configuration suitable for both i3
and i3-gaps
- Modifier key set to Win key
- Changed default applications(browser, terminal)
- Dmenu replaced with j4-dmenu-desktop
- Four named workspaces
- i3bar with i3blocks embedded
- parcellite and compton as startup applications
- background image script
- volume and brightness controls via pulseaudio and xbacklight
- no window titles, scrollbars
i3blocks statusbar configuration. Assumes that you have installed fontawesome 4.xx version. Includes symbols for backlight (xbacklight), temperature(lm_sensors), volume (pulse or alsa), memory, disk usage, cpu load, wlan signal level, battery level, current datetime, layout switch indicator.
optionally set background image, needs feh
There are multiple variations, differing by colorscheme.
- solarized colorscheme (in light and dark variations)
- smyck colorscheme (in default and low contrast variations)
- no window titles, scrollbars
- two variations, the second is slightly lower contrast
- prefix set to C-s
- hot configuration reloading keybinding
- convenient bindings for selecting and resizing panes
- plays nice with neovim
- base index for windows and panes set to 1
- vi keys in copy mode
- copying to system clipboard(xclip)
Made only to use in console, not tested with gvim or similar gui-wrappers.
- multiple variations to use with dark or light terminal backgrounds
- Vundle for plugin management
- besides Vundle, only 6 plugins
- ruby, elixir and slim-template highlighting
- ctrlpvim (meant to use alongside with ag)
- vim-airline as a more informative replacement for default statusline
- vim-fugitive for viewing current git branch
- line length limited by 120 symbols
- absolute line numbers
- search highlights are not persistent
- autoindent
- show matching brackets
- newlines indicated with special symbol
- trailing spaces indicated with special symbol
Rails-specific configurations.
- Launches two windows with rails server console in window 1 (background), and 3-paned window 0, that is visible by default. The layout is main-horizontal, with editor window on top, server console in bottom left, and utility console on the bottom right.
- query editor set to nvim
- null values displayed with special symbol
- interactive rollbacks
- custom prompt