- Added option to callback function for prepending instead of appending to callback array (added by tmcnag) -JO
- Updated send_nrdp.sh to the latest revision -JO
- Updated with code for injecting directly into NDO if sent past check results -JO
- Fixed issue with send_nrdp.php not respecting ports (patched by ericloyd) -JO
- Fixed issue where check_results_dir is not writeable and they get written to /tmp and gives errors instead -JO
- Added checks for function calls that are already in XI -JO
- Fixed issue with syntax in php config script -JO
- Added the ability to disabled external commands in the config - NS
- Changed to add support for multi-line output -SW
- Added bash and python clients - SW
- Bash client can process STDIN, args, single NRDP formatted file or from directory of NRDP formatted files. -SW
- Added bulk transfer mode when reading NSCA-style data from STDIN (--usestdin option)
- Fixed bug where debug statements where on by default
- Fixed syntax errors in server index.php file (Jean-François Burdet)
- Fixed problem with passive checks not having proper timestamps (Jean-François Burdet)
- Initial release