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Slava Krutelyov edited this page May 23, 2018
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To disable optimization in nvcc: -O0 -Xcicc -O0 -Xptxas -O0
nvprof commands:
nvprof ./multorture
nvprof --print-gpu-trace ./multorture
time nvprof --metrics flop_count_sp,flop_sp_efficiency,shared_store_transactions,shared_load_transactions,local_load_transactions,local_store_transactions,gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_throughput,gst_throughput,l2_read_transactions,l2_write_transactions,l2_utilization,l1_cache_global_hit_rate,l1_shared_utilization,l2_l1_read_hit_rate ./multorture
nvprof --events warps_launched,local_load --metrics ipc,ipc_instance,inst_executed,inst_fp_32,inst_integer,inst_per_warp ./multorture
Sample code
__global__ void raw_reg_c_mult_loop_kn(const float* const a, const float* const b,
float* c, const int N)
int nN = 1000;
for (int oLoop = 0; oLoop< nN; ++oLoop){
for (int n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
n < N;
n += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
float a_ar[36];
float b_ar[36];
for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i){
const int idx = n + N*i;
a_ar[i] = a[idx];
b_ar[i] = b[idx];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
float c_tmp = 0.f;
for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
c_tmp += a_ar[i + 6*k] * b_ar[k + 6*j];
c[n + N*(i + 6*j)] = c_tmp;
}//oLoop< nN; ++oLoop){
Some extracted numbers with numerology
N 7168 (64)
.. 1032192 bytes in 1 matrix
1.8142ms 1 1.8142ms 1.8142ms 1.8142ms raw_reg_c_mult_loop_kn(float const *, float const *, float*, int)
428.68ms 1.8094ms (112 1 1) (64 1 1) 96 0B 0B - - - - Tesla P100-SXM2 1 7 raw_reg_c_mult_loop_kn(float const *, float const *, float*, int) [208]
1 flop_count_sp Floating Point Operations(Single Precision) 3,096,576,000 3096576000 3096576000
.. 1.7 TFLOPS; vs 9.5 specs (same percentage -> OK)
1 flop_sp_efficiency FLOP Efficiency(Peak Single) 17.72% 17.72% 17.72%
1 shared_store_transactions Shared Store Transactions 0 0 0
1 shared_load_transactions Shared Load Transactions 0 0 0
1 local_load_transactions Local Load Transactions 0 0 0
1 local_store_transactions Local Store Transactions 0 0 0
1 gld_transactions Global Load Transactions 129024000 129024000 129024000
.. 129024000 = 1000* 7168* 18 -> 18 loads per 72 floats => 16 usable bytes per load
1 gst_transactions Global Store Transactions 32256000 32256000 32256000
.. 32256000 = 1000* 7168* 4.5 -> 4.5 stores per 36 floats => 32 usable bytes per store
1 gld_throughput Global Load Throughput 2307.3GB/s 2307.3GB/s 2307.3GB/s
.. vs 720.9 GB/s HBM bandwidth ==> looks like caches are actually in use
.. 4.19 GB per call; 32 bytes per load transaction
1 gst_throughput Global Store Throughput 576.82GB/s 576.82GB/s 576.82GB/s
.. 1.05 GB per call; 32 bytes per store transaction
1 l2_read_transactions L2 Read Transactions 63539508 63539508 63539508
.. l2_read/gld = 0.49
1 l2_write_transactions L2 Write Transactions 32256013 32256013 32256013
1 l2_utilization L2 Cache Utilization High (7) High (7) High (7)
1 ipc Executed IPC 1.348572 1.348572 1.348572
1 inst_executed Instructions Executed 174,497,792 174497792 174497792
1 inst_fp_32 FP Instructions(Single) 1,548,288,000 1548288000 1548288000
1 inst_integer Integer Instructions 1,928,213,504 1928213504 1928213504
1 inst_per_warp Instructions per warp 7.7901e+05 7.7901e+05 7.7901e+05
1 warps_launched 224 224 224 224