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Gateway Hub Setup

Jeremy Ho edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 8 revisions

Written by Jeremy Ho. Last edited: 2/13/2014

This setup guide creates an Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS Virtual Machine with either the SCOOP Gateway components or SCOOP Hub components. Although this guide is designed to help a user quickly get the SCOOP machines set up, this is by no means the only way to install the components. We also have some documentation for deploying a gateway instance onto a Windows platform. Although the gateway software supports windows, that platform isn't as well supported as linux.

In order to be successful with this guide, it is assumed that you are comfortable working with Linux, the command line, and text editor. Any text that appears inside a lightly colored box is a command that needs to be executed in the terminal. Remember that although copy is Ctrl+C, to paste in the terminal (at least for Ubuntu) you need to do Shift+Ctrl+V in order to paste. Anything that is in italics is an installation related note, and anything that is in an indented bullet is a comment.

Linux Software Packages & Versions

At the time of writing, these are the software versions we are currently using and know should work.

  • Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS x64
  • VirtualBox 4.2.6 r82870
  • Git
  • Ruby 1.9.3

Linux Environment Setup

Download and install VirtualBox from

Create a new Virtual Machine and set Virtual Machine to 2GB RAM, 200GB HD.

  • Select the VDMK format if you think you may transfer this VM to VMWare down the road. Otherwise the VDI format works as well.

Download and install the Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS x64 Desktop Operating System.

Linux Infrastructure Installation

Linux Supporting Packages

Since the SCOOP components depend on Ruby, Rails, and MongoDB, we will need to make sure they are properly installed as well as their subcomponents. Specifically, the following lists the requirements needed for hQuery to run properly. Also note that should you wish to have multiple terminal windows to maintain the multiple running components of hQuery, it would not be a bad idea to consider using Screen for that purpose. You can install screen with the following command:

sudo apt-get install screen

SCOOP Dependencies

  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Rails 3.2
  • MongoDB 1.8.1+
  • Mongoid 3.0+

Ruby Install

The following instructions offer the least painful method of rapidly getting an installation of Ruby and Rails installed.

sudo apt-get install curl

curl -L | bash -s stable

Update the Terminal environment

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

Then to check for Ruby requirements, the following command will let you know which packages are needed.

rvm requirements

Normally this will automatically install all the dependencies that RVM requires, but if not, look in the output for a paragraph with "Additional Dependencies:". It should provide an apt-get command with a list of dependencies. Go ahead and run what it suggests to install the missing dependencies.

We want Ruby version 1.9.3 so the following installs that version.

rvm install 1.9.3

rvm use 1.9.3 --default

We also need a packager for Ruby to run some things.

rvm rubygems current

gem install bundler

Lastly, we require Rails to run some of the server instances.

gem install rails

Ruby Update

It may be necessary to update the version of ruby installed periodically. To do that, make sure your RVM (Ruby Version Manager) is up to date.

rvm get stable

rvm reload

Afterwards, you can ask RVM to list the ruby versions available. Check to see if your desired update is listed.

rvm list known

Afterwards, just reinstall the ruby version and it should update with some prompts.

rvm install 1.9.3

MongoDB Install

The SCOOP components use MongoDB to store the data. In order to install this, we must let Ubuntu know of another repository to pull from. You will need root rights for this.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10

echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/10gen.list

Update Ubuntu's repository to also pick up the new repository data, and then install the latest version of MongoDB.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen

Windows Software Packages & Versions

At the time of writing, these are the software versions we are currently using and know should work.

  • Windows NT Based OS
  • Git
  • Ruby 1.9.3

Windows Environment Setup

We have tested hQuery Gateway on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. It should be supported on other NT based versions of windows, but we have not directly tested them. In general, any Windows OS environment will suffice.

Windows Infrastructure Installation

Windows Supporting Packages

Since the SCOOP components depend on Ruby, Rails, and MongoDB, we will need to make sure they are properly installed as well as their subcomponents. Specifically, the following lists the requirements needed for hQuery to run properly.

SCOOP Dependencies

  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Rails 3.2
  • MongoDB 1.8.1+
  • Mongoid 3.0+

Ruby Install

The following instructions offer the least painful method of rapidly getting an installation of Ruby and Rails installed.

Visit and download Ruby 1.9.3-p484, as well as the 1.9.3 development kit.

Direct Links:

Ruby 1.9.3-p484


Run the Ruby Installer 1.9.3 program to install the ruby environment. Default settings work fine. If you run the following, you should expect to see ruby version 1.9.3.

ruby --version

Afterwards, run the DevKit and have it extract to somewhere permanent such as C:\ruby193\devkit. To set up the devkit, enter your devkit folder on command line (such as C:\ruby193\devkit) and run

ruby dk.rb init

This creates a config.yml file. It is not necessary to change that file. Afterwards, run

ruby dk.rb install

And this will install the devkit into your ruby environment. We also need a packager for Ruby to run some things.

gem install bundler

Lastly, we require Rails to run some of the server instances.

gem install rails

If no errors show up, the ruby environment is ready.

MongoDB Install

The SCOOP components use MongoDB to store the data. In order to install this, we need to download and install mongodb. Visit and download the Windows 64 bit version. Then expand it to somewhere like C:\mongodb.

At this point, you may wish to add C:\mongodb\bin to your PATH variable for convenience.

