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OXSX/OXO is a signal extraction framework built for the SNO+ experiment. It is built to be useful for general analyses within particle physics.

This document will try and explain the critical components of OXO, so you can build your analysis code efficiently.

1. Objects for storing data

1.1. Event

The Event class repesents the observations associated with a single event. For example, you might have observed an event with properties:

  • Reconstructed energy = 2.54 MeV
  • Reconstructed radius = 3.17 m
  • External classifier value = 0.6

The event class would then store this information as a vector of information (2.54, 3.17, 0.6), along with a vector of the same size indicating the names for the associated observables, ("energy", "radius", "ext_classifier"), say.

In general, an Event object stores the data for any set of observables given to it, as long as the observables are doubles.

Creating & handling Event objects is easy (though you'll probably handle individual events on their own very rarely in your analysis, I suspect). For our example, we could create an Event object like so:

const std::vector<double> event_data {2.54, 3.17, 0.6};
const std::vector<std::string> observable_names {"energy", "radius", "ext_classifier"};
Event ev(event_data);

Once an Event object has been created, you can access the information inside it, via GetDatum() for a single observable value, or GetData() and GetDataMap() for all the observables at once. GetDatum() can be used either with the observable name, or the index of the observables vector.

1.2. ObsSet

ObsSet is like Event, just without any of the actual data! It's just a store of some observable names on their own, in a specifc order. This class is sometimes used to define the subset of variables we actually care about in a given event.

We could create an ObsSet object like:

const std::vector<std::string> observable_names {"energy", "radius", "ext_classifier"};
ObsSet obs(observable_names);

Given an Event ev, one can get the data for a particular set of observables defined in an ObsSet obs via:

const std::vector<double> obs_data = ev.ToObsSet(obs);

1.3. DataSet

DataSet is just an abstract base class for some much more useful classes we'll talk about in a moment. The point of any such object is to store a bunch of data. The most important method here is GetEntry(i), where you get the ith event in the dataset.

Here are the derived classes of DataSet, which can actually be used:

1.3.1. OXSXDataSet

The most obvious kind of DataSet object in OXO: it holds a vector of Events (and the associated observable names in another vector). In addition to GetEntry(i), one can also add an event to the dataset by AddEntry(). A nice feature is concatenating OXSXDataSet objects together with the + operator overload. One can reserve memory for n events by Reserve(n).

1.3.2. ROOTNtuple

A DataSet object derived from a ROOT TNtuple object that is stored in a file. When the object is created, the TNtuple object is loaded. Adding events afterwards is not possible: you're stuck with what you loaded in.

1.3.3. ROOTTree

Almost identical to the ROOTNTuple class, but loads in a ROOT TTree instead. Tends to be more useful in practice than ROOTNTuple, because most data one handles in particle physics gets stored in TTree objects.

Importantly, for this class to work the TTree structure must be flat, with all branches having variables that can be cast into a double.

1.3.4. LazyOXSXDataSet

A fancy version of OXSXDataSet; so fancy I'm not sure anyone uses this. You create the object with a filename pointing to some data that is stored within a .H5 file (more on this in the IO section). Getting data happens as usual with GetEntry(i). There's some shenanigans with a static list of these objects stored, leading to the functionality where if you have multiple of these objects at once I'm pretty sure only one can have data loaded at a time.

2. Histograms, etc.

Histograms are really useful in Particle Physics analyses! But to describe & use them in the most general terms, we'll first have to create some other objects that will help us.

2.1. BinAxis

BinAxis is just a class that stores the bin edges for some variable. It can be set up in two ways: either with equal bin widths, or unequal widths. In the latter case, the user must specify the bin edges. The axis must come along with a name (e.g. "energy"), and can also have an optional name to be used for pretty LaTeX formatting ("E_{reco}", for example).

You can do most of the usual things you would expect for a binned axis with this object. You will hopefully not have to interact too much with this class, other than to set up axes for any histogramming you do.

2.2. AxisCollection

As the name suggests, this class holds a number of BinAxis objects. To actually create one with the binning you want, first create an empty AxisCollection object, and then use either AddAxis() or AddAxes() as appropriate.

Technically, you can call a bunch of methods with this class. Most of them you'll never need to call yourself. Like BinAxis and ObsSet, AxisCollection objects mostly have to be set up at the beginning of your code, and then never really have to be touched.

2.3. Histogram

This class stores an N-dimensional histogram, the binning of which is defined by the AxisCollection object you give it.

Like a ROOT TH1, the Fill() method is used to add data to the histogram (you can add values one-by-one, or give a whole vector of them at once), which can be weighted. You can also modify the values of the bins directly through SetBinContent().

This class has a whole bunch of nice things you can do with it! You can normalise, scale, and get the integral of the histogram; get a slice of the histogram or marginalise over certain axes. You can also add, multiply, or divide two histograms together. One other useful method is AddPadding(): this adds a tiny non-zero value to all bins with zero in them. This comes in handy when calculating likelihoods, as this will prevent the code from breaking entirely.

3. PDFs & Event Distributions

Okay, so we have classes for storing raw event information, and one for a general binned histograms. Great! What would be nice now are some classes related to probability and event distributions. We're gonna have to build a number of other classes first to get there, though!

3.1. ParameterDict

As the name suggests, this is a dictionary of parameters, a general enough object that it gets used all over the place in OXO. You got a bunch of named parameters (e.g. nuisance parameters in a fit)? Put 'em in a ParameterDict! What about the means & standard deviations for a multi-dimensional Gaussian? You can store them as a ParameterDict! etc.

This class is literally just a mapping from strings --> doubles:

typedef std::map<std::string, double> ParameterDict;

3.2. FitComponent

This is an abstract base class for objects that have parameters associated with them. Anything derived from this class have some set of named parameters, each of which is a double.

Any FitComponent-derived object can have parameters set & gotten (via a ParameterDict if you like!), and renamed. The object also has its own name that can be changed.

This base class will become incredibly important when we get to test statistics and fitting/optimisation - lots of OXO classes will be derived from FitComponent.

3.2.1. Function

OXO's capital-F Function class is another abstract class, derived from FitComponent. As the name suggests, any such object acts like a kind of mathematical function: it can be evaluated at some set of values given to it, simply by doing func(vals), where func is the Function object, and vals is a vector of doubles. Heaviside

We finally come to our first non-abstract class in this section: Heaviside. This is the multi-dimensional version of the basic mathematical function also called the Heaviside step function. More precisely, it returns the product of these step functions over the dimensions it is defined on, with a possible position of the step for each dimension along whther that step goes up or down (or no step for that axis). Evaluation of this function will always return either a 1 or a zero only.

Frankly not really used very much. SquareRootScale

SquareRootScale is a Function whose evaluation function is of the form f(x) = a*sqrt(x), where a is the "gradient" parameter. This gradient can be set directly by SetGradient(a), or indirectly using the standard FitComponent interface: SetParameter("grad", a) etc.

This function is typcially used when modelling an energy resolution systematic: you expect the energy resolution to be proportional to the square root of the energy. PDF

Let's go another level deeper! a PDF is another abstract class, which is a Function that also has the property of definite integration, via the Integrate(mins, maxs) method. Because a PDF has a well-defined integral, it can also be also randomly sampled from: Sample(). See the section on random number generation for how derived classes implement this. Gaussian

For all of that effort, we can finally make some actual PDFs, in particular a multi-dimensional Gaussian (given how useful they are!). Unsurprisingly, Gaussian derives from the PDF class.

This class has all of its derived features. You can get/set the means and standard deviations of any of the dimensions by either SetMean() etc., or with the FitComponent SetParameter() method. For the latter, the name of the mean & sigma parameters are given by means_i & stddevs_i respectively, where i here corresponds to the index of the dimension of interest. (Note - the actual parameter names are handled not within the Gaussian class itself, but within a helper class called GaussianFitter. Despite the name, this latter class doesn't fit a Gaussian, but instead holds the fit parameters.) You can evaluate the Gaussian at any point in the n-dimensional space, and even integrate within some (possibly high-dimensional) rectangular region.

As a bonus, you can obtain the cumulative density function by Cdf().

3.2.2. ConditionalPDF

ConditionalPDF is an abstract class used to describe distributions that have conditional probabilities. These will become important later when dealing with convolutions: a ConditionalPDF object is a nice way of handling kernels to a convolution.

Unsurprisingly then, one of the main methods declared for this class is ConditionalProbability(x,x2), the probability at a vector position x conditional on the position x2. Related to this, the Sample(x2) method should sample the PDF, conditional on the position x2.

This class derives from FitComponent, so you can have parameters associated with this object, as well as a name. JumpPDF

JumpPDF is the main derived class of ConditionalPDF, and is used for conditional PDFs of the form f(x|x2) = f(x-x2). You can think of it as a PDF with extra translational degrees of freedom. This is typically used in situations where you need a PDF that must act relative to some point, e.g. during convolution.

The class holds within it an un-translated PDF fPDF as its base; when you calculate ConditionalProbability(x,x2) it returns fPDF(x-x2). The Sample(x2) and Integral(mins, maxes, x2) methods behave in a similar manner. VaryingCDF

What we saw with JumpPDF is that you could have a PDF that, in addition to some base parameters (which you can set/get through the FitComponent interface), has the ability to be translated. A critical feature of the JumpPDF class is that its shape is unchanged with translations.

However, you might want a translatable PDF for which its parameters have some proscribed dependence on the translation point: this is where VaryingCDF comes in.

Like JumpPDF, VaryingCDF derives from ConditionalPDF, and has many of the same features: there is some underlying PDF which can been sampled from, integrated, etc., with the ability to translate the PDF. The key extra feature this class posesses is that you can link underlying PDF parameter values to the translation position, through the method SetDependance(param_name, func). func here is a Function object that must encode this dependence.

As an example, we could prepare an energy-dependent "smearer" that has a square-root dependence of the energy resolution with energy:

Gaussian gaus_energy("gaus_energy", 0, 1); // Base Gaussian kernel
SquareRootScale e_res_dependence("energy_res_scaler"); // Function that scales as a sqrt
VaryingCDF energy_smearer("energy_smearer"); // Initialise smearer object
energy_smearer.SetKernel(&gaus_energy); // Set the Gaussian as the kernel function
energy_smearer.SetDependance("stddevs_0", &e_res_dependence); // Set the Gaussian sigma param to go as e_res_dependence

We will see the key application of all of this when we get to convolutions.

3.3. EventDistribution

EventDistribution is an abstract base class, whose derived classes describe the expected distributions of events under a set of observables. A typical physics analysis might involve comparison/fitting of an EventDistribution expected from theory/MC, to an observed DataSet object.

The virtual methods any EventDistribution object can perform include calculating the probability that a given Event object arises from the event distribution; the total integral of the event distribution; and a Normalise() method which will scale the event distribution so that the integral is 1. Finally, the event distribution has a name that can be set/gotten.

Note: it is this class that Particle Physicists typically refer to as "PDFs". We're often using that terminology fast and loose, given that true PDFs must have a total normalisation of 1 by definition. Because of this, actual mathematical PDFs are defined within the PDF class, separate from this class.

3.3.1. AnalyticED

One possible event distribution is a purely analytic one, given by AnalyticED. This class holds a PDF that holds the underlying shape of the distribution, along with a constant normalisation. It also has an ObsSet object, so that the observable quantities of interest can be defined distinct to the (possibly) larger set of variables within the PDF. On top of this, AnalyticED inherits from FitComponent, with the parameters being defined within the PDF member.

3.3.2. BinnedED

This is very much one of the most important classes in the whole of OXO! This is an N-dimensional binned event distribution. It holds a Histogram of the data for the distribution, along with an ObsSet that defines the subset of dimensions within the histogram that are actually observed. These objects are typically built from MC.

With this class, you can basically do all the things you can with a Histogram object.

In order to correctly set up a BinnedED object, you must provide to it:

  • A name
  • An AxisCollection that define a binning over a set of variables
  • An ObsSet that defines the subset of binned variables that are actually "observables"
  • (Likely) non-zero values for the contents of each bin - bin contents are zero by default.

3.3.3. CompositeED

Sometimes, you want to assume certain observables are independent of one another, and still build an event distribution from them. For example, you might observe an event's energy and radius, and instead of building a 2D EventDistribution object, if you think the two observables are fairly independent then you can make a 1Dx1D distribution instead. That's what the CompositeED class does: define an event distribution as the (outer) product of some set of EventDistribution objects.

This class has been defined in such a way that you can combine both BinnedED and AnalyticED objects, or even another CompositeED object!

3.3.4. SpectralFitDist

Unlike AnalyticED, BinnedED doesn't inherit from FitComponent. However, you might want the functionality of a binned event distribution, with named parameters for the dimensions of the underlying Histogram. Well, that's what SpectralFitDist does!

