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Version 2019.09.10:

todoist-action-cli changes:

  • Fixed issue where custom label fields weren't added after -sync. This was particularly noticeable after deleting the cache.

Other changes:

  • Package install now requires todoist-python version 8.0.0 or above to prevent install with old versions of todoist-python.
  • Removed todoist_today_or_overdue and todoist-adhoc entry points (executables). There is still the todoist-adhoc-cli alias, but many of the commands are now broken, since Todoist deprecated the adhoc query endpoint.

For developer-relevant code changes, please check the git commit log.

Version 2019.09.10:


  • Added documentation files (docs/), and moved most of the content from actionista/todoist/ to these docs.
  • Changed README format from reStructuredText (.rst) to Markdown (.md).
  • Added developer-related notes (

Version 2019.09.09:

todoist-action-cli changes:

  • NEW: Label names are now added to tasks as derived custom data fields 'label_names' and 'labels_str'. Note that 'label_names' is a list, and must be used accordingly. The derived label fields can be used e.g. for printing, sorting, or filtering:

    • `todoist-action-cli -sync -filter label_names contains habit -sort "labels_str,project_name" -print "{content} ({labels_str})"
    • Please notice the order of operands for the -filter command: filter <key> <op> <value>.
  • NEW: Added convenience -label filter action, which will filter tasks based on the given label. -label <label> is equivalent to -filter label_names icontains <label>.

    • Note the use of icontains, making the comparison case-insensitive.
  • NEW: Added support for negative-filtering using exclamation marks. Using negative filtering was already possible using -filter <key> not <op> <value>, or one of the many "negative-filtering" convenience filter actions. But this adds support for using "!value" to negate the filter, e.g. -label !habit to filter out tasks with the "habit" label.

  • NEW: Added support for renaming tasks, using the -rename action. For example:

    $ todoist-action-cli -content "Test task 123" -print -rename "Test task ABC" -commit

  • NEW: Added support to disable injecting 'label_names' and 'labels_str' derived fields, using:

    • todoist-action-cli inject_task_labels_fields=0.
  • NEW: Added support for disabling all injections of derived data fields using:

    • todoist-action-cli inject_derived_task_fields=0.

todoist-cli changes:

  • todoist-cli add-task now uses lower-case comparison to convert project_name to project_id and label_name to label_id. You can now use $ todoist-cli add-task "Test123" --project dev --label open-source even if the project is actually written "Dev" and label "Open-Source".

Other code changes:

  • The "case-insensitive" operators in actionista.binary_operators now work for lists, sets, and dicts. Before, the case-insensitive operators would just use a.lower() (or occationally str(a).lower()). But now, the elements in a list/set/dict are converted to lowercase, recursively. For dicts, the keys are converted to lowercase as well.

For developer-relevant code changes, please check the git commit log.

Version 2019.09.06:

New todoist-cli CLI command:

  • Added alternative todoist-cli, a more traditional, Click-enabled CLI. todoist-cli is a command group with sub-commands add-task and print-projects.
    • The todoist-cli CLI superseds the old, argparse-based todoist-adhoc-cli CLI (which will probably be renamed to todoist-argparse-cli).
  • Added add-task sub-command to todoist-cli CLI. You can use todoist-cli add-task to add a new task to Todoist. You can also invoke this command directly using todoist-add-task.
  • Added print-projects sub-command to todoist-cli CLI. You can use todoist-cli print-projects to print/list your Todoist projects. This is useful if you need to e.g. add a task, but you can't remember the Todoist project names.

New actionista-todoist-config CLI command:

  • Added actionista-todoist-config CLI, which can be used to update the API token and create default config file. You can now configure Actionista for Todoist by invoking actionista-todoist-config from the command line.

Other changes:

  • All Actionista for Todoist CLI commands will now append "Actionista-Todoist" info the HTTP User-Agent header to python-requests/<requests version> Actionista-Todoist/<actionista version>. The User-Agent will appear in your activity list, making it more obvious what changes you've made using the Actionista for Todoist CLIs.

For developer-relevant code changes, please check the git commit log.

Version 2019.09.04:

  • Switched to using the new v8 Sync API version.

    • Major differences from v7: (1) How due dates are stored - now under a dedicated due attribute, and using "floating", rather than "fixed" timezones; times are, by default, in the user's timezone, rather than UTC). And (2) projects and tasks are now using an actual "parent-child" tree, rather than simply using "indent" and "order" attributes. Tasks and projects still have an "order", but it is relative to it siblings under the same parent. There is also still "day_order" (the order on the "today" page), that haven't changed.
  • Now storing derived fields (e.g. "due_date_safe_dt", "project_name", and "checked_str") in separate attribute (_custom_data, by default), instead of contaminating the primary .data attribute.

Added todoist-action-cli features:

  • Added -add-task action, which can be used to add a new task. The task's project, priority, and due date is specified using due=when notation. If you want to perform additional actions after adding a new task (e.g. -print or -sort), please make sure to -commit after adding the the new task before doing so.

  • Added -close action, which can be used to close (complete) the selected task(s):

    $ todoist-action-cli -sync -name "Task to complete" -close -commit

  • Added -reopen action, which can be used to reopen (uncomplete) the selected task(s):

    $ todoist-action-cli -sync -name "Task to uncomplete" -reopen -commit

  • Added -archive action, which can be used to archive the selected task(s):

    $ todoist-action-cli -sync -is completed -name "Starts-with-this*" -archive -commit

  • Added -delete action, which can be used to delete the selected task(s):

    $ todoist-action-cli -sync -project "Delete-tasks-in-this-project" -delete -commit

  • Fixed -reschedule command so it is cleaner and compliant with v8 Sync API.

