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🔰 generalpy

  • Python package for general classes and methods
  • Install using pip install generalpy

💠 Api_Call class

  • Handles API call in easy way

💠 Attrib class (windows OS only)

  • Handles the attrib command.
  • To set/modify/remove the A/H/I/R/S attributes for files/folders.
  • Use attrib /? in CMD for more info.

💠 CustomLogging class

  • Class to handle logging in easy way.
  • All logging class features + more.
  • Compact & Full formatting are applied wherever applicable.
  • Stream logging to Terminal.
  • File logging: For all logs, and error logs in different files.
  • You can also set different time zone for %(asctime)s.

💠 DatabaseCollection class

  • Handles the data of a collection collectionName in some database.
  • This database will be in memory, but you can extend this functionality by using this class as a base class.
  • And you can create a class which handles db locally or on cloud like MongoDB.
  • Database structure should be: DataBase > collection > collection-data.
  • Structure of collection-data: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] i.e dataID: {dataType: dataValue, ...}, ...

💠 ICACLS class (windows OS only)

  • Handles functions related to icacls command.
  • To set/modify/remove the permissions for files/folders.
  • Use icacls /? in CMD for more info.

💠 IgnoreError(Exception) class

  • This exception should be ignored after catching it for the sake of continuity.
  • You can ignore it in try: ... except IgnoreError: pass block, or
  • By logging/printing to console.

💠 LevelFormatter class

  • Custom logging.Formatter class.
  • To set formatting based on logging Levels. Like logging.INFO, logging.ERROR etc.
  • You can also set different time zone for %(asctime)s

💠 Settings class

  • Handles all settings related aspect for an app.
  • Based on settings file stored in storage.

💠 Signal class

  • A signal object that can be used to connect callback.
  • Simply connect a callback using .connect(...) method.
  • Emit the signal using .emit(...) method.

💠 TaskList class (windows OS only)

  • Handles functions related to tasklist command.
  • Get running tasks/executables.
  • Check if an exe is running or not, or how many of it's instances are running.

💠 ctypes module

This module contains functions and methods related to ctypes

  • run_ShellExecuteW: Runs ShellExecuteW command. (windows_only)
  • running_as_admin: Checks if current app is running as admin. (windows_only)
  • set_app_user_model_id: Sets the App User Model ID for the current process. (windows_only)

💠 decorator module

This module contains decorators

  • combine_single_items: Combine item of sublists (which contain only one item) into a single sublist.
  • conditional: Run decorated function and return it's value, only if provided condition is True.
  • log_it: Logs the functionality and the time taken by decorated function.
  • platform_specific: Run decorated function only if current platform is one of the supportedPlatforms
  • retry_support: Retry the decorated function gracefully.
  • run_threaded: Run decorated function in a new thread.

💠 files module

This module contains methods to work with files

  • delete_files_by_condition: Deletes all files in directory and its subdirectories according to some condition.
  • delete_files_by_prefix_suffix: Deletes all files in directory and its subdirectories according to prefix/suffix in their name.
  • get_new_path: Returns new filePath for files (which do not exist) by appending (1/2/3/..).
  • get_random_file_path: Returns a random path of a file (which do not exist) in parentDirectory.
  • get_unsupported_file_path_chars: Returns A list of characters which can't used in file names (windows_only)
  • read_file_chunks: Read file and returns possible data chunk by chunk.
  • sanitised_filename: Sanitize filename by replacing unsupported or non-printable characters. (windows_only)

💠 general module

This module contains general methods

  • first_capital: Make first letter capital without changing any other thing.
  • format_bytes: Returns human readable formats from bytes.
  • format_dict: Returns human readable formats from dict.
  • generate_repr_str: Returns a suitable string for __repr__ method of classes.
  • get_adjusted_color: Adjusts the brightness of a color in hexadecimal format.
  • get_digit_from_text: Returns the digit from the first occurrence of (digit).
  • get_first_non_alphabet: Returns the first non-alphabet character from string.
  • get_installed_fonts: Returns a list of fonts installed. (windows_only)
  • is_python: Returns True if current running app is python.
  • punctuate: Adds punctuation after string, if not present.
  • remove_extra_spaces: Removed extra spaces between words.
  • replace_html_tags: Replace html tags from a string.
  • replace_multiple_chars: Replace multiple characters from a string.
  • similarized: Takes a list of strings and returns a list of sublists of similar-strings.
  • sliced_list: Slice a list into a list of sublists, where each sublist contains specific no. of items.
  • class Calender_Class: Class Containing functions related to Calendar