Since most of the architecture was created by running a CloudFormation template, you can clean up most of what you did today by deleting the CloudFormation stack.
However, CloudFormation won't delete any S3 buckets that have data in them, so first you will need to empty the S3 bucket with the sensor data in it.
You will also need to manually clean up any resources you created outside of the workshop CloudFormation stack.
Go to the CloudWatch console under Rules, and delete the CloudWatch Event publish-sensor-data-every-min.
Go to the S3 Console.
Click on the checkbox next to the sensor-data-XXXXXXXX bucket.
Click Empty.
Go to the CloudFormation Console.
Click on the stack you created during set up.
Click Delete.
Kinesis may continue to send data after you've emptied the S3 bucket. If that happens, you will see that the CloudFormation stack has the status DELETE_FAILED, and under Events, you will see the Status Reason: "The following resource(s) failed to delete: [S3Bucket]."
If that happens, empty the S3 bucket again, and delete the stack once more.