Very basic graphics engine that made as part of study 'Computer Graphics 1' at the Technion.
I decide to use wxWidget as the base for this app.
All 3D rendering & Control flow are implemented by me and wxWidget use only to interact with the user.
As requirement from the course staff we needed to use Irit library.
- Up to 10 Lights source.
- Textures.
- Irit 3D models loading, Models can be found here.
- Phong, Gouraud and Flat shaders.
- Face culling & Polygon style for each face (Solid, Line or Points).
- Object Silhouette.
- Object bounding box.
- Shadows, Map shadow work bit Volume shadow is buggy.
The app tested on Mac & Linux, It's run on windows but not tested.
- wxWidget
- make
- g++ (17 or higher)
Run make all
inside the main folder.
Run ./main
inside the main folder.