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smallrye-ci committed Aug 28, 2023
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<h2><a href="/blog/jandex-3-1-3/">Jandex 3.1.3</a></h2>
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<p class="byline">By Ladislav Thon | August 28, 2023</p>
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<p>Jandex 3.1.3 released!</p>

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<h2><a href="/blog/fault-tolerance-6-2-6/">Fault Tolerance 6.2.6</a></h2>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,43 +239,6 @@ <h2><a href="/blog/fault-tolerance-6-2-3/">Fault Tolerance 6.2.3</a></h2>
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<h2><a href="/blog/jandex-3-1-1/">Jandex 3.1.1</a></h2>
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<p class="byline">By Ladislav Thon | April 13, 2023</p>
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<p>Jandex 3.1.1 released!</p>

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<h1>Jandex 3.1.3</h1>
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<p>Today, we announce the <a href="">release</a> of Jandex 3.1.3.
This release contains several small fixes and improvements.</p>
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<p>The <code>AnnotationInstance.equivalentTo()</code> method was added that establishes the notion of <em>annotation equivalence</em>.
Two annotation instances are equivalent if they have the same name (that is, the same annotation interface) and the same members.
The target of the annotation is ignored (unlike the <code>equals()</code> method).</p>
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<p>The <code>MethodInfo.isStaticInitializer()</code> method was added to distinguish the special <code>&lt;clinit&gt;</code> methods (similarly to existing <code>isConstructor()</code>, which distinguishes the special <code>&lt;init&gt;</code> methods).</p>
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<p>Serialization compatibility with Jandex 2 was restored.
Jandex 3 added a new kind of types, type variable references, and at that time, the index serialization code was not adjusted properly.
Therefore, if Jandex 3 was asked to write an index of an older version, for consumption by Jandex 2, the result in fact was not readable by Jandex 2.
The fix is fortunately simple, because what Jandex 3 represents as a type variable reference, Jandex 2 always represents as an unresolved type variable.
So when emitting an index for Jandex 2, Jandex 3 can just serialize type variable references as unresolved type variables.
(Note that Jandex 3 may still produce unresolved type variables, for example when indexing an incomplete class path.)
Thanks Andrey Manzharov for the reproducer!</p>
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<p>The Jandex Maven plugin now supports setting the index version that should be produced.
That way, you can upgrade your Jandex version yet keep the persistent index readable by older Jandex versions.
Of course, if the upgraded Jandex has a newer persistent index format that includes more information, the older version will <em>not</em> contain the new information.
Thanks Andrey Manzharov for the pull request!</p>
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<p>The <code>jandex-jar</code> goal of the Jandex Maven plugin was improved to not omit directory entries in the resulting JAR.
Thanks Hui Wang for the pull request!</p>
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<p>Finally, multiple places in Jandex were changed to slightly reduce allocations.
Instead of allocating a regular <code>java.util.ArrayList</code> and then an immutable wrapper, an immutable array-backed <code>List</code> implementation is used directly.</p>
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<p>If you experience any troubles, or if you have any ideas for Jandex improvements, please <a href="">file an issue</a>.</p>


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<p class="byline">By Ladislav Thon | April 13, 2023</p>
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<p>Jandex 3.1.1 released!</p>

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<h2><a href="/blog/jandex-3-1-0/">Jandex 3.1.0</a></h2>
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<h2><a href="/blog/jandex-3-0-5/">Jandex 3.0.5</a></h2>
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<p class="byline">By Ladislav Thon | December 02, 2022</p>
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<p>Jandex 3.0.5 released!</p>

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