This is a sample app to fetch data from twitter and display it. Code searches for tweets with hash-tag #travel
- There are several features you will find in this application
- This application uses RxJava to handle all network activity.
- You will notice that class RowItem extends Parcelable and it is used to save restore data on orientation change.
- You will see how implement fetch more data, upon swipe down.
- You will see how to implement fetch more data, when scrollView hits the bottom.
- More importantly how to get these two actions to work together.
- This sample also has an automated unit test that you can run to drive the application
- You can run command ./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest to run this test.
- The unit test uses espresso.
- The unit test tests application in landscape and portrait mode.
If you want to play with this app yourself you will need to edit the app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and provide various tokens & secrets for Twitter Oauth2.