script name | run command |
tsc |
tsc [options] |
jest |
jest [options] |
tslint |
tslint [options] |
depCheck |
depCheck [options] |
knex |
knex [options] |
prettier |
prettier [options] |
The script builder currently supports:
- Running scripts
- Ejecting scripts and installing dependencies in the callee repo
- Creating a git patch that applies user defined config options to the default config options
option | command | definition |
run |
<scriptName> [options] |
Run a CLI tool with options |
eject |
eject <scriptName> |
Eject a script and install dependencies in the callee repo |
patch |
patch <scriptName> |
Create a git patch applying user defined config options to default config options |
Each command for a script is represented as a series of serial steps carried out by executors. Executors are applied onto one another and transform a state object as they are called. Middleware can be added to control / introspect state entering or leaving an executor
Executors execute step-wise logic. Each executor can create side effects and modify a state object. The state object is passed from one executor to the next.
Executors have the type:
export interface IState { [state: string]: any }
export type Executor = (input: IState) => IState
Defining your own executor would look something like:
const myExectuor = function(state) {
<do something and or modify state>
return { ...state}
} = 'myExecutor'
Script are defined in terms of the common executors:
- initializeScript: input -> input
- setOriginDir: input -> input + originDir
- setArgsObject: input -> input + argsObject
- setDefaultConfigPath: defaultPath -> input -> input + defaultConfigPath
- getUserConfigPath: optionNames -> input + argsObject -> input + userSpecifiedConfigPath
- getConfigPath: input + originDir + defaultConfigPath + userSpecifiedConfigPath -> input + configPath
- getConfigObject: input + configPath -> input + configObject
- removeOptionsFromArgsObj: optionNames -> input -> input
- updateOptionsArr: input + argsObj -> input
- handleRelativePathsInConfigObject: shouldModifyFunction, fieldsWithRelativePaths -> input + configObject + originDir -> input + - configObject
- addFieldsToConfigObject: (updater = input -> fieldsObj) -> input + originDir -> input + configObject
- writeConfigObjectToLocation: path -> input + configObj -> input + tempConfigObjPath
- generateCommand: binLocation -> input + tempConfigObjPath + configObj + argsArr -> input + command
- executeCommand -> input -> input + commandStatus
Middleware can be added to control / introspect state entering or leaving an executor
Middleware has the type:
interface IState { [state: string]: any }
type Executor = (input: IState) => IState
type Next = (executor: Executor, state: IState) => IState
type Middleware = (next: Next) => Next;
Defining your own middleware would look something like:
const myMiddleware = ((next: Next) => (executor: Executor, state: IState) => {
<do something before executor runs>
const nextState = next(executor, state)
<do something after executor runs>
return nextState
}) as Middleware