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Github Review Process

Lydia Buntrock edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 1 revision

The workflow for a new PR is as follows:

  1. create it with a nice description and a connection to its issue (Resolves #NUMBER_OF_ISSUE or part of #NUMBER_OF_ISSUE)
  2. select as reviewers: seqan/team which selects the "1. Reviewer" from our team
  3. review by first reviewer
    • incorporate requested changes
    • re-request first reviewer if he/she didn't approve (loop 3. until approve)
  4. select the second reviewer: seqan/core which selects the "2. Reviewer" from our team
  5. review by second reviewer
    • incorporate requested changes
    • re-request second reviewer if he/she didn't approve (loop 5. until approve)
  6. tidy up Commit History if necessary
  7. get merged by core team
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