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🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
Something isn't working
👤 client
:bust_in_silhouette: client
Issue is related to client
⚠️ Changes requested
⚠️ Changes requested
Pull Request needs changes before it can be reviewed again
💻 server
:computer: server
Issue is related to server
configuration error
configuration error
Mend configuration error
🚧 pending backend
:construction: pending backend
API for functionality is not implemented
:construction: WIP
Work is under progress
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
👀 needs more info
:eyes: needs more info
✔️ fixed
:heavy_check_mark: fixed
Bug is fixed
✔️ implemented
:heavy_check_mark: implemented
New feature is implemented
📱 admin-app
:iphone: admin-app
Issue is related to admin-app
🔒 security
:lock: security
Issue is related to security
🔍 Ready for Review
:mag: Ready for Review
Pull request is ready for review
📝 documentation
:memo: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
📦 dependencies
:package: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
♻️ Refactor
:recycle: Refactor
Refactor the code
🤖 bot
:robot: bot
Issue is related to bot
🚀 production
:rocket: production
Issue is related to production
✨ enhancement
:sparkles: enhancement
New feature or request
✨ feature
:sparkles: feature
New feature or request
✨ Merged:
:sparkles: Merged:
Pull request is merged
🧪 tests
:test_tube: tests
write/refactor tests
⚠️ Changes requested
:warning: Changes requested
Pull Request needs changes before it can be reviewed again
🗑️ server
:wastebasket: server
Issue is related to server
✅ Approved
:white_check_mark: Approved
Pull request is approved
❌ closed
:x: closed
⚡ performance
:zap: performance
Improve performance