Due to the wire reform, all wire adapters can be invoked programmatically. Ensuring that wire adapters are consumed via the wire
decorator ensures that their consumption is statically analyzable.
This rule can be configured as follows:
adapters: [
// for modules exporting wire adapters using named exports
{ module: '<module name>', identifier: '<adapter identifier>' },
// for modules exporting wire adapters using default exports
{ module: '<module name>', identifier: 'default' },
// to match multiple adapters, use glob patterns
{ module: '<module name glob pattern>', identifier: '<adapter identifier glob pattern>' },
/*eslint lwc/no-unexpected-wire-adapter-usages: ["error", {"adapters": [{"module": "myAdapters", "identifier": "fooAdapter"}]}]*/
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import { fooAdapter } from 'myAdapters';
wire(fooAdapter); // invalid
new fooAdapter(); // invalid
const barAdapter = fooAdapter; // invalid
export default class Example extends LightningElement {
@wire(fooAdapter) // valid
/*eslint lwc/no-unexpected-wire-adapter-usages: ["error", {"adapters": [{"module": "myNamespace/myAd*", "identifier": "foo*"}]}]*/
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import { fooAdapter } from 'myNamespace/myAdapters';
import { fooBarAdapter } from 'myNamespace/myAccount';
wire(fooAdapter); // invalid
wire(fooBarAdapter); // valid
new fooAdapter(); // invalid
new fooBarAdapter(); // valid
const barAdapter = fooAdapter; // invalid
const bazAdapter = fooBarAdapter; // valid
export default class Example extends LightningElement {
@wire(fooAdapter) // valid
@wire(fooBarAdapter) // valid
Namespace import syntax (import * as ns from 'module';
) are extremely hard to track using static analysis. This rule doesn't track wire adapter usages when they are imported using the namespace import syntax.
/*eslint lwc/no-unexpected-wire-adapter-usages: ["error", {"adapters": [{"module": "myAdapters", "identifier": "fooAdapter"}]}]*/
import * as adapters from 'myAdapters';
new adapter.fooAdapter(); // valid