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Feature Activation Process

Brooks Prumo edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 12 revisions

Follow these steps to activate a feature. Please check back here before each activation, as this checklist will be updated.

1. Ensure the feature can be activated

Run solana feature status -u[tdm] to see if feature activation is allowed for the required version. Note, this does not consider --yolo.

2. Ensure the feature is scheduled to be activated

Refer to the Feature Activation Schedule to make sure this feature is next to be activated. If not, do not proceed without further coordination in #releng on the Solana Discord.

3. Post intent-to-activate in #releng

Post that you intend to activate a feature. Specify the cluster (i.e. Testnet, Devnet, Mainnet-beta), and the feature name/description. For example:

🚨 feature activation 🚨 any objections to activating this feature on Testnet?

Ftok4njE8b7tDffYkC5bAbCaQv5sL6jispYrprzatUwN | SPL Token Program version 3.4.0 release #24740

🙋 TODO: How much time before the next epoch should this post happen?

4. Activate the feature

Perform the feature activation and update the Feature Activation Schedule afterwards. Plan to be available and around at the next epoch boundary to ensure the activation goes smoothly.

🙋 TODO: Should there be an announcement in the cluster-specific Discord channel?