The hmac_signature.php file is a code snippet to show how to compute the HMAC signature needed to authenticate the API request. This is not intended to be used alone, but for the function to be included in your other source code.
The API code creates a new class called CanvasDataAPI that includes allows you to access the Canvas Data API.
In your code, you include the API and create a new object of the class. There are methods for each of the API calls, some, like the get_dump() method allow you to specify 'allow' or 'limit' parameters.
require(__DIR__ . '/api.php');
// Create a new instance of the CanvasDataAPI object
// Replace API_KEY and API_SECRET by their values
$CD = new CanvasDataAPI(API_KEY, API_SECRET);
// When you need to access the API, you do it like this (the limit parameter is optional)
// A JSON object is returned
$dumps = $CD->get_dump(['limit' => 100]);
$latest = $CD->get_file_latest();
$schema = $CD->get_schema_latest();
The schema_to_mysql.php script attempts to parse the Canvas schema and create a DDL file that can be used to create the tables in MySQL. You will also need the overrides.json file to run this.
Alternatively, the output of the script can be found in the canvas-data/mysql folder.