4. Random number & Event generation

Generating lots of random numbers is quite useful in a variety of places within a physics analysis. We have a single class, Rand, with a bunch of static methods that act as a central place within OXO for random number generation. There's nothing fancy here, just a wrapper for ROOT's TRandom3 class. You can generate random numbers for a small number of standard distributions: uniform, Gaussian, and Poisson.

Now, with random number generation, we can generate fake datasets and event distributions. Here are two (similar) classes that handle this:

4.1. DataSetGenerator

You have a whole bunch of data (e.g. MC events), and would like to generate a pretend sample of data, particularly useful for sensitivity studies? Well, the DataSetGenerator class has you covered. Add DataSet objects along with their expected rates to the generator object. The sequential flag for each data set determines whether generation will use the events in each DataSet sequentially. If set to false, events are selected randomly. There is also a set of bootstrap flags, which if set to true for a given DataSet will draw randomly from the dataset with replacement: useful in a pinch if you need to have a fake dataset of size larger than your MC!

There are two main modes of dataset generation: ExpectedRatesDataSet() and PoissonFluctuatedDataSet(). The former will create a data set where the number of events sampled from each DataSet will be equal (up to rounding) to the event rates given. The latter will have the number of events sampled from each DataSet instead as a Poisson fluctuation on the event rate: this is the most "realistic" kind of fake data set. Note that in both modes, the output OXSXDataSet object has events ordered by DataSet type - e.g. if a dataset was generated from DataSet objects A and B, the generated dataset would have a number of A-type events followed by a number of B-types. Both methods also have an optional parameter which outputs by reference a vector of the number of events actually simulated per type.

There are two other, more brute-force forms of dataset generation. The first is AllValidEvents(), which just creates a DataSet from all of the events given, ignoring the event rates. AllRemainingEvents(i), as the name suggests, gets back the events not used for previous event generation from the ith DataSet.

Finally, one can also provide cuts on what can be generated by SetCuts() or AddCut(); the event rates the user gives then correspond to the event rates foreach dataset before cuts. More on cuts in OXO here.

4.2. BinnedEDGenerator

The BinnedEDGenerator works very much like DataSetGenerator, except the input and output objects are no longer DataSets which contain sets of Event objects, but instead BinnedED objects. After giving the BinnedED objects and rates for each event type via SetPdfs() and SetRates() respectively, ExpectedRatesED() and PoissonFluctuatedED() can generate binned event distributions as one would expect. Becuase we are just dealing with binned histograms here, there is no need for the additional stuff that DataSetGenerator has: bootstrapping, the sequential flag, etc. are all not present here.

5. Data type conversions & IO

We've now introduced a bunch of OXO types that can handle data; it would be nice to be able to both convert between them, as well as save/load them from disk.

5.1. DistTools

DistTools is a static utility class, that allows one to readily convert between certain varieties of event distribution object.

ToHist() will take in a ROOT TH1D or TH1D object, or a PDF & AxisCollection pair, and convert them to a native OXO Histogram object. From this, one can then easily convert the Histogram into a BinnedED by using the relevant BinnedED constructor.

For the case of 1D/2D BinnedED or Histogram objects, one can convert them into ROOT TH1D or TH2D objects, as relevant.

5.2. DistFiller

Sometimes, you want to take a DataSet object you have, and generate a BinnedED object from the events. Well, the DistFiller::FillDist(pdf, data) method does this! More precisely, the method will loop over events in the DataSet object, and fill their information to the BinnedED given. If one wants, a CutCollection and/or an EventSystematicManager can be given to apply systematics and/or cuts on the events before filling. A restriction can also be given on the number of events to fill to the BinnedED. Finally, one can optionally provide a CutLog to store information on the cuts performed. More information about how cuts and systematics work in OXO can be seen in Sections 6 and , respectively.

Note: one cannot convert from a binned distribution back into a DataSet, as the event-by-event information has been lost.

5.3. IO

IO is another static utility class, this time handling saving/loading stuff to/from files. If one wants to save a DataSet object to file, one can use the SaveDataSet() method. Depending on the file extension given as part of the output file path, the data will either be saved in an HDF5 file (.h5), or as a TNtuple object within a ROOT file (.root). One can also directly call the SaveDataSetH5() or SaveDataSetROOT() methods as relevant. The same is true for Histogram objects via SaveHistogram(); note that saving a histogram to a ROOT file is only possible if it is 1D/2D as they get saved to TH1D/TH2D objects, as appropriate. [Note: TH3D objects exist! We should probably allow for them.]

One can similarly load .h5 files that contain a dataset/histogram via LoadDataSet()/LoadHistogram(). For .root files, a TNtuple object can be loaded in directly via OXO's ROOTNtuple class; ROOT histogram objects must be loaded in using the standard ROOT TFile approach, and then converted into a Histogram via DistTools::ToHist() (described above).

6. Applying cuts to data

A major part of Particle Physics analyses is the applying of cuts an data, typically to maximise signal efficiency and minimise model uncertainty. Well, OXO is able to handle applying these cuts nicely, tracking efficiencies!

6.1. Cut

The Cut class is the abstract base class for OXO that describes a single cut on data of some variety. The defining method of this class is PassesCut(), which returns a boolean based on whether a given Event object has passed the cut. Cut objects also have a name that they can be referred to by.

OXO currently has 3 basic types of cuts, that can handle a fair number of situations. If you want to do anything advanced (beyond combining cuts - we'll get to that!), then a good idea is to separately "tag" events (e.g. an out-of-window BiPo tag), and then cut based on this tag. Or just not do cutting with OXO - I'm not your boss.

6.1.1. BoolCut

BoolCut is arguably the simplest kind of Cut - PassesCut(event) returns true if and only if a given observable has a specific value, e.g. one can get whether an event has evIndex == 0, say. This gets defined at construction: for this example, we could do BoolCut b("no_retrigger_cut", "evIndex", "0");.

6.1.2. LineCut

Next up,LineCut defines PassesCut(event) such that an event will pass if a given observable is strictly greater/less than a fixed value, with the sidedness flag being "upper"/"lower" determining which way.

So for example, LineCut e_cut("energy_cut", "energy", 5.0, "lower"); defines an energy cut to select events E > 5.0 MeV.

6.1.3. BoxCut

Finally, BoxCut has an event pass a cut if a given observable is within an open interval, as defined by a lower & upper limit. For example, one could make an nhit cut like so: BoxCut n_cut("nhit_cut", "nhits_cleaned", 1000, 1500);, which passes if 1000 < nhits_cleaned < 1500.

