- Fixed parsing error of cklol (thanks to @npes87184)
- Supported fully-customizable format for output file (thanks to @npes87184)
- Embed static search.html in assets
- Tweaked several UI layouts
- Fixed version check of upgrade
- Several fixes for API changes
- Switch the directory picker
- New about page
- Material UI
- Removed Parse components
- Switch to GitHub releases as update source
- added bookmark action icons from Android-Action-Bar-Icons
- introduced jsoup to parse html
- updated zh-rTW translations
- fix: cklol html structure changes
- acquire wakelock during post-processing
- introduced android-process-button
- substituted DirectoryChooserDialog with ExFilePicker
- change structure of downloaders
- support q1d1an, z0ngheng, l7k, chuangsh1
- implement simple and faster string replacement
- fix cklol analyzer
- update mechanism
- change behaviour of up navigation to popping back stack in settings page
- change method of dynamic class creating to Class.forName() with class name array
- minor bug fix: when directory chooser dialog popup, if download folder is not existed then it'll be created.
- adopt ActionBarCompat (android support library v7)
- adopt Navigation Drawer pattern to get rid of dependency on slidingmenu library
- adapt PreferenceFragmentCompat as a more general solution to compatibility issue
- hide keyboard when user touches elsewhere than text field