variables
defenumThe DEFENUM facility provides C++ and Java styled ‘enum’ in Common Lisp.
deferredA simple library allowing you to write code using deferred libraries.
define-json-expanderSmall facility for converting between JSON and CLOS
definerA DEF macro for Common Lisp. The DEFINER library adds a simple macro DEF to Common Lisp that replaces the various ‘def*’ forms in the language. It is a simple hack, but it adds some elegance to the language. Of course, it comes with its own way to be extended.
definitionsGeneral definitions reflection library.
definitions-systemsProvides a simple unified extensible way of processing named definitions.
deflateDeflate Decompression Library
defmainA wrapper around net.didierverna.clon which makes command line arguments parsing easier. Comments by 40ants here.
defmemoMemoizing defun
defpackage-plusExtensible DEFPACKAGE with version support
defrecA library for defining top-level mutually recursive functions.
defrestdefrest: expose functions as REST webservices for ajax or other stuff
defstardefstar: macros allowing easy inline type declarations forvariables and and function return values.
defsystem-compatibilityMake many defsystems look the same!
defvariantVariants in Common Lisp.
deloreanDelorean is a time machine for unit tests
delta-debugimplementation of delta debugging in common lisp
de-mock-racySimplistic mocking library. — BSD simplified
dendriteMaster package for all dendrite packages
dendrite.micro-l-systemTiniest L-System
dendrite.primitivesGenerates mesh data for primitives
dense-arraysNumpy like array objects for Common Lisp(MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
deoxybyte-gzipThis system provides gzip and gunzip functions and a Gray-streams implementation, both built on a set of lower-level zlib functions.
deoxybyte-ioThe deoxybyte-io system is a selection of utility code focused on transfer of data between Lisp and its environment.
deoxybyte-systemstools for managing Common Lisp systems in batch mode and from the REPL.
deoxybyte-unixThe deoxybyte-unix system provides access to Unix functions via CFFI.
deoxybyte-utilitiesThe deoxybyte-utilities system provides general purpose utilities.
deployTools to aid in the deployment of a fully standalone application. Comments by 40ants here.
deployTools to aid in the deployment of a fully standalone application.
depotProtocolo for transparent collections of files
deptreeASDF systems dependency listing and archiving tool for Common Lisp (MIT)
descriptionsA domain model meta level description library
descriptions.serializationThe {} descriptions serialization module
descriptions.validationThe {} descriptions validation module
destructuring-bind-starDESTRUCTURING-BIND with proper error signaling
dexadorYet another HTTP client for Common Lisp
dfioCommon Lisp library for reading and writing data-frame data.
decompressA defensive and fast Deflate decompressor in pure CL. (MIT)
diffDIFF is a package for computing various forms of differences between blobs of data and then doing neat things with those differences.
diff-match-patchA Common Lisp port of Neil Fraser’s library of the same name
dirtA front-end for cl-soil which loads images straight to cepl:c-arrays and cepl:textures
disposableDispose function and with-disposable macro
dissectA lib for introspecting the call stack and active restarts.
distributionsRandom numbers and distributions — MS-PL
djulaAn implementation of Django templates for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
djula-demoDemo of the Djula template system
dlistAn implementation of the doubly-linked list in Common Lisp.
dmlDiagram Make Language for common lisp
dns-clientA client for the DNS protocol. (zlib)
docbrowserWeb-based Common Lisp documentation browser
docparserParse documentation from Common Lisp systems.
docs-builderA meta documentation builder for Common Lisp projects.
documentation-templateTemplates for preparing html documentation for Common Lisp libraries.
documentation-utilsA few simple tools to help you with documenting your library.
documentation-utils-extensionsSet of extensions for documentation-utils.
docutilsDocument utilities and Restructured text parser
donutsGraph DSL for common lisp
doplusDO+ (doplus) is a high-level, extensible iteration construct for Common Lisp with a reasonably simple implementation, which in particular does not use a code walker. Comments by 40ants here.
doplus-fsetIntegration of FSet collections in doplus.
dotenvEase pain with working with .env files.(MIT)
doubly-linked-listAn implementation of the doubly linked list data structure.(MIT)
do-urlencodePercent Encoding (aka URL Encoding) library
drakmaFull-featured http/https client based on usocket
drakma-asyncAn asynchronous port of the Drakma HTTP client.
draw-cons-treeMakes and ascii picture of a cons tree
dsmDestructuring match — MIT
dso-lexDavid Owen’s lexical utilities.
dso-utilDavid Owen’s utilities.
dufyColor library for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here
dungenA procedural dungeon generator.(MIT)
duologueHigh-level user interaction library for Common Lisp
dweetA client for Common Lisp
dynamic-arrayAn optimized 1-dimensional array of fixnums that automatically re-adjusts in size.(MIT)
dynamic-classesDynamically create CLOS classes as a mixin composition. Mixins are choosen depending on parameters given to the constructor. Comments by 40ants here
dynamic-collectA library for dynamic, continuable, and abortable collection.
dynamic-mixinsSimple dynamic class mixing without manual permutations. See 40ants comments here
dynamic-windThe dynamic-wind part of ContextL as a separate independent system definition.
eager-future2Parallel programming library providing the futures/promises synchronization mechanism
easingEasing functions.
easing-demoEasing functions demo.
easter-gaussCalculate the Ester date from year using the method developed from Gauss.(MIT)
easy-audioA pack of audio decoders for FLAC, WavPack and other formats
easy-bindEasy-bind - easy local binding for Common Lisp
easy-macrosAn easier way to write 90% of your macros — Apache License, Version 2.0
easy-routesYet another routes handling utility on top of Hunchentoot
easy-routes+djulaeasy-routes url generator for Djula templates
easy-routes+errorsBetter error pages and logs for easy-routes
eazy-documentationOne-shot solution to the CL documentation generator.
eazy-gnuplotAn intuitive CL interface to gnuplot.
eazy-processYet Another Portable Library for Process Handling / Subshell Invokation
eazy-projectGenerate and Manage a Project
eazy-project.autoloadGenerate and Manage Projects. This system imports a symbol ! to CL-USER package.
ec2Common Lisp EC2 Package
ec2-price-finderQuickly find the cheapest EC2 instance that you need across regions
ecclesiaUtilities for parsing Lisp code. (MIT)
eclecticse.iso-8601-dateMiscellaneous date routines based around ISO-8601 representation.
eclecticse.slk-581Generate Australian Government SLK-581 codes.
eclectorA portable, extensible Common Lisp reader.
eclector-concrete-syntax-treeReading into concrete syntax tree objects.
ecoFast, flexible, designer-friendly templates. Comments by 40ants here.
edit-distanceCompute edit distance between sequences.
elb-logELB log manager for Common Lisp
electron-toolsDownload, extract, and run Electron binaries.
elfCommon Lisp library for manipulation of ELF files.
enchantProgramming interface for Enchant spell-checker library
enchant-autoloadProgramming interface for Enchant spell-checker library (autoload Enchant)
enhanced-booleanProvides a canonical way of converting generalized booleans to booleans.
enhanced-defclassProvides a truly extensible version of DEFCLASS that can accurately control the expansion according to the metaclass and automatically detect the suitable metaclass by analyzing the DEFCLASS form.
enhanced-eval-whenenhanced-eval-when provides an enhanced EVAL-WHEN macro that supports (eval-when t …) as a shorthand for (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) …), addressing concerns about verbosity. An ENHANCED-EVAL-WHEN alias is also supported, as well as an EVAL-ALWAYS macro and package nickname, for good measure.
enhanced-find-classProvides a canonical way of converting class designators to classes. (Unlicense)
enhanced-multiple-value-bindProvides an enhanced MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND macro that adds support for lambda keywords by expanding to a MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL when necessary. This makes catching multiple-value &rest and &key much more lightweight and convenient. A MULTIPLE-VALUE-&BIND alias is supported.
enhanced-typepObsoletes all TYPEP thin wrappers. (Unlicense)
enhanced-unwind-protectProvides an enhanced UNWIND-PROTECT that makes it easy to detect whether the protected form performed a non-local exit or returned normally. (Unlicense)
enumerationsThe CL-ENUMERATIONS project contains a Common LispJava-like enumeration/iteration library and protocol. Most basicCommon Lisp types are handled.The project page can be found at
envyConfiguration switcher by an environment variable.
eosUNMAINTAINED fork of 5AM, a test framework
epigraphA library for representing and processing graphs (nodes and edges)
epmdErlang Port Mapper Daemon client
equalsGeneric Equality and Comparison for Common Lisp
erjoalgo-webutilFramework for defining [oauth] http api client & sever. — GPLv3
erlang-termErlang External Term Format
ernestineMusic Organizer
eruditeLiterate Programming System for Common Lisp
escalatorAn experimental object system for high-performance games.
escalator-benchAn experimental object system for high-performance games (benchmarks).
esrapA Packrat / Parsing Grammar / TDPL parser for Common Lisp.
esrap-liquidA Packrat / Parsing Grammar / TDPL parser for Common Lisp.
esrap-pegA wrapper around Esrap to allow generating Esrap grammars from PEG definitions
evlibev bindings
evaled-whenProvides a way of extracting and replicating the compile-time side-effects of forms. (Unlicense)
eventbusAn event bus in Common Lisp.
event-emitterEvent mechanism for Common Lisp objects
eventfdIOLib based eventfd bindings
event-glueA simple framework for event-based architectures.
eventsAn event planning system for Radiance.
everblocking-streamA stream that always blocks and never has data available.
evolevol - entrenched virtues of lisp / love reversed. Multi-purpose build system.
exit-hooksCall registered function when Common Lisp Exits.
exponential-backoffAn implementation of the exponential backoff algorithm
exscribeProgrammatically create HTML documents from a high-level syntax
ext-blogA BLOG engine which supports custom theme
extended-realsExtended real numbers for Common Lisp.
extensible-compound-typesEXTENSIBLE-COMPOUND-TYPES for user-defined compound-types like (array &optional element-type dimension-spec)(MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
extensible-optimizing-coerce`extensible-optimizing-coerce` primarily provides a `extensible-optimizing-coerce:coerce` function intended as an extensible alternative to `cl:coerce`. (MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
f2clF2CL: Fortran to Lisp converter
f2cl-asdfASDF support for F2CL
fact-baseSimple implementation of fact-base data storage for Common Lisp
factory-alienFactory alien is a library for generating fixture data for testing applications. MIT
fakenilProvides a canonical stand-in for NIL for contexts where NIL means \
fare-csvRobust CSV parser and printer
fare-memoizationmemoizing functions the correct, portable way. Comments by 40ants here.
fare-mopUtilities using the MOP notably make informative pretty-printing trivial
fare-quasiquotePortable, matchable implementation of quasiquote
fare-quasiquote-extrasfare-quasiquote plus extras
fare-quasiquote-optimafare-quasiquote extension for optima
fare-quasiquote-readtableUsing fare-quasiquote with named-readtable
fare-scriptsVarious small programs that I write in CL in lieu of shell scripts
fare-utilsBasic functions and macros, interfaces, pure and stateful datastructures
fast-httpA fast HTTP protocol parser in Common Lisp
fast-ioAlternative I/O mechanism to a stream or vector
fast-mpsc-queueMulti-Producer Single-Consumer queue implementation. (MIT)
fast-websocketOptimized WebSocket protocol parser
feederRSS, Atom and general feed parsing and generating (zlib)
femlispFemlisp is a FEM (finite element method) framework for the solution of partial differential equations. It is written entirely in Common Lisp which allows for interactive use and a very high flexibility.
fftCommon lisp FFT library
fiascoA Common Lisp test framework that treasures your failures, logical continuation of Stefil.
file-attributesAccess to file attributes (uid, gid, atime, mtime, mod) (zlib)
fileboxSimple file storage for Radiance
file-finderFile finder. Enable rapid file search, inspection and manipulation. (GPL3+)
file-local-variableFile-local variable independent from ASDF
file-lockFile lock library on POSIX systems (MIT)
file-notifyAccess to file change and access notification.
file-selectA library to invoke the native file selection dialogs to open or save files.
filesystem-utilsA collection of utilities for filesystem interaction. — zlib
file-typesSimple scheme to classify file types in a hierarchical fashion.
filtered-functionsFiltered functions provide an extension of generic function invocation that add a simple preprocessing step before the actual method dispatch is performed and thus enable the use of arbitrary predicates for selecting and applying methods.
filter-makerCLIM program for letting users make filters out of predicates and keys. — BSD 2-Clause
find-portFind open ports programmatically. Comments by 40ants here.
finite-state-machineAn intuitive implementation of a finite state machine.
firephpFirePHP debug utility
first-time-valueReturns the result of evaluating a form in the current lexical and dynamic context the first time it’s encountered, and the cached result of that computation on subsequent evaluations.
fiveamA simple regression testing framework
fiveam-asdfLibrary to integrate FiveAM testing with ASDF TEST-OP and TEST-SYSTEM
fiveam-matchersAn extensible matchers library for FiveAM — Apache License, Version 2.0
fixedA fixed-point number type.
flacCFFI interface to libFLAC
flac-metadataA utility for reading metadata embedded in FLAC audio files. REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
flareEasy particle systems with fine grained control.
flat-treeA flat-tree implementation in Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here
flexichainA [protocol allowing client code to dynamically add elements to, and deleteelements from a sequence (or chain) of such elements
flexi-streamsFlexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp
float-featuresA portability library for IEEE float features not covered by the CL standard.
floating-point-contractionsNumerically stable contractions of floating-point operations.
flowA flowchart and generalised graph library.
fluteA beautiful, easilly composable HTML5 generation library
fmarshaldump and load objects
fmcsFlavors Meta-Class System (FMCS) for Demonic Metaprogramming in Common Lisp, an alternative to CLOS+MOP, restored from the CMU AI Repository. (MIT)
fmtExtensible format-like facility
fnSome macros for lambda brevity
fofEnable rapid file search, inspection and manipulation
foliofolio is a set of modules that make some functional programming idioms more convenient for use in Common Lisp.
folio2the folio2 umbrella system
folio2-asuniform tools for converting values from one type to another
folio2-as-syntaxreader syntax for type conversions
folio2-boxeswrapping values in mutable containers
folio2-functionstools for working with functions as values
folio2-functions-syntaxsyntax for working with functions as values
folio2-makeuniform tools for constructing arbitrary values
folio2-mapstools for working with finite maps
folio2-maps-syntaxreader syntax for maps
folio2-pairstools for working with pairs of values
folio2-sequencesoperations on sequences of values
folio2-sequences-syntaxreader syntax for sequences
folio2-seriesoperations on (possibly unbounded) series of values
folio2-tapstools for treating objects as streams of values
font-discoveryFind system font files matching a font spec. See 40ants comments here
forAn extensible iteration macro library.
foreign-arrayA library providing access to foreign (i.e., C) arrays.
format-string-builderA DSL wrapping cl:format’s syntax with something more lispy.
form-fiddleA collection of utilities to destructure lambda forms.
formletsValidating formlets for Hunchentoot
fprogFunctional programming utilities: iteration over immutable lists sharing identical sublists.
fredLisp Interface to Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED®)
freebsd-ffiA small, but growing collection of syscall and base install library FFI wrappers for FreeBSD. (BSD2) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
freebsd-sysctlSysctl kernel control mechanism for common lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
freesoundA client for
fresnelBidirectional translation with lenses
frouteAn Http routing class that takes advantage of the MOP
frpcAn ONC-RPC implementation.
frpcgenA protocol compiler for frpc.
fsetA functional set-theoretic collections library.See:
fsocketFranks socket API(MIT)
fsvdSimon Funk’s quasi SVD
fs-watcherFilesystem watcher for changes
ftpFTP library
fucc-generatorCompile-time LL and LR/LALR parser generator
fucc-parserLL and LR/LALR parser runtime system
functional-treesTree data structure supporting functional manipulation
function-cacheA Simple Caching Layer for functions. Comments by 40ants here
function-cache-clsqlA Simple Caching Layer for functions
f-underscorea tiny library of functional programming utils placed into the public domain.the idea is to make functional programs shorter and easier to read without resortingto syntax [like arc’s square bracket unary function syntax]
fundsportable, purely functional data structures in Common Lisp
fuzzy-datesA library to fuzzily parse date strings (zlib)
fuzzy-matchFrom a string input and a list of candidates, return the most relevant candidates first. (MIT)
fxmlBridge HTML5 and FXML
gadgetsBen McGunigle’s utility collection (Apache v. 2)
garbage-poolsGARBAGE-POOLS is Common Lisp re-implementation of the APR Pools for resource management.
gcmGoogle Cloud Messaging (GCM) library for Common Lisp
gecoGECO is an extensible, object-oriented framework for prototyping genetic algorithms in Common Lisp. (GPL 2.0)
gendl aka devoGendl® is a Generative Programming and Knowledge Based Engineering framework.
general-accumulatorA general-purpose, extensible value accumulator
generalized-referenceGeneralized reference over structured data by pairwise reduction of arbitrary place identifiers for Common Lisp.(MIT)
generatorsA common lisp package providing python style generators based on delimited continuations
generic-clStandard Common Lisp functions implemented using generic functions.
generic-cl.utilUtilities implemented on top of GENERIC-CL
generic-comparabilityCDR-8 implementation
generic-sequencesGeneric sequences for Common Lisp.
generic-sequences-contGeneric sequence comprehension for Common Lisp.
generic-sequences-iterateIteration of generic sequences for Common Lisp.
generic-sequences-streamLazy streams for Common Lisp.
genevaCore of the Geneva document preparation system. Provides data structures and syntax sugar.
geneva-clCompile Geneva documents from Common Lisp on-inline documentation. Comments by 40ants here.
geneva-htmlRender Geneva documents as HTML.
geneva-latexRender Geneva documents as LaTeX manuscripts.
geneva-mk2Plain text markup language for the Geneva document preparation system.
geneva-plain-textRender Geneva documents as plain text.
geneva-texRender Geneva documents as TeX manuscripts.
genhashGeneric hashtable code
geodesicLibrary for geodesic calculations.
geowktGeo Well-known-text library
geowkt-updateLibrary to parse Geo Well-known-text and update thegeowkt library
getoptCommon Lisp library for parsing command-line arguments
gettextAn pure Common Lisp implementation of gettext runtime. gettext is an internationalization and localization (i18n) system commonly used for writing multilingual programs on Unix-like computer operating systems.
gfxmathA graphics math library.(MIT)
git-file-historyRetrieve a file’s commit history in Git.
github-api-clThe lite Github rest v3 api client SDK — Apache
glacierLightweight mastodon bot framework. Comments by 40ants here
glad-blobGLAD foreign library collection
glassGeneral Lisp Authentication and Security System API.
glawGame programming utilities
glfwAn up-to-date bindings library to the most recent GLFW OpenGL context management library (zlib)
glfw-blobGLFW foreign library collection
glisphGlyph rendering engine using OpenGL shading language
glkitVarious utilities for OpenGL
global-varsDefine efficient global variables. Comments by 40ants here
glopDirect FFI bindings for OpenGL window and context management
glsl-docsThe official docs for all the symbols in glsl-symbols
glsl-metadataA computer-readable representation of all versions of the OpenGL Shader Language specifications. (MIT)
glsl-packingcalculate std140/std430 layout for a glsl UBO/SSBO
glsl-specThe GLSL Spec as a datastructure
glsl-symbolsLispy versions of all glsl names as symbols
glsl-toolkitA library to parse and modify OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) source code
glu-tessellateA simple triangulation engine that wraps around GLU’s tessellation system.
glyphsGlyphs to reduce Common Lisp verbosity
golden-utilsA utility library. (MIT)
gooptestA microcontroller testing framework. (GPL 3)
gordonGordon is a library for generating Flash files programmatically. It supports a large subset of the Flash 7.0 specification. - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
graphsimple library for building and manipulating graphs
gravatarCommon Lisp bindings to the popular Gravatar service.
graylexGray lexer input streams. Comments by 40ants here.
graylogGraylog Lisp client
graylog-log5Log5 Graylog plugin
green-threadsA lightweight threading / cooperative multitasking library.
grid-formationSimple cellular grid formations and algorithms.(MIT)
group-byA Common Lisp library to help group data into trees (of variousformats) based on common/shared values
groupbygroupby: A higher order function named groupby as known from Scala. Comments by 40ants here.
grovel-locallyGrovel using cffi and cache the result locally to the system
gsllGNU Scientific Library for Lisp.
gtGrammaTech utilities.
gtirb-capstoneIntegration between GTIRB and the Capstone/Keystone libraries (MIT)
gtirb-functionsFunction objects over GTIRB (MIT)
gtk-tagged-streamsText I/O using streams for GTK text buffers, including tags for styling.
gtwiwtgLazy-ish iterators
gtypeC++/Julia-like parametric types in CL, based on CLtL2 extensions
guteGene’s personal kitchen sink library. (MIT)
gzip-streamgzip utilities
halftoneAn image viewer using Qtools
hamcrestA set of helpers to make your unittests more readable by using Hamcrest assertions.
harmonyA common lisp sound server and sound processing library.
hash-setAn implementation of the hash-set data structure.
hash-table-extTiny extensions for common lisp hash-tables.
hashtrieAn implementation of the Hash Trie datastructure, based on Clojure’s
hdf5-cffihdf5-cffi is a CFFI wrapper for the HDF5 library.
heapBinary Heap for Common Lisp.
helambdapThe HELambdaP System.
hemlock.base- Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
hemlock.clx- Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
hemlock.qt- Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
hemlock.tty- Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
hermeticSimple authentication for Clack-based Common Lisp web applications.
herodotusWrapper around Yason JSON parser/encoder with convenience methods for CLOS
hicclHTML generator for Common Lisp (MIT)
hh-awsCommon Lisp library for acessing the APIs of Amazon Web Services.
hh-redblackCommon Lisp implemention of red-black trees
hh-webbeginnings of a web application framework written in Lisp
history-treeStore the history of a browser’s visited paths. — BSD 3-Clause
hl7-clienthl7-client - send HL7-Messages over TCP/IP with MLLP
hl7-parserDecoder and Encoder for ER7 formatted HL7-Messages
hornerInline polynomial evaluation using Horner’s rule.
horse-htmlParenscript/HTML done better
houseCustom asynchronous HTTP server for the Deal project.
hsxHypertext S-expression (MIT)
html-encodeA library for encoding text in various web-savvy encodings.
html-entitiesA module for encoding and decoding HTML/XML/SGML entities.
html-templateA portable library for Common Lisp which can be used to fill templates with arbitrary (string) values at runtime.
ht-simple-ajaxsimple AJAX for Hunchentoot
http2HTTP2 protocol implementation(MIT)
http-bodyHTTP POST data parser for Common Lisp
http-get-cacheCommon Lisp library for caching HTTP GET responses
http-parseA library for parsing HTTP requests/responses (synchronous or asynchronous).
hu.dwim.asdfVarious ASDF extensions such as attached test and documentation system, explicit development support, etc. Comments by 40ants here
hu.dwim.bluezCommon Lisp FFI wrapper for libbluetooth, aka Bluez, which is a Linux Bluetooth stack.
hu.dwim.commonAn extended Common Lisp package to the general needs of other hu.dwim systems.
hu.dwim.common-lispA redefinition of the standard Common Lisp package that includes a number of renames and shadows.
hu.dwim.computed-classConstraint based change propagation for class slots, lexical variables, function return values and reified cells.
hu.dwim.debugVarious debug utilities such as lexical tracing, etc.
hu.dwim.defGeneral purpose, homogenous, extensible definer macro. Comments by 40ants here.
hu.dwim.defclass-starSimplify class like definitions with defclass* and friends.
hu.dwim.def.namespaceThread safe namespace (global hashtable) definer.
hu.dwim.delicoDelimited, interpreted shift-reset continuation.
hu.dwim.graphvizGraphviz layouting using CFFI bindings.
hu.dwim.loggerGeneric purpose logger utility.
hu.dwim.partial-evalExtensible partial evaluator.
hu.dwim.perecRDBMS based persistent CLOS, an object relational mapping (ORM).
hu.dwim.perec.allAll backends for hu.dwim.perec.
hu.dwim.perec.oracleOracle backend for hu.dwim.perec.
hu.dwim.perec.postgresqlPostgresql backend for hu.dwim.perec.
hu.dwim.perec.sqliteSqlite backend for hu.dwim.perec.
hu.dwim.presentationA component based GUI framework with a backend to present it using HTML and JavaScript.
hu.dwim.quasi-quoteQuasi quoted domain specific languages and transformations.
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.cssQuasi quote transformations for emitting CSS.
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.jsQuasi quote transformations for emitting JavaScript.
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.pdfQuasi quote transformations for emitting PDF.
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xmlQuasi quote transformations for emitting XML.
hu.dwim.rdbmsRelational database independent RDBMS and SQL abstractions.
hu.dwim.rdbms.allAll backends for hu.dwim.rdbms.
hu.dwim.rdbms.oracleOracle backend for hu.dwim.rdbms.
hu.dwim.rdbms.postgresqlPostgresql backend for hu.dwim.rdbms.
hu.dwim.rdbms.sqliteSqlite backend for hu.dwim.rdbms.
hu.dwim.reiterateIterator macro inspired by iterate.
hu.dwim.sdlCommon Lisp FFI wrapper for libSDL2.
hu.dwim.serializerGeneric serializer and deserializer.
hu.dwim.stefilA Simple Test Framework In Lisp.
hu.dwim.syntax-sugarVarious syntax extensions.
hu.dwim.utilVarious utilities, this is the most basic system that only introduce a small number of external dependencies.
hu.dwim.util+iolibIntegration of hu.dwim.util with iolib.
hu.dwim.walkerCommon Lisp form walker and unwalker (to and from CLOS instances). Comments by 40ants here.
hu.dwim.web-serverAn iolib based HTTP server.
hu.dwim.web-server.applicationApplication logic (sessions, etc) based on hu.dwim.web-server.
hu.dwim.web-server.websocketWebSocket extensions for hu.dwim.web-server.
hu.dwim.zlibCommon Lisp FFI wrapper for zlib, aka
huffmanHuffman encoding and decoding for Common Lisp.
humblerA Tumblr API interface
hunchenissrMake Interactive-Server-Side-Rendered web pages with declaritive and recursive programming.
hunchenissr-routesBetter routes to be used with Hunchenissr. - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
hunchensocketWebSockets for Hunchentoot
hunchentoolsHunchentoot utility library
hunchentootHunchentoot is a HTTP server based on USOCKET and BORDEAUX-THREADS. It supports HTTP 1.1, serves static files, has a simple framework for user-defined handlers and can be extended through subclassing.
hunchentoot-authImplements user authentication with passwords for the hunchentoot Common Lisp web server.
hunchentoot-cgiA library for executing CGI scripts from the hunchentoot webserver
hunchentoot-errorsAugments Hunchentoot error pages and logs with request and session information (MIT)
hunchentoot-multi-acceptorMultiple domain support under single hunchentoot acceptor
hunchentoot-single-signonImplementation of SPNEGO authentication for Hunchentoot
hunchentoot-stuck-connection-monitorMonitors hunchentoot connections and logs the connections stuck in the same state for a long time (due to slow or inactive clients and network stream timeouts that hunchentoot tries to utilize not working properly). Offers an option to shutdown the stuck connections sockets manually or automatically, thus unblocking the connection threads and preventing thread and socket leak. See edicl/hunchentoot#189 (BSD-2-Clause)
hyperlatticesGeneralized Lattice algebraic datatypes, incl., LATTICE, HYPERLATTICE, PROBABILISTIC-LATTICE, and PROBABILISTIC-HYPERLATTICE. (MIT)
hyperluminal-memHigh-performance serialization library, designed for untrusted data
hyperobjectCommon Lisp library providing Smart, linked objects using metaobject protocol
hyperspecA simple library for looking up common-lisp symbols in the hyperspec.
ia-hash-tableMain purpose is to be able to use strings as real keys but do gethash with symbols and vice versa.Can be useful for things like http headers parsing (no more intern leaks), json apis with/without tested on SBCL. Expected to work on Allegro, CCL and LW.Also provides nil safe dot syntax
iclendarAn iCalendar format lirbary.
iconviconv library for Common lisp
id3v2ID3v2 parser
identifier-poolA simple generational identification number allocator.(MIT)
idnaIDNA (international domain names) string encoding and decoding routines
ieee-floatsConvert floating point values to IEEE 754 binary representation
illogical-pathnamesMostly filesystem-position-independent pathnames.
illusionCustomize and manage Lisp parens reader
imageAn image-drawing with some drawing primitives
imagoImage manipulation library
immutable-structLibrary that encourage the use of functional programming + pattern matching
incf-clINCF CL is a library of convenience functions for Common Lisp
inclessA portable and extensible Common Lisp printer implementation (core) (BSD)
incognito-keywordsincognito-keywords introduces a new kind of keyword that looks just like any non-keyword symbol and allows safe usage of convenient but clashy symbol names by multiple libraries without conflicts through sharing. Some names that might benefit are (alist blist plist macro operator index &doc &decl &rest+ &destructure &ignored &ignorable).
incongruent-methodsMethods with incongruent lambda lists.
inferior-shellspawn local or remote processes and shell pipes
infix-dollar-readerInfix $ operator for reducing redundant parenthesis
infix-mathAn extensible infix syntax for math in Common Lisp.
infix-readerA reader macro to allow for infix syntax with { … } — Unlicence
inheriting-readersProvides a simple yet powerful value inheritance scheme.
injectionDependency injection for Common Lisp
inkwellAn API client for the Splatoon 2 Splatnet.
inlined-generic-functionMOP implementation of the fast inlinable generic functions dispatched in compile-time
inner-conditionalSeries of macros which optimizes out the inner conditional jumping
in-nomineUtilities for extensible namespaces in Common Lisp. LLGPL
inotifyInterface to linux inotify(7)
input-event-codesPort of all constants from input-event-codes.h from both Linux and FreeBSD — MIT
inquisitorEncoding/end-of-line detection and of external-format abstraction for Common Lisp
inquisitor-flexiInquisitor with flexi-streams support
inravinaA portable and extensible Common Lisp pretty printer. (MIT)
instance-trackingDefines a class that tracks its instances — MIT
integralObject Relational Mapper for Common Lisp
integral-restREST APIs for Integral DAO Table.
intel-hexA library to handle Intel HEX format.
interfaceA system for defining interfaces.
introspect-environmentSmall interface to portable but nonstandard introspection of CL environments.
invistraA portable and extensible Common Lisp FORMAT implementation (BSD)
iolibSyscalls and foreign types.
iolib.asdfA few ASDF component classes.
iolib.baseBase IOlib package, used instead of CL.
iolib.common-lispSlightly modified Common Lisp.
iolib.confCompile-time configuration for IOLib.
iolib.grovelThe CFFI Groveller
ip-interfacesQuery network interfaces on the local machine.
irc-loggerCommon Lisp daemon for logging IRC channels
ironcladA cryptographic toolkit written in pure Common Lisp
isolatedA isolated environment for Common Lisp code evaluation
issr-coreMake Interactive-Server-Side-Rendered web pages with declaritive and recursive programming.This is the core functionality is reusable for all server modules.
iterateJonathan Amsterdam’s iterator/gatherer/accumulator facility
iterate-clsqlExtension for iterate to support iterate over clsql queries
ixfTools to handle IBM PC version of IXF file format
jenkins.apiBindings for Jenkins’ REST API.
jingohDSL to notate specification, rather than test framework. (MIT)
jonathanHigh performance JSON encoder and decoder. Currently support: SBCL, CCL.
joseJSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) implementation. Comments by 40ants here.
journalA library for logging, tracing, testing and persistence. MIT, see COPYING.
jpeg-turbolibjpeg-turbo wrapper for Common Lisp
jpl-queuesA few different kinds of queues, with optional multithreading synchronization. (ISC License)
jpl-utilSundry utilities for J.P. Larocque.
jp-numeralA printer for Japanese numerals.
json-libA simple and relatively fast JSON parser and encoder — MIT
json-mopA metaclass for bridging CLOS and JSON
json-responsesCanned JSON responses for Hunchentoot
jsonrpcJSON-RPC 2.0 server/client implementation
json-schemaJSON schema validation LLGPL
json-streamsA stream based JSON parser/writer, well suited for higher as building block for higher level libraries.
json-templateAn implementation of a subset of the JSON Template language.
jsownFast JSON parsing library. Mainly geared torwards fetching only a few keys of many objects, but efficient for other types of content too
jsown-utilsUtilities for Common Lisp JSON library jsown(MIT)
js-parserJavascript parser written in common lisp
just-getopt-parserGetopt-like parser for command-line options and arguments
jwacsJavascript With Advanced Continuation Support
jzonA correct and safe(er) JSON RFC 8259 parser with sane defaults. — MIT
kaputtA Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp
kebabCommon Lisp string,symbol,keyword PascalCase <=> camelCase <=> snake_case <=> kebab-case(lisp-case) converter.
kekule-cljA Kekule widget for Common Lisp Jupyter (MIT)
kenzoA Symbolic Software for Effective Homology Computation by Francis Sergeraert
kdlclKDL reader/printer for common lisp (MIT) No Attribution
kdtree-jkKD-TREE package for searching for nearest neighbors in N points in in M-dimensions in N log(N) time. (MIT)
keyword-reviewsA simple review site allowing reviews of only a few words.
khazernA portable and extensible Common Lisp LOOP implementation (BSD)
kl-verifyA library to generate simple verify code picture
kmrclCollection of utility functions by Kevin Rosenberg. Comments by 40ants here.
knx-connKNXnet/IP implementation in Common Lisp (GPL3)
laapA Common Lisp multi-threaded event loop.
lackA minimal Clack. Comments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-accesslogLogging for Clack. Comments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-auth-basicComments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-backtraceThis middleware will output a backtrace and all request parameters to the stream or a file. Comments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-clack-errorsAlias for clack-errors
lack-middleware-csrfThis lack middleware provides some level of security for your webapp, preventing a CSRF attacks. It has a function csrf-html-tag which returns a hidden input element to embed into a form. Comments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-mountThis gives Clack the ability to route requests to different apps depending on the path. Comments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-sessionThis Clack middleware makes your app stateful and allows to associate some information with the current user. Comments by 40ants here.
lack-middleware-staticThis Clack middleware can be used to serve files from a directory. Comments by 40ants here.
lakeLake is a GNU make like build utility in Common Lisp.
lambda-fiddleA collection of functions to process lambda-lists. Comments by 40ants here.
lambdaliteA functional, relational Lisp database
lambda-readerUse unicode character λ for LAMBDA in reader and printer
lambda-reader-8bitUse unicode character λ for LAMBDA in reader and printer
language-codesA small library mapping language codes to language names.
langutilsLanguage utilities
lassLisp Augmented Style Sheets. Compiles LASS to CSS. Comments by 40ants here.
lass-flexboxFlexbox for Lass. Comments by 40ants here.
lassieLibrary for Latent Semantic Indexing.
lastfmInterface for the API (
latex-tablePretty latex tables from Lisp matrices and vectors.
latter-day-paypalPaypal api wrapper.(MIT)
lazyLazy forms for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here
legionSimple worker threads with a queue. (BSD 3 Clause)
legitCL interface to the GIT binary.
lemmy-apiMost recently generated bindings to the lemmy api (GPLv3)
lenseRacket style lenses for the Common Lisp. (BSD-2)
let-over-lambdaThe Production version code from, conveniently wrapped in an ASDF System for Quicklisp.
let-plusDestructuring extension of LET*.
letrecA simple alternative to Scheme’s LETREC.
letvThe LETV Package. Exports two macros, LETV and LETV* that allow to combine standard LET and LET* constucts with MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND in a possible less verbose way that also requires less indentation. (BSD)
levlibev bindings for Common Lisp
leveldbLevelDB bindings for Common Lisp.
levenshteinLibrary for calculating levenshtein distances
lfarmA library for distributing work across machines. Comments by 40ants here.
lfarm-adminAdmin component of lfarm, a library for distributing work across machines.
lfarm-clientClient component of lfarm, a library for distributing work across machines.
lfarm-common(private) Common components of lfarm, a library for distributingwork across machines.
lfarm-gssGSS-API support for lfarm
lfarm-launcherTesting facility for lfarm, a library for distributing work across machines.
lfarm-serverServer component of lfarm, a library for distributing work across machines.
lfarm-sslSSL support for lfarm
lhstatsStatistical functions by Larry Hunter and Jeff Shrager.
liblmdbLow-level LMDB bindings. See 40ants comments here
libssh2Trivial libssh2 bindings (MIT)
libusb-ffiCommon Lisp FFI bindings to libusb-0.1.
lichat-ldapLDAP backend for the Lichat server profiles.
lichat-protocolThe independent protocol part of Lichat.
lichat-serverlibTools to help build a server using the lichat protocol.
lichat-tcp-clientA simple TCP client implementation for lichat
lichat-tcp-serverA simple TCP server implementation for lichat.
lichat-ws-serverA simple WebSocket server implementation for lichat.
liftLIsp Framework for Testing
lilaa cleaner language based on Common Lisp
limeA high-level Swank client, like Slime, but for Common Lisp applications. Comments by 40ants here.
linear-programmingA library for solving linear programming problems
linear-programming-glpkA backend for linear-programming using GLPK (GPL 3.0)
lineditReadline-style library.
linevaLinear evaluation macro system — GPLv3
linewise-templateLinewise file/stream processor for code generation etc.
linux-packagingASDF extension to generate linux packages. (MIT)
lionchatA GUI client for the Lichat protocol
lisaThe Lisa expert system shell
lisp-binaryDeclare binary formats as structs and then read and write them.
lisp-chatAn experimental chat irc-like: server
lispcordA client library for the discordapp bot api
lisp-criticLISP-CRITIC - A Lisp code critiquing package. Comments by 40ants here.
lisp-executableLibrary for defining and creating executables that can be called from the Unix shell.
lisp-interface-libraryLong name alias for lil(MIT)
lisp-invocationInvoking Lisp subprocesses from Lisp
lisp-namespaceProvides LISP-N — extensible namespaces in Common Lisp.
lisp-payWrappers over multiple Payment Processor APIs — MIT
lisp-preprocessorCommon Lisp embedded template engine
lispqrQR code encoding. Comments by 40ants here.
lisp-statA statistical computing environment for Common Lisp
lisp-unitCommon Lisp library that supports unit testing.
lisp-unit2Common Lisp library that supports unit testing.
list-named-classCLOS extension - name classes after lists of symbols. Comments by 40ants here.
list-ofmagic list-of deftype
listoflistmakes listoflist an xarray’able data structure. REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
listopiaList manipulation library
literate-lispA literate programming tool to write common lisp codes in org file. Comments by 40ants here.
litteraeBeautiful documentation generation. (MIT) See 40ants comments here
livesupportSome helpers that make livecoding with slime/sly a little easier
llaLisp Linear Algebra
l-mathA simple math library focused on linear algebra.
lmdbBindings to LMDB, the Lightning Memory-mapped Database.
lmlLisp Markup Language
lml2Lisp Markup Language
local-package-aliasesAllows to define inside of a package aliases to refer other packages. Provides a reader macro $ to use the aliases (active only in packages having alias mapping, and does not affect other code). Portable.
local-timeA library for manipulating dates and times, based on a paper by Erik Naggum
local-time-durationlocal-time-duration: Simple duration functionality on top of local-time
log4clLogging library with integration with Slime. Comments by 40ants here.
log4cl-extrasA bunch of addons to LOG4CL: JSON appender, context fields, cross-finger appender, etc. Comments by 40ants here.
log4slimePart of log4cl
log5Log5 is a Common Lisp logging library
loggingFunctions to configure log4cl for different contexts: REPL, Backend, Command Line Application. (unlicense)
lorem-ipsumLorem ipsum generator in portable Common Lisp
lowlightA simple and flexible syntax highlighter
lparallelParallelism for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
lparallel-benchBenchmarks for lparallel.
lqueryA library to allow jQuery-like HTML/DOM manipulation. Comments by 40ants here.
lredisLisp Redis bindings
lru-cacheA least-recently-used cache structure (zlib)
lsxEmbeddable HTML templating engine with JSX-like syntax
l-systemL-system or Lindenmayer system on lists
lucerneA Clack-based microframework.
lucerne-authAn authentication framework for Lucerne.
lucerne-hello-worldThe simplest Lucerne app.
lucerne-utweetA small Twitter clone built with Lucerne.
lucklessLockless data structures — zlib REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
lunamech-matrix-apiAn implementation of the Matrix API taken from LunaMech see
lw-compatA few utility functions from the LispWorks library that are used in the Closer to MOP libraries.
lyricsSong lyrics with local database. Comments by 40ants here
lzliblzip (LZMA) (de)compression using bindings to lzlib
machine-stateRetrieve machine state information about CPU time, memory usage, etc. (zlib)
macrodynamicsA language extension for creating bindings scoped to the entire expansion process of a region of code. Comments by 40ants here
macro-htmlHTML generation library. Aims to be fast, modular, cachable andconcise. It does so by defining each tag as a macro which expands tocode printing the respective HTML source. Also employs a DSL forelement attributes.
macro-levelMACRO-LEVEL is an embarassingly trivial convenience macro that saves on indentation while being more concise and direct. (macro-level …) == (macrolet ((m () …)) (m))
madeira-portProvides :MADEIRA-PORT file class for ASDF, and an extended #+ and #- syntax.
magic-edEdit your code from REPL. Comments by 40ants here.
magicfficffi interface to libmagic(3) (Simplified BSD)
magiclMatrix Algebra proGrams In Common Lisp
magicl-genGenerate MAGICL interfaces
maidenA modern and extensible chat bot framework.
maidenheadConvert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and Maidenhead. — GPL-3
mailboxSimple multithreading mailboxes.
mailgunA thin wrapper to post HTML emails through
make-hashA library for making hash tables. Comments by 40ants here
manage-usersRadiance administration interface to allow user management.
manifestA system for semi-automatically documenting Common Lisp packages.
manifoldsVarious manifold mesh algorithms (zlib)
map-bindMAP-BIND is a macro that allows visual grouping of variables with their corresponding values (not necessarily 1:1) in calls to mapping operators when using an inline LAMBDA. It does so in a way that automatically supports virtually every existing and future mapping operator, all lambda keywords and FUNCALL/APPLY/MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL variations.
map-setSet-like data structure.
marching-cubesA marching cubes algorithm implementation in Common Lisp based on Paul Bourke’s (
markdown.clA markdown parser for Common Lisp
markupmarkup provides a reader-macro to read HTML/XML tags inside of Common Lisp code
marshalmarshal: Simple (de)serialization of Lisp datastructures.
mathMath is a math library, implementing some algorithms:- linear algebra - operations with matrices - statistical functions - linear and bilinear interpolation - finding approximating polynomials,implemented in Common Lisp (GPL 3)
mathkitVarious utilities for math
matrix-caseControl flow macros which writing nested CASE easily. (Public Domain)
maxpcMax’s Parser Combinators: a simple and pragmatic library for writing parsers and lexers based on combinatory parsing.
mbeScheme Macros for Common Lisp
mcaseControl flow macros with case comprehensiveness checking.
mcclimMcCLIM is an implementation of the CLIM 2.0 specification.
md5The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm RFC 1321
media-typesQuery and compare media types.
mel-baseA versatile mail library for common lisp
memoizeA memoization library. The functions are not thread safe because calling them can modify the structure holding the memos.
memory-regionsImplementation of a memory region abstraction (zlib)
messageboxA library to show a native message box dialog. (zlib)
message-ooMessage-passing Smalltalk-style object system
metaMETA syntax to easily write parsers
metabang-bindBind is a macro that generalizes multiple-value-bind, let, let*, destructuring-bind, structure and slot accessors, and a whole lot more.
metacopyFlexible Common Lisp shallow/deep copy mechanism.
metalockA metaclass that makes building parallel systems easier by providing each slot within a class a lock which is grabbed automatically. (MIT)
metapMetap provides metaclass propagation along class inheritance structure.
meta-sexpmeta-sexp is a META parser generator using LL(1) grammars with s-expressions. meta-sexp uses in-memory string vectors, instead of commonly used streams, for efficiently stepping backward and forward through the input. It is tested on SBCL but should be portable to other implementations as well.
metatilitiesThese are the rest of’s Common Lisp utilities
metatilities-baseThese are’s Common Lisp basic utilities.
meteringPortable Code Profiling Tool
method-combination-utilitiesVarious method combinations and utilities to make it easy to create new method combinations.
method-hookssimple qualifiable hooks defined like methods with the option to modify the dispatch method and how dispatch happens
method-versionsmethod-versions: package for creating versioned methods
mexprMacro for infix math expressions.
mfiano-utilsA utility library.(MIT)
mglMGL is a machine learning library for backpropagation neural networks, boltzmann machines, gaussian processes and more. MIT, see COPYING.
mgl-matMAT is library for working with multi-dimensional arrays which supports efficient interfacing to foreign and CUDA code. BLAS and CUBLAS bindings are available. MIT
mgl-paxExploratory programming tool and documentation generator. See 40ants comments here
mgrsConvert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and MGRS. (GPL-3)
micmacMicmac is mainly a library of graph search algorithms such as alpha-beta, UCT and beam search, but it also has some MCMC and other slightly unrelated stuff.
midiA library for MIDI and Midifiles.
milletWrapper for implementation dependent tiny utilities. (MIT)
minheapVarious heap/priority queue data structures (BSD)
mini-casA minimal computer algebra system. The homepage is currently missing.
minilemMinimal version of lem, emacs-like editor. A minimal self-modifying Common Lisp editor
mitoAbstraction layer for DB schema
mito-attachmentMito mixin class for file management — LLGPL
mito-authUser authorization for Mito classes
mixalotMixalot mixer for ALSA/libao
mixalot-flacFLAC Streamer class for Mixalot
mixalot-mp3MP3 Streamer class for Mixalot
mixalot-vorbisVorbis Streamer class for Mixalot
mk-defsystemThe MK-DEFSYSTEM ASDF System. Other
mk-string-metricsefficient implementations of various string metric algorithms
mlepA Common Lisp machine learning library for educational purposes.
mlep-addAdditional algorithms for cl-mlep that violate its non-dependency-claim.
mmapPortable mmap (file memory mapping) utility library.
mnas-graphSystem mnas-graph defines basic functions for creating a graph data structure and displaying it via graphviz.
mnas-hash-tableSystem @b(mnas-hash-table) defines some functions for working with hash tables.
mnas-packageСистема @b(mnas-package) предназначена для подготовкидокументации, извлекаемой из asdf-систем.@begin(section) @title(Мотивация) Система @b(Codex) является достаточно удобной для выполнения документирования систем, написанных с использованием @b(Common Lisp). Она позволяет получить на выходе документацию приемлемого вида. К недостатку сустемы @b(Codex) можно отнести то, что формирование шаблона документации не выполняется автоматически. Указание на включение разделов документации, относящихся к отдельным сущностям к которым можно отнести: @begin(list) @item(системы ) @item(пакеты )@item(классы ) @item(функции, setf-функции ) @item(обобщенные функции,методы, setf-методы ) @item(макросы ) @item(и т.д., и т.п.)@end(list) приходится формировать вручную. Этот проект пытается устранить данный недостаток системы @b(Codex) засчет определения функций и методов позволяющих: @begin(list)@item(формировать код, предназначенный для передачи в систему @b(Codex) )@item(формировать представление отдельных частей системы в виде графов.)@end(list)@end(section)
mnas-pathNo description whatsoever
mnas-stringСистема @b(mnas-string) предназначена для:@begin(list) @item(парсинга вещественного числа ) @item(разделения строки на подстроки ) @item(замены всех вхождений подстроки в строке ) @item(замены множественного вхождения паттерна единичным ) @item(подготовки строки в качестве аргумента для like запроса SQL ) @item(обрамления строки префиксом и постфиксом ) @item(вывода представления даты и времени в поток или строку ) @item(траслитерации строки.)@end(list)
mockingbirdThis package provides some useful stubbing and mocking macros for unit testing.
modest-configA modest config file loader library
modfA SETF like macro for functional programming. Comments by 40ants here
modf-fsetFSet extensions for MODF
modlispMid-level Common Lisp library running over Apache mod_lisp
modularizeA modularization framework
modularizeA modularization framework
modularize-hooksGeneric hooks and triggers extension for modularize.
modularize-hooksGeneric hooks and triggers extension for modularize.
modularize-interfacesProgrammatical interfaces extension for Modularize
modularize-interfacesProgrammatical interfaces extension for Modularize
moiraMonitor and restart background threads. Comments by 40ants here
monkeylib-htmlHTML generation
monkeylib-markup-htmlLibrary for generating HTML from Markup formatted text.
monkeylib-text-languagesCompiler for text-based languages.
monkeylib-text-outputFormatted text output.
monomythA distributed data processing library for CL (MPL 2.0)
montezumaMontezuma is a port of the Lucene text search engine library.
moptilitiesCommon Lisp MOP utilities
more-conditionsThis system provides some generic condition classes in conjunction with support functions and macros.
mp3-durationGet the duration of an MP3 file
mpcMonadic Parser Combinators for Common Lisp. MPC tries to be simple andpractical while being powerful, well documented and fairly performant. Afriendly fork of Drew Crampsies Smug library.
mpg123-ffiCFFI interface to libmpg123
mra-wavelet-plotPlot MRA-based wavelets (scaling function and mother wavelet)with given coefficients of the dilation equation
mssqlA Common Lisp library for interacting with MS SQL Server databases.
mstringsPretty multiline strings Reader Macro — BSD 3-Clause
mt19937Portable MT19937 Mersenne Twister random number generator
mtifAn interface to the MacOS MultiTouch framework
mtlispMT’s Common Lisp utilities. Comments by 40ants here.
multilang-documentationA drop-in replacement for CL:DOCUMENTATION providing multi-language docstrings
multilang-documentation-utilsMultiple-languages support for documentation-utils.
multiple-value-variantsGives access to multiple-value variants of operators through one macro: MULTIPLE-VALUE. There are built-in variants for some standard operators it’s easy to create your own variants for other operators. The multiple-value mapping operators are especially useful.
multiposterA small application to post to multiple services at once.
multival-plistProperty List stores multiple values per one key.
music-spellingAutomatic pitch and rhythm spelling. — Apache 2.0
mutilitymodula’s utilities
mutilsA collection of Common Lisp modules. (MIT)
mw-equivExtensible object equivalence protocol
mysticA project skeleton generator.
mystic-file-mixinA Mystic mixin to render a list of files with Mustache.
mystic-fiveam-mixinA Mystic mixin to add a FiveAM test system and test suite.
mystic-gitignore-mixinA Mystic mixin to add a .gitignore file.
mystic-library-templateA Mystic mixin to add a .travis.yml file.
mystic-readme-mixinA Mystic mixin to add a file.
mystic-travis-mixinA Mystic mixin to add a .travis.yml file.
mywaySinatra-compatible routing library.
mywebsimple web server written in common lisp for educational reasons (LGPLv3)
naillibrary providing convenient functions for working with linalg, statistics and probability. — MIT
named-closureNamed closures GPLv3+
named-read-macrosMake read macros more Lispy. Attach read macros to symbols.
named-readtablesLibrary that creates a namespace for named readtable akin to the namespace of packages. Comments by 40ants here.
nanovg-blobForeign library collection of nanovg 2d drawing library
napa-fft3Fast Fourier Transforms via generated split-radix
narrowed-typesType definitions narrowed with predicates
native-lazy-seqLazy sequence using user-extensible sequence protocol. (GPLv3.0+)
nbdNetwork Block Device server library. (MIT)
nclassesSimplify class like definitions with define-class and friends. — Public Domain
ndebugA toolkit to construct interface-aware yet standard-compliant debugger hooks. — BSD 3-Clause
net.didierverna.asdf-flvASDF extension to provide support for file-local variables.
net.didierverna.clonCommand-line options management for standalone Common Lisp applications
net.didierverna.decltA reference manual generator for Common Lisp libraries. See 40ants comments here
net.didierverna.focusCustomizable format strings and directives
net-telent-dateA library for parsing time and dates
network-addressesA network addresses manipulation library.
neural-classifierClassification of samples based on neural network. (2 cluase BSD)
new-opThe NEW-OP System.A (not so) new NEW operator that subsumes all the ‘make-…’ functionsand methods of Common Lisp.
nfilesManage file persistence and loading. BSD 3-Clause
nhooksImproved hooks facility inspired by Serapeum. MIT
nibblesA library for accessing octet-addressed blocks of data in big- and little-endian orders
nibbles-streamsProof of concept for lossless audio compressor — 2-clause BSD
ninevehA library of common gpu functions
ningleSuper micro framework for Common Lisp.
njsonNJSON is a JSON handling framework with the focus on convenience and brevity. — BSD-3 Clause
nkeymapsGeneral-purpose keymap management à -la Emacs. — BSD 3-Clause
nloptCommon Lisp interface to Non-linear optimization library NLopt(MIT)
nodguiLisp bindings for the Tk toolkit
noisyPerlin noise for arbitrary numbers of dimensions. (MIT)
nontrivial-gray-streamsA compatibility layer for Gray streams including extensions (MIT)
northoAuth 1.0a server and client implementation, the successor to South.
nsortNatural or Numeric Sort
nstThe NST unit/regression testing system
nsymbolsA set of convenience functions to list class, variable, function, and other symbols. — BSD-3 Clause
nuclblogA blog engine written in common lisp
nuklear-blobNuklear IM GUI foreign library collection
nuklear-renderer-blobNuklear IM GUI renderer foreign library collection (MIT)
null-packageSafe and robust S-Expression reader. Useful to read from unfailthfull stream/socket. (MIT)
numclNumpy clone in Common Lisp, using MAGICL/LLA/MGL-MAT as the backend (in the future)
numericalsA high performance numerical computing library for Common Lisp (focus: basic math operations) — MIT
numerical-utilitiesNumerical utilities for Common Lisp. Fork of num-utils
num-utilsNumerical utilities for Common Lisp
nytpu.lisp-utilsA collection of miscellaneous standalone utility packages. (MPL-2.0)
nxtImplements the Lego Mindstorm NXT interface over Bluetooth, USB or a TCP proxy.
