Bash scripts and other stuff I always google
Category | Description | Author |
simple genetics bash scripts | vcf.gz commands | Seb |
bcftools | vcf.gz commands | Seb |
docker | basic docker commands | Seb |
realign | realign BAM file | Seb |
imputation | prepare data for Michigan Imputation Server | Seb |
chip-data | create vcf files from Illumina data | Seb |
1GP3 | download 1000 Genomes lpa data | Hansi |
Save script in same folder as zips and run with ./
for FILE in *.zip;
do 7z x -p"$1" $FILE;
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
sed -e 's/ /\t/g' <in> > <out>