Crazy Jetblack Pigeon
sequencer cannot be penalized when it is at index 244 in the stakerSet
of the L1Staking
contract, which will result in incorrect slashing
The slash function is used to penalize a malicious sequencer. It accepts a sequencersBitmap and identifies the sequencers using the getStakersFromBitmap function.
function getStakersFromBitmap(uint256 bitmap) public view returns (address[] memory stakerAddrs) {
// skip first bit
uint256 _bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
uint256 stakersLength = 0;
while (_bitmap > 0) {
stakersLength = stakersLength + 1;
_bitmap = _bitmap & (_bitmap - 1);
stakerAddrs = new address[](stakersLength);
uint256 index = 0;
for (uint8 i = 1; i < 255; i++) { //-> HERE we should use i < 256
if ((bitmap & (1 << i)) > 0) {
stakerAddrs[index] = stakerSet[i - 1];
index = index + 1;
if (index >= stakersLength) {
Currently, the loop iterates with i from 1 to 244, but it should iterate from 1 to 255 because we can have up to 255 sequencers.
For example, if we have 255 sequencers and the bitmap is 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, the getStakersFromBitmap function will incorrectly return an array containing zero address which is a mistake.
If our list contains zero address then It will go in else if block because withdrawals[sequencers[i]] > 0
will be false and !isStakerInDeleteList(sequencers[i])
will be true due to which we will add stakingValue to valueSum but As we know address(0) was not in staker list.
Because of this we will transfer reward to rollupContract and will add valueSum - reward
to slashRemaining
which is wrong.
function slash(uint256 sequencersBitmap) external onlyRollupContract nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
address[] memory sequencers = getStakersFromBitmap(sequencersBitmap);
uint256 valueSum;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < sequencers.length; i++) {
if (withdrawals[sequencers[i]] > 0) {
delete withdrawals[sequencers[i]];
valueSum += stakingValue;
} else if (!isStakerInDeleteList(sequencers[i])) {
// If it is the first time to be slashed
valueSum += stakingValue;
// remove from whitelist
delete whitelist[sequencers[i]];
removedList[sequencers[i]] = true;
uint256 reward = (valueSum * rewardPercentage) / 100;
slashRemaining += valueSum - reward;
_transfer(rollupContract, reward);
The impact is high because the sequencer cannot be penalized if it is at index 244 in the stakerSet. Additionally, the presence of a zero address in the sequencer list will create problems for future sequencers attempting to withdraw, as there will not be enough ETH available.
function getStakersFromBitmap(uint256 bitmap) public view returns (address[] memory stakerAddrs) {
// skip first bit
uint256 _bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
uint256 stakersLength = 0;
while (_bitmap > 0) {
stakersLength = stakersLength + 1;
_bitmap = _bitmap & (_bitmap - 1);
stakerAddrs = new address[](stakersLength);
uint256 index = 0;
for (uint8 i = 1; i < 255; i++) { //-> HERE we should use i < 256
if ((bitmap & (1 << i)) > 0) {
stakerAddrs[index] = stakerSet[i - 1];
index = index + 1;
if (index >= stakersLength) {
Manual Review
My recommendation is that we should iterate from 1 to 255. Below is the correct implementation:
function getStakersFromBitmap(uint256 bitmap) public view returns (address[] memory stakerAddrs) {
// skip first bit
uint256 _bitmap = bitmap >> 1;
uint256 stakersLength = 0;
while (_bitmap > 0) {
stakersLength = stakersLength + 1;
_bitmap = _bitmap & (_bitmap - 1);
stakerAddrs = new address[](stakersLength);
uint256 index = 0;
for (uint8 i = 1; i < 256; i++) { // Updated to iterate up to 255
if ((bitmap & (1 << i)) > 0) {
stakerAddrs[index] = stakerSet[i - 1];
index = index + 1;
if (index >= stakersLength) {