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About |
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I currently work for Feedzai as an Engineering Manager, at the Lisbon Office.
Previously, I was an assistant professor of Computer Science at Técnico Lisboa and a researcher at INESC-ID.
I'm keen on using computer programming to solve everyday problems and I'm also passionate about teaching.
You can find more info about me in the following places:
- My LinkedIn profile
- My Google scholar profile
- My [homepage at Técnico Lisboa][my-IST-homepage] contains an updated [list of my publications][my-IST-publications]
- My [GitHub profile][my-GitHub]
- My [PGP public key][PGP-key]
[dissertation]: {{ site.baseurl }}/permalinks/publications/2014-fernandes-phd.pdf [my-GitHub]: [my-IST-homepage]: [my-IST-publications]: [PGP-key]: {{ site.baseurl }}/permalinks/SergioFernandes.asc