title | date | draft |
Running in Production |
2021-02-02 20:46:28 +0100 |
false |
The docker-compose.yml file in this repository is fully functional to evaluate DefectDojo in your local environment.
Although Docker Compose is one of the supported installation methods to deploy a containerized DefectDojo in a production environment, the docker-compose.yml file is not intended for production use without first customizing it to your particular situation.
It is recommended to use a dedicated database server and not the preconfigured MySQL database. This will improve the performance of DefectDojo
In both case, if you use a dedicated database server or if you should decide to use the preconfigured MySQL database, make sure to make regular backups of the data. For a dedicated database server follow the instructions that come with the database server. For the preconfigured MySQL you can use mysqldump, e.g. as described in How to backup a Docker MySQL database.
Media files for uploaded files, including threat models and risk acceptance, are stored in a docker volume. This volume needs to be backed up regularly.
{{% notice note %}} Please read the paragraphs below about key processes tweaks. {{% /notice %}}
Having taken the database to run elsewhere, the minimum recommendation is:
- 2 vCPUs
- 8 GB of RAM
- 2 GB of disk space (remember, your database is not here -- so basically, what you have for your O/S should do). You could allocate a different disk than your OS's for potential performance improvements.
Per DefectDojo#2813, it is now easy to somewhat improve the uWSGI and celery worker performance.
By default (except in ptvsd
mode for debug purposes), uWSGI will
handle 4 concurrent connections.
Based on your resource settings, you can tweak:
for the number of spawned processes. (default 2)DD_UWSGI_NUM_OF_THREADS
for the number of threads in these processes. (default 2)
For example, you may have 4 processes with 6 threads each, yielding 24 concurrent connections.
By default, a single mono-process celery worker is spawned. This is fine until you start having many findings, and when async operations like deduplication start to kick in. Eventually, it will starve your resources and crawl to a halt, while operations continue to queue up.
The following variables will help a lot, while keeping a single celery worker container.
will let you switch toprefork
. (defaultsolo
As you've enabled [prefork]{.title-ref}, the following variables have to be used. The default are working fairly well, see the Dockerfile.django for in-file references.
defaults to 128.
You can execute the following command to see the configuration:
docker-compose exec celerybeat bash -c "celery -A dojo inspect stats"
and see what is in effect.
{{% notice warning %}} From this point down, this page is slated to get a revamp {{% /notice %}}
This guide will walk you through how to setup DefectDojo for running in production using Ubuntu 16.04, nginx, and uwsgi.
Install, Setup, and Activate Virtualenv
Assumes running as root or using sudo command for the below.
pip install virtualenv
cd /opt
virtualenv dojo
cd /opt/dojo
git clone https://github.com/DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo.git
useradd -m dojo
chown -R dojo /opt/dojo
source ./bin/activate
Install Dojo
{{% notice warning %}} The setup.bash installation method will be EOL on 2020-12-31 {{% /notice %}}
cd django-DefectDojo/setup
Install Uwsgi
pip install uwsgi
Install WKHTML
from inside the django-DefectDojo/ directory execute:
Disable Debugging
Using the text-editor of your choice, change DEBUG
django-DefectDojo/dojo/settings/settings.py to:
`DEBUG = False`
Configure external database
If you host your DefectDojo into AWS and you decide to use their managed database service (AWS RDS), you will have to do the following configuration updates:
- Download the root certificate to encrypt traffic between DefectDojo and the database
- Update your Dockerfile to add the SSL certificate to the container
COPY rds-ca-2019-root.pem /etc/ssl/certs/rds-ca-2019-root.pem
- Update Django settings to use encrypted connection to the database (Changes highlighted below)
'default': env.db('DD_DATABASE_URL')
DATABASES['default']['OPTIONS'] = {
'ssl': {'ca': '/etc/ssl/certs/rds-ca-2019-root.pem'}
DATABASES = { : \'default\': {
- Update the environment variables for the database connection: DD_DATABASE_URL or DD_DATABASE_HOST, DD_DATABASE_PORT, DD_DATABASE_NAME, DD_DATABASE_USER and DD_DATABASE_PASSWORD.
Note: This configuration can be adapted to other cloud providers.
Start Celery and Beats
From inside the django-DefectDojo/ directory execute:
celery -A dojo worker -l info --concurrency 3
celery beat -A dojo -l info
It is recommended that you daemonized both these processes with the sample configurations found here and here.
However, for a quick setup you can use the following to run both in the background
celery -A dojo worker -l info --concurrency 3 &
celery beat -A dojo -l info &
Start Uwsgi
From inside the django-DefectDojo/ directory execute:
uwsgi --socket :8001 --wsgi-file wsgi.py --workers 7
It is recommended that you use an Upstart job or a @restart cron job to launch uwsgi on reboot. However, if you're in a hurry you can use the following to run it in the background:
uwsgi --socket :8001 --wsgi-file wsgi.py --workers 7 &
Making Defect Dojo start on boot
Below we configure service files for systemd. The commands follow, the config files are below the Nginx in the next section.
$ cd /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo vi dojo.service
[contents below]
$ sudo systemctl enable dojo
$ sudo systemctl start dojo
$ sudo systemctl status dojo
[ensure it launched OK]
$ sudo vi celery-worker.service
[contents below]
$ sudo systemctl enable celery-worker
$ sudo systemctl start celery-worker
$ sudo systemctl status celery-worker
[ensure it launched OK]
$ sudo vi celery-beat.service
[contents below]
$ sudo systemctl enable celery-beat
$ sudo systemctl start celery-beat
$ sudo systemctl status celery-beat
[ensure it launched OK]
NGINX Configuration
Everyone feels a little differently about nginx settings, so here are the barebones to add your to your nginx configuration to proxy uwsgi. Make sure to modify the filesystem paths if needed:
upstream django {
server {
listen 80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
listen 443;
server_name <YOUR_SERVER_NAME>;
client_max_body_size 500m; # To accommodate large scan files
ssl_certificate <PATH_TO_CRT>;
ssl_certificate_key <PATH_TO_KEY>;
ssl on;
<YOUR_SSL_SETTINGS> # ciphers, options, logging, etc
location /static/ {
alias <PATH_TO_DOJO>/django-DefectDojo/static/;
location /media/ {
alias <PATH_TO_DOJO>/django-DefectDojo/media/;
location / {
uwsgi_pass django;
include <PATH_TO_DOJO>/django-DefectDojo/wsgi_params;
Systemd Configuration Files
Description=uWSGI instance to serve DefectDojo
Requires=nginx.service mysql.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'su - dojo -c "cd /opt/dojo/django-DefectDojo && source ../bin/activate && uwsgi --socket :8001 --wsgi-file wsgi.py --workers 7"'
Description=celery workers for DefectDojo
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'su - dojo -c "cd /opt/dojo/django-DefectDojo && source ../bin/activate && celery -A dojo worker -l info --concurrency 3"'
Description=celery beat for DefectDojo
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'su - dojo -c "cd /opt/dojo/django-DefectDojo && source ../bin/activate && celery beat -A dojo -l info"'
That's it!
To expose Django statistics for Prometheus, using the text-editor of
your choice, change DJANGO_METRICS_ENABLED
to True in
django-DefectDojo/dojo/settings/settings.py to:
with the same value.
Prometheus endpoint than is available under the path: