Releases: scikit-hep/uproot5
@nikoladze fixed a "np.int64
is not int
" error in an argument passed to pyxrootd: PR #258
@ChristopheRappold improved the documentation to include logical combinations of cuts (and the fact that you have to use &
and |
, rather than the TTreeFormula operators): PR #260.
The allow_missing
parameter to uproot.iterate
and uproot.concatenate
can now ignore missing TBranches, not just missing TTrees: #263.
Minor fixes to interpretation so that we can
a CMS Run I AOD file: PR #262.
Made DispatchByVersion more lenient of ROOT objects without a num_bytes
, but having everything else (PR #251).
@ryuwd fixed a case with XRootD readv_iov_max
limit being exceeded.
@chrisburr reinstated the Python 3.5 tests (after fixing conda-forge upstream).
@jpivarski fixed a bug in which returning regular arrays along with lower-dimensional arrays broadcasted them. This has been fixed in both
(scikit-hep/awkward#656) and in UprootPR #245. Updating either should be sufficient.
Also added hooks to the decompression process and properties to get per-branch compression information (PR #247).
@nikoladze significantly revamped the XRootDSource to deal with vector reads in which TBaskets are larger than XRootD's max_element_size
(PR #243).
@henryiii modernized the setup configuration (#231) and fixed kind
for normal histograms (#236).
@HealthyPear fixed a bug that prevented reading TProfile2D and TProfile3D (#228).
@kratsg added behaviors for TGraphAsymmErrors (#240).
@jpivarski hid XRootD's ReferenceError in atexit
(#237) and TH3's to_numpy
@douglasdavis fixed warnings that would come up in NumPy 1.20.
I added badges, and I'm making a release to get a new Zenodo DOI associated with this repo, rather than uproot3.
First version 4.0.0 (non release candidate)! From now on, when users
pip install uproot
(without any version qualification), they will get Uproot 4.x, not Uproot 3.x.
This version also has a few bug-fixes: infinite recursion in self-referential strided_interpretation
(#216), identify EmptyArrays in all cases of _awkward_json_to_array
(#217), better determination if an embedded (recovered) TBasket is jagged (#218), and caught up to the latest histogram protocol (#219).