nyamlNative YAML Parser
nyxtExtensible web-browser in Common Lisp
object-classEnsures that special subclasses of standard-object cluster right in front of standard-object in the class precedence list. (Unlicense)
oclcloclcl is a library S-expression to OpenCL C.
ode-blobForeign library collection of ODE 3d physics library
odeskCommon Lisp bindings for oDesk API
oe-encodeAn implementation of the ENCODE() hash function from Progress OpenEdge.
olcConvert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and Open Location Code. — GPL-3
omer-countA small Common Lisp script to aid in the counting of the days and weeks from Pesach to Shavuot.
omglibA Common Lisp library to build fully dynamic web interfaces
one-more-re-nightmareA regular expression compiler — BSD 2-clause REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
ookA CL compiler and enviroment for literate Orangutans.
oookSome magic on the shoulders of CLSQL
openal-blobOpenAL Soft foreign library collection
openapi-generatorParse OpenAPI into CLOS object for client generation (AGPLv3-later)
openapi-parserOpenAPI 3.0.1 and 3.1.0 parser/validator.
open-genevaMeta system for Open Geneva, an implementation of the Geneva document preparation system written in Common Lisp. This system pulls in all subsystems provided by Open Geneva.
openid-keyGet OpenID keys from issuer.
open-location-codeOpen Location Code library. Comments by 40ants here.
open-withOpen a file in a suitable external program (zlib)
openai-openapi-clientOpenai API client (AGPLv3+)
openrpcCI for Common Lisp OpenRPC library. (BSD)
ops5The Ops5 programming language for production systems
opticlA library for representing and processing images
opticl-coreA library for representing and processing images
opticl-docDocumentation for opticl
optimaOptimized Pattern Matching Library
optima.ppcreCL-PPCRE support for optima
org-davep-dictRFC2229 client for Common Lisp.
org-davep-dictreplRFC2229 client REPL-a-like for Common Lisp.
org-samplerExtract docstrings as Emacs org-mode files
org.tfeb.conduit-packagesConduit packages. Comments by 40ants here
originA native Lisp graphics math library with an emphasis on performance and correctness.
orizuru-ormAn ORM for Common Lisp and PostgreSQL.
oscThe Open Sound Control protocol, aka OSC
osicatA lightweight operating system interface. Comments by 40ants here.
osmpbfLibrary to read OpenStreetMap PBF-encoded files. (MIT)
ospmOS package manager interface — BSD 3-Clause
overlordExperimental build system.
oxenfurtA client for the Oxford dictionary API.
oxenfurt-coreOxenfurt API definitions, client-less.
oxenfurt-dexadorDexador client backend for Oxenfurt.
oxenfurt-drakmaDrakma client backend for Oxenfurt.
packPack and unpack binary data via Python-like struct strings.
package-renaminglocally renaming packages
packetSimple binary serialization library. Comments by 40ants here
packet-craftingA library to craft network packets. (MIT)
paiprologFork of Christophe Rhodes’s PAIProlog that an update of Peter Norvig’s “Prolog in Common Lisp”.
palPixel Art Library
pandoclA universal document converter.
pango-markupA small library to generate pango-style text markup. Comments by 40ants here.
papyrusA Literate Programming Tool. Comments by 40ants here.
parachuteAn extensible and cross-compatible testing framework.
parameterized-functionCompile-time parameterized functions.
paren6Paren6 is a set of ES6 macros for Parenscript
paren-filesParenscript library for compiling files and ASDF systems.
parenmlS-expression markup language.
parenscriptLisp to JavaScript transpiler. Comments by 40ants here.
parenscript-classicjs - javascript compiler
paren-utilBasic Parenscript functions for AJAX.
parseParsing package for Common Lisp.
parse-declarations-1.0Library to parse and rebuild declarations. Comments by 40ants here.
parse-floatParse floating point values in strings.
parse-front-matterParse front matter.
parse-jsJavaScript parser
parse-numberNumber parsing library
parse-number-rangeParses LOOP’s convenient “for-as-arithmetic” syntax into 5 simple values: from, to, limit-kind (:inclusive, :exclusive or nil if unbounded), by (step) and direction (+ or -)). Further related utilities are provided. Intended for easy implementation of analogous functionality in other constructs. (Public Domain)
parseqA library for parsing sequences such as strings and lists using parsing expression grammars. See 40ants comments here
parser-combinatorsAn implementation of parser combinators for Common Lisp
parser-combinators-cl-ppcreAn implementation of parser combinators for Common Lisp
parser-combinators-debugA debug extension for PARSER-COMBINATORS
parser.common-rulesProvides common parsing rules that are useful in many grammars.
parser.common-rules.operatorsProvides macros for defining grammar rules for infix operators.
parse-rgbAutogenerate TCOD colour definitions by parsing rgb.txt on Xwindows
parser.iniProvides parsing of Ini expressions.
parsnipParser combinator library
patchworkA spritesheet packer for games.
pathname-utilsA collection of utilities for pathname manipulation.
path-parseParse the PATH environment variable, portably. Comments by40ants here.
path-stringA path utility library
patronA compact thread pool implementation.
pcallThis library contains a few primitives for parallel code execution. It is like a baby lparallel. Comments by 40ants here.
peppolPEPPOL eInvoicing library
percent-encodingPercent-encoding is a library for percent-encoding defined in RFC 3986 and varieties.
perceptual-hashesPerceptual hash algorithms for images (BSD 2)
periodic-tableThis package defines a package, :elements, with an ELEMENT structure and a number of functions to search the periodic table.
periodsUtilities for manipulating time ranges and distances, based on LOCAL-TIME. Comments by 40ants here.
periods-seriesExtension of PERIODS providing SERIES-compatible functions.
perlres///, m//, d// - regular expression API for CL-PPCRE and CL-INTERPOL
peroLogging and text file perations library — MIT
persistent-tablesPersistent tables.
persistent-variablesA library for persistent global variables. Comments by 40ants here.
petalispPetalisp is an attempt to generate high performance code for parallel computers by JIT-compiling array definitions. It is not a full blown programming language, but rather a carefully crafted extension of Common Lisp that allows for extreme optimization and parallelization.
petit.package-utilspetit toolbox for packaging
petit.string-utilsA petit tool box about string modification
petriAn implementation of Petri nets
pettomato-dequeA set of double-ended queue implementations. (MIT)
pettomato-indexed-priority-queueA binary heap based priority queue implementation with efficient support for find, update, replace, and delete operations. (MIT)
pfftPart of fft library
pgpg.lisp – socket level interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS for Common Lisp
pgloaderLoad data into PostgreSQL
phoe-toolboxA personal utility library
phosAn experimental Gemini client library ISC
physical-dimensionA library to provide computations with physical dimension, i.e. units.
physical-quantitiesA library that provides a numeric type with optional unit and/or uncertainty for computations with automatic error propagation. Comments by 40ants here.
piclPython Itertools in Common Lisp (MIT)
piggyback-parametersThis is a configuration system that supports local file and database based parameter storage.
pileupA portable, performant, and thread-safe binary heap / priority queue. (MIT)
pipesCommon Lisp library for providing input/output pipes
pipingA library to enable simple message pipelines. Comments by 40ants here.
pithy-xmlRead and print XML library for Common Lisp.
pixmanLow-level pixel manipulation.
pkg-docView package documentation in a clim-treeview (BSD Simplified)
pk-serializeSerialization of Common Lisp data structures — MIT
place-modifiersEssentially gives access to hundreds of modify-macros through one single macro: MODIFY. Comments by 40ants here
place-utilsProvides a few utilities relating to setfable places.
plain-odbca lisp wrapper around the ODBC library
plankspersistent lisp
plasterA paste bin service for Radiance
plokamiCommon Lisp PCAP interface.
plotPlots for Common Lisp
pludeckA friendly interface for creating a Plump DOM.
plumpAn XML / XHTML / HTML parser that aims to be as lenient as possible. Comments by 40ants here.
plumpAn XML / XHTML / HTML parser that aims to be as lenient as possible.
plump-bundleA binary storage format for Plump documents.
plump-domA DOM for use with the Plump parser.
plump-lexerA very simple toolkit to help with lexing used mainly in Plump.
plump-parserPlump’s core parser component.
plump-sexpTurning SEXPs into a Plump DOM and back.
plump-texRudimentary parser turning TeX-like syntax into a Plump DOM.
pngRead and write PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files.
pngloadA reader for the PNG image format.
png-readA library for reading PNG files.
polerInfix notation macro generator
policy-condTools to insert code based on compiler policy.
polisherInfix notation to S-expression translator
polymorphic-functionsType based dispatch for Common Lisp(MIT)
poolerGeneric thread-safe pooling facility for your library.
portable-condition-systemA portable condition system for Common Lisp (CC0)
portable-threadsPortable Threads. Comments by 40ants here
portalPortable websockets.
positional-lambdapositional-lambda is a concise, intuitive and flexible syntax (macro) for trivial lambdas that eschews explicit (and often contextually-redundant) naming of parameter variables in favor of positional references, with support for a used or ignored &rest parameter and automatic declaration of ignored parameters when logical
posix-shmPOSIX shared memory — BSD 3-Clause
postmodernPostgreSQL programming API
postmodernityUtility library for the Common Lisp Postmodern library
postmodern-localtimepostmodern-localtime (You dont even have to buy me a beer) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
postofficeFranz’s Post Office Package
poundsProvides portable file mappings and related utilities.
ppathA Common Lisp path handling library based on Python’s os.path module. Comments by 40ants here
pp-tomlTOML parser
prbsA library of higher-order functions for generating Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences of (practically) any degree. Comments by 40ants here.
precise-timePrecise time measurements (zlib)
pregexpPortable regular expressions for Common Lisp (MIT)
preplprepl is a REPL implementation, also known as a Lisp listener. - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
prettier-builtinsA lightweight library to pretty print builtin arrays and hash-tables. (MIT)
pretty-functionThis small library makes debugging easier when you are using many anonymous functions. With pretty-functions you can give names to your lambdas. Comments by 40ants here.
primecountprime counting of sublinear complexity
print-htmlSimple html generator. Comments by 40ants here.
print-licensesPrint the licenses used by the given project and its dependencies.
printvprintv: a batteries-included tracing and debug-logging macro
priority-queueA priority queue for Common Lisp.(MIT)
proc-parseProcedural vector parser
progressonsDisplay a progress bar on one line. (MIT)
projectured.documentCollection of various documents.
projectured.editorEditor core components.
projectured.executableGeneric purpose projectional editor.
projectured.projectionCollection of various projections.
projectured.sdlSDL (Simple DirectMedial Layer) backend.
projectured.swankSLIME support. Client Process Info Collector SBCL Collector
prometheus.exposers.hunchentootExpose client metrics using Hunchentoot Client Text format
prometheus-gcThis is a Prometheus collector for Common Lisp implementation garbage collector. (unlicense) Pushgateway client
promiseA small, independent promise library for asynchronous frameworks
prompt-forType safe user input. (MIT)
protobufProtocol buffer code
proveTesting framework, now claimed by its author as obsolete.
pseudonymsRelative package nicknames through macros
psgraphPostScript DAG Grapher.
psychiqRedis-backed job queueing system
ptcProper Tail Calls for CL (MIT)
punycodePunycode encoding/decoding (zlib)
purgatoryA simple implementation of the 9p filesystem protocol. — LLGPL
puriPortable Universal Resource Indentifier Library
purlParse and print URLs as described in RFC 1738.
purplishImageboard CMS for Radiance
pvarspvars is a small library to easily define persistent variables. Use them as normal variables, but they are actually persistent.
py4clCall Python libraries from Common Lisp
py4cl2Some improvements over py4cl. py4cl is a library for interfacing with python libraries from common lisp, using streams to communicate with the python process.Report the issues at (More) Documentation is available at (MIT)
py4cl2-cffiCFFI based alternative to PY4CL2, primarily developed for performance reasons. — MIT
py-configparserCommon Lisp implementation of the Python ConfigParser module
pythonic-string-readerA simple and unintrusive read table modification that allows for simple string literal definition that doesn’t require escaping characters. Comments by 40ants here.
pzmqZeroMQ 3.2+ bindings. See 40ants comments here
q+Precompiles all Q+ method wrappers for currently active smoke modules.
qbase64Fast and flexible base64 encoder and decoder
qbookqbook generates html formatted code listings of common lisp source files.
qlotA project-local library installer
qmyndMySQL Native Driver
qoiLibrary for encoding/decoding QOI (Quite OK Image Format) files(MIT)
qtInterface for the Qt GUI framework
qt+libsInterface for the Qt GUI framework (precompiled libraries)
qt-libsSystem to ensure that the necessary Qt libs are available.
qtoolsA collection of tools to aid in development with CommonQt.
qtools-uiA collection of components and utilities for use in Qt applications.
qtools-ui-auto-resizing-texteditQTextEdit with automatic height adjustment
qtools-ui-baseQtools-UI’s base toolkit, package, and documentation.
qtools-ui-bytearrayQtools-UI’s QByteArray wrangling
qtools-ui-cellAn item-widget that presents a draggable and selectable cell.
qtools-ui-color-historyA simple history for colors.
qtools-ui-color-pickerA color picker dialog alternative to QColorChooser
qtools-ui-color-slidersA color slider widgets as used in graphics applications.
qtools-ui-color-triangleAn HSV color wheel triangle as used in graphics applications.
qtools-ui-compassA compass layout orienting things N/E/S/W/C.
qtools-ui-containerA basic superclass for arbitrary element container layouts.
qtools-ui-debuggerA portable debugger to handle and display errors.
qtools-ui-dialogHelper classes for constructing dialogs.
qtools-ui-dictionaryA widget allowing lookups in English WordNet dictionary.
qtools-ui-drag-and-dropClasses implementing simple drag-and-drop in Qtools.
qtools-ui-executableProvides synchronisation between threads by allowing execution of functions within the gui thread.
qtools-ui-fixed-qtexteditQTextEdit with working context menu - workaround for QTBUG-9592
qtools-ui-flow-layoutA flow-layout that lets widgets flow to the next line.
qtools-ui-helpersA collection of useful little helper widgets.
qtools-ui-imagetoolsToolkit for dealing with QImage files in Qt.
qtools-ui-keychord-editorA basic editor for keychords generated by Qtools’ define-menu.
qtools-ui-layoutThe basic layout and item-layout components required to build layouts.
qtools-ui-listingA basic item listing widget that allows selection, sorting, and dragging.
qtools-ui-notificationSimple desktop notifications.
qtools-ui-optionsA system to generate automatic option dialogs.
qtools-ui-panelsA panelling system that allows floating, docking, and collapsing.
qtools-ui-placeholder-text-editA QTextEdit with placeholder text.
qtools-ui-plotA one dimensional plotter
qtools-ui-progress-barA progress bar
qtools-ui-replAn implementation of a REPL.
qtools-ui-sliderA more convenient slider than the QSlider.
qtools-ui-spellchecked-text-editA QTextEdit capable of spellchecking English text.
qtools-ui-splitterA better version of the QSplitter, allowing a dynamic size based on the components’ size.
qtools-ui-svgtoolsToolkit for dealing with SVG files in Qt.
quad-treeAn implementation of the quad tree data structure.(MIT)
quadtreeQuadtree data structure in Common Lisp
quantile-estimatorImplementation of Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan’s Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams in ICDE’05
quasiquote-2.0Writing macros that write macros. Effortless.
quaviver A portable and extensible floating point string library (MIT)
quilcA CLI front-end for the Quil compiler (Apache License 2.0 )
queenChess utilities: board representation (0x88), move generation, PGN/SAN parser/generator
query-fsHigh-level virtual FS using CL-Fuse-Meta-FS to represent results of queries
query-replREPL for user query.
queuesThis is a simple queue library for Common Lisp. It’s goals are to exist, be simple, nicely wrapped, and efficient. The library depends on “bordeaux-threads” for locking, although that dependency is only required if you use one of the “cqueue” concurrent queues. (MIT)
quickappA utility library to automate much of the app creation process
quickhullAn implementation of the Quickhull convex hull construction algorithm (zlib)
quicklisp-statsFetches and operates on Quicklisp download statistics.
quick-patchEasily override quicklisp projects without using git submodules
quickprojectCreates the skeleton of a new Common Lisp project
quicksearchQuicksearch searches CL library, and outputs results at REPL.
quriYet another URI library for Common Lisp
quux-hunchentootThread pooling for hunchentoot(MIT)
qvmAn implementation of the Quantum Abstract Machine. (Apache License 2.0 )
qvm-appApplication server for the QVM.
qvm-app-ngApplication server for the QVM Next Gen.
qvm-benchmarksPerformance tests for the QVM.
racerDescription Logic Reasoner
radianceA web application environment.
radiance-coreCore component of Radiance, an extensible web application environment.
railLibrary implementing functions for railway oriented programming.
randomSome simple random number generators.
random-access-listsPersistent, random-access lists.
random-sampleRandom sample of a sequence with uniform distribution. Comments by 40ants here.
random-samplingFunctions to generate random samples with various distributions (zlib)
random-statePortable random number generation.
random-state-viewerVisualiser for the random number generators
random-uuidCreate and parse RFC-4122 UUID version 4 identifiers.
rate-monotonicA periodic thread scheduler inspired by RTEMS. Comments by 40ants here.
ratifyA collection of utilities to ratify, validate and parse inputs.
ratmathMath utilities for working with rational numbers and intervals.
r-djulaWrapper around djula to better integrate with radiance.
reLua-style string pattern matching. Comments by 40ants here.
read-as-stringReading S-Expression string from stream. (MIT)
read-csvA library for reading CSV data from streams.
readerA simple blogging platform for Radiance.
readerA utility library intended at providing configurable reader macros forcommon tasks such as accessors, hash-tables, sets, uiop:run-program, arrays and a few others.
reader-interceptionIntercept the reader to replace CL syntax with your own
reader+swankIntegration with SWANK using SWANK:*READTABLE-ALIST*.
read-numberReading numbers from an input stream.
reblocksA Common Lisp web framework, successor of the Weblocks. (LLGPL)
reblocks-authA system to add an authentication to the Reblocks based web-site. (unlicense)
reblocks-file-serverA Reblocks extension allowing to create routes for serving static files from disk. (unlicense)
reblocks-lassA helper for Reblocks framework to define CSS dependencies in LASS syntax. (unlicense)
reblocks-navigation-widgetA container widget which switches between children widgets when user changes an url. (unlicense)
reblocks-parenscriptAn utility to define JavaScript dependencies for Weblocks widgets using Parenscript. (unlicense)
reblocks-prometheusThis is an addon for Reblocks Common Lisp framework which allows to gather metrics in Prometheus format. (unlicense)
reblocks-typeaheadA Reblocks widget implementing typeahead search. (unlicense)
reblocks-uiA set of UI widgets for Reblocks web framework! (BSD)
reblocks-websocketReblocks extension allowing to add a bidirectional communication via Websocket between a backend and Reblocks widgets. (unlicense)
rectangle-packingCode to pack rectangles into a bigger rectangle. Useful for texture packing for OpenGL.
recurA simple alternative to Scheme’s named-LET.
recursive-regexRecursive regular expression parsing engine
recursive-restartRestarts that can invoke themselves.
red-black-treeAn implementation of the red-black search tree data structure.(MIT)
redirect-streamOffers a stream that redirects all actions to an inner stream.
regexA Regular Expression Engine
remote-jsSend JavaScript from Common Lisp to a browser.
replicA framework to build readline applications out of existing code.
repl-utilitiesEase common tasks at the REPL.
researchTop level package which loads everything to do analsis in PhD research
resignal-bindTiny signal capturing facility. (MIT)
restasRESTAS is a Common Lisp web application framework, basedon the Hunchentoot HTTP server. It was developed to simplify development ofweb applications following the REST architectural style.
restas.file-publisherA restas module which can publish static files
restfulSpin up new REST entities like madman
retrospectiffA library for reading and writing TIFF images
reversiCommon Lisp implementation of Reversi/Othello
rfc2109Implementation of RFC 2109
rfc2388Implementation of RFC 2388
rlcCommon Lisp library for computing outputs of systems using resistors, inductors, and capacitors
roanA library to support change ringing applications (MIT)
rockAsset manager for Common Lisp.
rock-webPart of rock library for managing specific versions of libraries.
romreaderA library for reading various ROM formats.
roveYet another testing framework intended to be a successor of Prove
rpcqMessage and RPC specifications for Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services.
rpmfunctions to use the RedHat Package Management system
rs-colorsA color data type for Common Lisp.
rs-colors-internalInternal definitions for RS-COLORS.
rs-dlxKnuth’s Algorithm X with dancing links. (Modified BSD License)
rs-jsonYet another JSON decoder/encoder. (Modified BSD License)
rssRemote Site Summary
rtMIT Regression Tester
rt-eventsA simple real-time events API.
rtg-mathA selection of the math routines most commonly needed for realtime graphics in lisp
rtg-math.variProvides gpu equivalents of rtg-math’s functionality
rucksackRucksack is a persistence library for Common Lisp
rutilsA collection of basic utilities for syntactic extension and basic data structure handling, developed over the years of CL history by efforts of different individuals, and gathered under the unbrella of a hierarchy of packages which can be used on-demand.
rutilsxThe most radical utilities. Comments by 40ants here.
ryeboyRiemann client
safe-queueThread-safe queue and mailbox
safe-readA variant of READ secure against internbombing, excessive inputand macro characters.
safety-paramsFilter parameters
salza2Create compressed data in the ZLIB, DEFLATE, or GZIP data formats
sandalphon.lambda-listLambda list parsing and usage
saneLispy library bindings for sane.
sanitizecl-sanitize is a whitelist-based HTML sanitizer. Given a list of acceptable elements and attributes, cl-sanitize will remove all unacceptable HTML from a string. It is a common lisp port of sanitize
sanity-clauseSanity clause is a data contract and validation library.
s-base64Common Lisp Base64 Package
sb-cgaComputer graphic algebra for SBCL.
sb-fastcgiFastCGI wrapper for SBCL
sb-vector-ioRaw vector IO for SBCL.
sc-extensionsadditional library collection for cl-collider
schannelCFFI wrapper to SChannel(MIT)
schedulerExtensible task scheduler.
science-dataNumerical data science and engineering data.
scrapyclThe web scraping framework for writing crawlers in Common Lisp. (Unlicense)
screamerNondeterministic programming and constraint propagation.
scribaA markup format similar to Scribe. Comments by 40ants here
scribbleSyntax extensions akin to Racket’s Scribble and Bigloo’s Skribe
scriptlScripting, Common Lisp style. Comments by 40ants here
scriptl-utilVarious utilities for doing scriptly things with ScriptL.
sdl2Bindings for SDL2 using c2ffi.
sdl2-game-controller-dbLets you easily load the lovely sdl2 gamecontroller db into cl-sdl2
sdl2-imageBindings for sdl2_image using autowrap
sdl2kitA utility kit for SDL2
sdl2-mixerBindings for sdl2_mixer using autowrap
sdl2-ttfBindings for sdl2_ttf using autowrap
s-dot2Render Graphviz graphs from within Lisp
secret-valuesSecret values is a Common Lisp library designed to reduce the risk of accidentally revealing secret values such as passwords. Comments by 40ants here
secure-randomCryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here.
seedable-rngA seedable random number generator.
selThe SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION-LIBRARY enables the programmatic modification and evaluation of software. A common interface abstracts over multiple types of software objects including source code abstract syntax trees (primarily using, compiled assembler code, and binary software objects. Software transformation, analysis, and evaluation techniques are implemented on top of this interface supporting automation of common software engineering tasks.
selectDSL for array slices.
select-fileSelect File dialog for McCLIM
seleniumSelenium is a test tool for web applications. cl-selenium is a Common Lisp interface to Selenium.
semantic-spinneretA set of Semantic UI components for use with Spinneret
sequence-iteratorsDOSEQUENCE & Co.
serapeumUtilities beyond Alexandria.
serializable-objectProvides a simple class and API for the objects serializable in a FASL file
session-tokenSimple session token generation library
sexmls-expressions for xml is a library which provides a sugar-sweet s-expression syntax for spitting out xml documents based on a DTD
s-graphvizAn s-expression presentation of GraphViz DOT language
sha1SHA1 Digest and HMAC for Common Lisp.
sha3Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (Keccak) Implementation
shadchenA pattern matching library.
shadowA management system for OpenGL shader programs and associated buffer objects.
shared-preferencesNotably allows flexible specification of package-local preferences.
shashtJSON reading and writing for the Kzinti.(MIT)
sheepleCheeky prototypes for Common Lisp
shellpoolA library for running external programs from Common Lisp. (
shellyRun Common Lisp from shell easily.
shlexLexical analyzer for simple shell-like syntax.
shop3An open source version of the SHOP3 planner.
should-testMinimal yet feature-rich Common Lisp test framework. Comments from 40ants here.
s-http-clientA Basic HTTP Client
s-http-serverS-HTTP-SERVER is a small standalone Common Lisp HTTP Server
shuffletronMusic player. Comments by 40ants here
si-kanrenA micro-Kanren implementation in Common Lisp (MIT)
simple-actorsActor model implemented with closures.
simple-configloads and parses a KEY=VALUE style config file
simple-currencySIMPLE-CURRENCY provides conversions between currencies using data published daily by the European Central Bank, no guarantees about the accuracy of the data are given or even implied. For details of the ECB FX rates see:
simple-dateSimple date library that can be used with postmodern
simple-date-timedate and time library for common lisp
simple-finalizerA simple Common Lisp finalizer for foreign objects when using CFFI and TRIVIAL-GARBAGE.
simple-flow-dispatcherReference implementation of a dispatcher for cl-flow library
simple-guessDefines a simple extensible protocol for computing a guess using advisors. (Unlicense)
simple-inferiorsA very simple library to use inferior processes. Comments by 40ants here.
simple-neural-networkSimple neural network (GPL 3)
simple-parallel-tasksEvaluate forms in parallel
simple-rgbsimple manipulation of RGB values. Comments by 40ants here
simple-routesFacility for straightforward http routing on top of Hunchentoot.
simple-scanfA simple scanf-like functionality implementation.
simpletSimple test runner in Common Lisp.
simple-tasksA very simple task scheduling framework. Comments by 40ants here
simplified-typesSimplification of Common Lisp type specifiers. Comments by 40ants here.
simpsampFast algorithms for simple random sampling from sets,without replacement.
single-threaded-cclCreate a single-threaded CCL image, so you can fork
singleton-classesExtends the MOP to allow `singleton` classes.
sip-hashSipHash hash functions
skeleton-creatorCreate projects from a skeleton directory.
