Two separate applications - React frontend and backend API service. Target was changed from deprecated .NET 5 to .NET 6. Docker file not update and probably not working, but application working correctly (run from visual studio)
- TranslationManagement.API
- RESTFull API for managing Translators and Jobs - see swagger for details
- Not all methods implemented for Translators
- TranslationManagement.Core
- Models and bussiness logic
- Should be re-used for future implentation of reading from QUEUE
- TranslationManagement.Web
- Fronted React application
- Creating job and refresh unassgined jobs
- Simple list of Translators and Jobs
- backend service url+port configuration in .env file
- TranslationManagement.Test
- Tests
- statuses as string - should be Enums
- customer as string - should be separate entity
- Translator CreditCardNumber
- missing validaton, is it good to process and store CreditCardNumber to DB?
- very lower coverage, have to work on test more
- API lists pagination and better filtering missing
- add more comments
- databese versioned also in git - definitelly not common practice! should be replaced with some seeding code for Development