6.2. CutCollection

In an analysis, one rarely applies only a single cut. What a person normally wants to know is whether a certain event passes all the cuts specified: this is what CutCollection is for. We add individual cuts to the collection by AddCut(cut), and then the PassesCuts(event) method will return true only if all cuts are passed.

6.3. CutLog

A hugely useful companion to CutCollection is the CutLog class, which stores information about the impact of cuts on data through the overloaded CutCollection::PassesCuts(event, log) method. Note that before a CutLog object can be successfully used in this manner, it must be constructed with the names of the cuts being used. This can be done as easily as:`

CutLog log(cut_collection.GetCutNames());

After performing all the cutting you would like to do, there are four numbers per cut stored, once CalculateMeta() is run:

  • Number of events cut after applying each cut: GetCutCounts()
  • Percentage of events cut after applying each cut: GetCutPercentages()
  • Number of events remaining after having applied all the cuts so far: GetRemainderCounts()
  • Percentage of events remaining after having applied all the cuts so far: GetRemainderPercentages()

This information can be prettily printed via Print(), stored as a string via AsString(), or even saved to a file by SaveAs().

Note: there is no in-house method I am aware of that automatically creates a new DataSet object that takes the data from some original DataSet that passes all the cuts within a CutCollection. Here's a function that does just that:

void get_data_passed_cuts(const ROOTNtuple& ntuple, const CutCollection& cuts,
                          CutLog& cut_log, OXSXDataSet& cut_data) {
     * Iterate over events in the ntuple. If an event passes cuts,
     * add to the cut_data object, and note in cut_log.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ntuple.GetNEntries(); i++) {
        const Event event = ntuple.GetEntry(i);
        if (cuts.PassesCuts(event, cut_log)) { cut_data.AddEntry(event); }

7. Systematics

Consideration of systematic effects is a major part of Particle Physics analyses (and a real pain, to boot!). Fortunately, OXO allows for the handling of systematics. There are in fact two entirely separate varieties of systematic considered: ones applied to individual Events (and hence DataSets), versus those applied to BinnedED objects.

7.1. EventSystematic

Let's consider systematics applied to events first: these all are derived from the EventSystematic abstract base class. To be useful, one must first set the observables upon which the systematic can affect, via SetOutObservables(). Sometimes, the systematic also needs to know about the values of other variables that aren't modified themselves: this can be set with SetInObservables().

The defining method of this class is the evaluation method, sys(event). This outputs a new Event object that has applied the systematic upon the input Event. Note that EventSystematic derives from FitComponent, so is able to handle any number of abstract parameters that could be needed to define the systematic.

7.1.1. EventShift

EventShift is probably the simplest kind of systematic to apply. After defining the observable to be shifted with SetOutObservables(), and setting the shift with SetParameter() (technically one can also do this with SetShift(), but using SetParameter() allows the whole FitComponent to work nicely - useful if doing fits), then one can apply the shift to an event by evaluation. This will apply x' = x + a, where x and x' are the observable of interested before and after the transformation, and a is the shift parameter.

7.1.2. EventScale

EventScale acts just like EventShift, except now the defining transformation is x' = a*x, using the notation defined above.

7.1.3. EventConvolution

The EventConvolution class has some kernel ConditionalPDF object, and "smears" the observable of interest by sampling from the kernel, using the ConditionalPDF::Sample() method. As an example, you could smear the energies of events with a Gaussian.

7.1.4. EventReconvolution

EventReconvolution behaves very differently to EventConvolution. For this latter class, it is assumed that you already have variables in your event corresponding to both pre- and post-smear. The truth and reconstructed energy of an event are classic examples. Instead of doing more convolutions, this class just modifies the post-smear value linearly relative to the pre-smear value: post_smear_new = pre_smear + fCorrection*(post_smear_old - pre_smear).

This class has one parameter, correction, which defines the smearing scale. If correction = 1, nothing changes. If correction = 0, all smearing is removed and the post-smear values will equal that of pre-smear.

7.2. Systematic

Unlike EventSystematic, the Systematic class is for manipulating a binned event distribution instead of a set of events themselves. It, too is an abstract base class which derives from FitComponent, so abstract paramters can be stored within it.

Critically, we can describe a general transformation of a binned event distribution due to some systematic effect by a linear transformation. As a result, a systematic can be represented by a matrix (the "detector response matrix") that acts on the BinnedED to produce a modified event distribution. In OXO, we use a SparseMatrix class that is a wrapper for Armadillo's arma::sp_mat class.

This response gets constructed via the Construct() method, which defines the particular kind of systematic. Any time the underlying parameters that define the systematic get changed, this method must be called once again. The evalution operator (operator(binned_ed)) can then be used to determine what impact the detector response matrix has on the event distribution.

There are two sets of observables considered by this class: firstly, the full set of observables needed to describe an event distribution; and secondly the observable(s) that the systematic actually acts upon. These can be defined by the SetDistributionObs() and SetTransformationObs() methods, respectively.

7.2.1. Scale

The Scale systematic works like EventScale, except now of course the impact of scaling a parameter on an event distribution will be approximate because the distribution is binned.

7.2.2. ScaleFunction

The ScaleFunction class behaves like Scale, but allows for the more complex
scenario where you want the scaling to be dependent in some way on the observable values. As an example, you might want to have a non-linear energy scale systematic.

In order to do this, the user must provide to the ScaleFunction object a std::function<double(const ParameterDict&,const double&)> object which, given the value to be scaled and the ParameterDict of ScaleFunction parameters, returns a scaled value. This kind of function has been typedefed as ScaleFunc.

7.2.3. 7.2.3 Shift

The Shift systematic works like EventShift, shifting a distribution by some constant amount.

7.2.4. 7.2.4 Convolution

The Convolution systematic works similar to EventConvolution, but now smears each bin's contents via calls to a ConditionalPDF::Integral() method. Requires a PDF or ConditionalPDF to be given for the smearing kernel.

7.2.5. 7.2.5 Shape

The Shape systematic applies a bin-by-bin scaling of its contents, effectively modifying the overall shape of the distribution. The shape function must be provided by the user as an std::function<double(const ParameterDict&,const double&)> object, typedefed to ShapeFunction.

8. Constraints

A standard component of test statistics are contraint penalty terms. In OXO, there is currently no fully-general way of handling constraints. There are currently two kinds of constraint classes that handle many standard situations.

