Expert Wool Armadillo
Owner/admin only functions that change critical parameters should emit events and have timelocks. Events allow capturing the changed parameters so that off-chain tools/interfaces can register such changes with timelocks that allow users to evaluate them and consider if they would like to engage/exit based on how they perceive the changes as affecting the trustworthiness of the protocol or profitability of the implemented financial services. The alternative of directly querying on-chain contract state for such changes is not considered practical for most users/usages.
Missing events and timelocks do not promote transparency and if such changes immediately affect users’ perception of fairness or trustworthiness, they could exit the protocol.
- In
LenderCommitmentGroup_Smart.sol:355-361 This function implement minimum requirement to limitprotocolOwner
action but no event is emited - In
LenderCommitmentGroup_Smart.sol:368-372 This function does not implement minimum requirement/timelock to limitowner
action and no event is emited All of this are critical modifications and should not be done without restrictions.
No response
No response
No response
No response
No response
Recommend adding events to all owner/admin functions that change critical parameters. Add timelocks to introduce time delays for critical parameter changes that significantly impact the protocol users.