- Organize show control between departments as early as possible, certainly before shop prep/load in
- have a dedicated chunk of time between QT/focus and the start of tech to have all the departments sit down and try out the show control system
- QLab: 53000
- Go Button: 53100
- Galileo 616: 15006
- If you're using unmanaged switches, wherever possible, have a dedicated OSC network
- non-OSC operations (like screen sharing, file sharing, etc) should happen on a different network. It doesn't take long to max out your gigabit switch when moving files and video around
- have as few hops through switches as possible
- when QLab triggers lights via OSC, send messages as a different user than the board op. Otherwise, your OSC commands will clear the command line
- Evan Cook suggests: /eos/user/99/cue/{your target cue list here}/{your target cue number here}/fire
- don't
- but if you must:
- in the lighting console, set the primary console's ethernet port to the same IP range and subnet mask as the QLab machine
- i've found that setting the lighting console to be the highest possible IP of all of the OSC devices is helpful
- set the transmit IP to X.X.X.255
- this IP will broadcast to all addresses in the IP range
- note: as of Eos 2.8, you can add multiple IP addresses to the transmit IP field, separating them with a space
- Prior versions of Eos may need to use a third party application like OSC Router
- set the transmit port to 53000
- also: "Implicit OSC Output"
- read up in EOS manual on "OSC Filter Out"
- in the Eos OSC Setup menu, find "OSC Cue Send String"
- this is basically a custom string you can have eos send with every "fire"
- enter the string "/cue/%1/start"
- %1 acts as a variable to send the cue number of the fired lighting cue in the OSC string
- other variables are available:
- Eos Family Console Forum
- EosSyncLib
- /eos/filter/add
- eos will only send OSC messages to the device that matches the filter
- ex. /eos/filter/add=/eos/out/param/*
- eos will only send OSC messages to this device that start with "/eos/out/param/"
- QLab syntax is /eos/filter/add "/cue/*"
- QLab uses a space (" ") wherever Eos uses an equals ("=") to attach argument tags to the OSC string
- /eos/filter/remove
- remove an existing filter
- ex. /eos/filter/remove=/eos/out/param/*
- /eos/filter/clear
- clear all filters, so that the device will receive all filters from Eos
- port: 15006
- Mute Outputs:
- /output/1/mute 1.0
- /output/1-10/mute 1.0
- /output/1,3,4/mute 1.0
- Unmute Outputs:
- /output/#/mute 0.0
- port: 25004
- Mute Outputs:
- /processing/output/1/mute 1
- /processing/output/([1-9])/mute 1 and another cue that says /processing/output/(1[0-6])/mute 1
- Unmute Outputs:
- /processing/output/1/mute 0
- the galaxy assumes that any values sent to it via OSC are in sample rates at 96kHz.
- if you're trying to set delay times, multiply the value in ms you WANT by 96. the resulting number is the value (in samples) that should be sent to the galaxy
- ex. 80ms * 96 = 7680 (send this value to galaxy)
- if you're trying to set delay times, multiply the value in ms you WANT by 96. the resulting number is the value (in samples) that should be sent to the galaxy
- port: 50035
- Ip address must be computer running wave tool main license. Cannot trigger OSC message on client computer /wtchat/QLAB/{dest} "message" *{Dest} can be All or name set in preferences
- console sending Note messages into a midi solutions thru, then into two MIDI Sport 4x4's for main and redundant QLab rigs. Backup rig was receiving a different Note message than the main rig. Swapping the USB A>B cable on the backup rig's MIDI sport seemed to fix the problem
- CL3/CL5 consoles
- these can only be used in transmitting/receiving pairs
- the MLA converts MIDI to a different serial protocol/signal type before transmission. the receiving MLA converts it back to MIDI
- Note On/Off messages will appear as control change messages without the receiving MLA
- recalling a specific preset in a specific bank is as follows:
- two midi cues need to be fired at the same time:
- control change message where the control number is 32 and the control value is the number of the bank you want to recall
- 0-4: Program Banks 0-4
- 5-6: Internal register bank R0 & R1
- 7-11: reserved for ROM Card Banks
- 12-...: memory card banks
- program change message where the program # is the preset you want to recall
- note that the program number is 10x of what the preset # is. so preset 4.2 is program 42
- control change message where the control number is 32 and the control value is the number of the bank you want to recall
- Example: recall bank: P0 preset: 4.2
- control change: Ch # | 32 | 0
- program change: Ch# | 42
- two midi cues need to be fired at the same time:
- LTC2: smpte ltc wave file generator