From 592b95312d970424953ccf08fa2ff7cc76ec4b23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: daslu <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:32:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] added some tests

 notebooks/noj_book/automl.clj           |   9 +-
 test/noj_book/automl_generated_test.clj | 486 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 test/noj_book/automl_generated_test.clj

diff --git a/notebooks/noj_book/automl.clj b/notebooks/noj_book/automl.clj
index 76fb8b8..b5e0403 100644
--- a/notebooks/noj_book/automl.clj
+++ b/notebooks/noj_book/automl.clj
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
 (ns noj-book.automl
   (:require [ :as ml-basic]
-            [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]))
+            [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]
+            [tablecloth.api :as tc]
+            [scicloj.kindly.v4.api :as kindly]))
 ;; ## The metamorph pipeline abstraction
 ;; When doing automl, it is very useful to be able to manage
@@ -368,6 +370,11 @@ train-ctx
+ #(-> %
+      tc/rows
+      (= [[[:sex :pclass :embarked] 0.8110772551260077 {:model-type, :tribuo-components [{:name "random-forest", :type "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer", :properties {:maxDepth "8", :useRandomSplitPoints "false", :fractionFeaturesInSplit "0.5"}}], :tribuo-trainer-name "random-forest"}] [[:sex] 0.7863327620135847 {:model-type, :tribuo-components [{:name "random-forest", :type "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer", :properties {:maxDepth "8", :useRandomSplitPoints "false", :fractionFeaturesInSplit "0.5"}}], :tribuo-trainer-name "random-forest"}] [[:sex :pclass] 0.7863327620135847 {:model-type, :tribuo-components [{:name "logistic", :type "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}], :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}] [[:sex :embarked] 0.7863327620135847 {:model-type, :tribuo-components [{:name "logistic", :type "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}], :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}] [[:sex] 0.7863327620135847 {:model-type, :tribuo-components [{:name "logistic", :type "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}], :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}]])))
 ;; ## Best practices for data transformation steps in or outside pipeline
 (require '[ :as data]
diff --git a/test/noj_book/automl_generated_test.clj b/test/noj_book/automl_generated_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f6199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/noj_book/automl_generated_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+(def var0 nil)
+ noj-book.automl-generated-test
+ (:require
+  [ :as ml-basic]
+  [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]
+  [tablecloth.api :as tc]
+  [scicloj.kindly.v4.api :as kindly]
+  [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))
+(def var2 nil)
+ var3
+ (require
+  '[ :as ml]
+  '[scicloj.metamorph.core :as mm]
+  '[tablecloth.api :as tc]))
+(def var4 nil)
+(def var5 (def titanic ml-basic/numeric-titanic-data))
+(def var6 nil)
+(def var7 (def splits (first (tc/split->seq titanic))))
+(def var8 (def train-ds (:train splits)))
+(def var9 (def test-ds (:test splits)))
+(def var10 nil)
+ var11
+ (def
+  my-pipeline
+  (mm/pipeline
+   (ml/model {:model-type}))))
+(def var12 nil)
+(def var13 my-pipeline)
+(def var14 nil)
+ var15
+ (def
+  ctx-after-train
+  (my-pipeline #:metamorph{:data train-ds, :mode :fit})))
+(def var16 ctx-after-train)
+(def var17 (keys ctx-after-train))
+(def var18 nil)
+(def var19 (vals ctx-after-train))
+(def var20 nil)
+ var21
+ (def
+  ctx-after-predict
+  (my-pipeline
+   (assoc
+    ctx-after-train
+    :metamorph/mode
+    :transform
+    :metamorph/data
+    test-ds))))
+(def var22 ctx-after-predict)
+(def var23 nil)
+(def var24 (-> ctx-after-predict :metamorph/data :survived))
+(def var25 nil)
+ var26
+ (def
+  train-ctx
+  (mm/fit
+   titanic
+   (ml/model {:model-type}))))
+(def var27 nil)
+(def var28 train-ctx)
+(def var29 nil)
+ var30
+ (->>
+  (ml/train train-ds {:model-type})
+  (ml/predict test-ds)
+  :survived))
+(def var31 nil)
+ var32
+ (def
+  pipeline
+  (mm/pipeline
+   (ml/model {:model-type}))))
+ var33
+ (->>
+  (mm/fit-pipe train-ds pipeline)
+  (mm/transform-pipe test-ds pipeline)
+  :metamorph/data
+  :survived))
+(def var34 nil)
+ var35
+ (def
+  ops
+  (fn
+   [ctx]
+   (assoc
+    ctx
+    :metamorph/data
+    (tc/drop-columns (:metamorph/data ctx) [:embarked])))))
+(def var36 nil)
+(def var37 (def ops (mm/lift tc/drop-columns [:embarked])))
+(def var38 nil)
+(def var39 (require '[tablecloth.pipeline]))
+(def var40 (def ops (tablecloth.pipeline/drop-columns [:embarked])))
+(def var41 nil)
+(def var42 (mm/pipeline ops))
+(def var43 nil)
+ var44
+ (def
+  op-spec
+  [[ml/model {:model-type}]]))
+(def var45 nil)
+(def var46 (mm/->pipeline op-spec))
+(def var47 nil)
+ var48
+ (defn
+  make-results-ds
+  [evaluation-results]
+  (->>
+   evaluation-results
+   flatten
+   (map
+    (fn*
