diff --git a/SATInterface/LinExpr.cs b/SATInterface/LinExpr.cs
index 50039c3..0eab8c0 100644
--- a/SATInterface/LinExpr.cs
+++ b/SATInterface/LinExpr.cs
@@ -10,1501 +10,1501 @@
namespace SATInterface
- ///
- /// A LinExpr is a linear combination of BoolVars with integer weights.
- ///
- public class LinExpr // where T:struct,IBinaryInteger
- {
- ///
- /// Invariant: VarId>0, weights may be negative
- ///
- internal Dictionary Weights;
- public T Offset { get; private set; }
- private Model? Model;
- private LinExpr? Negated;
- public IEnumerable<(BoolExpr Var, T Weight)> Terms => Weights.Select(w => ((BoolExpr)new BoolVar(Model!, w.Key), w.Value));
- ///
- /// Creates a new linear expression
- ///
- public LinExpr()
- {
- Weights = new();
- Offset = T.Zero;
- }
- ///
- /// Creates a new linear expression representing an integer constant (default 0)
- ///
- public LinExpr(T _c)
- {
- Weights = new();
- Offset = _c;
- }
- internal LinExpr(UIntVar _src)
- {
- Model = _src.Model;
- Weights = new();
- Offset = T.Zero;
- for (var i = 0; i < _src.Bits.Length; i++)
- AddTerm(_src.bit[i], T.One << i);
- }
- ///
- /// Returns the upper bound of this expression.
- ///
- public T UB
- {
- get
- {
- checked
- {
- var res = Offset;
- foreach (var e in Weights)
- if (e.Value > T.Zero)
- res += e.Value;
- return res;
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Returns the lower bound of this expression.
- ///
- public T LB
- {
- get
- {
- checked
- {
- var res = Offset;
- foreach (var e in Weights)
- if (e.Value < T.Zero)
- res += e.Value;
- return res;
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Returns the number of variables.
- ///
- public int Size => Weights.Count;
- ///
- /// Returns the value of this expression in a SAT model.
- ///
- public T X
- {
- get
- {
- checked
- {
- var res = Offset;
- foreach (var e in Weights)
- {
- Debug.Assert(Model is not null);
- if (Model.GetAssignment(e.Key))
- res += e.Value;
- }
- return res;
- }
- }
- }
- public static LinExpr operator *(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b * _a;
- public static LinExpr operator *(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- if (_b == T.Zero)
- return res;
- res.Offset = _a.Offset * _b;
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- res[w.Key] += w.Value * _b;
- return res;
- }
- public static LinExpr operator +(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b + _a;
- public static LinExpr operator +(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- if (_b == T.Zero)
- return _a;
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model,
- Offset = _a.Offset + _b
- };
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- res[w.Key] += w.Value;
- return res;
- }
- public static LinExpr operator +(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b)
- {
- Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(_a.Model, _b.Model) || _a.Model is null || _b.Model is null);
- if (_a.Weights.Count < _b.Weights.Count)
- (_a, _b) = (_b, _a);
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Offset = _a.Offset + _b.Offset,
- Model = _a.Model ?? _b.Model,
- Weights = new(_a.Weights)
- };
- res.Weights.EnsureCapacity(res.Weights.Count + _b.Weights.Count);
- foreach (var w in _b.Weights)
- res[w.Key] += w.Value;
- return res;
- }
- public static LinExpr operator -(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b)
- {
- Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(_a.Model, _b.Model) || _a.Model is null || _b.Model is null);
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Offset = _a.Offset - _b.Offset,
- Model = _a.Model ?? _b.Model
- };
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- res[w.Key] += w.Value;
- foreach (var w in _b.Weights)
- res[w.Key] -= w.Value;
- return res;
- }
- public static LinExpr operator -(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- if (_b == T.Zero)
- return _a;
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Offset = _a.Offset - _b,
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- res[w.Key] += w.Value;
- return res;
- }
- public static LinExpr operator -(LinExpr _a)
- {
- if (_a.Negated is not null)
- return _a.Negated;
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Offset = -_a.Offset,
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- res[w.Key] -= w.Value;
- return _a.Negated = res;
- }
- public static LinExpr operator -(T _a, LinExpr _b)
- {
- if (_a == T.Zero)
- return -_b;
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Offset = _a - _b.Offset,
- Model = _b.Model
- };
- foreach (var w in _b.Weights)
- res[w.Key] -= w.Value;
- return res;
- }
- public static BoolExpr operator <(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) < T.Zero;
- public static BoolExpr operator <=(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) <= T.Zero;
- public static BoolExpr operator !=(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) != T.Zero;
- public static BoolExpr operator >(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) > T.Zero;
- public static BoolExpr operator >=(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) >= T.Zero;
- public static BoolExpr operator ==(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) == T.Zero;
- public static BoolExpr operator <(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b > _a;
- public static BoolExpr operator <=(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b >= _a;
- public static BoolExpr operator !=(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b != _a;
- public static BoolExpr operator >(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b < _a;
- public static BoolExpr operator >=(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b <= _a;
- public static BoolExpr operator ==(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b == _a;
- public static BoolExpr operator <(LinExpr _a, T _b) => _a <= (_b - T.One);
+ ///
+ /// A LinExpr is a linear combination of BoolVars with integer weights.
+ ///
+ public class LinExpr // where T:struct,IBinaryInteger
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Invariant: VarId>0, weights may be negative
+ ///
+ internal Dictionary Weights;
+ public T Offset { get; private set; }
+ private Model? Model;
+ private LinExpr? Negated;
+ public IEnumerable<(BoolExpr Var, T Weight)> Terms => Weights.Select(w => ((BoolExpr)new BoolVar(Model!, w.Key), w.Value));
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new linear expression
+ ///
+ public LinExpr()
+ {
+ Weights = new();
+ Offset = T.Zero;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new linear expression representing an integer constant (default 0)
+ ///
+ public LinExpr(T _c)
+ {
+ Weights = new();
+ Offset = _c;
+ }
+ internal LinExpr(UIntVar _src)
+ {
+ Model = _src.Model;
+ Weights = new();
+ Offset = T.Zero;
+ for (var i = 0; i < _src.Bits.Length; i++)
+ AddTerm(_src.bit[i], T.One << i);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns the upper bound of this expression.
+ ///
+ public T UB
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ checked
+ {
+ var res = Offset;
+ foreach (var e in Weights)
+ if (e.Value > T.Zero)
+ res += e.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns the lower bound of this expression.
+ ///
+ public T LB
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ checked
+ {
+ var res = Offset;
+ foreach (var e in Weights)
+ if (e.Value < T.Zero)
+ res += e.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns the number of variables.
+ ///
+ public int Size => Weights.Count;
+ ///
+ /// Returns the value of this expression in a SAT model.
+ ///
+ public T X
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ checked
+ {
+ var res = Offset;
+ foreach (var e in Weights)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(Model is not null);
+ if (Model.GetAssignment(e.Key))
+ res += e.Value;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator *(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b * _a;
+ public static LinExpr operator *(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ if (_b == T.Zero)
+ return res;
+ res.Offset = _a.Offset * _b;
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] += w.Value * _b;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator +(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b + _a;
+ public static LinExpr operator +(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ if (_b == T.Zero)
+ return _a;
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model,
+ Offset = _a.Offset + _b
+ };
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] += w.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator +(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(_a.Model, _b.Model) || _a.Model is null || _b.Model is null);
+ if (_a.Weights.Count < _b.Weights.Count)
+ (_a, _b) = (_b, _a);
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Offset = _a.Offset + _b.Offset,
+ Model = _a.Model ?? _b.Model,
+ Weights = new(_a.Weights)
+ };
+ res.Weights.EnsureCapacity(res.Weights.Count + _b.Weights.Count);
+ foreach (var w in _b.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] += w.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator -(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(_a.Model, _b.Model) || _a.Model is null || _b.Model is null);
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Offset = _a.Offset - _b.Offset,
+ Model = _a.Model ?? _b.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] += w.Value;
+ foreach (var w in _b.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] -= w.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator -(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ if (_b == T.Zero)
+ return _a;
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Offset = _a.Offset - _b,
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] += w.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator -(LinExpr _a)
+ {
+ if (_a.Negated is not null)
+ return _a.Negated;
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Offset = -_a.Offset,
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] -= w.Value;
+ return _a.Negated = res;
+ }
+ public static LinExpr operator -(T _a, LinExpr _b)
+ {
+ if (_a == T.Zero)
+ return -_b;
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Offset = _a - _b.Offset,
+ Model = _b.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var w in _b.Weights)
+ res[w.Key] -= w.Value;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static BoolExpr operator <(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) < T.Zero;
+ public static BoolExpr operator <=(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) <= T.Zero;
+ public static BoolExpr operator !=(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) != T.Zero;
+ public static BoolExpr operator >(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) > T.Zero;
+ public static BoolExpr operator >=(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) >= T.Zero;
+ public static BoolExpr operator ==(LinExpr _a, LinExpr _b) => (_a - _b) == T.Zero;
+ public static BoolExpr operator <(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b > _a;
+ public static BoolExpr operator <=(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b >= _a;
+ public static BoolExpr operator !=(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b != _a;
+ public static BoolExpr operator >(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b < _a;
+ public static BoolExpr operator >=(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b <= _a;
+ public static BoolExpr operator ==(T _a, LinExpr _b) => _b == _a;
+ public static BoolExpr operator <(LinExpr _a, T _b) => _a <= (_b - T.One);
/// Converts to UInt
public UIntVar ToUInt(Model _m)
- {
- if (LB < 0)
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Lower bound of expression is negative, this is not supported.");
- var v = new UIntVar(_m, UB, false);
- _m.AddConstr(v == this);
- return v;
- }
- ///
- /// Converts to UInt, ignoring offsets and using all-positive weights.
- ///
- ///
- internal UIntVar ToUIntAllPosNoOffset(Model _m)
- {
- Debug.Assert(Model is null || ReferenceEquals(Model, _m));
- Model ??= _m;
- Debug.Assert(_m is not null);
- if (Model.UIntCache.TryGetValue(this, out var res))
- return res;
- //convert to all-positive weights
- var allOneWeights = true;
- var posWeights = new List<(T Weight, BoolExpr Var)>();
- foreach (var e in Weights)
- {
- if (e.Value > T.Zero)
- posWeights.Add((e.Value, Model.GetVariable(e.Key)));
- else
- {
- Debug.Assert(e.Value < T.Zero);
- posWeights.Add((-e.Value, Model.GetVariable(-e.Key)));
- }
- if (T.Abs(e.Value) != T.One)
- allOneWeights = false;
- }
- if (allOneWeights)
- return Model.UIntCache[this] = Model.SumUInt(posWeights.Select(w => w.Var));
- var toSum = new List();
- var minWeightVars = new List();
- while (posWeights.Any())
- {
- T? minWeight = null;
- foreach (var pw in posWeights)
- {
- if (minWeight is null || pw.Weight < minWeight)
- {
- minWeight = pw.Weight;
- minWeightVars.Clear();
- }
- if (pw.Weight == minWeight)
- minWeightVars.Add(pw.Var);
- }
- Debug.Assert(minWeight is not null);
- posWeights.RemoveAll(pw => pw.Weight == minWeight);
- if (minWeightVars.Count == 1)
- toSum.Add(Model.AddUIntConst(minWeight.Value) * minWeightVars.Single());
- else
- {
- var sum = Model.SumUInt(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(minWeightVars));
- if (sum.UB > T.Zero)
- {
- if (minWeight.Value.IsPowerOfTwo)
- toSum.Add(sum << (int)T.Log2(minWeight.Value));
- else
- {
- for (var i = 1; i < sum.Bits.Length; i++)
- {
- Debug.Assert((minWeight << i) > T.Zero);
- posWeights.Add((minWeight.Value << i, sum.Bits[i]));
- }
- toSum.Add(Model.AddUIntConst(minWeight.Value) * sum.Bits[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return Model.UIntCache[this] = Model.Sum(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(toSum));
- }
- private void ClearCached()
- {
- Negated = null;
- }
- private static T GCD(T a, T b) => b == T.Zero ? a : GCD(b, a % b);
- public static BoolExpr operator <=(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- //TODO: Asín, R., Nieuwenhuis, R., Oliveras, A. and Rodríguez-Carbonell, E., 2011. Cardinality networks: a theoretical and empirical study. Constraints, 16, pp.195-221.
- //TODO: https://ii.uni.wroc.pl/~karp/thesis.pdf, page 73pdf
- if (_a.UB <= _b)
- return Model.True;
- if (_a.LB > _b)
- return Model.False;
- Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
- if (!_a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res))
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"{_a} <= {_b}");
- //Debug.Indent();
- _a.Model.LinExprLECache[(_a, -_a.Offset + _b)] = res = UncachedLE(_a, _b);
- //Debug.Unindent();
- }
- else
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Cached: {_a} <= {_b}");
- }
- return res;
- }
- //TODO: merge parts with UncachedEQ?
- private static BoolExpr UncachedLE(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
- var rhs = _b - _a.Offset;
- var ub = T.Zero;
- foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
- checked
- {
- ub += T.Abs(e.Value);
- if (e.Value < T.Zero)
- rhs -= e.Value;
- }
- //if (_a.Model.UIntCache.TryGetValue(_a, out var uintV))
- // return uintV <= rhs;
- Debug.Assert(rhs >= T.Zero);
- Debug.Assert(ub > rhs);
- if (rhs == T.Zero)
- return AndExpr.Create(_a.Weights.Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? -w.Key : w.Key)).ToArray());
- if (_a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b - T.One), out var res1) && _a.Model.LinExprEqCache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res2))
- return res1 | res2;
- var gcd = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Aggregate(GCD);
- if (gcd > T.One)
- {
- var vDiv = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- vDiv.Weights.EnsureCapacity(_a.Weights.Count);
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- if (w.Value > T.Zero)
- vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Key), w.Value / gcd);
- else if (w.Value < T.Zero)
- vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(-w.Key), -w.Value / gcd);
- //Debug.WriteLine($"GCD={gcd}");
- return vDiv <= rhs / gcd;
- }
- //if (_a.Weights.Count <= 18)
- // //(_a, rhs) = CanonicalizeLE(_a, rhs);
- // (_a, rhs) = CanonicalizeLE2(_a, rhs);
- var absEqRHSCnt = 0;
- var maxVar = new KeyValuePair(0, T.Zero);
- var maxVarCnt = 0;
- T? minAbsWeight = null;
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- {
- var absWeight = T.Abs(w.Value);
- if (absWeight == rhs)
- absEqRHSCnt++;
- if (absWeight > T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- {
- maxVar = w;
- maxVarCnt = 0;
- }
- if (absWeight == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVarCnt++;
- if (minAbsWeight is null || absWeight < minAbsWeight)
- minAbsWeight = absWeight;
- if (absWeight > rhs)
- {
- var vWithout = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- foreach (var wi in _a.Weights)
- if (T.Abs(wi.Value) <= rhs)
- vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(wi.Value > T.Zero ? wi.Key : -wi.Key), T.Abs(wi.Value));
- return _a.Model.And(_a.Weights
- .Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) > rhs)
- .Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? -w.Key : w.Key))
- .Append(vWithout <= rhs));
- }
- }
- Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) <= rhs));
- if (rhs == minAbsWeight)
- {
- Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == rhs));
- return _a.Model.AtMostOneOf(_a.Weights.Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)));
- }
- if (absEqRHSCnt >= 1)
- {
- var lWithout = new List();
- var vWithout = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- if (T.Abs(w.Value) != rhs)
- {
- vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), T.Abs(w.Value));
- lWithout.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key));
- }
- var vRHS = _a.Weights.Where(v => T.Abs(v.Value) == rhs).Select(v => v.Value > T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(v.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(-v.Key)).ToArray();
- Debug.Assert(vWithout.Weights.Count >= 0);
- return (_a.Model.AtMostOneOf(vRHS) & !_a.Model.Or(lWithout)).Flatten()
- | (!_a.Model.Or(vRHS) & vWithout <= rhs).Flatten();
- }
- if (rhs * 2 > ub)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Swapping to !({-_a} <= {(-_b - 1)})");
- return !(-_a <= (-_b - T.One));
- }
- Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.Count > 2);
- if (T.Abs(maxVar.Value) == T.One && _a.Weights.Count <= 18)
- {
- var res = EnumerateLEResolvent(_a, rhs);
- if (res is not null)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
- return res;
- }
- }
- else if (_a.Weights.Count <= 18)
- {
- //not all variables have the same weight, ensured by /gcd
- Debug.Assert(T.Abs(maxVar.Value) != minAbsWeight);
- var res = EnumerateLEResolventWeightGrouped(_a, rhs);
- if (res is not null)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
- return res;
- }
- }
- if (ub <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.TotalizerLimit))
- return _a.Model.AtMostKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer);
- //if (rhs <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.LinExprKOfLimit))
- // return _a.Model.AtMostKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.Sequential);
- if (T.Min(maxVarCnt, rhs / T.Abs(maxVar.Value)) < 4 && _a.Weights.DistinctBy(e => T.Abs(e.Value)).Count()<16 && T.Abs(maxVar.Value) * maxVarCnt >= rhs)
- {
- var maxVars = new List(maxVarCnt);
- var withoutMaxVars = new LinExpr();
- foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
- if (e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Key));
- else if (-e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(-e.Key));
- else
- withoutMaxVars.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Value > T.Zero ? e.Key : -e.Key), T.Abs(e.Value));
- Debug.Assert(maxVars.Count == maxVarCnt);
- var sorted = _a.Model.SortTotalizer(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(maxVars));
- return _a.Model.Or(Enumerable.Range(0, maxVarCnt + 1).Select(s => (s == maxVarCnt ? Model.True : !sorted[s]) & (withoutMaxVars + s * T.Abs(maxVar.Value) <= rhs).Flatten())).Flatten();
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- _a.Model.StartStatistics("LE Bit", _a.Weights.Count);
- var vAnd = new List();
- var maxVars = new List(maxVarCnt);
- foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
- if (e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Key));
- else if (-e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(-e.Key));
- vAnd.Add(_a.Model.AtMostKOf(maxVars, int.CreateChecked(rhs / T.Abs(maxVar.Value)), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer));
- if (rhs * 2 <= _a.Model.Configuration.TotalizerLimit && ub <= 4096)
- {
- //Ben-Haim, Y., Ivrii, A., Margalit, O. and Matsliah, A., 2012, June. Perfect hashing and CNF encodings of cardinality constraints. In International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (pp. 397-409). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- var varForY = Enumerable.Range(0, int.CreateChecked(rhs) * 2).Select(i => new List()).ToArray();
- {
- var i = 0;
- foreach (var v in _a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))))
- varForY[i++ % varForY.Length].Add(v);
- }
- vAnd.Add(_a.Model.AtMostKOf(varForY.Select(l => _a.Model.Or(l)), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer));
- }
- vAnd.Add(_a.ToUIntAllPosNoOffset(_a.Model) <= rhs);
- return _a.Model.And(vAnd);
- }
- finally
- {
- _a.Model.StopStatistics("LE Bit");
- }
- }
- }
- public static BoolExpr operator ==(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- if (_a.UB < _b || _a.LB > _b)
- return Model.False;
- if (_a.LB == _a.UB)
- return _a.LB == _b ? Model.True : Model.False;
- Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
- if (!_a.Model.LinExprEqCache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res))
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"{_a} == {_b}:");
- //Debug.Indent();
- _a.Model.LinExprEqCache[(_a, -_a.Offset + _b)] = res = UncachedEq(_a, _b);
- //Debug.Unindent();
- }
- else
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"{_a} == {_b}: Cached");
- }
- return res;
- }
- private static BoolExpr? EnumerateLEResolvent(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
- {
- var m = _a.Model!;
- var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
- if (limit == 0)
- return null;
- var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => _a.Model!.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
- var weights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
- var resolvent = new List(limit + 1);
- var active = new Stack(vars.Length);
- void Visit(int _s)
- {
- if (resolvent.Count > limit)
- return;
- active.Push(vars[_s]);
- _rhs -= weights[_s];
- if (_rhs < T.Zero)
- resolvent.Add(active.ToArray());
- else
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < weights.Length; i++)
- Visit(i);
- active.Pop();
- _rhs += weights[_s];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
- Visit(i);
- Debug.Assert(active.Count == 0);
- if (resolvent.Count > limit)
- return null;
- else
- return AndExpr.Create(resolvent.Select(r => OrExpr.Create(r.Select(v => !v).ToArray()).Flatten()).ToArray());
- }
- private static BoolExpr? EnumerateLEResolventWeightGrouped(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
- {
- var m = _a.Model!;
- var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
- if (limit == 0)
- return null;
- var weights = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(w => w).ToArray();
- var max = weights.Select(wi => _a.Weights.Count(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)).ToArray();
- var count = new int[weights.Length];
- var resolvent = new List(limit + 1);
- void Visit(int _s)
- {
- if (resolvent.Count > limit)
- return;
- if (_s + 1 < weights.Length)
- Visit(_s + 1);
- var origRHS = _rhs;
- for (count[_s] = 1; count[_s] <= max[_s]; count[_s]++)
- {
- _rhs -= weights[_s];
- if (_rhs < T.Zero)
- {
- resolvent.Add(count.ToArray());
- break;
- }
- else if (_rhs >= T.Zero && _s + 1 < weights.Length)
- Visit(_s + 1);
- }
- _rhs = origRHS;
- count[_s] = 0;
- }
- Visit(0);
- if (resolvent.Count > limit)
- return null;
- var varCnt = weights.Select(wi => m.Sum(_a.Weights.Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)
- .Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)))).ToArray();
- return AndExpr.Create(resolvent.Select(a => OrExpr.Create(
- a.Select((cnt, i) => varCnt[i] < T.CreateChecked(cnt)).ToArray()
- )).ToArray());
- }
- private static BoolExpr? EnumerateEqAssignments(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
- {
- var m = _a.Model!;
- var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
- if (limit == 0)
- return null;
- var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
- var _weights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
- var res = new List(limit + 1);
- var active = new Stack(vars.Length);
- void Visit(int _s)
- {
- if (res.Count > limit)
- return;
- active.Push(vars[_s]);
- _rhs -= _weights[_s];
- if (_rhs == T.Zero)
- {
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- active.Push(!vars[i]);
- res.Add(active.ToArray());
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- active.Pop();
- }
- else if (_rhs > T.Zero)
- {
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- {
- Visit(i);
- active.Push(!vars[i]);
- }
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- active.Pop();
- }
- _rhs += _weights[_s];
- active.Pop();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- {
- Visit(i);
- active.Push(!vars[i]);
- }
- Debug.Assert(active.Count == _weights.Length);
- if (res.Count > limit)
- return null;
- else
- return OrExpr.Create(res.Select(vars => AndExpr.Create(vars).Flatten()).ToArray());
- }
- private static BoolExpr? EnumerateEqAssignmentsWeightGrouped(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
- {
- var m = _a.Model!;
- var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
- if (limit == 0)
- return null;
- var weights = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(w => w).ToArray();
- var max = weights.Select(wi => _a.Weights.Count(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)).ToArray();
- var count = new int[weights.Length];
- var validAssignments = new List(limit + 1);
- void Visit(int _s, int _cnt)
- {
- if (validAssignments.Count > limit)
- return;
- count[_s] = _cnt;
- _rhs -= weights[_s] * T.CreateChecked(_cnt);
- if (_rhs == T.Zero)
- validAssignments.Add(count.ToArray());
- else if (_rhs > T.Zero && _s + 1 < weights.Length)
- for (var i = 0; i <= max[_s + 1]; i++)
- Visit(_s + 1, i);
- _rhs += weights[_s] * T.CreateChecked(_cnt);
- count[_s] = 0;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i <= max[0]; i++)
- Visit(0, i);
- if (validAssignments.Count > limit)
- return null;
- var varCnt = weights.Select(wi => m.Sum(_a.Weights.Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)
- .Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)))).ToArray();
- return OrExpr.Create(validAssignments.Select(a => AndExpr.Create(
- a.Select((cnt, i) => varCnt[i] == T.CreateChecked(cnt)).ToArray()
- )).ToArray());
- }
- private static (LinExpr LE, T RHS) CanonicalizeLE2(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
- {
- var m = _a.Model!;
- var abortEarly = false;
- List ComputeResolvent(T[] _weights, T _rhs)
- {
- var res = new List();
- var active = new Stack();
- var remaining = _rhs;
- void Visit(int _s)
- {
- if (abortEarly)
- return;
- active.Push(_s);
- remaining -= _weights[_s];
- if (remaining < T.Zero)
- {
- var r = new int[active.Count];
- active.CopyTo(r, 0);
- Array.Reverse(r);
- //if (ComputeLBUB(_weights, r).LB == _rhs)
- // abortEarly = true;
- res.Add(r);
- }
- else
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- Visit(i);
- active.Pop();
- remaining += _weights[_s];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- Visit(i);
- return res;
- }
- (T LB, T UB) ComputeLBUB(T[] _weights, int[] _cj)
- {
- var lb = T.Zero;
- for (var i = 0; i < _cj.Length - 1; i++)
- lb += _weights[_cj[i]];
- return (lb, lb + _weights[_cj[^1]] - T.One);
- }
- bool IsValid(T[] _oldWeights, T _rhs, T[] _newWeights, T _newRHS)
- {
- var remainingOld = _rhs;
- var remainingNew = _newRHS;
- if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
- return false;
- bool Visit(int _s)
- {
- remainingOld -= _oldWeights[_s];
- remainingNew -= _newWeights[_s];
- if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
- return false;
- if (remainingOld >= T.Zero && remainingNew >= T.Zero)
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
- if (!Visit(i))
- return false;
- remainingOld += _oldWeights[_s];
- remainingNew += _newWeights[_s];
- return true;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
- if (!Visit(i))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
- var oldWeights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
- var resolvent = ComputeResolvent(oldWeights, _rhs);
- if (abortEarly)
- return (_a, _rhs);
- var nonZero = new bool[vars.Length];
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
- nonZero[i] = resolvent.Any(r => r.Contains(i));
- var newWeights = new T[vars.Length];
- for (var scale = T.One; scale < oldWeights[0]; scale++)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < oldWeights.Length; i++)
- if (nonZero[i])
- newWeights[i] = (oldWeights[i] * scale + oldWeights[0] - T.One) / oldWeights[0];
- var minRHS = T.Zero;
- T? maxRHS = null;
- foreach (var r in resolvent)
- {
- (var lb, var ub) = ComputeLBUB(newWeights, r);
- if (lb > minRHS)
- minRHS = lb;
- if (maxRHS is null || ub < maxRHS)
- maxRHS = ub;
- }
- for (var rhs = minRHS; rhs <= maxRHS; rhs++)
- if (IsValid(oldWeights, _rhs, newWeights, rhs))
- {
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- for (var i = 0; i < oldWeights.Length; i++)
- res.AddTerm(vars[i], newWeights[i]);
- return (res, rhs);
- }
- }
- return (_a, _rhs);
- }
- private static (LinExpr LE, T RHS) CanonicalizeLE(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
- {
- //Wilson, J.M., 1977. A method for reducing coefficients in zero‐one linear
- //inequalities. International Journal of Mathematical Educational in Science
- //and Technology, 8(1), pp.31-35.
- //https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0020739770080104
- //Onyekwelu, D.C. and Proll, L.G., 1982. On Wilson's method for equivalent
- //inequalities. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science
- //and Technology, 13(5), pp.551-557.
- //https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0020739820130505
- var abortEarly = false;
- var m = _a.Model!;
- List ComputeResolvent(T[] _weights, T _rhs)
- {
- var res = new List();
- var active = new Stack();
- var remaining = _rhs;
- void Visit(int _s)
- {
- if (abortEarly)
- return;
- active.Push(_s);
- remaining -= _weights[_s];
- if (remaining < T.Zero)
- {
- var r = new int[active.Count];
- active.CopyTo(r, 0);
- Array.Reverse(r);
- //if (ComputeLBUB(_weights, r).LB == _rhs)
- // abortEarly = true;
- res.Add(r);
- }
- else
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- Visit(i);
- active.Pop();
- remaining += _weights[_s];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < _weights.Length; i++)
- Visit(i);
- return res;
- }
- (T LB, T UB) ComputeLBUB(T[] _weights, int[] _cj)
- {
- var lb = T.Zero;
- for (var i = 0; i < _cj.Length - 1; i++)
- lb += _weights[_cj[i]];
- return (lb, lb + _weights[_cj[^1]] - T.One);
- }
- bool IsValid(T[] _oldWeights, T _rhs, T[] _newWeights, T _newRHS)
- {
- var remainingOld = _rhs;
- var remainingNew = _newRHS;
- if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
- return false;
- bool Visit(int _s)
- {
- remainingOld -= _oldWeights[_s];
- remainingNew -= _newWeights[_s];
- if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
- return false;
- if (remainingOld >= T.Zero && remainingNew >= T.Zero)
- for (var i = _s + 1; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
- if (!Visit(i))
- return false;
- remainingOld += _oldWeights[_s];
- remainingNew += _newWeights[_s];
- return true;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
- if (!Visit(i))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
- var oldWeights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
- var resolvent = ComputeResolvent(oldWeights, _rhs);
- if (abortEarly)
- return (_a, _rhs);
- var largerThan = new bool[vars.Length, vars.Length];
- foreach (var r in resolvent)
- for (var jk = 0; jk < vars.Length; jk++)
- {
- var idx = Array.IndexOf(r, jk);
- if (idx == -1)
- continue;
- for (var jkt = jk + 1; jkt < oldWeights.Length && (idx == r.Length - 1 || jkt < r[idx + 1]); jkt++)
- {
- Debug.Assert(!r.Contains(jkt));
- var r2 = r.ToArray();
- r2[idx] = jkt;
- Array.Sort(r2);
- if (!resolvent.Any(rnot => Enumerable.SequenceEqual(rnot, r2)))
- {
- largerThan[jk, jkt] = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var newWeights = new T[vars.Length];
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
- if (resolvent.Any(r => r.Contains(i)))
- newWeights[i] = T.One;
- var increased = new bool[vars.Length];
- void ApplyRules()
- {
- //TODO: in reverse order - things should converge in 1 step?