sketchSketch is a Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, computer graphics, visual design, game making and more. It is inspired by Processing and OpenFrameworks.
skippyRead and write GIF files. Comments by 40ants here.
skippy-rendererGIF renderer for SKIPPY. Comments by 40ants here.
skitterAn event system for games
skitter.glopAn event system for games - backed by glop
skitter.sdl2An event system for games - backed by sdl2
slack-clientSlack Real Time Messaging API Client
slimeA Common Lisp IDE for emacs
sliteSLIME based Test-runner for FiveAM tests (and possibly others in the future)
slot-extra-optionsExtra options for slots using MOP.
slot-mapAn implementation of the slot-map data structure.(MIT)
slyA Common Lisp IDE for emacs
sly-macrostepExpand CL macros inside source files (GPL 3)
sly-named-readtablesNAMED-READTABLES support for SLY (GPL 3)
smackjackA small Ajax framework for hunchentoot using parenscript
smart-bufferSmart octets buffer
smoothersStatistical methods to create approximating functions that attempt to capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise or other fine-scale structures/rapid phenomena. (MS-PL)
smugSMUG: Simple Monadic Uber Go-into, Parsing made easy. Comments by 40ants here.
snakesPython style generators for Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here
snappyAn implementation of Snappy compression.
snarkThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-agendaThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-auxiliary-packagesThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-dequeThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-dpllThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-featureThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-implementationThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-infix-readerThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-lispThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-loadsThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-numberingThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-pkgThe Snark Theorem Prover
snark-sparse-arrayThe Snark Theorem Prover
sndfile-blobSNDFILE foreign library collection
snmpSimple Network Management Protocol
snmp-serverSNMP Server
snmp-uiSNMP GUI Utility for LispWorks
snoozeA framework for building REST services using CLOS.
softdrinkTools to inline or extract CSS into/from HTML. Comments by 40ants here
solid-engineThe Common Lisp stack-based application controller
southSimple OaUTH library for oAuth1.0
sparse-setAn implementation of the sparse set data structure.(MIT)
spatial-treesspatial-trees is a set of dynamic index data structures for spatially-extended data. R-trees, Greene-trees, R*-trees and X-trees.
special-functionsSpecial functions in Common Lisp
specialization-storeThe specialization store system provides a new kind of function, called a store function, whose behavior depends on the types of objects passed to the function.
specialization-store-featuresA system which identifies features of the implementation needed for the specialization-store system.
specialized-functionProvides a Julia-like function that automatically compiles a type-specific version of the function from the same code
speechlessA dialogue system language implementation.
spellSpellchecking package for Common Lisp
spellcheckPeter Norvig’s spell corrector.
spinneretCommon Lisp HTML5 generator. Comments by 40ants here.
split-sequenceSplits a sequence into a list of subsequences delimited by objects satisfying a test. Comments by 40ants here.
sqliteCL-SQLITE package is an interface to the SQLite embedded relational database engine.
srfi-1List Library
srfi-23SRFI 23: Error reporting mechanism
srfi-6SRFI-6: Basic String Ports
srfi-98SRFI 98: get-environment-variable
sse-clientImplements client parsing of a Server Sent Events (SSE) stream.
sse-servercl-sse is an partial implementation of the Server Side Events protocol as per It is a toolkit for Common Lisp service implementations that want to send or receive events according tot he protocol. There is a small demo you can try with a browser (instructions below).
s-sqlLispy DSL for SQL
s-sysdepsAn abstraction layer over platform dependent functionality
stapleA tool to generate documentation about Lisp projects through an HTML template. See 40ants comments here
staple-markdownMarkdown processing support for Staple
staple-marklessMarkdown processing support for Staple
staple-package-recordingCollects information about packages being defined with an ASDF system.
staple-restructured-textMarkdown processing support for Staple
starsUses GitHub’s HTTP API to return the total number of stars for a user
static-dispatchStatic generic function dispatch for Common Lisp.
static-vectorsCreate vectors allocated in static memory.
statisticsA consolidated system of statistical functions — MS-PL
statusorA library for graceful handling of errors in common lisp inspired by absl::StatusOr (BSD)
stdutilsStandard Utilities
stealth-mixinLibrary for creating stealth mixin classes.
stefilStefil - Simple Test Framework In Lisp
stefilStefil - Simple Test Framework In Lisp
stemThe Porter Stemming Algorithm
stepsterWeb scraping library — MIT
st-jsonJSON in- and output
stlLoad triangle data from binary stereolithography (STL) files.
stmxComposable Transactional Memory
stopclockstopclock is a library for measuring time using (stop)clocks (Apache 2.0)
strModern, consistent and terse Common Lisp string manipulation library. Comments by 40ants here.
strict-functionUtility of function definition
string-casestring-case is a macro that generates specialised decision trees to dispatch on string equality
string-escapeEmacs and Python style string escapes in #\
stripeA client for the Stripe payment API.
stripe-against-the-modern-worldImplementation of the Stripe API.(MIT)
structure-extTiny structure extensions (MIT)
structy-defclassProvides deftclass, a struct-like way of defining classes
studioAn image gallery hosting service
studio-clientA client library for the Studio image hosting service
stumpwmA tiling, keyboard driven window manager
stumpwm-dynamic-floatstumpwm-dynamic-float is an extension to the X window manager “StumpWM”. It provides a dynamic-tiling environment based on StumpWM’s floating-group. (MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
stumpwm-sndioctlInterface to OpenBSD’s sndioctl for StumpWM. REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
submarineSubmarine is a Common Lisp library that’s somewhere between a PostgreSQL library an an object persistency system. It uses Postmodern to communicate with the database. The basic idea is that you create your classes in the metaclass DB-CLASS and submarine cares about creating SQL tables or, if the tables already exist, checking if they conform to the provided specification. Moreover, Submarine supports an intuitive way of expressing both one-to-many and many-to-many relations. - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
s-utilsS-UTILS is collection of Common Lisp utilities
swank-clientClient side of the Swank protocol.
swank-crewDistributed master/worker computing framework.
swank.liveSome helpers that make live coding with slime/swank easier
swank-protocolA low-level Swank client.
swap-bytesOptimized byte-swapping primitives.
s-xmlSimple Common Lisp XML Parser
s-xml-rpcCommon Lisp XML-RPC Package
sxqlA SQL generator
sxql-composerBuild and compose SXQL queries dynamically
symathA simple symbolic math library for Common Lisp — MIT
symbol-mungerFunctions to convert between the spacing and capitalization conventions of various environments
symbol-namespacesDefines a new kind of package that’s named by a symbol rather than a string and that maps from existing symbols to their respective
synonymsA package containing useful synonyms to Common Lisp functionalities.
system-localeSystem locale and language discovery
taggerThe Xerox Part-of-Speech Tagger Version 1.2
taglibPure lisp implementation to read (and write, perhaps, one day) tags. Comments by 40ants here.
tailrecGuaranteed tail call optimization.
talclTAL in CL
targaTarga Image Loading for Common Lisp.
tclcs-codeCompanion code for \
tcodCommon Lisp bindings for libtcod, a truecolourterminal-emulation library written in C.
teddyA data framework for Common Lisp, wanna be like Pandas for Python. (Unlicense) Comments by 40ants here.
teepeedee2Multiprotocol fast networking framework
telnetlibPort of the telnetlib from Python
templateA library for templates and template functions.
template-functionA system for generating functions from a template.
temporal-functionsA means of creating functions that have an internal concept of time. Comments by 40ants here
temporary-fileTemporary file creation library
tenTemplate System for Common Lisp (MIT)
terminfoTerminfo database front-end.
terrableTerragen TER file format reader
tesseract-capiTesseract C API wrapper. See 40ants comments here (MIT)
testiereUp Front Testing for DEFUN and DEFMETHOD — GPLv3
texpDSL for outputting TeX expressions using S-expressions. Comments by 40ants here
texterytracery lisp implementation
text-queryA general text-based system for querying the user.
tfeb-lisp-haxCollection of lisp hacks
tfeb-lisp-toolsCollection of lisp tools
tfmTFM (for TeX Font Metrics) is the standard font description format used by TeX. The TFM library parses and decodes TFM files into an abstract datastructure, providing easy access to the corresponding font information in Common Lisp.
the-cost-of-nothingDetermine the cost of things in Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants
thnappyCommon Lisp bindings to Google’s Snappy compression library.
thornA CommonDoc extension for entering special characters.
thorn-docGenerate a Markdown character list.
thread.comm.rendezvousRendezvous thread synchronization. Comments by 40ants here.
thread-poolthread-pool is a simple library that allows users for asynchronous computation using only a fixed number of threads optimizing overall performance
tile-gridA simple tile grid implementation.(MIT)
time-intervalA library for representing intervals of time
timer-wheelA timer wheel implementation with BORDEAUX-THREADS backend.
tinaaCL documentation library
tiny-routesA tiny routing library for Common Lisp targeting Clack. BSD 3-Clause
tmFormalized Iteration Library for Common LISP
tmpdirSimple library to create temporary directories
toadstoolPattern matcher
tootA minimal web server originally built by stripping down Edi Weitz’s Hunchentoot
tooterA client library for Mastodon instances.
torrentsSearch for torrents on popular trackers. Lisp library, CLI interface, terminal application, Tk GUI.
tortaTorta shows you where your disk space is being used. Its user interface is similar to that of the program filelight. Unlike filelight, Torta does not need any graphical environment to run: it analyzes the file system directly and generates a Flash file that you can load locally or remotely on any Flash-supporting web browser. - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
towersSilly geodefense clone wannabe
trace-dbWriting, reading, storing, and searching of program traces
track-bestMacros/functions for tracking the best items. See the for more details.
trainable-objectProvides a metaclass and APIs for the trainable funcallable instances.
translateAbstraction layer for translations
translate-clientA client to online web-server translators, currently only google translate
transparent-wrapA signature-preserving wrapper generator for functions and macros.
treedbA hierarchical key-value-database
treesA library for binary trees in normal and balanced flavors
tree-searchSearch recursively through trees of nested lists
trestrulTiny utilities for TREe-STRUctured-List. (Public Domain)
triviaNON-optimized pattern matcher compatible with OPTIMA, with extensible optimizer interface and clean codebase
trivia.balland2006Optimizer for Trivia based on (Balland 2006)
trivia.benchmarkBenchmarking system of trivia
trivia.cfficffi foreign slot access extension for trivia
trivial-adjust-simple-arrayA tiny utility to change array size ensuring it is simple. (MIT)
trivial-argumentsA simple library to retrieve the lambda-list of a function.
trivial-batteryGetting the battery information
trivial-benchmarkAn easy to use benchmarking system. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-bit-streamsTrivial bit streams
trivial-buildCompile a system into an executable.
trivial-channelsReally simple channels and queue
trivial-clipboardtrivial-clipboard let access system clipboard.
trivial-cltl2Compatibility package exporting CLtL2 functionality
trivial-coerce`trivial-coerce` primarily provides a `trivial-coerce:coerce` function intended as an extensible alternative to `cl:coerce`.(MIT)
trivial-compressCompress a directory.
trivial-continuationProvides an implementation of function call continuation and combination.
trivial-coverageA simple Common Lisp library to print out the code coverage collected. Supports SBCL and CCL.
trivial-custom-debuggerAllows arbitrary functions to become the standard Lisp debugger (MIT)
trivial-debug-consoleA library to provide a well-behaved debug console.
trivial-doLooping extensions that follow the style of the core DO functions. (MIT)
trivial-documentationExtract documentation and definitions for symbols and packages.
trivial-downloadDownload files from Common Lisp
trivial-dump-coretrivial-dump-core: Wrapper that allows the saving of thecurrent lisp image as a \
trivial-ed-functionsA compatibility layer for the ED hook extensions of various Common Lisp implementations.
trivial-escapesC-style escape directives for Common Lisp.
trivia.level0Bootstrapping Pattern Matching Library for implementing Trivia
trivia.level1Core patterns of Trivia
trivia.level2NON-optimized pattern matcher compatible with OPTIMA, with extensible optimizer interface and clean codebase
trivial-exeTools for working with executables
trivial-extensible-sequencesPortability library for the extensible sequences protocol.
trivial-extractExtract .tar/.tar.gz/.zip files.
trivial-featuresEnsures consistent *FEATURES* across multiple CLs. Comments by 40ants here
trivial-file-sizeStat a file’s size.
trivial-garbagePortable finalizers, weak hash-tables and weak pointers.
trivial-gray-streamsCompatibility layer for Gray Streams (see
trivial-hashtable-serializeA simple method to serialize and deserialize hash-tables.
trivial-httpSimple support for HTTP GET, POST and more.
trivialib.bddBDD and ZDD implementation using Trivia
trivialib.type-unifyunifies a polimorphic type specifier with type variables against actual type specifiers. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-indentA very simple library to allow indentation hints for SWANK. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-inspector-hookA simple compatability library for inspector-hook of CDR-6. A single symbol *inspector-hook* is exported from the trivial-inspector-hook package that follows the sematics of CDR-6. This is symbol is also available via the package nicknames of tih and inspector-hook. If the current lisp implementation supports CDR-6 then :cdr-6 and :inspector-hook will be present in *features*.
trivial-ircA trivial IRC client library with simple facilities for receiving, handling and sending messages, and without facilities for CTCP.
trivial-json-codecA JSON parser able to identify class hierarchies.
trivial-jumptablesProvides efficient O(1) jump tables on supported Common Lisp implementations and falls back to O(log(n)) on others. Important optimizations are performed even on unsupported implementations, notably \
trivial-lazyTrivial lazy macros and functions for Common Lisp.
trivial-ldapTRIVIAL-LDAP is a one file, all Common Lisp client implementation of parts of RFC 2261.
trivial-left-padPorts the functionality of the very popular left-pad from npm. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-macroexpand-allCall each implementation’s macroexpand-all equivalent
trivial-main-threadCompatibility library to run things in the main thread.
trivial-method-combinationsPortability library for accessing method combination objects
trivial-mimesTiny library to detect mime types in files.
trivial-mmapA library providing an easy-to-use API for working with memory-mapped files. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-monitored-threadTrivial Monitored Thread offers a very simple (aka trivial) way of spawning threads and being informed when one any of them crash and die.
trivial-msiUtilities for working with Microsoft MSI files.
trivial-nntpSimple tools for interfacing to NNTP servers
trivial-object-lockA simple method to lock object (and slot) access.
trivial-octet-streamsA library for octet input and output streams analogous to string streams.
trivial-open-browserOpen the browser to a URL, on any system.
trivial-openstackA simple Common Lisp OpenStack REST client.
trivial-package-local-nicknamesPortability library for package-local nicknames
trivial-package-locksA standard interface to the various package lock implementations.(MIT)
trivial-package-managerFunctions for installing packages from distro-specific package manager. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-pooled-databaseA DB multi-threaded connection pool.
trivial-projectA simple project skeleton generator with key-value substitution
trivial-raw-ioHelpers for doing raw POSIX I/O
trivial-renamerrename and manage categorized named objects
trivial-rfc-1123minimal parsing of rfc-1123 date-time strings
trivial-sanitizeclean html strings: “foo” → “foo” — LLGPL
trivial-shellOS and Implementation independent access to the shell
trivial-signalUnix signal handling library.
trivial-socketsA trivial networking library for undemanding Internet applications
trivial-sshAn abstraction layer over cl-libssh2. Comments by 40ants here. (MIT)
trivial-ssh-libssh2Trivial libssh2 bindings
trivial-string-templateA trivial string template library, inspired by Python’s string.Template. Comments by 40ants here
trivial-swankswank server communications - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
trivial-system-loaderA system installation/loading abstraction for Common Lisp (MIT)
trivial-tcoA library to assist in ensuring certain code is executed with tail call optimizations enabled. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-thumbnailTiny library to create image thumbnails with imagemagick. See 40ants comments here
trivial-timeoutOS and Implementation independent access to timeouts. Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-timerEasy scheduling of tasks (functions).
trivial-toplevel-commandsTrivial Toplevel Commands allows to define toplevel commands available on most implementations in a portable fashion. (BSD-3 Clause)
trivial-toplevel-promptPortability library to customize REPL prompts. (BSD-3)
trivial-typesTrivial type definitions
trivial-updatetools for easy modification of places with any given function
trivial-utf-8A small library for doing UTF-8-based input and output.
trivial-utilitiesA collection of useful functions and macros.
trivial-variable-bindingsOffers a way to handle associations between a place-holder (aka. variable) and a value.
trivial-wishCreate ‘wishes’ which are requests to compute something later
trivial-withReplace nested with-xxx invocations with a single with:all form
trivial-with-current-source-formHelps macro writers produce better errors for macro users. (GPLv3) Comments by 40ants here.
trivial-wsTrivial WebSockets.
trivial-ws-clientTrivial WebSockets.
trivial-yencDecode yenc file to a binary file
trivia.ppcrePPCRE extention of trivia
trivia.quasiquotefare-quasiquote extension for trivia
trivia.trivialBase level system of Trivia with a trivial optimizer. Systems that intend to enhance Trivia should depend on this package, not the TRIVIA system, in order to avoid the circular dependency.
truclerThis library defines a CLOS-based protocol to be used by Common Lisp compilers for environment query and update. In addition, library authors can use the trucler-native interface to inspect native environments. Trucler supports introspection for variables, functions, tags, blocks and optimization policies.
truetype-clxRipped out rendering from clx-truetype
tryTry is a test framework. MIT, see COPYING.
tsqueueThread Safe Queue — MIT
tttA language for transparent modifications of s-expression based trees. (GPL 3)
twfyTheyWorkForYou API bindings
twitter-mongodb-driverA mongodb driver for cl-twitter
type-iType Inference Utility on Fundamentally 1-arg Predicates
type-rCollections of accessor functions and patterns to access the elements in compound type specifier, e.g. `dimensions’ in `(array element-type dimensions)’
type-templatesA library for defining and expanding templated functions (zlib)
typoA portable type inference library for Common Lisp — MIT
uax-14Implementation of the Unicode Standards Annex #14’s line breaking algorithm
uax-15Common lisp implementation of Unicode normalization functions :nfc, :nfd, :nfkc and :nfkd (Uax-15)
uax-9Implementation of the Unicode Standards Annex #9’s bidirectional text algorithm
ubiquitousA library providing a universal application configuration mechanism.
ubiquitous-concurrentAn extension to ubiquitous providing concurrency support.
ucwUncommonWeb : Standard Components
ucw-coreCore features of UnCommon Web
uffiUniversal Foreign Function Library for Common Lisp
ufoRoswell Script Manager
ugly-tiny-infix-macroA tiny and simple macro to allow writing binary operations in infix notation
uiopPortability library for Common Lisp programs
umbraA library of reusable GPU shader functions.
umlispAn object-oriented, SQL-based interface library to the Unified Medical Language System.
umlisp-orfCommon Lisp library for processing Unified Medical Language System files and representing UMLS objects using the Original Release Format files
unboxablesA simple wrapper around CFFI to enable contiguously allocated arrays of structures in Common Lisp. (MIT)
uncursedAnother TUI library, this time without curses. (BSD 3)
uniclyUUID Generation per RFC 4122 (MIT) REMOVED OCT 15, 2024
unifgramPart of paiprolog
unit-formulasFormulas with unit checking and conversion
universal-configLibrary to provide a universal configuration layer.
unix-optionsEasy to use command line option parser
unix-optsminimalistic parser of command line arguments. Comments by 40ants here.
uri-templateAn implementation of the URI Template proposed standard draft version 01.
url-rewriteURL-REWRITE is a small package which can be used to programmatically rewrite (X)HTML documents such that certain attributes values are replaced by others.
userialuserial: a serialization library for binary message encoding.
usocketUniversal socket library for Common Lisp
usocket-serverUniversal socket library for Common Lisp (server side)
utf8-input-streamA UTF-8 string input stream over a binary stream for Common Lisp (MIT)
utilities.binary-dumpFormatting of binary data similar to the od(1) UNIX program.
utilities.print-itemsA protocol for flexible and composable printing. Comments by 40ants here
utilities.print-treeThis system provides simple facilities for printing tree structures.
utilityA collection of useful functions and macros.
utility-argumentsUtility to handle command-line arguments.
utils-ktKenny’s Utilities
utmLibrary for converting back and forth between latitude/longitude and UTM, supporting several datums.
utm-upsConvert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and UTM or UPS. (GPL 3)
uuidUUID Generation
validate-listAllows you to validate the contents and structure of a list based off of a template (MIT)
varjoCommon Lisp -> GLSL Compiler
varjo.importCommon Lisp -> GLSL Compiler
vas-string-metricsJaro-Winkler and Levenshtein string distance algorithms.
vectoCreate vector graphics in PNG files.
vectorsSome utilities for using vectors
vellumData Frames for Common Lisp (removed quicklisp update of 2 February 2023)
vellum-binaryvellum custom binary format. — BSD simplified
vellum-climSimplistic vellum data frames viewer made with mcclim.
vellum-csvCSV support for Vellum Data Frames
vellum-postmodernPostgres support for Vellum Data Frames (via postmodern).
verboseA logging framework using the piping library.
verletVerlet is a simple physics engine based on verlet integration. It supports particles with position and direction, springs between particles, global gravity as well as gravity between particles, and spacial constraints. — BSD-3
vernacularModule system for language embeddings.
verrazanoObsolete library to bridge C++ and Common lisp. The authors suggest using cl-autowrap instead.
vertexA markup language with TeX syntax.
vgplotInterface to gnuplot
vivid-colorsColored object printer
vivid-diffColored object-diff viewer
vkCommon Lisp bindings for the Vulkan API.
vomA tiny logging utility.
vom-jsonA json-formatted logger for vom (MIT)
vorbisfile-ffiCFFI interface to libvorbisfile
vp-treesPerceptual hash algorithms for images (BSD 2)
wallstreetfletsWall Street FLETs: A library for calculating Options Greeks
wasm-encoderLibrary for serializing WebAssembly modules to binary .wasm files
waterAn ES6-compatible class definition for Parenscript
wayflanFrom-scratch Wayland client implementation — BSD 3-Clause
webapiCLOS-based wrapper builder for Web APIs.
weblocksA Common Lisp web framework.
weblocks-prototype-jsWeblocks JavaScript backend for PrototypeJs - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
weblocks-scriptsA set of scripts for weblocks framework.
weblocks-storesA base for weblocks stores
weblocks-tree-widgetA tree widget for weblocks - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
weblocks-utilUtilities for weblocks
weblocks-utilsUtils for weblocks framework - Removed in Oct 2021 Quicklisp Update
websocket-driverWebSocket protocol handler
websocket-driver-baseWebSocket protocol handler
websocket-driver-serverWebSocket protocol handler
weftA TCP server framework, like Hunchentoot for TCP.
westbrookAn RSS feed generator.
what3wordsDescribe what3words here
whereiseveryone.command-line-argsAutomatically create a command-line-argument parser for a given Common Lisp function definition. (AGPL v3 or any later version)
whichThe which UNIX command in Common Lisp. Comments by 40ants here
whirlogA minimal versioned log structured relational DB
whofieldsHTML field rendering and input validation utilities written in Common Lisp
wild-package-inferred-systemIntroduces the wildcards `*’ and `**’ into package-inferred-system
winhttpFFI wrapper to WINHTTP
winlockFile locking using the Windows API.
with-branchingAn implementation of macroexpand-time conditionalization MIT
with-cached-reader-conditionalsRead whilst collecting reader conditionals
with-contextsThe WITH-CONTEXT System.A system providing a WITH macro and ‘context’ualized objects handledby a ENTER/HANDLE/EXIT protocol in the spirit of Python’s WITH macro.Only better, or, at a minimum different, of course. (BSD)
with-c-syntaxwith-c-syntax is a fun package which introduces the C language syntax into Common Lisp. Remove from quicklisp in June 2021 update.
with-c-syntaxwith-c-syntax is a fun package which introduces the C language syntax into Common Lisp.
with-output-to-streamProvides a simple way of directing output to a stream according to the concise and intuitive semantics of FORMAT’s stream argument. Comments by 40ants here.
with-setfMacros for setting a place for the duration of a scope
with-shadowed-bindingsEstablishes a new lexical context within which specified bindings are explicitly shadowed, making it clear that they are not referenced within, thereby reducing cognitive load.
with-user-abortprovides an easy way to catch ctrl+c. useful for making binaries.
wooAn asynchronous HTTP server written in Common Lisp
wookieAn evented webserver for Common Lisp.
wordnetCommon Lisp interface to WordNet
workout-timerWorkout timer
wu-decimalArbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic
wu-sugarA minimal utility library of string, file, and date functions.
wuweiTools for developing Ajaxy web applications
xarrayA generalized interface for array-like objects with views
xcatXCAT mass LAN big file distributor (MIT)
xectoXecto is a simple parallel vector-processing library
xembedAn implementation of the XEMBED protocol that integrates with CLX.
xfactorypart of cl-libxml2
xhtmlambdaTHe XHTMLambda System.Another HTML/XHTML/XML generation (and parsing) system in Common Lisp.
xhtmlgenXHTML generation library
xkeyboardXKeyboard is X11 extension for clx of the same name.
x.let-starvalue binder
xlsxBasic reader for Excel files.
xlunitExtreme Lisp Testing Suite
xml-emitterxml-emitter simply emits XML, with somecomplexity for handling indentation. It can be used to produce allsorts of useful XML output it has an RSS 2.0 emitter built in. Comments by 40ants here.
xml.locationThis system provides a convenient interface for manipulating XML data. It is inspired by the xmltio library.
xml.location-and-local-timeTo and from XML conversion for local-time timestamps.
xml-mopxml-mop allows representing parts of XML documents as CLOS objects
xmlsXmls is a small, simple, non-validating xml parser for Common Lisp.
xoverlaypart of cl-libxml2
xpathAn implementation of the XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0
xsubseqEfficient way to manage subseqs.
xuriellaAn XSLT processor written in Common Lisp.
yaccA LALR(1) parser generator for Common Lisp
yaclmlYet Another Common Lisp Markup Language
yahYet Another Heap — BSD-3
yasonJSON parser/encoder
youtubePlay youtube urls with or without video using mpv
zaclA layer for loading and running some Allegro CL projects.
zaserveTrivial shim to load built-in aserve when running on Allegro CL
zawsAmazon AWS request construction music player with lyrics
zcdbRead and write cdb files, as specified in
zenekindarlA fast precompiling template engine. Comments by 40ants here.
zeromqZero MQ 3 bindings
zipLibrary for ZIP archive file reading and writing
zippyA fast zip archive library (zlib)
zizAn ad hoc Quicklisp distribution.
zlibCommon lisp zlib implementation (not using FFI)
zmqA binding of the zmq transport layer.
zpb-exifRead EXIF data from image files
zpb-ttfAccess TrueType font metrics and outlines from Common Lisp
zpngCreate PNG files
zs3A Common Lisp library for working with Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and CloudFront content delivery service.
zsortzsort is a collection of portable sorting algorithms.
zyreZyre is a ZeroMQ-based network protocol for clusters and service discovery.