Uneven Leather Salamander
First of all thanks to the Morph team that provided a spreadsheet in the README containing all values that could be set by admin for all state variables including proofWindow
this helped uncovering the vulnerability.
The default value range for the proofWindow
variable is from 172800 to 604800. Meaning that this value could be updated and impact a deterministic check within the _proveState
function because of it's direct usage.
Due to the proofWindow
(state variable) directly being used within the check,relying on it's state any update would directly impact its functionality. ultimately this check would fail for a ongoing challenge.
if (challenges[_batchIndex].startTime + proofWindow <= block.timestamp) {
// set status
challenges[_batchIndex].challengeSuccess = true;
_challengerWin(_batchIndex, batchDataStore[_batchIndex].signedSequencersBitmap, "Timeout");
} else {
_verifyProof(memPtr, _aggrProof, _kzgDataProof);
// Record defender win
_defenderWin(_batchIndex, _msgSender(), "Proof success");
Updating proofWindow
to a lower value even if initially within the range (604800), would make the window to a shorter time due to the dicrepancy between the higher and lower proofWindow
, thus block.timestamp would be too far in the future for a ongoing challenge.
note: Value used for the flow is as example, by nature this vulnerability is unpredictable. Any value whithin the provided range could trigger the issue
Possible flow:
- state before update
= 604.800- challenges[100]: (10.001.000 + 604.800 <= 10.500.000)
- state after update
= 178.200- challenges[100]: (10.001.000 + 178.200 <= 10.500.001) => challenges[100] => "timeout"
Sequencer or prover would not be able to prove the commited batch, the _challengerWin
function called due to "timeout" would slash deposit (L1 - 1 ETH deposit and L2 - remove staker). Challenger receives the reward due to the bug.
https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-08-morphl2/blob/98e0ec4c5bbd0b28f3d3a9e9159d1184bc45b38d/morph/contracts/contracts/l1/rollup/Rollup.sol#L484 https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-08-morphl2/blob/98e0ec4c5bbd0b28f3d3a9e9159d1184bc45b38d/morph/contracts/contracts/l1/rollup/Rollup.sol#L392
Manual review
Fix - doing the addition when the challenge is being initiated and inserting it to the BatchChallenge
function challengeState(uint64 batchIndex) external payable onlyChallenger nonReqRevert whenNotPaused {
require(!inChallenge, "already in challenge");
require(lastFinalizedBatchIndex < batchIndex, "batch already finalized");
require(committedBatches[batchIndex] != 0, "batch not exist");
require(challenges[batchIndex].challenger == address(0), "batch already challenged");
// check challenge window
require(batchInsideChallengeWindow(batchIndex), "cannot challenge batch outside the challenge window");
// check challenge amount
require(msg.value >= IL1Staking(l1StakingContract).challengeDeposit(), "insufficient value");
batchChallenged = batchIndex;
- challenges[batchIndex] = BatchChallenge(batchIndex, _msgSender(), msg.value, block.timestamp, false, false);
+ challenges[batchIndex] = BatchChallenge(batchIndex, _msgSender(), msg.value, block.timestamp, block.timestamp + proofWindow, false, false);
emit ChallengeState(batchIndex, _msgSender(), msg.value);
for (uint256 i = lastFinalizedBatchIndex + 1; i <= lastCommittedBatchIndex; i++) {
if (i != batchIndex) {
batchDataStore[i].finalizeTimestamp += proofWindow;
inChallenge = true;
struct BatchChallenge {
uint64 batchIndex;
address challenger;
uint256 challengeDeposit;
uint256 startTime;
+ uint256 endTime;
bool challengeSuccess;
bool finished;
function proveState(
bytes calldata _batchHeader,
bytes calldata _aggrProof,
bytes calldata _kzgDataProof
) external nonReqRevert whenNotPaused {
// get batch data from batch header
(uint256 memPtr, bytes32 _batchHash) = _loadBatchHeader(_batchHeader);
// check batch hash
uint256 _batchIndex = BatchHeaderCodecV0.getBatchIndex(memPtr);
require(committedBatches[_batchIndex] == _batchHash, "incorrect batch hash");
// Ensure challenge exists and is not finished
require(batchInChallenge(_batchIndex), "batch in challenge");
// Mark challenge as finished
challenges[_batchIndex].finished = true;
inChallenge = false;
// Check for timeout
- if (challenges[_batchIndex].startTime + proofWindow <= block.timestamp) {
+ if (challenges[_batchIndex].endTime <= block.timestamp) {
// set status
challenges[_batchIndex].challengeSuccess = true;
_challengerWin(_batchIndex, batchDataStore[_batchIndex].signedSequencersBitmap, "Timeout");
} else {
_verifyProof(memPtr, _aggrProof, _kzgDataProof);
// Record defender win
_defenderWin(_batchIndex, _msgSender(), "Proof success");