Table of contents:
- Introduction
- Installation of development version
- Requirements
- Manual installation the build
- Installation from Git repository
- Uninstallation
Most preferable way to install the panel is to use automatic installer.
wget -O - | sh
Instructions below should be used only if you can not use automatic installer due to some reason.
To be able to test the newest features you can install latest development version. This build is not suitable for production and should be used only for testing purposes.
wget -O - | \
The following software is required to be installed on server with panel:
- Ruby 1.8.7+ (1.9 is not supported)
- RubyGems
- Ruby SQLite3 support
The following software is required to be installed on physical server, which will be used for OpenVZ containers:
- OpenVZ kernel
- OpenVZ tools (vzctl, vzlist)
- Ruby 1.8.7+ (1.9 is not supported)
Place build archive to the server where you plan to run the panel. Move build archive content to destination directory, e.g. /opt/ovz-web-panel/. This can be achived using the following command:
tar -xzvf ovz-web-panel-X.X.tgz -C /opt/
Panel is written on Ruby. So you need to have it to run the panel. Please check the Ruby version:
ruby -v
If you haven't ruby installed jet it's time to install it. For example on Ubuntu using apt:
apt-get install ruby rubygems libsqlite3-ruby
To start the panel run the command:
sudo /opt/ovz-web-panel/script/owp start
# or
/etc/init.d/owp start
To shutdown application the following command can be used (be careful):
sudo /opt/ovz-web-panel/script/owp stop
# or
/etc/init.d/owp stop
Then need to place hardware daemon on the server with OpenVZ. There are two possible scenarios: panel is installed on hardware node or panel is on separate server. Physical server daemon located at /utils/hw-daemon/ Copy content of directory to OpenVZ physical server. Then copy hw-daemon.ini.sample to hw-daemon.ini. Next step is to generate unique key, which will be used for authorization between panel and daemon. Key can be generated using the following command for example:
head -c 200 /dev/urandom | md5sum
Key should be placed to hw-daemon.ini as a value of "key" parameter. Now daemon can be started by the command:
sudo ruby hw-daemon.rb start
Daemon should work under root user to be able to manipulate with containers.
To start the daemon run:
sudo ruby hw-daemon.rb start
Daemon can be stopped using the following command
sudo ruby hw-daemon.rb stop
You can checkout the source code using the following command:
git clone
File contains information on how to prepare working copy.
One of key steps is to create/upgrade database after code update:
cd /opt/ovz-web-panel/
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
To uninstall the product need to run the command:
wget -O - | sh -s UNINSTALL=1