This repo contains a portable version of R (normal R installed with no registry modifications -- see instructions below) packaged with an file downloaded from: Rportable updated to ensure all libraries are installed locally (in r-portable-windows/library). Realistically this is a one-line file :) so could just be created yourself based on the instructions below (and is what I'd reccomend doing if changing the version of R)
- Clone into any directory and run R with r-portable-windows/bin/R
- Install packages (will save to r-portable-windows/library)
- Simply download any version of R
- install to whatever directory you want (e.g. on an external hdd)
- When running the installer:
- DO NOT Create a start menu folder
- DO NOT enable storing Version Number In Registry or Associating files with it.
- Create a file '' inside the etc folder of the R install
- Open the file:
- Add the line:
- Open bin/R and run
. Shoud only print:
R 4.3.0
You can install binary packages using install.packages('packagename')
Packages requiring compilation from source usually need Rtools to be installed. Rtools does not come with the Rportable (its quite large). If you're creating an R-portable with some piece of software preinstalled, install rtools on your system, then install all the source packages you need. Rtools is only required for compilation, and so once your binary library is built, your R portable stays portable.
- Repo owner: [email protected]