A tool to dial a number on your Cisco IP Phone from your browser with authentication.
In my busy life I am always reading a phone number from the web and entering it into my cisco desk phone. I built this app to automate this process.
I installed this at a high school for a receptionist as she was always typing in student's phone numbers into the desk phone form the screen.
This app saved her squinting at the screen and dramatically improved her productivity.
Originally you could select any phone on the network to send the dial command to, however this was not a great idea in a high school.
I implemented simple authentication whereby the user must enter a generated code on the phone screen before the phone will dial. This ensures the phone being used is actually the one next to the user.
webDial.html (IP ADDRESS, NUMBER TO DIAL) => push to dialPushCheck.php
dialPushCheck.php creates random code => push code to $ip-code.php file
CiscoIPPhoneExecute fetch $ip-code.php file and display on phone screen.
Code is entered in browser. IF match, => Send dial command to phone.
Copyright Sam Turner.