8.1. QuadraticConstraint

The QuadraticConstraint class handles the very standard situation of wanting a penalty function on a single parameter of the form:

f(x) = (x - mu)^2/(2*sigma^2)


f(x) = (x - mu)^2/(2*s_low^2)  if x <  mu,
     = (x - mu)^2/(2*s_high^2) if x >= mu.

The first case is a standard quadratic penalty with a mean and width parameter; the second is an asymmetric quadratic penalty with different widths depending on whether the function is evaluated above or below the mean param value.

The constraint parameters are set up with the SetConstraint() methods; the penalty is evaluated for a given value with Evaluate(x).

8.2. BivariateQuadraticConstraint

The QuadraticConstraint class is limited in part because of not allowing for penalty terms to account for correlations between multiple parameters. Currently in OXO, we only have one class that handles a correlated constraint: BivariateQuadraticConstraint. This class allows one to evaluate a constraint of two parameters, where there is some amount of correlation between them (correlation must be < 1 though).

As expected, the penalty term can be evaluated with the Evaluate(x1, x2) method.

9. Parameter Wrangling

We've seen that a large fraction of classes within OXO inherit from FitComponent, and so they have parameters that can be varied. We're going to see when it comes to test statistics and optimisations that knowing what the status of all the parameters are for all the different bits of the analysis at the same time, and having one interface for changing them, will be really valuable.

There are in fact two separate ways of doing this within OXO, both which get used. One approach is relatively straightforward; the other is somewhat more complex.

Note that the classes in this section are usually back-end classes: it will be rare that you should have to interact with these classes directly.

9.1. ComponentManager

The ComponentManager class is the simple, and somewhat logical conclusion to having loads of objects that derive from FitComponent. It stores a vector of pointers to FitComponent object that you want to keep track of. To add an object to be tracked, you can simply use the AddComponent(obj) method.

With this class, you can then get and set all of the parameters in all of the tracked FitComponent objects simultaneously, via GetParameters() and SetParameters(dict). There are a few other functions that allow you to act over the whole collection of tracked objects simultaneously. Neat!

9.2. FitParameter

The first method works fine, as long as you're dealing with FitComponent objects. Some OXO objects don't inherit from FitComponent though, e.g. BinnedED, so this won't work in general!

To solve this problem, there is a second approach to handle parameters. It is more complicated, but in the end we will see that it grants FitComponent status to collections of BinnedED objects, for example.

To start with, the FitParameter abstract base class defines the concept of a single parameter, which merely has the Get() and Set() methods.

NOTE: FitComponent and FitParameter are totally different things! Both are abstract base classes, but FitParameter describes a single parameter, whereas FitComponent is any object that has fittable components. Sorry.

9.2.1. DoubleParameter

The simplest implementation of FitParameter, DoubleParameter is just a class that stores a reference to a single double, which can be Get() and Set(x).

9.2.2. ContainerParameter

The ContainerParameter class allows you to create a FitParameter object for any double that's within any reasonably-defined container object, such as a std::vector. All you have to do is provide the container and the index of the parameter within that container:

std::vector<double> vals = {2.5, 6.0, 3.2};
// Track the second value in the above object:
ContainerParameter cp(vals, 1);
double x = cp.Get(); // x = 6.0;
cp.Set(3.0); // now vals = {2.5, 3.0, 3.2}

9.2.3. ParameterManager

Using DoubleParameter and ContainerParameter, we can now endow basically any double variable in our code as a FitParameter object. In order to corall all of these together, and generally provide some quality-of-life features, the ParameterManager is used.

The ParameterManager class merely contains a mapping of parameter names, and their associated FitParameter object pointers. Much like ComponentManager, you can get and set any parameters that are being tracked by the manager object, using the usual GetParameters(), SetParameters() methods etc.

In order to track parameters with this class, you could create your own DoubleParameter or ContainerParameter object, as appropriate, and then run the ParameterManager::Add(fit_param, param_name) method for each parameter. This is likely to get tedious! Instead, you can get the class to do all of the FitParameter object creation for you using the AddDouble() and AddContainer() methods.

9.2.4. EDManager

So far, all of the FitParameter stuff has been pretty hypothetical: now to provide a couple of concrete uses for this second approach, as well as a way to bridge from FitParameter world to FitComponent world. After all, we eventually want to have /all/ of the parameters we care about handleable through a single ComponentManager object.

The EDManager class is an example of such a bridge. It contains a collection of pointers to EventDistribution objects, as well as a vector with their associated normalisations. A ParameterManager object within the class then keeps track of all the normalisation values.

The key thing that the EDManager class can do is the Probability(event) method, which returns the sum of all probabilities of a given Event for each EventDistribution object being tracked, weighted by the normalisations.

The EDManager class inherits from FitComponent, with the FitComponent interface simply referring to that of the ParameterManager. By consequence, it can be added to a central ComponentManager object.

9.2.5. BinnedEDManager

The BinnedEDManager class works a bit like EDManager, but handles the more specific case of a collection of BinnedED objects. It also contains a ParameterManager to track normalisations; it inherits from FitComponent similarly.

This class also allows for some advanced things to be done with the binned distributions. A collection of systematics can be applied to the BinnedED objects through the ApplySystematics(sys_man) method, where sys_man is an object of the SystematicManager class (more on this class in a bit). The fOriginalPdfs member contains all of the PDFs before systematics have been applied; fWorkingPdfs after. The Probability() and BinProbability() methods always refer to the latter collection.

The ApplyShrink(shrinker) method allows one to "shrink" the BinnedED objects via a BinnedEDShrinker object (more of this class in a bit). Once again, this impacts fWorkingPdfs.

An annoying consequence of applying some systematics is that the normalisations of BinnedEDs can change! For example, applying a shift to a distribution could shift some of the events out beyond the range of the distribution. This becomes really important with test statistics, where we often need to know what the PDF normalisations actually are! We have to then keep separate in these situations the original normalisations before systematics have been applied, fFittableNorms, and the post-systematic normalisations, fNormalisations.

The NormFittingStatus enum, with choices FALSE, DIRECT, and INDIRECT, defines how the normalisation of each BinnedED object gets handled. The default mode, DIRECT, behaves in the naive way: the PDF's normalisation is a tracked FitParameter, and if systematics/PDF shrinking should impact the normalisation, the change is ignored.

For most situations, the INDIRECT mode is more appropriate: the pre-systematic normalisation is a FitParameter, and there is a separate pos-systematic/shrinking normalisation that can be acquired through GetNormalisations().

Finally, you might have a PDF which you want to allow a systematic object to control the normalisation directly, and have the pre-systematic normalisation variable within the BinnedEDManager turned off. This is the FALSE mode.

10. Other Managers

In the previous section, a bunch of "Manager" classes were explained. Well, it turns out there are even more of them in OXO!

10.1. ConstraintManager

The ConstraintManager class stores a collection of constraint objects - either QuadraticConstraint or BivariateQuadraticConstraint at the moment - and allows the user to centrally control the constraint parameters via SetConstraint() methods. It also allows users to simultaneously Evaluate(params) them in one call, and it will sum the totals of all Evaluate() calls for each tracked constraint.

10.2. EventSystematicManager

If you have a bunch of EventSystematic objects, and want to deal with them in one place, then the EventSystematicManager is the class for you. It stores a collection of pointers to EventSystematic objects, which can be added to with the Add(ev_sys) method.

The key method here is ApplySystematics(event): an Event object will have each systematic that is being tracked applied to it. Neat!

10.3. SystematicManager

Similar to EventSystematicManager, the SystematicManager class stores a collection of Systematic object pointers. It also allows for Systematic objects to be tracked through Add(sys). There are some key advancements in what this class can do, however.

Firstly, given fixed systematic parameters, a Systematic object will always generate the same response matrix via running Systematic::Contruct(), followed by Systematic::GetResponse(). Therefore, we can cache the response matrix for each systematic that is being tracked all at once when we run SystematicManager::Construct(). Even better, at the same time we can pre-multiply all of the response matrices together to create a "total response" matrix. It is this total response matrix which can be applied to BinnedED objects using the DistortEDs(orig_EDs, smeared_EDs) method.

As a bonus, the post-systematics normalisations for each of the BinnedED objects can be obtained by providing an extra std::vector<double>* norms object: the normalisations are provided by reference.

The default behaviour of this class is to apply all systematics to any BinnedED objects in an identical manner. This might not be the behaviour you want, though! It's very normal to have an analysis where certain systematics only apply to specific "groups" of PDFs. Fortunately, the SystematicManager class also allows for this functionality. You can add a BinnedED object to a group (or multiple groups!) through the AddDist(pdf, group_name) methods. You can then associate a systematic with a group when adding it to be tracked by the manager: Add(sys, group_name). If a systematic is added without a group, then it is "global", and is applied to all PDFs.

10.4. BinnedEDShrinker

The BinnedEDShrinker isn't really a "manager", but it's worth talking about at this point anyways. When applying systematics to PDFs, problems can rapidly arise near the edges of the PDFs. In order to avoid this issue, it is generally wise to put "buffer" bins around the edges of the PDFs. The buffer bins continue to store PDF information as usual, so that systematics can still be applied in the region, but are then sacrificed during the final test statistic calculation.

This "sacrificing" off certain bins of the edge of a BinnedED object is what the BinnedEDShrinker class is for. The SetBuffer(axis_name, num_low, num_high) sets the number of bins within a given axis at the bottom and top to declare as buffers. If you have multiple axes that have systematics you want buffers for, that is okay. Once the buffers have been declared, a mapping from bins before and after the shrinking has been applied needs to be cached: this is done with SetBinMap(dist). Then, the sacrificing can be performed speedily with the ShrinkDist(dist) method.

The default behaviour is for the contents of the bin buffers to be lost during shrinking. However, you may want those contents to be put into the underflow/overflow bins: if so, use the SetUsingOverflows(true) method.

11. Test Statistics

A key part of most analyses is the calculation of some kind of test statistic, be it a chi-squared, log-likelihood, or otherwise. We'll see later how optimisers are based around repeatedly evaluting a test statistic at different points in the parameter space.

In OXO, TestStatistic is an abstract base class for test statistics. It requires any test statistic to have certain methods for setting/getting fit parameters, such as SetParameters(params) and GetParameters(), a RegisterFitComponents() method to set up all the fit components within the relevant ComponentManager, and most importantly an Evaluate() method to get the test statistic value for a given set of parameter values. The RegisterFitComponents() method must be run once before any evaluations are performed.

11.1. ChiSquare

The ChiSqaure class is a TestStatistic that calculates the chi-squared value for a collection of BinnedED objects when compared to a data distribution. This chi-square value corresponds to sum((obs_i - mc_i)^2/mc_i), where obs_i is the ith data bin contents, and mc_i is the summed (and normalisation-weighted) PDF bin contents.

WARNING: this class is currently broken! It requires BinnedED PDFs to be provided to it for comparison to data, but has no way of adding a PDF to the class.

11.2. BinnedNLLH

The binned negative log-likelihood is a test statistic used ubiquitously within experimental particle physics, and is implemented in OXO with the BinnedNLLH class. This class has many features, allowing fairly complicated analyses to be performed.

This class contains many of the classes already discussed in the rest of this document. Let's go through the functionality.

The first thing that needs to be provided to this class is some data! If you already have a pre-binned data distribution in BinnedED form, it can be added via SetDataDist(data_dist). Alternatively, you may want to provide an actual DataSet object via SetDataSet(data), and the class will do the binning of the data automatically. If you do the latter approach, you can also get it to apply a series of cuts via AddCut(cut) or SetCuts(cuts),
where cut and cuts are Cut and CutColection objects, respectively. The class contains a CutLog object to see the results of these cuts being applied to the data.

The second required thing for BinnedNLLH to work are any number of BinnedED objects. These can be added with the AddPdf() and AddPdfs() methods; there are numerous overloaded versions. All of the BinnedEDs are stored within a BinnedEDManager object; as a result one of the optional arguments here is to specify what the NormFittingStatus values are for each PDF (see the subsection on BinnedEDManager for more details). If you really want to, you can create your own BinnedEDManager object and then give it to BinnedNLLH via the SetPdfManager(pdf_manager) method.

Once you've provided this information, you can run the RegisterFitComponents() so that the ComponentManager object can know about all of the relevant PDF normalisation fit parameters. By doing this, BinnedNLLH can now use the rest of it TestStatistic interface, which will be necessary when it comes to using Optimisers later on. If not using an optimiser, you'll want to set the fit parameters manually via SetParameters(params).

This is the minimum you need to do for the most important method, Evaluate() to actually work. This will calculate the extended binned nagative log-likelihood, between the data and normalisation-weighted sum of the PDFs. Nice!

There are a whole bunch more advanced features present, though. Constraints on parameters in the fit can be added via one of the SetConstraint() methods; this adds either a QuadraticConstraint or BivariateQuadraticConstraint object to the BinnedNLLH's ConstraintManager object.

