[ui2mcp] oject
################################################################# DONE #################################################################
Take in account Mute ALL with "SETD^mgmask^8388608". --> DONE
Correction of Mute / ForceUnmute with mutiple configuration: --> DONE On channel --> ForceUnMute = MuteMask disable = Light on MIDI Controler!!! ---> Corrected V0.9.0 On channel --> Light On MIDI Controler for ForceUnMute on start !!! ---> Corrected V0.9.0 For all Channel --> Mute on two channels, mute 2 mask, unmute mask the last light on !!!!!! ---> Corrected V0.9.0
Correction when Unmute MIDI controler on stereo link channel --> DONE StereoLink --> Mix, Solo, Mute, MaskMute, ForceUnmute, Pan 0 for Channel 0 Pan & for Channel +1 --> DONE
Pan function: Center Pan when push PAN button --> DONE Pan function: Pan Channel on selected SET button --> DONE
Pan Midi: Encoder or Potentionmeter option. --> DONE
Optimize update with global function same Track Next & Prev --> DONE
For Controler with LCD and only one REC button, do inverse channel number when REC on on channel --> DONE
Add REC function for only one button with Midi --> DONE
Bug sur le canal 1 au demarrage sur la position fader. --> DONE by Update Controler after init Bug sur refresh du LCD pour nom et canal --> DONE by correction on send_hex raz Bug sur Select all Unselect All REC MTK depuis la page web de l'UI --> DONE
Bug Lot of : Midi Out : 90 00 00 !!!!! --> DONE by correction For loop in update mode
Channel AUX & VCA remove PAN control --> DONE Bug in Mix on Master in Master mode --> DONE Correct PAN in Master Mode --> DONE Master Fader on Midi controler --> DONE Pan function: LCD Pan update --> DONE Add Value pan in the 3rd line of LCD when move channel --> DONE Bug VCA ne fonctionne pas depuis la page web de l'UI --> DONE Correct PAN in not Master Mode --> DONE Bug with fader update in UI web console for stereo link mode --> DONE In stereo link mode move left fader don't update right fader --> DONE In stereo update must update the second fader after aftertouch = 00 to improve function --> DONE Improve fader control in stereo case & in general --> DONE
Vu meter on Master for MasterMode =1 --> DONE
MTK Recording not detected when software start --> DONE
################################################################# IN PROGESS #################################################################
Bug received trame not complet sometime !!! --> Not review !!!! Bug Light on Mute Clear & VCA & Shift Right !!! --> Not review !!!!
Implement Pan fader control for master on midi controler --> DONE for one pot
################################################################# IDEAS #################################################################
Add Value db in the 3rd line of LCD when move channel, Improve computing of the value --> Need improve the formula to improve computing
Function View with pre-selectionned channel like as view mode in UI
Light On Write button when UI sent to Midi
Detection de la liste des péripherie MIDI (Utilisation du code de amidi.)