Create data and db folders on the root of your hard drive for mongo to store its database.

cd C:\

md data

md data\db

To redirect mongo's log to file we do the following:

cd C:\mongodb

md log

echo logpath=C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log > C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg

At this point, restart your console, and run mongod. If it starts up, everything is working, and you can run mongo to connect to it.

Install as Service

To have mongodb running as a service, run the following:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --config C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg --install

net start MongoDB

SCOOP Components

SCOOP Components will either reside on the Gateway Server (under the practitioner's control), or the Hub Server (under the researcher's control). For reference, the port numbers for all the components can be found here:

Component Port Numbers

SCOOP Gateway Install

Relay-Service Install

To get a copy of the relay service, do the following:

cd ~/workspace


chmod +x relay-service.rb

Look for the line Dir.glob('/vagrant/files/*.xml') do |xml_file| and change the /vagrant/files/ to your own folder where the patient documents are stored at.

To run the server, just run with ruby. You may want to consider using a screen terminal if you intend on having the server run after you log off.


Query Gateway Install

First we need to get the source code for the gateway. We do this with the following:

cd ~/workspace or cd ~ on Windows

git clone git://

Note: Depending on the development status of SCOOP, you may need to checkout and build on the scoop-develop branch instead of master

If you plan on editing the code, make sure you use an SSH version of the remote instead.

Afterwards, you will want to go into the new directory, install, seed, and start the server.

cd query-gateway

bundle install

bundle exec rake db:seed

mkdir -p tmp/pids or md tmp and md tmp\pids

The following commands starts the server. If you want, you may create a bash script that automates this for you. You may want to consider using a screen terminal if you intend on having the server run after you log off.


bundle exec script/delayed_job start
bundle exec rails server -p 3001
bundle exec script/delayed_job stop

The source code includes convenient startup scripts called for linux, and runme.bat for windows.

SCOOP Hub Install

Query Composer Install

First we need to get the source code for the gateway. We do this with the following:

cd ~/workspace

git clone git://

Note: Depending on the development status of SCOOP, you may need to checkout and build on the scoop-develop branch instead of master

If you plan on editing the code, make sure you use an SSH version of the remote instead.

Afterwards, you will want to go into the new directory, install, and start the server.

cd query-composer

bundle install

mkdir -p tmp/pids

The following command starts the server. If you want, you may create a bash script that automates this for you. You may want to consider using a screen terminal if you intend on having the server run after you log off.


bundle exec script/delayed_job start
bundle exec rails server -p 3002
bundle exec script/delayed_job stop

You can access this server's page by going to http://localhost:3002. There you must create an account. Fill out the new user form and submit it. Afterwards, we need to activate the account as an admin. We do that with the following command:

bundle exec rake hquery:users:grant_admin USER_ID=<USERNAME>

Where is replaced by the username you used to sign up.

The source code includes convenient startup scripts called for linux.


Removing all gems

Sometimes a system will need all of its gems cleared out. To do that, run the following:

gem list | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs gem uninstall -aIx

This will grab all the existing gems, and tell them to be uninstalled. Afterwards, you can simply bundle install to grab only the gems you need.

Old Notes

This section contains old installation instructions for software packages that SCOOP is no longer using in its architecture. They remain here for archival reasons.

Mirth Install

Install Mirth Connect v2.2.1.5861. (As of 7/24/2012). This is available for download from
Select the Installer entry under the Linux table. Alternatively, you may do the following to download directly:

cd ~


Afterwards, extract Mirth Connect, go into the Mirth Connect directory, and start its service. It will bind to port 8080.

tar -xzvf mirthconnect-

cd Mirth\ Connect

./mcservice start

Connect to http://localhost:8080 to start the Java Applet and begin configuration.

Configuration instructions for Mirth may be found by going to IT0 Configuration or to the respective Iteration Configuration you want to implement.

OSCAR MySQL Access Update

Since you are going to be accessing OSCAR's database directly, you need to let the database know to allow your SCOOP Gateway access. On the OSCAR Server, do the following:

Backup the MySQL configuration for safety

sudo cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf.bak

Then open up the file:

sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Comment out this line by adding a # before the following line:

bind-address =

Save and then restart the MySQL server

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Log into the MySQL database and do the following where "mirth" is the user, "host" is your server hostname or IP, and xxxx is the database password:

grant all privileges on *.* to mirth@host identified by "xxxx";

Make MySQL update the privileges:

flush privileges;

Mirth Rest Adapter

First we need to get the source code for the rest adapter. We do this with the following:

cd ~

git clone git://

Afterwards, you will want to go into the new directory, install, configure, and start the server.

cd mirth-rest-adapter

We need to update a line in the configuration file "records_controller.rb". You can open it with this command:

vi ~/mirth-rest-adapter/app/controllers/records_controller.rb

Update this line to reflect this:

url = URI.parse('http://localhost:3001/records/create')

Save, and then install this component.

bundle install

We also need to update the Gemfile to add execjs and therubyracer.

vi Gemfile

Find this line: gem 'bundler', '1.2.0.pre.1' and add the following lines after it:

gem 'execjs'
gem 'therubyracer'

Then change the following line:

gem 'bundler', '1.2.0.pre.1'

to the following (this removes the version requirement):

gem 'bundler'

The following command starts the server. If you want, you may create a bash script that automates this for you.

bundle exec rails server -p 3000

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