A name inspiration generator based off of random song lyric snippets.
To start using this program, you will need to have Node.js installed and have a developer.musixmatch.com API key (https://developer.musixmatch.com).
Original inspiration for the app https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/76rkwp/naming_technique/
npm install -g name-inspiration-generator
Set Your API Key
This will create a file in your home directory called .inspireme-key. If you remove this, you will have to set your API key again.
inspireme-addkey --key ACOOLKEYGOESRIGHTHERE
Example (variable length with no reversal)
Example (fixed length with set to no reversal)
inspireme --wordcount 8
Example (fixed length with reversal)
inspireme --wordcount 5 --reversed