SigmaDAO is a web application that lets anyone create a DAO, enable them to Add Proposal, Deposit and Withdraw Tokens and also allow them to Vote.
Wallets supported by the SigmaDAO are:
Home page of SigmaDAO. All daos are listed on this page, where user can select a DAO.
Create DAO page of SigmaDAO. On this page user can create a DAO.
Add proposal page of SigmaDAO. On this page user can add a proposal on a existing DAO.
- Node version >=14.11.0
- yarn 3.2
- PostgreSQL >= 12
This section demonstrates the end-to-end setup required to run the SigmaDAO application fully functioning.
Download and install the postgres version >= 12 from here.
- Clone sigmadao-indexer repo.
- Install go version 1.17 from here.
- Build the sigmadao-indexer project:
- Please make sure postgres server is running.
- Sigmadao-indexer can be run on any network using below command:
cmd/algorand-indexer/algorand-indexer daemon --data-dir /tmp -P "host=localhost port=5432 user=<postgres-user> password=<postgres-password> dbname=<postgres-database-name> sslmode=disable" --algod-net <link-to-network> --algod-token <network-token> --genesis <path-to-genesis-file>
Example of sigmadao-indexer running on private-net:
cmd/algorand-indexer/algorand-indexer daemon --data-dir /tmp -P "host=localhost port=5432 user=algorand password=indexer dbname=pgdb sslmode=disable" --algod-net --algod-token aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa --genesis ../algo-builder/infrastructure/node_data/genesis.json
Make sure you are:
- sigmadao-indexer should be running before executing the below scripts.
- in
directory of this project before executing belows scripts.
Create a sigma dao user, if not already created:
make create-sigma-dao-user
Setup SigmaDAO with indexer:
make setup-sigma-dao
Run below script to delete the sigma dao user, sigma dao user should be present:
make drop-sigma-dao-user
Make sure you are in /dapp
directory of this project before executing below steps.
Start the backend server on http://localhost:4000 configured for private-net.
yarn server:privatenet
Note: The above backend server is configured for private-net network. You can configure it to MainNet, TestNet or BetaNet using the below command:
yarn server:[mainnet/testnet/betanet]
Once, the above backend setup is done. The backend should be running on localhost which connects to PostgreSQL database. Postgraphile has automatic resolver which reads the schema of table and function for auto query generation.
- Install the dependecies.
yarn install
- Run the server configured on private-net using below command:
yarn start:privatenet
Note: The above frontend server is running configured for private-net network. You can configure it to MainNet, TestNet or BetaNet using below command:
yarn start:[mainnet/testnet/betanet]
Build the application for production:
yarn build
Checkout the deployment documentation
P.S: This is a beta software.