This folder consists of some programs that I created while I was attending an internship program during Feb-Mar 2018.
I learned a lot during that period. I learned:
- how to manage memory correctly
- how avoid memory leaks by implementing things the right way by including proper checks wherever necessary and using tools such as Valgrind
- how to improve the performance of the code (I even did a performance analysis! See, Maze solver)
- how to increase re-usability in the code.
- and a lot more
For serious implementations that solve some bigger problems, see:
Maze solver - a program that finds the shortest path from source to destination in a given maze using the A-star algorithm.
Sudoku solver - a program that tries to solve sudoku puzzles using some well-known solving techniques
Chess move validator - a simple library that could be used to validate basic chess moves
Chess GUI - a simple GUI for the game of chess (using GTK+-3.0)