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Releases: shupershuff/Diablo2RLoader


27 Apr 13:18
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  • Added Update Checker to check Github if there's a new version of this script.
  • Reduced output text and Window Height a smidge for users with smaller resolutions (ie laptops).
  • Script now pulls config from config.xml rather than users having to edit the script directly.
  • Added config option for Custom Shortcut icon (ShortcutCustomIconPath)
  • Make Config more forgiving if someone enters quotes within the file paths.
  • Added a couple more D2 quotes to the quote list.
  • Stupid stuff, added a new item quality "HighRune" for quote colour rolls with a 1:19999 chance of getting. Good luck hero.


24 Apr 13:40
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Security update!

  • Passwords Manually entered now show star symbols (*) instead of the actual password.
  • Adjusted Accounts.csv to include a column called "pwissecurestring" this column is automatically populated and is used to check if password has been converted from plain text.
  • Passwords in accounts.csv are now automatically converted to a big long encrypted string to make it a bit more secure than leaving plain text passwords in a file.
  • Made a script option for $ConvertPlainTextPasswords in case someone wants to disable this.
  • Script now checks that accounts.csv has been updated from the included example.
  • removed unused parameter.
  • Long quotes now have line breaks
  • Improved logic for handle kill timeouts.

Thanks to MoonUnit for secure string command suggestions.


24 Apr 00:21
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  • Minor Edit to adjust shortcut to have a parameter of "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" so that it doesn't prompt user to run due to the script being downloaded from the internet.


23 Apr 13:23
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  • Removed SetText.exe from the repository as Chrome will prevent downloads due to it thinking the file is dodgy.
  • Changed script to automatically compile SetText.exe if it doesn't exist. Requires dotnet 4.0.
  • Script auto adds windows defender exception rule for the SetText directory (at least until Microsoft process and approve my false positive review submission).
  • Script checks if Dotnet 4.0 (required to build settext.exe is installed and if not prompts where to download it from. Presumably most user PC's have this installed already anyway.

More info on the SetText executable can be seen here (where I copied it from):


23 Apr 09:44
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  • Made it so if a password is intentionally omitted from accounts.csv that the script will prompt to manually enter it.
  • Made it so long quotes are indented
  • Changed heading title from bnet_displayname to accountlabel in accounts.csv as this may confuse people that they have to enter their bnet names, when in reality this is just a friendly label.
  • Now automatically creates a desktop shortcut with the d2r icon to run the script.
  • Checks Game path before running to ensure config is accurate.
  • Checks to see handle64.exe exists before proceeding.
  • Renames PowerShell window to something a bit friendlier than "Administrator: Windows PowerShell".
  • Made SetText a mandatory feature (removed the option of disabling this) as the active account checker depends on this.
  • Fixed active accounts not showing correctly after removing the option to not use SetText.exe (now mandatory).
  • Added a quote or two.
  • General tidy ups.
  • Updated/added comments.


22 Apr 12:28
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Removed commented out sections of the script. Changed AskForRegionOnceOnly option from True to False


22 Apr 12:05
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Version 1!