This case study should work on ROS Melodic
apt-get install ros-melodic-move-base ros-melodic-turtlebot3 ros-melodic-turtlebot3-description ros-melodic-map-server ros-melodic-amcl ros-melodic-dwa-local-planner
- Copy the directories "multiple_robots", "myWorlds", "navigation_with_objective" under the ROS hierarchy under ~/catkin_ws/src
- Copy the directory "configurationFiles" to your home directory.
- Next run "catkin_make" in "~/catkin_ws"
Some launch/configuration files may contain the usernames "ubuntu" or "osboxes" which should be replaced with your username. In particular, the ".py" files under ~/catkin_ws/src/navigation_with_objective
And the launch file multiple_robots/launch/mutli_burgersCorridor.launch contains the path for in which the username must be set
catkin_ws/src/maps/mapWhiteCorridorV2.yaml has the "image" path that has to be set
In here is a path in readRoomsFile that needs the username set:
And two in - lines 413 and 521
First run "export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger"
roslaunch multiple_robots multi_burgersCorridor.launch
rviz -d /home/$USER/catkin_ws/src/multiple_robots/rviz/turtlebot3_navigationDos.rviz
For each robot tb3_xxx (replace xxx with robot IDs 0, 1 and 2)
- ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_xxx roslaunch navigation_with_objective coordinates.launch
- ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_xxx roslaunch navigation_with_objective StartGoalMonitor.launch
To launch the case study automatically:
To terminate it: