A blob counter library written in pure javascript.
This library helps you find blobs in an image . Inspired by BlobCounter Class in AForge.NET Framework .
Just include the blobcounter.js
anywhere you like :
<script type="text/javascript" src="blobcounter.js"></script>
Or the blobcounter.min.js
which is minified :
<script type="text/javascript" src="blobcounter.min.js"></script>
NOTE: Input image must be black and white. ( black blobs with white background )
var blobs = new blobcounter(canvas); // Don't forget that input image must be all black and white ( black blobs with white background ) . Apply threshold filter to do that .
var res = blobs.detect(1); // Radius area is one pixel . You can change it.
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
var cog = res[i].cog; // Center of gravity . res[i].cog.x and res[i].cog.y
var mess = res[i].mess; // Number of pixels
See the example.html for a practical example .
This library may be a poor written code as i'm not a javascript programmer so any contributing would be a huge help.