+     [p1__64888#]
+     (hash-map
+      :options
+      (-> p1__64888# :test-transform :ctx :model :options)
+      :used-features
+      (-> p1__64888# :fit-ctx :used-features)
+      :mean-accuracy
+      (-> p1__64888# :test-transform :mean))))
+   tc/dataset)))
+ var49
+ (require
+  '[ :as ml]
+  '[ :as loss]
+  '[scicloj.metamorph.core :as mm]
+  '[]))
+(def var50 nil)
+ var51
+ (defn
+  make-pipe-fn
+  [model-spec features]
+  (mm/pipeline
+   (fn [ctx] (assoc ctx :used-features features))
+   (mm/lift tc/select-columns (conj features :survived))
+   #:metamorph{:id :model}
+   (ml/model model-spec))))
+(def var52 nil)
+ var53
+ (def
+  titanic-k-fold
+  (tc/split->seq ml-basic/numeric-titanic-data :kfold {:seed 12345})))
+(def var54 nil)
+ var55
+ (def
+  models
+  [{:model-type}
+   {:model-type,
+    :tribuo-components
+    [{:name "logistic",
+      :type "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}],
+    :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}
+   {:model-type,
+    :tribuo-components
+    [{:name "random-forest",
+      :type
+      "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer",
+      :properties
+      {:maxDepth "8",
+       :useRandomSplitPoints "false",
+       :fractionFeaturesInSplit "0.5"}}],
+    :tribuo-trainer-name "random-forest"}]))
+(def var56 nil)
+ var57
+ (def
+  feature-combinations
+  [[:sex :pclass :embarked]
+   [:sex]
+   [:pclass :embarked]
+   [:embarked]
+   [:sex :embarked]
+   [:sex :pclass]]))
+(def var58 nil)
+ var59
+ (def
+  pipe-fns
+  (for
+   [model models feature-combination feature-combinations]
+   (make-pipe-fn model feature-combination))))
+(def var60 nil)
+ var61
+ (def
+  evaluation-results
+  (ml/evaluate-pipelines
+   pipe-fns
+   titanic-k-fold
+   loss/classification-accuracy
+   :accuracy)))
+(def var62 nil)
+(def var63 (make-results-ds evaluation-results))
+(def var64 nil)
+ var65
+ (def
+  evaluation-results-all
+  (ml/evaluate-pipelines
+   pipe-fns
+   titanic-k-fold
+   loss/classification-accuracy
+   :accuracy
+   {:return-best-crossvalidation-only false,
+    :return-best-pipeline-only false})))
+(def var66 nil)
+(def var67 (-> evaluation-results-all flatten count))
+(def var68 nil)
+ var69
+ (->
+  (make-results-ds evaluation-results-all)
+  (tc/unique-by)
+  (tc/order-by [:mean-accuracy] :desc)
+  (tc/head)
+  (kind/table)))
+ test70
+ (is
+  ((fn*
+    [p1__64889#]
+    (->
+     p1__64889#
+     tc/rows
+     (=
+      [[[:sex :pclass :embarked]
+        0.8110772551260077
+        {:model-type,
+         :tribuo-components
+         [{:name "random-forest",
+           :type
+           "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer",
+           :properties
+           {:maxDepth "8",
+            :useRandomSplitPoints "false",
+            :fractionFeaturesInSplit "0.5"}}],
+         :tribuo-trainer-name "random-forest"}]
+       [[:sex]
+        0.7863327620135847
+        {:model-type,
+         :tribuo-components
+         [{:name "random-forest",
+           :type
+           "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer",
+           :properties
+           {:maxDepth "8",
+            :useRandomSplitPoints "false",
+            :fractionFeaturesInSplit "0.5"}}],
+         :tribuo-trainer-name "random-forest"}]
+       [[:sex :pclass]
+        0.7863327620135847
+        {:model-type,
+         :tribuo-components
+         [{:name "logistic",
+           :type
+           "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}],
+         :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}]
+       [[:sex :embarked]
+        0.7863327620135847
+        {:model-type,
+         :tribuo-components
+         [{:name "logistic",
+           :type
+           "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}],
+         :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}]
+       [[:sex]
+        0.7863327620135847
+        {:model-type,
+         :tribuo-components
+         [{:name "logistic",
+           :type
+           "org.tribuo.classification.sgd.linear.LinearSGDTrainer"}],
+         :tribuo-trainer-name "logistic"}]])))
+   var69)))
+(def var71 nil)
+ var72
+ (require
+  '[ :as data]
+  '[tech.v3.dataset.modelling :as ds-mod]
+  '[tech.v3.dataset.categorical :as ds-cat]
+  '[tech.v3.dataset :as ds]))
+(def var73 nil)
+(def var74 (def titanic (:train (data/titanic-ds-split))))
+(def var75 nil)
+ var76
+ (def
+  relevant-titanic-data
+  (->
+   titanic
+   (tc/select-columns
+    (conj ml-basic/categorical-feature-columns :survived))
+   (tc/drop-missing)
+   (ds/categorical->number
+    [:sex :pclass :embarked]
+    [0 1 2 "male" "female" "S" "Q" "C"]
+    :float64)
+   (ds/categorical->number [:survived] [0 1] :float64)
+   (ds-mod/set-inference-target :survived))))
+(def var77 nil)
+ var78
+ (defn
+  make-pipe-fn
+  [model-type features]
+  (mm/pipeline
+   (fn [ctx] (assoc ctx :used-features features))
+   (mm/lift tc/select-columns (conj features :survived))
+   #:metamorph{:id :model}
+   (ml/model {:model-type model-type}))))
+(def var79 nil)