- Gray bg
- Next song on add
- Print next song
- Print length
- Sync colors
- Indicate favorite, mark favorite
- Show meta data
- Clipboard support
- (Drag & Drop support)
- (Command mode)
what is current song and what is new song?
Deal with no Internet
Deal with 404
UADE SONG END does not go to next?
Loop detecton, max play or remember skip position?
Limit stream speed
lib2 and lib3 support for PSF
Common resampler in player, not in plugins
Repeating tweens sometimes die (title scrolling stops, selection hilight gone)
webgetter renaming fails when downloading the same song in parallell.
Format colors wrong
Parse collection color from db.lua ?
sid titles wrong encoding
Mouse click select and scroll
Search hits shown twice when term is in both composer and title
Preload next song (RemoteLoader.assureCached() ?)
Indicate error if lua fails
Pause tween not stopped when new song starts
Seeking in MP3s
Seeking in MP3 streams
Shuffle current play queue
Print more info (KB size, source)
Problem: Some SNG files does not require INS files.
Multiple playlists Online playlist Smart playlists
Separate Playlist / Playqueue screen with edit capabilities
Song is PATH in COLLECTION FULL_PATH depends on offline/online
songLoader.addSource(name, local_dir, url)
File = SONG_LOADER(path, collection)
LOADER is a class that loads files either locally or from a remote location, and can cache the files
- Network threads stops quitting
NAME, set of formats
TAB to cycle filters
Tween probs: Pause and party red release lock after song end wven if no new song subsong++ -- when song not switched...
2 second grace only allows sub song? only applies to songs started with ENTER
- Song must play for at least 60 seconds before new song can be selected, unless ALT is held
- Queue remains with ENTER
Own lock for fft
SUBSONG does not work after ending in USF64
Silence at start should have higher threshhold
DC and DS needs to rename libnames to lowercase
Subtitle in USF64 (and dreamcast?)
Old info returns if song cant be played
position next info to right edge
larger sizes on larger screen
subsong grouping... RSN vs USF64 for instance.. search on subsongs?
PI cant always keep up with fft audio
PI jerky scroll, high cpu when more than ~15 texts on search screen?
Dont index secondary files
Dont duplicate fonts
openmpt type name too long
Freeze when starting mods?
Speed up inc search? Remember last set?
- Scroll screens (& stars) left right
- Scroll stars up/down with playlist scrolling
- Edit playlist screen
- KEY brings up EDITOR of CURRENT list
- Can save to any list name and replaces old
- Find show playlist hits first