If challenger deletes a l2Output root which is say 1 day old, then network will start lagging in
Proposer needs to submit an output everyone 120 seconds (or 60 L2 blocks)
Lets say Proposer submitted output root R1,R2,....RN at l2Outputs indexes x,y,......z on Day 1
function proposeL2Output(
bytes32 _outputRoot,
uint256 _l2BlockNumber,
bytes32 _l1BlockHash,
uint256 _l1BlockNumber
) external payable {
emit OutputProposed(_outputRoot, nextOutputIndex(), _l2BlockNumber, block.timestamp);
outputRoot: _outputRoot,
timestamp: uint128(block.timestamp),
l2BlockNumber: uint128(_l2BlockNumber)
On Day 2, Challenger sees an issue with the output generated by Proposer
Challenger stops proposer so that proposer cannot keep on submitting new proposals
Challenger uses deleteL2Outputs and delete the roots from index x
Challenger analysis the issue which caused this, lets say it took 1 day
Post 1 day, proposer is resumed
Proposer will restart with index x which means it will already be delayed by 2 days in output creation. Since output creation is delayed the withdrawal processing also gets delayed causing a network lag
If these issues are frequent then network lag will become large enough impacting the withdrawal timeline
Network lag will cause withdrawal delay
Manual Review
If such a case arrives, proposer should be configurable to catch up the delay by submitting output more frequently