The other key feature is support for systematics. Systematics can be added through the AddSystematic(sys) and AddSystematics(syses) methods, along with their overloads. These systematics are stored within a SystematicManager object, and so there is support for groups of PDFs for which different systematics can be applied: these can be defined in the AddSystematic() and AddPdf() methods appropriately. If you really want to, you can manually create your own SystematicManager object and give it to BinnedNLLH via the SetSystematicManager(sys_man) method.

In order for the systematics to be correctly applied to the PDFs during an Evaluate() call, RegisterFitComponents() must first be run to register the systematic fit parameters within the ComponentManager, and the systematic fit parameters set to some values via SetParameters(params).

If using systematics here, you'll want to have thought carefully about what the appropriate NormFittingStatus values are for each of your PDFs. In addition, you should decide if adding buffer bins to the edges of certain axes is appropriate. The class contains a BinnedEDShrinker object that allows you to handle this, via the SetBuffer(ax, n_lo, n_hi) and SetBufferAsOverflow(bool) methods.

A source of uncertainty in an analysis that is rarely-discussed but often worth thinking about is the number of events simulated to build a given PDF. If the MC statistics was low, then that should increase the uncertainty and hence broaden the log-likelihood contour. One method for handling this has been developed by Barlow & Beeston in This has been implemented into the BinnedNLLH class, and can be turned on with SetBarlowBeeston(true) (it is turned off by default). Using this approach will require the MC statistics for each PDF to be given when using the AddPdf() or AddPdfs() methods.

Finally, because all of the above features can make the evaluation calculation a bit complicated at times, there is an option to turn on a "debug mode" via SetDebugMode(true). This will add copious print statements when running Evaluate(), given full details about how the calculation is performed. This can be very useful when you're confused about what has gone wrong in your fit!

11.3. StatisticSum

What if you're in a situation where you have multiple different datasets that you want to fit simultaneously with one combined test statistic? This is where the StatisticSum class comes in. For each dataset, set up the relevant TestStatistic object, and then add each of them to StatisticSum via AddStat(test_stat). You can even add them with the "+" operator overloads, e.g.:

ChiSquare t1;
BinnedNLLH t2;
StatisticSum t_comb = t1 + t2; // Lovely!

Once all the test statistics have been added, you can use the single TestStatistic interface within the StatisticSum object to handle things: RegisterFitComponents(), SetParameters(params), etc. The Evaluate() method in particular will return the sum of all the registered TestStatistic's Evaluate() methods.

12. Optimisers

Test statistics are only so useful on their own. At some point, we want to map out the fit parameter space, or find the point in parameter space that optimises for the maximum/minimum test statistic value. OXO currently has features for three different kinds of optimiser: basic grid search, Minuit, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Each behave very differently.

12.1. FitResult

Before we go anywhere, we need a way of providing the final result of a fit in some way: this is what the FitResult class does. This is a glorified struct, storing the best-fit result as a ParameterDict that can be obtained through GetBestFit(). The object may have additional information, depending on the optimiser used: the covariance matrix, the value of the test statistic at the best-fit value, whether the fit result is valid, and even Histogram objects of the test statistic space.

The only non-getter/setter methods for this class are AsString(), which provides a nicely-formatted string with the best fit results, and SaveAs(filename), which writes that string to a file.

12.2. Optimiser

Optimiser is an abstract base class that defines what an optimiser is in OXO. The only requirement for any Optimiser is the existence of an Optimise(test_stat) method, which takes a TestStatistic pointer and returns a FitResult object.

12.3. GridSearch

Arguably the simplest kind of optimisation algorithm is that of a grid search: just calculate the test statistic value at every point in a regularly-spaced n-dimensional grid of positions in the n-dimensional parameter space, and see which one gives you the maximal value. This is encoded within the GridSearch class.

Beyond the setup of the TestStatistic object that GridSearch needs to optimise over, the user must specify the minima, maxima, and step sizes of the search grid along all off the fit parameters, via SetMinima(minima), SetMaxima(maxima), and SetStepSizes(steps).

By default, GridSearch will find the minimum value of the test statistic. However, you can flip this to find the maxmimum via SetMaximising(true).

The only information provided by GridSearch in the FitResult object is the best-fit point, and the associated test statistic value.

12.4. Minuit

The Minuit optimiser is a classic set of optimsiation algorithms used widely in particle physics. If you've set the optimisation hyper-parameters up sufficiently well, then Minuit is often great at optimising over the parameter space in a robust way. The OXO Minuit class is just a wrapper for the C++ implementation of these algorithms that are stored within the ROOT external library provided by the user, so that the interface works within the OXO framework. Note that we do not try to provide full documentation about the underlying Minuit algroithms, just the OXO interface. (There is plenty of documentation for this on the internet!)

In order to set up Minuit correctly, you must first choose which minimisation algorithm to use: "Migrad" (the default), "Minimize", or "Simplex". This can be set with SetMethod(method_str). Then, you can provide initial values, initial errors, minima, and maxima for the parameters through the relevant setter methods. Along with this, the maximum number of calls to the test statistic evaluation method, and the optimiser tolerance, should also be provided.

The FitResult generated with this optimiser provides the best-fit point and its test statistic value, whether the fit was valid, and the covariance matrix. In order to make sure the covariance matrix is correct, the difference in test statistic value that defines a 1 sigma error must be given, via SetUpperContourEdge(num). If using ChiSquare this is 1, and if using BinnedNLLH it is 0.5.

Parameters can be fixed in the fit via the Fix(param_name) method. The fitter can also be set to maximise instead of minimise via SetMaximising(true).

Under the hood of the Minuit class, the TestStatistic object is stored within a MinuitFCN class, which inherits from Minuit's FCNBase class. Minuit needs such a class to make the evaluation calls on. Fortunately, no direct interaction with this class should ever be needed.

12.5. Markov Chain Monte Carlo

The final Optimiser currently implemented within OXO is that of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Unlike other optimisation algorithms, MCMC doesn't try and find the position in the parameter space with the maximum/minimum value of the test statistic. Instead, it takes random steps through the parameter space, such that the overall sampled distribution of parameters tends towards the posterior density distribution of the parameter space, assuming the test statistic corresponds to the sum of the log-likelihood and prior distributions of the space.

12.5.1. MCSampler

To get MCMC to work, a critical part is the choice of algorithm for making random samples of the parameter space. MCSampler is an abstract base class for these sampling algorithms, of which two have been implemented in OXO: the "Metropolis" algorithm, and "Hamiltonian" Monte Carlo.

