Radakan is a single-player RPG in a dark dynamic setting, driven by a freedom-of-choice environment, with a focus on true role-playing instead of combat.
This contains miscallenous projects related to Radakan, as well as the original & unfinished version created using jMonkeyEngine 2.0. I was the lead programmer on the project in 2008 from March until Decemeber.
- Radakan - The jME2 based version of Radakan.
- WorldTool - World editor for Radakan. jME3 has similar editing capabilities in its SDK.
- SimplePhysics - A simple physics engine for jME2. Radakan uses it for physics.
- JMEContext - Library for easier mangement of multiple rendering contexts in jME2. A better version of this has been implemented in jME3.
- OgreLoader - Allows loading of Ogre3D Mesh.XML files in jME2. A better version of this is already included in jME3.
- MaxiPacker - Basically useless. Was created to workaround silly limitations in some web hosting provider.
- Common - Contains game data files.
- For code - GNU GPLv3
- For content - CC BY-SA 3.0
- For JMEContext library - New BSD license