  • Added option to skip parsing and injection of derived date and project fields, using todoist-action-cli inject_task_date_fields=0 inject_task_project_fields=0. This is useful if your cache is corrupted and you need to delete the cache without doing any parsing tasks:

    $ todoist-action-cli inject_task_date_fields=0 inject_task_project_fields=0 -delete-cache
  • Moved all tasks action commands to separate module, action_commands.

For developer-relevant code changes, please check the git commit log.

2019-09-03: Move to Todoist Sync API v8

What has changed between v7 and v8 of the Sync API?

Task due property changes:

  • Task items not have a dedicated due dict property, instead of the due_date_utc and friends.
    • This change, with a dedicated due property, was actually already present in the Sync API v7.1.
  • This affect these methods:
    • The items.add() and items.update() methods now expect a due parameter, instead of the date_string, date_lang and/or due_date_utc parameters.
    • The items.update_date_complete() method now expects a due parameter, instead of new_date_utc, date_string and/or is_forward parameters.
  • The new due property has the following:
    • date (str): RFC-3339 date, either "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS". If date is YYYY-MM-DD, it is considered an "all day" item with no specified time. This is different from the v7 API, where a time of 23:59:59 was used to indicate an "all day" task.
    • So, a major difference is that an "all-day" task in v7 API had a time of 23:59:59, while an "all day" task in v8 API does not have a time.
    • timezone (str): Always set to null, unless you want the task due time to really be at a given timezone. If timezone is not given, then the time is always "in the user's current timezone". That is, if I specify a task to happen at 10:00:00, and I change timezone, the task is still due at 10:00:00 in the new timezone.
    • string (str): A human-readable due date, e.g. "10 am every monday".
    • lang (str): The language used to parse the string attribute.
    • is_recurring (bool): Whether the task is recurring. If it is, then completing a task will simply move the task's due date by re-parsing the string.


  • The date_string, date_lang, due_date_utc properties of reminders were replaced by the due object.
  • The reminders.add() and reminders.update() methods now expect a due parameter, instead of the date_string, date_lang and/or due_date_utc parameters.

Date format changes:

  • Date formats must be RFC-3339, i.e. "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" or (maybe?) "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
    • From the RFC-3339 specs: [RFC-3339 is] "a profile of the ISO 8601 standard".

Other method changes:

  • Most of the items methods are now intended to be invoked on just a single item, rather than a list of items.
  • For example, the items.complete() method now expects the id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it completes the item and all the item's descendants. In addition the new date_completed parameter can also be specified.


Copy/paste of official Todoist

  • All arguments expecting a date/time must be formatted according to RFC 3339, and all return values are also using the same format.
  • The item_order and indent properties of projects, that denoted a visual hierarchy for the projects (the order of all the projects and the level of indent of each one of them), were replaced by parent_id and child_order, which denote a real hierarchy (the parent project of a project and the order of all children of a specific parent project).
  • The projects.add() method now expects a parent_id and child_order parameter, instead of the item_order and indent parameters.
  • The projects.update() method doesn't expect an item_order and indent parameters anymore, but it doesn't accept the new parent_id and child_order parameters as well, as the way to change the hierarchy is now different (see the projects.move() and projects.reorder() methods).
  • The new projects.move() method must be used to move a project to become the child of another project or become a root project.
  • The new projects.reorder() method must be used to reorder projects in relation to their siblings with the same parent.
  • The projects.delete() method now expects only an id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it deletes the project and all the projects's descendants.
  • The projects.archive() method now expects the id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it archives the project and all the project's descendants.
  • The projects.uncomplete() method now expects an id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it restores the project as a root project.
  • The projects.update_orders_indents() method was removed.
  • The date_string, date_lang, due_date_utc properties of items were replaced by the due object.
  • The item_order and indent properties of items, that denoted a visual hierarchy for the items (the order of all the items and the level of indent of each one of them), were replaced by parent_id and child_order, which denote a real hierarchy (the parent item of an item and the order of all children of a specific parent item).
  • The items.add() method now expects a parent_id and child_order parameter, instead of the item_order and indent parameters.
  • The items.add() and items.update() methods now expect a due parameter, instead of the date_string, date_lang and/or due_date_utc parameters.
  • The items.update() method doesn't expect an item_order and indent parameters anymore, but it doesn't accept the new parent_id and child_order parameters as well, as the way to change the hierarchy is now different (see item_move and item_reorder).
  • The items.move() method does not accept the project_items and to_project parameters, but a new set of parameters specifically id, and one of project_id or parent_id. Another difference stemming from this is that only a single item can be moved at a time, and also that in order to move an item to become the child of another parent (or become a root level item) the item_move command must be used as well.
  • The items.update_orders_indents() method was removed.
  • The new items.reorder() method must be used to reorder items in relation to their siblings with the same parent.
  • The items.delete method now expects only an id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it deletes the item and all the item's descendants.
  • The items.complete() method now expects the id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it completes the item and all the item's descendants. In addition the new date_completed parameter can also be specified.
  • The items.uncomplete() method now expects an id parameter, instead of the ids parameter, and it uncompletes all the item's ancestors.
  • The new items.archive() method can be used to move an item to history.
  • The new items.unarchive() method can be used to move an item out of history.
  • The items.update_date_complete() method now expects a due parameter, instead of new_date_utc, date_string and/or is_forward parameters.
  • The possible color values of filters changed from 0-12 to 30-49.
  • The date_string, date_lang, due_date_utc properties of reminders were replaced by the due object.
  • The reminders.add() and reminders.update() methods now expect a due parameter, instead of the date_string, date_lang and/or due_date_utc parameters.
  • The state now includes an additional new resource type called user_settings.
  • The user object now includes the days_off property.
  • The since and until parameters of the activity/get method are deprecated, and are replaced by the new page parameter.