- for (; ; )
- {
- var changed = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
- for (var j = i + 1; j < vars.Length; j++)
- if (oldWeights[i] == oldWeights[j] && newWeights[i] < newWeights[j])
- {
- increased[i] = true;
- newWeights[i] = newWeights[j];
- changed = true;
- }
- else if (largerThan[i, j] && newWeights[i] <= newWeights[j])
- {
- increased[i] = true;
- newWeights[i] = newWeights[j] + T.One;
- changed = true;
- }
- if (!changed)
- break;
- }
- }
- ApplyRules();
- for (; ; )
- {
- var minRHS = T.Zero;
- T? maxRHS = null;
- foreach (var r in resolvent)
- {
- (var lb, var ub) = ComputeLBUB(newWeights, r);
- if (lb > minRHS)
- minRHS = lb;
- if (maxRHS is null || ub < maxRHS)
- maxRHS = ub;
- }
- for (var rhs = minRHS; rhs <= maxRHS; rhs++)
- if (IsValid(oldWeights, _rhs, newWeights, rhs))
- {
- var res = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- for (var i = 0; i < oldWeights.Length; i++)
- res.AddTerm(vars[i], newWeights[i]);
- return (res, rhs);
- }
- var incI = Enumerable.Range(0, vars.Length).Where(i => !increased[i]).MaxBy(i => newWeights[i]);
- Array.Clear(increased);
- newWeights[incI]++;
- increased[incI] = true;
- ApplyRules();
- }
- }
- private static BoolExpr UncachedEq(LinExpr _a, T _b)
- {
- Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
- var rhs = _b - _a.Offset;
- var ub = T.Zero;
- foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
- checked
- {
- ub += T.Abs(e.Value);
- if (e.Value < T.Zero)
- rhs -= e.Value;
- }
- //if (_a.Model.UIntCache.TryGetValue(_a, out var uintV))
- // return uintV == rhs;
- Debug.Assert(rhs >= T.Zero);
- Debug.Assert(ub >= rhs);
- if (rhs == T.Zero)
- return AndExpr.Create(_a.Weights.Select(x => x.Value > T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(-x.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(x.Key)).ToArray());
- if (rhs == ub)
- return AndExpr.Create(_a.Weights.Select(x => x.Value < T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(-x.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(x.Key)).ToArray());
- //var values = new HashSet();
- //values.Add(T.Zero);
- //foreach (var w in _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(e => T.Abs(e.Value)))
- //{
- // foreach (var v in values.ToArray())
- // {
- // var res = v + T.Abs(w.Value);
- // if (res <= rhs)
- // values.Add(res);
- // }
- // if (values.Contains(rhs))
- // break;
- //}
- //if (!values.Contains(rhs))
- // return Model.False;
- if (_a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b - T.One), out var res1) && _a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res2))
- return !res1 & res2;
- var gcd = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Aggregate(GCD);
- if (rhs % gcd != T.Zero)
- return Model.False;
- if (gcd > T.One)
- {
- var vDiv = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- vDiv.Weights.EnsureCapacity(_a.Weights.Count);
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- if (w.Value > T.Zero)
- vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Key), w.Value / gcd);
- else if (w.Value < T.Zero)
- vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(-w.Key), -w.Value / gcd);
- //Debug.WriteLine($"GCD={gcd}");
- return vDiv == rhs / gcd;
- }
- var absEqRHSCnt = 0;
- var maxVar = new KeyValuePair(0, T.Zero);
- var maxVarCnt = 0;
- T? minAbsWeight = null;
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- {
- var absWeight = T.Abs(w.Value);
- if (absWeight == rhs)
- absEqRHSCnt++;
- if (absWeight > T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- {
- maxVar = w;
- maxVarCnt = 0;
- }
- if (absWeight == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVarCnt++;
- if (minAbsWeight is null || absWeight < minAbsWeight)
- minAbsWeight = absWeight;
- if (absWeight > rhs)
- {
- var vWithout = new LinExpr()
- {
- Model = _a.Model
- };
- foreach (var wi in _a.Weights)
- if (T.Abs(wi.Value) <= rhs)
- vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(wi.Value > T.Zero ? wi.Key : -wi.Key), T.Abs(wi.Value));
- return _a.Model.And(_a.Weights
- .Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) > rhs)
- .Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? -w.Key : w.Key))
- .Append(vWithout == rhs));
- }
- }
- Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) <= rhs));
- if (rhs == minAbsWeight)
- {
- Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == rhs));
- return _a.Model.ExactlyOneOf(_a.Weights.Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)));
- }
- if (absEqRHSCnt >= 1)
- {
- var lWithout = new List();
- var vWithout = new LinExpr();
- foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
- if (T.Abs(w.Value) != rhs)
- {
- vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), T.Abs(w.Value));
- lWithout.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key));
- }
- var vRHS = _a.Weights.Where(v => T.Abs(v.Value) == rhs).Select(v => v.Value > T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(v.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(-v.Key)).ToArray();
- Debug.Assert(vWithout.Weights.Count >= 0);
- return (_a.Model.ExactlyOneOf(vRHS) & !_a.Model.Or(lWithout)).Flatten()
- | (!_a.Model.Or(vRHS) & vWithout == rhs).Flatten();
- }
- if (rhs > ub >> 1)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Swapping to {-_a} == {-_b}");
- return -_a == -_b;
- }
- Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.Count > 2);
- if (T.Abs(maxVar.Value) == T.One && _a.Weights.Count <= 18)
- {
- var res = EnumerateEqAssignments(_a, rhs);
- if (res is not null)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
- return res;
- }
- }
- else if (_a.Weights.Count <= 18)
- {
- //not all variables have the same weight, should be guaranteed by /gcd
- Debug.Assert(T.Abs(maxVar.Value) != minAbsWeight);
- var res = EnumerateEqAssignmentsWeightGrouped(_a, rhs);
- if (res is not null)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
- return res;
- }
- }
- if (ub <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.TotalizerLimit))
- return _a.Model.ExactlyKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer);
- //if (rhs <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.LinExprKOfLimit))
- // return _a.Model.ExactlyKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.Sequential);
- if (T.Min(maxVarCnt, rhs / T.Abs(maxVar.Value)) < 4 && _a.Weights.DistinctBy(e => T.Abs(e.Value)).Count() < 16 && T.Abs(maxVar.Value) * maxVarCnt > rhs)
- {
- var maxVars = new List(maxVarCnt);
- var withoutMaxVars = new LinExpr();
- foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
- if (e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Key));
- else if (-e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
- maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(-e.Key));
- else
- withoutMaxVars.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Value > T.Zero ? e.Key : -e.Key), T.Abs(e.Value));
- Debug.Assert(maxVars.Count == maxVarCnt);
- var sorted = _a.Model.SortTotalizer(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(maxVars)).ToArray();
- return _a.Model.Or(Enumerable.Range(0, maxVarCnt + 1).Select(s => (s == maxVarCnt ? Model.True : !sorted[s]) & (s == 0 ? Model.True : sorted[s - 1]) & (withoutMaxVars + s * T.Abs(maxVar.Value) == rhs).Flatten())).Flatten();
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- _a.Model.StartStatistics("Eq Bit", _a.Weights.Count);
- var ands = new List
- {
- _a.ToUIntAllPosNoOffset(_a.Model) == rhs
- };
- if (rhs > 3)
- ands.Add(_a.EqualsMod(rhs, 3));
- return _a.Model.And(ands);
- }
- finally
- {
- _a.Model.StopStatistics("Eq Bit");
- }
- }
- }
- public override string ToString()
- {
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- foreach (var e in Weights)
- {
- if (sb.Length == 0)
- {
- if (e.Value == -T.One)
- sb.Append('-');
- else if (e.Value != T.One)
- sb.Append(e.Value + "*");
- }
- else
- {
- if (e.Value == -T.One)
- sb.Append(" - ");
- else if (e.Value < T.Zero)
- sb.Append($" - {-e.Value}*");
- else if (e.Value == T.One)
- sb.Append(" + ");
- else if (e.Value > T.One)
- sb.Append($" + {e.Value}*");
- else
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- sb.Append($"v{e.Key}");
- }
- if (Offset > T.Zero)
- sb.Append($" + {Offset}");
- else if (Offset < T.Zero)
- sb.Append($" - {-Offset}");
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- private BoolExpr EqualsMod(T _rhs, T _b)
- {
- Debug.Assert(Model is not null);
- if (_rhs < T.Zero)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_rhs));
- if (_b < T.One)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_b));
- if (_b == T.One)
- return Model.True;
- var oldUnary = new BoolExpr[int.CreateChecked(_b)];
- var newUnary = new BoolExpr[int.CreateChecked(_b)];
- newUnary[0] = Model.True;
- for (var i = 1; i < newUnary.Length; i++)
- newUnary[i] = Model.False;
- foreach (var e in Weights)
- {
- var rot = int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(e.Value) % _b);
- if (rot == 0)
- continue;
- (oldUnary, newUnary) = (newUnary, oldUnary);
- for (var i = 0; i < newUnary.Length; i++)
- newUnary[i] = Model.ITE(Model.GetVariable(e.Value > T.Zero ? e.Key : -e.Key), oldUnary[(i + oldUnary.Length - rot) % oldUnary.Length], oldUnary[i]);
- }
- return newUnary[int.CreateChecked(_rhs % _b)];
- }
- public static BoolExpr operator !=(LinExpr _a, T _b) => !(_a == _b);
- public static BoolExpr operator >(LinExpr _a, T _b) => -_a < -_b;
- public static BoolExpr operator >=(LinExpr _a, T _b) => !(_a <= (_b - T.One));
- public static explicit operator LinExpr(T _const) => new() { Offset = _const };
- public static explicit operator LinExpr(BoolExpr _be)
- {
- var le = new LinExpr();
- le.AddTerm(_be);
- return le;
- }
- private T this[VarId _bv]
- {
- get
- {
- Debug.Assert(_bv > 0);
- return Weights.TryGetValue(_bv, out var weight) ? weight : T.Zero;
- }
- set
- {
- Debug.Assert(_bv > 0);
- if (value == T.Zero)
- Weights.Remove(_bv);
- else
- Weights[_bv] = value;
- }
- }
- public void AddTerm(LinExpr _le) => AddTerm(_le, T.One);
- public void AddTerm(LinExpr _le, T _weight)
- {
- Model ??= _le.Model;
- if (_weight == T.Zero)
- return;
- ClearCached();
- Offset += _le.Offset * _weight;
- foreach (var e in _le.Weights)
- this[e.Key] += e.Value * _weight;
- }
- public void AddTerm(BigInteger _w) => AddTerm(Model.True, _w);
- public void AddTerm(BoolExpr _be) => AddTerm(_be, T.One);
- public void AddTerm(BoolExpr _be, T _weight)
- {
- Model ??= _be.GetModel();
- ClearCached();
- var be = _be.Flatten();
- if (ReferenceEquals(be, Model.True))
- Offset += _weight;
- else if (ReferenceEquals(be, Model.False))
- {
- //do nothing
- }
- else if (be is BoolVar bv)
- {
- if (bv.Model is not null)
- Model = bv.Model;
- Debug.Assert(Model is not null);
- if (bv.Id > 0)
- {
- this[bv.Id] += _weight;
- }
- else
- {
- Offset += _weight;
- this[-bv.Id] -= _weight;
- }
- }
- else
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public override int GetHashCode()
- {
- var hc = new HashCode();
- hc.Add(Offset);
- foreach (var e in Weights.OrderBy(e => e.Key))
- {
- hc.Add(e.Key);
- hc.Add(e.Value);
- }
- return hc.ToHashCode();
- }
- public override bool Equals(object? _o)
- {
- if (_o is not LinExpr le)
- return false;
- if (Offset != le.Offset)
- return false;
- if (Weights.Count != le.Weights.Count)
- return false;
- return Weights.OrderBy(e => e.Key).SequenceEqual(le.Weights.OrderBy(e => e.Key));
- }
- }
+ {
+ if (LB < 0)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Lower bound of expression is negative, this is not supported.");
+ var v = new UIntVar(_m, UB, false);
+ _m.AddConstr(v == this);
+ return v;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Converts to UInt, ignoring offsets and using all-positive weights.
+ ///
+ ///
+ internal UIntVar ToUIntAllPosNoOffset(Model _m)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(Model is null || ReferenceEquals(Model, _m));
+ Model ??= _m;
+ Debug.Assert(_m is not null);
+ if (Model.UIntCache.TryGetValue(this, out var res))
+ return res;
+ //convert to all-positive weights
+ var allOneWeights = true;
+ var posWeights = new List<(T Weight, BoolExpr Var)>();
+ foreach (var e in Weights)
+ {
+ if (e.Value > T.Zero)
+ posWeights.Add((e.Value, Model.GetVariable(e.Key)));
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(e.Value < T.Zero);
+ posWeights.Add((-e.Value, Model.GetVariable(-e.Key)));
+ }
+ if (T.Abs(e.Value) != T.One)
+ allOneWeights = false;
+ }
+ if (allOneWeights)
+ return Model.UIntCache[this] = Model.SumUInt(posWeights.Select(w => w.Var));
+ var toSum = new List();
+ var minWeightVars = new List();
+ while (posWeights.Any())
+ {
+ T? minWeight = null;
+ foreach (var pw in posWeights)
+ {
+ if (minWeight is null || pw.Weight < minWeight)
+ {
+ minWeight = pw.Weight;
+ minWeightVars.Clear();
+ }
+ if (pw.Weight == minWeight)
+ minWeightVars.Add(pw.Var);
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(minWeight is not null);
+ posWeights.RemoveAll(pw => pw.Weight == minWeight);
+ if (minWeightVars.Count == 1)
+ toSum.Add(Model.AddUIntConst(minWeight.Value) * minWeightVars.Single());
+ else
+ {
+ var sum = Model.SumUInt(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(minWeightVars));
+ if (sum.UB > T.Zero)
+ {
+ if (minWeight.Value.IsPowerOfTwo)
+ toSum.Add(sum << (int)T.Log2(minWeight.Value));
+ else
+ {
+ for (var i = 1; i < sum.Bits.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert((minWeight << i) > T.Zero);
+ posWeights.Add((minWeight.Value << i, sum.Bits[i]));
+ }
+ toSum.Add(Model.AddUIntConst(minWeight.Value) * sum.Bits[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Model.UIntCache[this] = Model.Sum(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(toSum));
+ }
+ private void ClearCached()
+ {
+ Negated = null;
+ }
+ private static T GCD(T a, T b) => b == T.Zero ? a : GCD(b, a % b);
+ public static BoolExpr operator <=(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ //TODO: Asín, R., Nieuwenhuis, R., Oliveras, A. and Rodríguez-Carbonell, E., 2011. Cardinality networks: a theoretical and empirical study. Constraints, 16, pp.195-221.
+ //TODO: https://ii.uni.wroc.pl/~karp/thesis.pdf, page 73pdf
+ if (_a.UB <= _b)
+ return Model.True;
+ if (_a.LB > _b)
+ return Model.False;
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
+ if (!_a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res))
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"{_a} <= {_b}");
+ //Debug.Indent();
+ _a.Model.LinExprLECache[(_a, -_a.Offset + _b)] = res = UncachedLE(_a, _b);
+ //Debug.Unindent();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Cached: {_a} <= {_b}");
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ //TODO: merge parts with UncachedEQ?
+ private static BoolExpr UncachedLE(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
+ var rhs = _b - _a.Offset;
+ var ub = T.Zero;
+ foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
+ checked
+ {
+ ub += T.Abs(e.Value);
+ if (e.Value < T.Zero)
+ rhs -= e.Value;
+ }
+ if (_a.Model.UIntCache.TryGetValue(_a, out var uintV))
+ return uintV <= rhs;
+ Debug.Assert(rhs >= T.Zero);
+ Debug.Assert(ub > rhs);
+ if (rhs == T.Zero)
+ return AndExpr.Create(_a.Weights.Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? -w.Key : w.Key)).ToArray());
+ if (_a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b - T.One), out var res1) && _a.Model.LinExprEqCache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res2))
+ return res1 | res2;
+ var gcd = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Aggregate(GCD);
+ if (gcd > T.One)
+ {
+ var vDiv = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ vDiv.Weights.EnsureCapacity(_a.Weights.Count);
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ if (w.Value > T.Zero)
+ vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Key), w.Value / gcd);
+ else if (w.Value < T.Zero)
+ vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(-w.Key), -w.Value / gcd);
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"GCD={gcd}");
+ return vDiv <= rhs / gcd;
+ }
+ //if (_a.Weights.Count <= 18)
+ // //(_a, rhs) = CanonicalizeLE(_a, rhs);
+ // (_a, rhs) = CanonicalizeLE2(_a, rhs);
+ var absEqRHSCnt = 0;
+ var maxVar = new KeyValuePair(0, T.Zero);
+ var maxVarCnt = 0;
+ T? minAbsWeight = null;
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ {
+ var absWeight = T.Abs(w.Value);
+ if (absWeight == rhs)
+ absEqRHSCnt++;
+ if (absWeight > T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ {
+ maxVar = w;
+ maxVarCnt = 0;
+ }
+ if (absWeight == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVarCnt++;
+ if (minAbsWeight is null || absWeight < minAbsWeight)
+ minAbsWeight = absWeight;
+ if (absWeight > rhs)
+ {
+ var vWithout = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var wi in _a.Weights)
+ if (T.Abs(wi.Value) <= rhs)
+ vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(wi.Value > T.Zero ? wi.Key : -wi.Key), T.Abs(wi.Value));
+ return _a.Model.And(_a.Weights
+ .Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) > rhs)
+ .Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? -w.Key : w.Key))
+ .Append(vWithout <= rhs));
+ }
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) <= rhs));
+ if (rhs == minAbsWeight)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == rhs));
+ return _a.Model.AtMostOneOf(_a.Weights.Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)));
+ }
+ if (absEqRHSCnt >= 1)
+ {
+ var lWithout = new List();
+ var vWithout = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ if (T.Abs(w.Value) != rhs)
+ {
+ vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), T.Abs(w.Value));
+ lWithout.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key));
+ }
+ var vRHS = _a.Weights.Where(v => T.Abs(v.Value) == rhs).Select(v => v.Value > T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(v.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(-v.Key)).ToArray();
+ Debug.Assert(vWithout.Weights.Count >= 0);
+ return (_a.Model.AtMostOneOf(vRHS) & !_a.Model.Or(lWithout)).Flatten()
+ | (!_a.Model.Or(vRHS) & vWithout <= rhs).Flatten();
+ }
+ if (rhs * 2 > ub)
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Swapping to !({-_a} <= {(-_b - 1)})");
+ return !(-_a <= (-_b - T.One));
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.Count > 2);
+ if (T.Abs(maxVar.Value) == T.One && _a.Weights.Count <= 18)
+ {
+ var res = EnumerateLEResolvent(_a, rhs);
+ if (res is not null)
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_a.Weights.Count <= 18)
+ {
+ //not all variables have the same weight, ensured by /gcd
+ Debug.Assert(T.Abs(maxVar.Value) != minAbsWeight);
+ var res = EnumerateLEResolventWeightGrouped(_a, rhs);
+ if (res is not null)
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ub <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.TotalizerLimit))
+ return _a.Model.AtMostKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer);
+ //if (rhs <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.LinExprKOfLimit))
+ // return _a.Model.AtMostKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.Sequential);
+ if (T.Min(maxVarCnt, rhs / T.Abs(maxVar.Value)) < 4 && _a.Weights.DistinctBy(e => T.Abs(e.Value)).Count() < 16 && T.Abs(maxVar.Value) * maxVarCnt >= rhs)
+ {
+ var maxVars = new List(maxVarCnt);
+ var withoutMaxVars = new LinExpr();
+ foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
+ if (e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Key));
+ else if (-e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(-e.Key));
+ else
+ withoutMaxVars.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Value > T.Zero ? e.Key : -e.Key), T.Abs(e.Value));
+ Debug.Assert(maxVars.Count == maxVarCnt);
+ var sorted = _a.Model.SortTotalizer(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(maxVars));
+ return _a.Model.Or(Enumerable.Range(0, maxVarCnt + 1).Select(s => (s == maxVarCnt ? Model.True : !sorted[s]) & (withoutMaxVars + s * T.Abs(maxVar.Value) <= rhs).Flatten())).Flatten();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ _a.Model.StartStatistics("LE Bit", _a.Weights.Count);
+ var vAnd = new List();
+ var maxVars = new List(maxVarCnt);
+ foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
+ if (e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Key));
+ else if (-e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(-e.Key));
+ vAnd.Add(_a.Model.AtMostKOf(maxVars, int.CreateChecked(rhs / T.Abs(maxVar.Value)), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer));
+ if (rhs * 2 <= _a.Model.Configuration.TotalizerLimit && ub <= 4096)
+ {
+ //Ben-Haim, Y., Ivrii, A., Margalit, O. and Matsliah, A., 2012, June. Perfect hashing and CNF encodings of cardinality constraints. In International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (pp. 397-409). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
+ var varForY = Enumerable.Range(0, int.CreateChecked(rhs) * 2).Select(i => new List()).ToArray();
+ {
+ var i = 0;
+ foreach (var v in _a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))))
+ varForY[i++ % varForY.Length].Add(v);
+ }
+ vAnd.Add(_a.Model.AtMostKOf(varForY.Select(l => _a.Model.Or(l)), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer));
+ }
+ vAnd.Add(_a.ToUIntAllPosNoOffset(_a.Model) <= rhs);
+ return _a.Model.And(vAnd);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ _a.Model.StopStatistics("LE Bit");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static BoolExpr operator ==(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ if (_a.UB < _b || _a.LB > _b)
+ return Model.False;
+ if (_a.LB == _a.UB)
+ return _a.LB == _b ? Model.True : Model.False;
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
+ if (!_a.Model.LinExprEqCache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res))
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"{_a} == {_b}:");
+ //Debug.Indent();
+ _a.Model.LinExprEqCache[(_a, -_a.Offset + _b)] = res = UncachedEq(_a, _b);
+ //Debug.Unindent();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"{_a} == {_b}: Cached");
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private static BoolExpr? EnumerateLEResolvent(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var m = _a.Model!;
+ var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
+ if (limit == 0)
+ return null;
+ var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => _a.Model!.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
+ var weights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
+ var resolvent = new List(limit + 1);
+ var active = new Stack(vars.Length);
+ void Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ if (resolvent.Count > limit)
+ return;
+ active.Push(vars[_s]);
+ _rhs -= weights[_s];
+ if (_rhs < T.Zero)
+ resolvent.Add(active.ToArray());
+ else
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < weights.Length; i++)
+ Visit(i);
+ active.Pop();
+ _rhs += weights[_s];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
+ Visit(i);
+ Debug.Assert(active.Count == 0);
+ if (resolvent.Count > limit)
+ return null;
+ else
+ return AndExpr.Create(resolvent.Select(r => OrExpr.Create(r.Select(v => !v).ToArray()).Flatten()).ToArray());
+ }
+ private static BoolExpr? EnumerateLEResolventWeightGrouped(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var m = _a.Model!;
+ var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
+ if (limit == 0)
+ return null;
+ var weights = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(w => w).ToArray();
+ var max = weights.Select(wi => _a.Weights.Count(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)).ToArray();
+ var count = new int[weights.Length];
+ var resolvent = new List(limit + 1);
+ void Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ if (resolvent.Count > limit)
+ return;
+ if (_s + 1 < weights.Length)
+ Visit(_s + 1);
+ var origRHS = _rhs;
+ for (count[_s] = 1; count[_s] <= max[_s]; count[_s]++)
+ {
+ _rhs -= weights[_s];
+ if (_rhs < T.Zero)
+ {
+ resolvent.Add(count.ToArray());
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (_rhs >= T.Zero && _s + 1 < weights.Length)
+ Visit(_s + 1);
+ }
+ _rhs = origRHS;
+ count[_s] = 0;
+ }
+ Visit(0);
+ if (resolvent.Count > limit)
+ return null;
+ var varCnt = weights.Select(wi => m.Sum(_a.Weights.Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)
+ .Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)))).ToArray();
+ return AndExpr.Create(resolvent.Select(a => OrExpr.Create(
+ a.Select((cnt, i) => varCnt[i] < T.CreateChecked(cnt)).ToArray()
+ )).ToArray());
+ }
+ private static BoolExpr? EnumerateEqAssignments(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var m = _a.Model!;
+ var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
+ if (limit == 0)
+ return null;
+ var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
+ var _weights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
+ var res = new List(limit + 1);
+ var active = new Stack(vars.Length);
+ void Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ if (res.Count > limit)
+ return;
+ active.Push(vars[_s]);
+ _rhs -= _weights[_s];
+ if (_rhs == T.Zero)
+ {
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ active.Push(!vars[i]);
+ res.Add(active.ToArray());
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ active.Pop();
+ }
+ else if (_rhs > T.Zero)
+ {
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Visit(i);
+ active.Push(!vars[i]);
+ }
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ active.Pop();
+ }
+ _rhs += _weights[_s];
+ active.Pop();
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Visit(i);
+ active.Push(!vars[i]);
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(active.Count == _weights.Length);
+ if (res.Count > limit)
+ return null;
+ else
+ return OrExpr.Create(res.Select(vars => AndExpr.Create(vars).Flatten()).ToArray());
+ }
+ private static BoolExpr? EnumerateEqAssignmentsWeightGrouped(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var m = _a.Model!;
+ var limit = m.Configuration.EnumerateLinExprComparisonsLimit;
+ if (limit == 0)
+ return null;
+ var weights = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(w => w).ToArray();
+ var max = weights.Select(wi => _a.Weights.Count(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)).ToArray();
+ var count = new int[weights.Length];
+ var validAssignments = new List(limit + 1);
+ void Visit(int _s, int _cnt)
+ {
+ if (validAssignments.Count > limit)
+ return;
+ count[_s] = _cnt;
+ _rhs -= weights[_s] * T.CreateChecked(_cnt);
+ if (_rhs == T.Zero)
+ validAssignments.Add(count.ToArray());
+ else if (_rhs > T.Zero && _s + 1 < weights.Length)
+ for (var i = 0; i <= max[_s + 1]; i++)
+ Visit(_s + 1, i);
+ _rhs += weights[_s] * T.CreateChecked(_cnt);
+ count[_s] = 0;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i <= max[0]; i++)
+ Visit(0, i);
+ if (validAssignments.Count > limit)
+ return null;
+ var varCnt = weights.Select(wi => m.Sum(_a.Weights.Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == wi)
+ .Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)))).ToArray();
+ return OrExpr.Create(validAssignments.Select(a => AndExpr.Create(
+ a.Select((cnt, i) => varCnt[i] == T.CreateChecked(cnt)).ToArray()
+ )).ToArray());
+ }
+ private static (LinExpr LE, T RHS) CanonicalizeLE2(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var m = _a.Model!;
+ var abortEarly = false;
+ List ComputeResolvent(T[] _weights, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var res = new List();
+ var active = new Stack();
+ var remaining = _rhs;
+ void Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ if (abortEarly)
+ return;
+ active.Push(_s);
+ remaining -= _weights[_s];
+ if (remaining < T.Zero)
+ {
+ var r = new int[active.Count];
+ active.CopyTo(r, 0);
+ Array.Reverse(r);
+ //if (ComputeLBUB(_weights, r).LB == _rhs)
+ // abortEarly = true;
+ res.Add(r);
+ }
+ else
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ Visit(i);
+ active.Pop();
+ remaining += _weights[_s];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ Visit(i);
+ return res;
+ }
+ (T LB, T UB) ComputeLBUB(T[] _weights, int[] _cj)
+ {
+ var lb = T.Zero;
+ for (var i = 0; i < _cj.Length - 1; i++)
+ lb += _weights[_cj[i]];
+ return (lb, lb + _weights[_cj[^1]] - T.One);
+ }
+ bool IsValid(T[] _oldWeights, T _rhs, T[] _newWeights, T _newRHS)
+ {
+ var remainingOld = _rhs;
+ var remainingNew = _newRHS;
+ if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
+ return false;
+ bool Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ remainingOld -= _oldWeights[_s];
+ remainingNew -= _newWeights[_s];
+ if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
+ return false;
+ if (remainingOld >= T.Zero && remainingNew >= T.Zero)
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ if (!Visit(i))
+ return false;
+ remainingOld += _oldWeights[_s];
+ remainingNew += _newWeights[_s];
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ if (!Visit(i))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
+ var oldWeights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
+ var resolvent = ComputeResolvent(oldWeights, _rhs);
+ if (abortEarly)
+ return (_a, _rhs);
+ var nonZero = new bool[vars.Length];
+ for (var i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
+ nonZero[i] = resolvent.Any(r => r.Contains(i));
+ var newWeights = new T[vars.Length];
+ for (var scale = T.One; scale < oldWeights[0]; scale++)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ if (nonZero[i])
+ newWeights[i] = (oldWeights[i] * scale + oldWeights[0] - T.One) / oldWeights[0];
+ var minRHS = T.Zero;
+ T? maxRHS = null;
+ foreach (var r in resolvent)
+ {
+ (var lb, var ub) = ComputeLBUB(newWeights, r);
+ if (lb > minRHS)
+ minRHS = lb;
+ if (maxRHS is null || ub < maxRHS)
+ maxRHS = ub;
+ }
+ for (var rhs = minRHS; rhs <= maxRHS; rhs++)
+ if (IsValid(oldWeights, _rhs, newWeights, rhs))
+ {
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ res.AddTerm(vars[i], newWeights[i]);
+ return (res, rhs);
+ }
+ }
+ return (_a, _rhs);
+ }
+ private static (LinExpr LE, T RHS) CanonicalizeLE(LinExpr _a, T _rhs)
+ {
+ //Wilson, J.M., 1977. A method for reducing coefficients in zero‐one linear
+ //inequalities. International Journal of Mathematical Educational in Science
+ //and Technology, 8(1), pp.31-35.
+ //https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0020739770080104
+ //Onyekwelu, D.C. and Proll, L.G., 1982. On Wilson's method for equivalent
+ //inequalities. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science
+ //and Technology, 13(5), pp.551-557.
+ //https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0020739820130505
+ var abortEarly = false;
+ var m = _a.Model!;
+ List ComputeResolvent(T[] _weights, T _rhs)
+ {
+ var res = new List();
+ var active = new Stack();
+ var remaining = _rhs;
+ void Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ if (abortEarly)
+ return;
+ active.Push(_s);
+ remaining -= _weights[_s];
+ if (remaining < T.Zero)
+ {
+ var r = new int[active.Count];
+ active.CopyTo(r, 0);
+ Array.Reverse(r);
+ //if (ComputeLBUB(_weights, r).LB == _rhs)
+ // abortEarly = true;
+ res.Add(r);
+ }
+ else
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ Visit(i);
+ active.Pop();
+ remaining += _weights[_s];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < _weights.Length; i++)
+ Visit(i);
+ return res;
+ }
+ (T LB, T UB) ComputeLBUB(T[] _weights, int[] _cj)
+ {
+ var lb = T.Zero;
+ for (var i = 0; i < _cj.Length - 1; i++)
+ lb += _weights[_cj[i]];
+ return (lb, lb + _weights[_cj[^1]] - T.One);
+ }
+ bool IsValid(T[] _oldWeights, T _rhs, T[] _newWeights, T _newRHS)
+ {
+ var remainingOld = _rhs;
+ var remainingNew = _newRHS;
+ if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
+ return false;
+ bool Visit(int _s)
+ {
+ remainingOld -= _oldWeights[_s];
+ remainingNew -= _newWeights[_s];
+ if (remainingOld < T.Zero ^ remainingNew < T.Zero)
+ return false;
+ if (remainingOld >= T.Zero && remainingNew >= T.Zero)
+ for (var i = _s + 1; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ if (!Visit(i))
+ return false;
+ remainingOld += _oldWeights[_s];
+ remainingNew += _newWeights[_s];
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < _oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ if (!Visit(i))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ var vars = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => m.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)).ToArray();
+ var oldWeights = _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).Select(w => T.Abs(w.Value)).ToArray();
+ var resolvent = ComputeResolvent(oldWeights, _rhs);
+ if (abortEarly)
+ return (_a, _rhs);
+ var largerThan = new bool[vars.Length, vars.Length];
+ foreach (var r in resolvent)
+ for (var jk = 0; jk < vars.Length; jk++)
+ {
+ var idx = Array.IndexOf(r, jk);
+ if (idx == -1)
+ continue;
+ for (var jkt = jk + 1; jkt < oldWeights.Length && (idx == r.Length - 1 || jkt < r[idx + 1]); jkt++)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(!r.Contains(jkt));
+ var r2 = r.ToArray();
+ r2[idx] = jkt;
+ Array.Sort(r2);
+ if (!resolvent.Any(rnot => Enumerable.SequenceEqual(rnot, r2)))
+ {
+ largerThan[jk, jkt] = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var newWeights = new T[vars.Length];
+ for (var i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
+ if (resolvent.Any(r => r.Contains(i)))
+ newWeights[i] = T.One;
+ var increased = new bool[vars.Length];
+ void ApplyRules()
+ {
+ //TODO: in reverse order - things should converge in 1 step?
+ for (; ; )
+ {
+ var changed = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
+ for (var j = i + 1; j < vars.Length; j++)
+ if (oldWeights[i] == oldWeights[j] && newWeights[i] < newWeights[j])
+ {
+ increased[i] = true;
+ newWeights[i] = newWeights[j];
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ else if (largerThan[i, j] && newWeights[i] <= newWeights[j])
+ {
+ increased[i] = true;
+ newWeights[i] = newWeights[j] + T.One;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (!changed)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ApplyRules();
+ for (; ; )
+ {
+ var minRHS = T.Zero;
+ T? maxRHS = null;
+ foreach (var r in resolvent)
+ {
+ (var lb, var ub) = ComputeLBUB(newWeights, r);
+ if (lb > minRHS)
+ minRHS = lb;
+ if (maxRHS is null || ub < maxRHS)
+ maxRHS = ub;
+ }
+ for (var rhs = minRHS; rhs <= maxRHS; rhs++)
+ if (IsValid(oldWeights, _rhs, newWeights, rhs))
+ {
+ var res = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < oldWeights.Length; i++)
+ res.AddTerm(vars[i], newWeights[i]);
+ return (res, rhs);
+ }
+ var incI = Enumerable.Range(0, vars.Length).Where(i => !increased[i]).MaxBy(i => newWeights[i]);
+ Array.Clear(increased);
+ newWeights[incI]++;
+ increased[incI] = true;
+ ApplyRules();
+ }
+ }
+ private static BoolExpr UncachedEq(LinExpr _a, T _b)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Model is not null);
+ var rhs = _b - _a.Offset;
+ var ub = T.Zero;
+ foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
+ checked
+ {
+ ub += T.Abs(e.Value);
+ if (e.Value < T.Zero)
+ rhs -= e.Value;
+ }
+ //if (_a.Model.UIntCache.TryGetValue(_a, out var uintV))
+ // return uintV == rhs;
+ Debug.Assert(rhs >= T.Zero);
+ Debug.Assert(ub >= rhs);
+ if (rhs == T.Zero)
+ return AndExpr.Create(_a.Weights.Select(x => x.Value > T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(-x.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(x.Key)).ToArray());
+ if (rhs == ub)
+ return AndExpr.Create(_a.Weights.Select(x => x.Value < T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(-x.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(x.Key)).ToArray());
+ //var values = new HashSet();
+ //values.Add(T.Zero);
+ //foreach (var w in _a.Weights.OrderByDescending(e => T.Abs(e.Value)))
+ //{
+ // foreach (var v in values.ToArray())
+ // {
+ // var res = v + T.Abs(w.Value);
+ // if (res <= rhs)
+ // values.Add(res);
+ // }
+ // if (values.Contains(rhs))
+ // break;
+ //}
+ //if (!values.Contains(rhs))
+ // return Model.False;
+ if (_a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b - T.One), out var res1) && _a.Model.LinExprLECache.TryGetValue((_a, -_a.Offset + _b), out var res2))
+ return !res1 & res2;
+ var gcd = _a.Weights.Values.Select(w => T.Abs(w)).Aggregate(GCD);
+ if (rhs % gcd != T.Zero)
+ return Model.False;
+ if (gcd > T.One)
+ {
+ var vDiv = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ vDiv.Weights.EnsureCapacity(_a.Weights.Count);
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ if (w.Value > T.Zero)
+ vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Key), w.Value / gcd);
+ else if (w.Value < T.Zero)
+ vDiv.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(-w.Key), -w.Value / gcd);
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"GCD={gcd}");
+ return vDiv == rhs / gcd;
+ }
+ var absEqRHSCnt = 0;
+ var maxVar = new KeyValuePair(0, T.Zero);
+ var maxVarCnt = 0;
+ T? minAbsWeight = null;
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ {
+ var absWeight = T.Abs(w.Value);
+ if (absWeight == rhs)
+ absEqRHSCnt++;
+ if (absWeight > T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ {
+ maxVar = w;
+ maxVarCnt = 0;
+ }
+ if (absWeight == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVarCnt++;
+ if (minAbsWeight is null || absWeight < minAbsWeight)
+ minAbsWeight = absWeight;
+ if (absWeight > rhs)
+ {
+ var vWithout = new LinExpr()
+ {
+ Model = _a.Model
+ };
+ foreach (var wi in _a.Weights)
+ if (T.Abs(wi.Value) <= rhs)
+ vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(wi.Value > T.Zero ? wi.Key : -wi.Key), T.Abs(wi.Value));
+ return _a.Model.And(_a.Weights
+ .Where(w => T.Abs(w.Value) > rhs)
+ .Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? -w.Key : w.Key))
+ .Append(vWithout == rhs));
+ }
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) <= rhs));
+ if (rhs == minAbsWeight)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.All(w => T.Abs(w.Value) == rhs));
+ return _a.Model.ExactlyOneOf(_a.Weights.Select(w => _a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key)));
+ }
+ if (absEqRHSCnt >= 1)
+ {
+ var lWithout = new List();
+ var vWithout = new LinExpr();
+ foreach (var w in _a.Weights)
+ if (T.Abs(w.Value) != rhs)
+ {
+ vWithout.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), T.Abs(w.Value));
+ lWithout.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key));
+ }
+ var vRHS = _a.Weights.Where(v => T.Abs(v.Value) == rhs).Select(v => v.Value > T.Zero ? _a.Model.GetVariable(v.Key) : _a.Model.GetVariable(-v.Key)).ToArray();
+ Debug.Assert(vWithout.Weights.Count >= 0);
+ return (_a.Model.ExactlyOneOf(vRHS) & !_a.Model.Or(lWithout)).Flatten()
+ | (!_a.Model.Or(vRHS) & vWithout == rhs).Flatten();
+ }
+ if (rhs > ub >> 1)
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Swapping to {-_a} == {-_b}");
+ return -_a == -_b;
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(_a.Weights.Count > 2);
+ if (T.Abs(maxVar.Value) == T.One && _a.Weights.Count <= 18)
+ {
+ var res = EnumerateEqAssignments(_a, rhs);
+ if (res is not null)
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_a.Weights.Count <= 18)
+ {
+ //not all variables have the same weight, should be guaranteed by /gcd
+ Debug.Assert(T.Abs(maxVar.Value) != minAbsWeight);
+ var res = EnumerateEqAssignmentsWeightGrouped(_a, rhs);
+ if (res is not null)
+ {
+ //Debug.WriteLine($"Enumeration");
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ub <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.TotalizerLimit))
+ return _a.Model.ExactlyKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.SortTotalizer);
+ //if (rhs <= T.CreateChecked(_a.Model.Configuration.LinExprKOfLimit))
+ // return _a.Model.ExactlyKOf(_a.Weights.SelectMany(w => Enumerable.Repeat(_a.Model.GetVariable(w.Value > T.Zero ? w.Key : -w.Key), int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(w.Value)))), int.CreateChecked(rhs), Model.KOfMethod.Sequential);
+ if (T.Min(maxVarCnt, rhs / T.Abs(maxVar.Value)) < 4 && _a.Weights.DistinctBy(e => T.Abs(e.Value)).Count() < 16 && T.Abs(maxVar.Value) * maxVarCnt > rhs)
+ {
+ var maxVars = new List(maxVarCnt);
+ var withoutMaxVars = new LinExpr();
+ foreach (var e in _a.Weights)
+ if (e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Key));
+ else if (-e.Value == T.Abs(maxVar.Value))
+ maxVars.Add(_a.Model.GetVariable(-e.Key));
+ else
+ withoutMaxVars.AddTerm(_a.Model.GetVariable(e.Value > T.Zero ? e.Key : -e.Key), T.Abs(e.Value));
+ Debug.Assert(maxVars.Count == maxVarCnt);
+ var sorted = _a.Model.SortTotalizer(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(maxVars)).ToArray();
+ return _a.Model.Or(Enumerable.Range(0, maxVarCnt + 1).Select(s => (s == maxVarCnt ? Model.True : !sorted[s]) & (s == 0 ? Model.True : sorted[s - 1]) & (withoutMaxVars + s * T.Abs(maxVar.Value) == rhs).Flatten())).Flatten();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ _a.Model.StartStatistics("Eq Bit", _a.Weights.Count);
+ var ands = new List
+ {
+ _a.ToUIntAllPosNoOffset(_a.Model) == rhs
+ };
+ if (rhs > 3)
+ ands.Add(_a.EqualsMod(rhs, 3));
+ return _a.Model.And(ands);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ _a.Model.StopStatistics("Eq Bit");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var e in Weights)
+ {
+ if (sb.Length == 0)
+ {
+ if (e.Value == -T.One)
+ sb.Append('-');
+ else if (e.Value != T.One)
+ sb.Append(e.Value + "*");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (e.Value == -T.One)
+ sb.Append(" - ");
+ else if (e.Value < T.Zero)
+ sb.Append($" - {-e.Value}*");
+ else if (e.Value == T.One)
+ sb.Append(" + ");
+ else if (e.Value > T.One)
+ sb.Append($" + {e.Value}*");
+ else
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ sb.Append($"v{e.Key}");
+ }
+ if (Offset > T.Zero)
+ sb.Append($" + {Offset}");
+ else if (Offset < T.Zero)
+ sb.Append($" - {-Offset}");
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ private BoolExpr EqualsMod(T _rhs, T _b)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(Model is not null);
+ if (_rhs < T.Zero)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_rhs));
+ if (_b < T.One)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_b));
+ if (_b == T.One)
+ return Model.True;
+ var oldUnary = new BoolExpr[int.CreateChecked(_b)];
+ var newUnary = new BoolExpr[int.CreateChecked(_b)];
+ newUnary[0] = Model.True;
+ for (var i = 1; i < newUnary.Length; i++)
+ newUnary[i] = Model.False;
+ foreach (var e in Weights)
+ {
+ var rot = int.CreateChecked(T.Abs(e.Value) % _b);
+ if (rot == 0)
+ continue;
+ (oldUnary, newUnary) = (newUnary, oldUnary);
+ for (var i = 0; i < newUnary.Length; i++)
+ newUnary[i] = Model.ITE(Model.GetVariable(e.Value > T.Zero ? e.Key : -e.Key), oldUnary[(i + oldUnary.Length - rot) % oldUnary.Length], oldUnary[i]);
+ }
+ return newUnary[int.CreateChecked(_rhs % _b)];
+ }
+ public static BoolExpr operator !=(LinExpr _a, T _b) => !(_a == _b);
+ public static BoolExpr operator >(LinExpr _a, T _b) => -_a < -_b;
+ public static BoolExpr operator >=(LinExpr _a, T _b) => !(_a <= (_b - T.One));
+ public static explicit operator LinExpr(T _const) => new() { Offset = _const };
+ public static explicit operator LinExpr(BoolExpr _be)
+ {
+ var le = new LinExpr();
+ le.AddTerm(_be);
+ return le;
+ }
+ private T this[VarId _bv]
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_bv > 0);
+ return Weights.TryGetValue(_bv, out var weight) ? weight : T.Zero;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_bv > 0);
+ if (value == T.Zero)
+ Weights.Remove(_bv);
+ else
+ Weights[_bv] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public void AddTerm(LinExpr _le) => AddTerm(_le, T.One);
+ public void AddTerm(LinExpr _le, T _weight)
+ {
+ Model ??= _le.Model;
+ if (_weight == T.Zero)
+ return;
+ ClearCached();
+ Offset += _le.Offset * _weight;
+ foreach (var e in _le.Weights)
+ this[e.Key] += e.Value * _weight;
+ }
+ public void AddTerm(BigInteger _w) => AddTerm(Model.True, _w);
+ public void AddTerm(BoolExpr _be) => AddTerm(_be, T.One);
+ public void AddTerm(BoolExpr _be, T _weight)
+ {
+ Model ??= _be.GetModel();
+ ClearCached();
+ var be = _be.Flatten();
+ if (ReferenceEquals(be, Model.True))
+ Offset += _weight;
+ else if (ReferenceEquals(be, Model.False))
+ {
+ //do nothing
+ }
+ else if (be is BoolVar bv)
+ {
+ if (bv.Model is not null)
+ Model = bv.Model;
+ Debug.Assert(Model is not null);
+ if (bv.Id > 0)
+ {
+ this[bv.Id] += _weight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Offset += _weight;
+ this[-bv.Id] -= _weight;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode()
+ {
+ var hc = new HashCode();
+ hc.Add(Offset);
+ foreach (var e in Weights.OrderBy(e => e.Key))
+ {
+ hc.Add(e.Key);
+ hc.Add(e.Value);
+ }
+ return hc.ToHashCode();
+ }
+ public override bool Equals(object? _o)
+ {
+ if (_o is not LinExpr le)
+ return false;
+ if (Offset != le.Offset)
+ return false;
+ if (Weights.Count != le.Weights.Count)
+ return false;
+ return Weights.OrderBy(e => e.Key).SequenceEqual(le.Weights.OrderBy(e => e.Key));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/SATInterface/Model.cs b/SATInterface/Model.cs
index 93af687..6257995 100644
--- a/SATInterface/Model.cs
+++ b/SATInterface/Model.cs
@@ -1036,23 +1036,6 @@ UIntVar SumThree(BoolVar _a, BoolVar _b, BoolVar _c)
- //var ub = _elems.Length + trueCount;
- //var newBits = new BoolExpr[ub.GetBitLength()];
- //var oldBits = new BoolExpr[newBits.Length];
- //for (var b = 0; b < newBits.Length; b++)
- //{
- // newBits[b] = !(trueCount >> b).IsEven ? True : False;
- // oldBits[b] = False;
- //}
- //for (var i = 0; i < _elems.Length; i++)
- //{
- // newBits[0] ^= _elems[i];
- // for(var b=1;b.Shared.Rent(cnt);
for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
@@ -1935,7 +1918,7 @@ internal BoolExpr AtMostKOf(IEnumerable _expr, int _k, KOfMethod? _met
- StartStatistics("AMK", _expr.Count());
+ StartStatistics($"AMK {_method}", _expr.Count());
var expr = _expr.Where(e => !ReferenceEquals(e, False)).ToArray();
@@ -1990,7 +1973,7 @@ internal BoolExpr AtMostKOf(IEnumerable _expr, int _k, KOfMethod? _met
- StopStatistics("AMK");
+ StopStatistics($"AMK {_method}");