Any MCSampler class must provide a Draw(current_step) method, which proposes a new position in the parameter space to try and step to, given the current step. There must also be the method CorrectAccParam(), which provides a correction factor to the eventual acceptance probability for the proposed step. MetropolisSampler

The "Metropolis" algorithm is implemented within the MetropolisSampler class, which derives from MCSampler. In many ways, it is one of the simplest possible MCMC algorithms. The Draw(current_params) method here consists of displacing the current position by sampling according to a Gaussian for each parameter. The Gaussian is centered around the current position, with the widths of the Gaussian in each parameter set beforehand via SetSigmas(sigmas).

No correction to the eventual acceptance probability is needed with this algorithm, so CorrectAccParam() always returns zero (the log of the correction to the acceptance probability).

Note that this is only a simplified version of the somewhat more famous "Metropolis-Hastings" algorithm. In the latter, you can deliberately have the proposal distribution not be symmetric with respect to the current and proposed step, which can be really useful e.g. at parameter boudaries. We do not have this implemented in OXO currently; you can only use the symmetric Gaussian proposal distribution. This can mean that for an analysis where the MCMC chain is often trying to be near a high-dimensional "corner" of the parameter space, the acceptance probability could be quite low. HamiltonianSampler

A more complex MCMC sampling algorithm is that of "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo" (HMC), defined in OXO with the HamiltonianSampler. Here, the test statistic is thought of defining a "potential" in the parameter space, and at every step in the chain a mini metaphorical physics "simulation" is performed, of a mass thrown in some random direction, moving through the potential field. The end position of this simulation defines the proposed point in parameter space returned by the Draw(current_params) method.

Unlike the Metropolis algorithm, HMC requires knowledge of the gradient of the test statistic value in order to perform the "simulation". This is estimated numerically with a custom Gradient class; it also means that HamiltonianSampler must be given the TestStatistic object on construction.

This class must be provided with "mass" hyper-parameters for each fit parameter via the SetMasses(masses) method. The square roots of these masses determine the widths of Gaussians that are sampled for the initial momentum components along the axis of each fit parameter. On construction of the sampler, the number of steps to numerically simulate, as well as a global relative step size parameter "epsilon" for the simulation must also be given.

In order for this sampler to achieve detailed balance (critical for MCMC), the (log of the) acceptance probability CorrectAccParam() must be corrected by the overall change in the simulated particle's kinetic energy.

The numerical simulation of this "particle" is handled within the LeapFrog static class methods. Importantly, it includes handling of fit parameter spaces with boundaries: the "particles" reflect off of the boundary "walls". In doing so, this elevates the algorithm to "Reflective HMC" (RHMC). RHMC is known to be far more efficient at proposing parameter positions than regular HMC. For this to work, the HamiltonianSampler class must be provided the fit parameters' minimum and maxmimum values, via SetMinima(minima) and SetMaxima(maxima).

Note: don't get confused between the steps that the HMC algorithm takes, and the overall MCMC alogrithm!

12.5.2. MCMCSamples

At the other end of the MCMC process, we would like a away to store information about what has happened when we ran the chain. Most of the statistical information is stored in the overall distribution of the steps in the chain. The MCMCSamples class stores this information, along with sundry metadata about the MCMC fit.

Most of the methods in MCMCSamples are used internally by the MCMC class. The most important class that can be used once the MCMCSamples class has already been filled is GetChain(), which will return a ROOT TTree with information about the MCMC chain.

12.5.3. MCMC

Finally we reach the actual MCMC class! This is the actual Optimiser class, with the appropriate Optimise(test_stat) method to run the MCMC. You will need to set some things up first, though.

The first requirement is to provide the MCMC object with a MCSampler object at creation, defining the choice of MCMC algorithm to be used (Metroplis or RHMC currently). Then, the number of steps in the chain to run, the initial step position in the fit parameter space, and the minimum and maximum value of all the fit parameters must all be provided through the relevant setter methods.

There are a bunch of additional settings for the MCMC that can be modified. The sign of the test statistic can be flipped with SetFlipSign(true): this is needed if using the BinnedNLLH test statistic. Also needed in that case is the SetTestStatLogged(true) method, which says that the test statistic corresponds to the logarithm of the probability density.

An MCMCSamples object can be returned after the Optimise() method has been run. If you would like that object to contain a TTree with the step positions of the chain, make sure to do MCMC::SetSaveChain(true) before fitting. Similarly, an n-dimensional Histogram object that stores the binned posterior density over the whole fit parameter space can be made with SetSaveFullHistogram(true); you'll have to provide the binning for the axes via SetHistogramAxes(axes). If set to false, 1D and 2D Histograms will still be made for all of the parameter and parameter pair slices. If you would like to not save the first N steps of the chain to the MCMCSamples object, you can use the SetBurnIn(N) method. If you would like only every kth event to be saved, then you can use SetThinFactor(k).

During the running of the MCMC, the auto-correlation of the test statistic is tracked with the AutoCorrelationCalc class that is stored within the MCMCSamples object.

Finally, let's finish with an example to show how this comes together. Suppose you have already correctly set up a BinnedNLLH object, lh_function, and you would like to run an MCMC over it using the RHMC algorithm. Here's the code:

// First - set up sampling algorithm
const double epsilon = 0.1;
const int n_steps_hmc = 100;
HamiltonianSampler hm_sampler(lh_function, epsilon, n_steps_hmc);
hm_sampler.SetMasses(masses); // Requires the masses ParameterDict to be set up!
hm_sampler.SetMinima(minima); // Requires the minima ParameterDict to be set up!
hm_sampler.SetMaxima(maxima); // Requires the maxima ParameterDict to be set up!

// Now, set up the MCMC object itself
MCMC mcmc(hm_sampler);
const unsigned n_steps = 1000000;


mcmc.SetInitialTrial(init_vals); // Requires the init_vals ParameterDict to be set up!

mcmc.SetHistogramAxes(param_axes); // Requires the param_axes AxisCollection to be set up!

const unsigned burn_in = 10000;

// Okay, we're good to go! Run the MCMC!
const FitResult& best_fit = mcmc.Optimise(lh_function);
// Get the detailed chain information
const MCMCSamples mcmc_samples = mcmc.GetSamples();
TTree* chain_tree = mcmc_samples.GetChain();
const std::map<std::string, Histogram>& all_1d_hists = mcmc_samples.Get1DProjections();