This is a web application aimed to empowering individuals from underserved communities by providing access to financial assistance, educational resources and job opportunities . Through this platfrom,users can apply for small business loans and can also receive donations to support poverty alleviation efforts .
Poverty Free World is a web application aimed at empowering individuals from underserved communities by providing access to financial assistance, educational resources, and job opportunities.
- Loans: Users can apply for small business loans offered by philanthropic individuals and businesses.
- Donations: Users can make and receive donations to support poverty alleviation efforts.
- Free Courses: Users have access to free educational courses to develop essential skills.
- Job Listings: Users can browse available job opportunities.
- Flask (Python web framework)
- SQLAlchemy (Python SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapper)
1.Clone the repository:
git clone
2.Navigate into the repository directory:
cd No-poverty-app
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up the database:
python from app import db db.create_all() exit()
- Run the application:
- Access the application:
Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:5000
Visit the homepage to browse loans, donations, courses, and job listings. Apply for a loan by clicking on the "Apply for a Loan" link. Make a donation by clicking on the "Make a Donation" link. Access free courses and job listings from the homepage
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests.