Dandy Caramel Tortoise
Failure to use updated payment amount will cause repayer's to loose assets in case they pay in excess
Failure to use updated payment amount will cause re-payer's to loose assets in case they pay in excess
In case the payment is greater than the owed amount, the _sendOrEscrowFunds
function still uses the excess amount instead of the owed amount. This causes the excess amounts to be lost to the borrower
function _repayLoan(
uint256 _bidId,
Payment memory _payment,
uint256 _owedAmount,
bool _shouldWithdrawCollateral
) internal virtual {
Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
uint256 paymentAmount = _payment.principal + _payment.interest;
RepMark mark = reputationManager.updateAccountReputation(
// Check if we are sending a payment or amount remaining
if (paymentAmount >= _owedAmount) {
paymentAmount = _owedAmount;
// @audit the old _payment amount is still used instead of the updated paymentAmount
_sendOrEscrowFunds(_bidId, _payment); //send or escrow the funds
- User must make excess repayment
No response
No response
Borrowers will loose the excess they have paid
No response
Cap the payment to amountOwed