- geopandas, shapely, folium
- "Loss in the Time of Cholera: Long-run Impact of a DiseaseEpidemic on the Urban Landscape" http://economics.mit.edu/files/10841/
- "Data. (re)Imagined." https://medium.com/matter-driven-narrative/data-re-imagined-8feb517faf06
- "Lesson on Infographics from John Snow (no, not that Jon Snow)" https://medium.com/@juniageisler/lesson-on-infographics-from-john-snow-no-not-that-jon-snow-4ae6672bb64
- "Looking Beyond the Pump Handle - What a Cholera Outbreak can Teach us about Homeland Security." https://medium.com/homeland-security/looking-beyond-the-pump-handle-dc56217f8e32
See an earlier solution of this assignment in the public directory Examples/Shapes-Maps-Coordinates!